
1.对下列各项中加点的字注音全部正确的一项是( )。l.下列词语中加点的字注音全部正确的一组是。1.下列各组词语中加点的注音全部正确的一项是(  )。


1、算法初步 复习课(1)教学目标(a)知识与技能1.明确算法的含义,熟悉算法的三种基本结构:顺序、条件和循环,以及基本的算法语句。2.能熟练运用辗转相除法与更相减损术、秦九韶算法、排序、进位制等典型的算法知识解决同类问题。(b)过程与方法在复习旧知识的过程中把知识系统化,通过模仿、操作、探索,经历设计程序框图表达解决问题的过程。在具体问题的解决过程中进一步理解程序框图的三种基本逻辑结构:顺序、条件分支、循环。(c)情态与价值算法内容反映了时代的特点,同时也是中国数学课程内容的新特色。中国古代数学以算法为主。

2、111必修3Unit 2Healthy eating要 点 梳 理高效梳理知识备考重点单词1diet n日常饮食 vi.节食2balance vt.平衡;权衡 n天平;平衡balanced adj.均衡的3fry vt. & vi.油煎;油炸4curiosity n好奇心curious adj.好奇的5raw adj.生的;未加工的6lie vi.说谎;n.谎话;谎言liar n说谎者7customer n顾客;消费者8discount n折扣9weakness n缺点;虚弱;弱点weak adj.虚弱的weaken v使变弱10strength n力;力量;强项;长处strengthen v加强,强化11consult vt.咨询;请教;商量12digest v消化,吸收 n消化,吸收;文摘,摘要digestion n消化力,。

3、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 1 Section 语言点三 Warming Up & Reading Language Points应用落实 新人教版必修3.完成句子1I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good to breathe (呼吸起来很好)2My teacher looked as though/if he had known (他好像已知道) the thing completely. 3With a lot of things to do (有许多事情要做), we cant kill time by playing cards.单项填空1(2010四川高考)In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant ________Ato deal withBdealing 。

4、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 1 Section 写作讲座 Grammar & Writing专题练习 新人教版必修3假设你是北京新华中学的学生,你们班同学在暑假期间的某一天开展了“体验一天低碳生活”的活动。请你根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英语短文,介绍同学们这一天的体验活动。注意:1短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数;2词数:120150。参考词汇:一次性筷子 disposable chopsticksThe students in our class organized an activity of “Experience a Lowcarbon Day” during the summer vacation.____________________________________________。

5、111Unit 1 Festivals around the world单元要点预览 (旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. take place / happen / occur / come about / break out2. celebrate / congratulate 3. gather / collect 4. award / reward词形变化1. beauty n.美,美丽;美人,美的东西beautiful adj. 美的,美丽的 beautifully adv.美丽地;优美地beautify v.美化,变美2. religion n. 宗教,信仰religious adj.宗教的,虔诚的3. satisfy vt. 满足;使满意satisfaction n.满意satisfying adj.令人满意的satisfied感到满意的4. arrive vi. 到达。

6、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 2 Section 语言点二 Warming Up & Reading Language Points应用落实 新人教版必修3.完成句子1If you eat too much chocolate, youll put_on/gain_weight (增加体重)2The most effective way to_lose_weight (减肥) is a combination of a healthy diet and proper exercise.3You can get_away_with (逃脱) serious mistakes if you are socially intelligent.4Once you lie to others, its difficult for you to win_back (赢回) their trust in you.5Dont tell_lies (撒谎) any more, or nobody will belie。

7、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 2 Section 语言点一 Learning about language & Using Language应用落实 新人教版必修3.单词拼写1Lets combine (使结合) my scientific knowledge and your business skills and start a company.2They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit (限制)3The little boy glared (怒目而视) round the room as if expecting a challenge.4As far as Im concerned, such foolish behaviour wont benefit (有益于) your work.5I have consulted_(查阅) a number of law books in the British。

8、111Unit 2 Healthy eating单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. diet / food 2. offer / provide / supply 3. strength / power / force4. glare / stare / glance 词形变化1. health n. 健康healthy adj.健康的;有益健康的healthily adv. 健康地2. sugar n.糖 vt.在中加糖sugary adj. 甜的,含糖的;甜言蜜语的3. curiosity n. 好奇心curious adj. 好奇的curiously adv. 好奇地4. weakness n.虚弱,衰弱,软弱;弱点,缺点weak adj.虚弱的;(能力等)差的;微弱的weaken v.(使)变弱,(使)减弱5. strength n. 。

9、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 3 Section 语言点二 Warming Up & Reading Language Points应用落实 新人教版必修3.完成句子1My uncle gave much attention and thought to_bring_up_his_children (教育孩子方面)2I_found_her_letter_by_accident (我偶然发现了她的信) as I was looking through my files.3It doesnt seem ugly (丑陋) to me; on_the_contrary (正相反), I think its rather beautiful.4Do you mind if I go with you? No, go_ahead (请吧), please.5Theory is_based_on_practice (以实践为基础) and in turn serves pract。

