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课时作业(三十四)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1We thought it a privilege to have been invited to such a wedding party, where all guests drank a toast for the bride and bridegroom.2In my opinion, everyone has periods in their lives when everything seems very hard.3Teachers should encourage students to participate in all kinds of activities to develop their ability of teamwork.4The people who made great contributions (contribute) to human beings and society should be respected.5The doctor insisted that the patient was badly hurt and that he (should)_be_operated (operate) on at once.6His nationality isnt relevant to whether hes a good teacher.7There was a time when many young people were dying to_go (go) abroad.8The pinetrees have been planted in a very wide distribution (distribute)9She donated her books to the library when she retired from her position.10After supper, he usually stood near the window, from where he could see the tower, the tallest building in this city.单句改错1Bill Gates made a generous donation for the charity.forto2Would participants the next race come forward?participants后加上in3After he studied abroad,he went on operating on the company.去掉第二个on4Im glad to help people in the need.去掉the5Whether you go or not makes no differences.differencesdifference6It took us some time to adjust the dark cave.adjust后加上to7What he has done has relevant to his personality.relevant前的hasis8Ill arrange a car to meet you at the airport.arrange后加上for9I do invite Mr.Green to the party that day,but he forgot it completely.dodid10Education used to be a privilege for the privileging class.privilegingprivileged.完形填空(2016江苏前黄中学检测)I will never forget a special trip to the grocery store a couple of years ago.My father had just recently passed away.I was _1_ him terribly and rarely getting through a day without crying.I needed to _2_ myself together to get some groceries for my husband and young children.As I entered the store,I _3_ had to control my emotions as the sweet smell of my daddys favorite cinnamon buns (肉桂卷) made at our local grocery store _4_ throughout the store.I made my _5_ up and down the busy aisles and filled my cart as I read my list,_6_ I had prepared that morning.I was _7_ the instore bakery when I just couldnt control myself any longer.I held the cart and _8_ cried as I looked at the round,thick cinnamon buns in the case.An older gentleman came to my side and simply said,“Would you like me to _9_ here with you for a moment,dear?”I _10_,“Yes,”and the kind man simply put his hand on top of mine,and stood there quietly _11_ me as I cried.Once I gathered myself,I looked into this _12_ mans kind blue eyes and thanked him,_13_ that I had just lost my father.He simply said that there had been _14_ in his life too,when he just needed to cry.He then walked away.I was so very touched by this man.I realized that too many times,we see _15_ sad and make assumptions about their stability or the _16_ in their life,but really we should recognize that we are all human,and _17_ just need a little support.I looked again in the store _18_ this man before leaving,and could not find him.I hope that maybe he,_19_ someone who has done the same thing reads this and learns how truly touched the gesture is,and that it warmed the _20_ of another.语篇解读作者在父亲去世后的一次购物时睹物思人,情不自禁地在商店哭了起来,这时一位陌生人主动将手放到作者的手上给予鼓励和支持。作者感慨:任何人都有需要帮助的时候,而帮助他人也能够温暖别人的内心。1A.losing BignoringCmissingDcatchingC当时“我”的父亲刚刚去世。“我”一直很思念他,几乎每天以泪洗面。由语境可知missing(思念)正确,此处用过去进行时表示作者一直在思念父亲。2A.pushBpullCfightDdefendBpull oneself together为固定短语,意为“控制自己的感情”,与第3空后的control my emotions相呼应。3A.generallyBstraightlyCusuallyDimmediatelyD当“我”走进商店时,“我”不得不立刻控制住自己的情绪,因为由当地食品店制作的、“我”父亲最爱的肉桂卷的香味飘满了整个商店。此处与时间状语从句呼应,表示时间,故选immediately(立刻)。4A.driftedBdrownedCliftedDshiftedA肉桂卷的香味飘满了整个商店。drift意为“飘”;shift意为“转换”;lift意为“抬起”;drown意为“淹没”。由语境可知选A项。5A.decisionBplanClistDwayD由语境可知,此处指作者在超市的通道里来回选购东西。make ones way意为“前进,前往”,为固定短语,符合语境。6A.whoBwhatCwhichDthatC设空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为list,只能用which引导。7A.applyingBapproachingCappearingDappealingB“我”正走近面包房时,突然就情绪失控了。approach意为“靠近”,符合语境。apply意为“申请”;appear意为“出现”;appeal意为“呼吁;恳请”。8A.nervouslyBangrilyCproudlyDquietlyD作者睹物思人,当看到盒子中的肉桂卷时,忍不住轻声哭泣。nervously意为“紧张地”;angrily意为“气愤地”;proudly意为“骄傲地”;quietly意为“安静地”。由语境可知选D项。9A.standBcomeCstopDmoveA一位年长的男士走到“我”。身旁,只是问了一句:“亲爱的,你想让我在这里陪你站一会儿吗?”第11空前的stood there quietly提示此处选stand。10A.shookBwavedCnoddedDshiveredC由下文的答语Yes可知,作者同意了对方的提议。故nodded(点头)正确。11A.backingBsupportingCholdingDcarryingB那位好心人只是将他的手放在“我”的手上,静静地站着,在“我”哭的时候扶住“我”。support意为“支撑,支持”,符合语境。12A.joyfulBcolorfulCbeautifulDwonderfulD作者在哭过之后稍微平静下来,她看着这位给予她精神支持的男士的蓝眼睛,并向他道谢。根据下文的I was so very touched by this man.并结合此处的语境可推断,作者应该认为这位男士是极好的(wonderful)。13A.addingBmentioningCexplainingDdescribingC由下文的.that I had just lost my father.可知此处指作者向男士道谢,并向他解释(explain)自己哭泣的原因。14A.momentsBchancesChandsDmissesA那位男士只是说,在他的生命中也有过这样的时刻,他只是需要大哭一场。下文的when提示此处应选表示时间的名词moments,作定语