10、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 3 Section 语言点一 Learning about language & Using Language应用落实 新人教版必修3.用所给词的适当形式填空1The girl screamed (scream) when she saw the old man lying on the ground.2All the people bowed (bow) down before the Empire.3On the one hand he is believable (unbelievable), on the other (hand) he is reliable, too. 4Large amounts(amount) of money were spent to the bridge.5Its bad manners (manner) to point at people.单项填空1Do you think it is ________ good manners 。

11、11177【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 4 Section 语言点二 Learning about language & Using Language应用落实 新人教版必修3.完成句子1Much as I tried, I simply couldnt get the hang of driving skills.尽管我努力了,但我还是不能掌握驾驶技巧。2I think you should watch out for that man dont be cheated by him.我认为你应该当心那个人不要被他欺骗。3When Premier Wen Jiabao turned up, all the students cheered up.当温家宝总理出现时,所有的学生都高兴起来。4After he left this country, the war broke out.在他离开这个国家后。

12、111Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars单元要点预览(旨在让同学整体了解本单元要点)词汇部分词语辨析1. loudly / loud / aloud 2. unlike / dislike 3. remain / leave4. climate / weather 5. now that / since / because / as 词形变化1. violent adj.强暴的,猛烈的violence n.暴力,强暴;猛烈violently adv. 强暴地;猛烈地2. fundamental adj.基本(础)的n.pl.基本原则(法则) fundamentally adv. 基本地;根本地 fundament n. 基础;根本3. development n.生长,发展;新情况develop vt.发展;产生 vi.生长;发展develope。

13、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 5 Section 语言点三 Learning about language & Using Language应用落实 新人教版必修3.完成句子1Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to participate in them.喜欢体育运动的人并不都喜欢参加体育运动。2They lay on the grass, looking at the sky.他们躺在草地上,仰望着天空。3The children ran out of the room, laughing and jumping.孩子们从房间里跑出来,欢笑着,蹦跳着。4He said that you were too young to understand the matter and that he was asked not to tell you.他说你太年。

14、111Unit 2 Healthy EatingLanguage points 11.教材分析(analysis of teaching material)The emphasis of this period will be placed on the important new words, expressions and sentences patterns in the parts Warming Up, Pre-reading and Comprehending about healthy eating. 2.学情分析(analysis of the students)Ss can understand the meanings of these words in the context, then the teacher will give some explanations.。

15、111Unit 2Healthy eating.单项填空1________,I have never seen anyone whos as capable as John.AAs long as I travelledBNow that I have travelled so muchCMuch as I have travelledDAs I have travelled so much2The athlete tried his best to________ his balance in his new shoes while skating.AmanageBkeepCloseDhold3You shouldnt have done it without________ me.Aconsulting onBconsulting withCconsulting forDarguing4。

16、111Unit4Astronomy: the science of the stars1、 harmful adj.根据语境猜词义(1) Fruit juices can be_harmful_to childrens teeth. (2) Many households products are potentially harmful. 根据语义找匹配:A. 有害的B. 危害 (1) A(2) B harm n. 伤害; 损害 vt. 伤害; 损害 harmless adj. 无害的; 无恶意的 do sb. harm do harm to sb. 对某人有害be harmful to 对有害It does no harm to do sth. /There is no harm (in) doing sth. 不妨做某事It wouldnt do sb. any harm to do sth. 做某事对某人并无害处No harm done! (对别人。

17、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 5 Section 写作讲座 Grammar & Writing专题练习 新人教版必修3.选词填空1He often asked me the question whether the work was worth doing.2I have no idea when the project will be finished.3The thought occurred to him that he left his notebook in the reading room.4The reason why he did it was not clear.5The problem which city we are going to is not decided.6The teacher had no idea what was going on in the classroom.7No one has any idea whose bag the red one is.8I。

18、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 5 Section 语言点一 应用落实 新人教版必修3.单词拼写1At present the local government is taking measures (措施) to reduce the pollution.2The pianist surrounded (包围) by a crowd of fans will hold a concert in the Workers Stadium.3Could you give me a hand to carry my baggage (行李) to the bedroom?4The scenery (风景) of the West Lake is beautiful beyond description.5The plane is leaving in half an hour, so wed better go aboard now.6Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the 。

19、111Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars课文要点(模块).课文词汇填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:As the result of Big Bang, the violent earth slowly settled into a globe 1 (move) around the sun. The gasses which were to make the earths 2 (大气层)came into being from the explosion of the dust ball, with water 3 (follow) them while the earth cooled down. It allowed the beginning for life. Many millions of years 4 , the firs。

20、111【三维设计】高中英语 Unit 4 Section 写作讲座 Grammar & Writing专题练习 新人教版必修3水是生命之源,而在现实生活中,浪费水的现象屡见不鲜。请你以“How to Save Water”为题,写一篇120词左右的英语短文,提出解决办法。内容包括:1说明节约用水的重要性;2提出节约用水的具体方法;3发出号召。__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________。

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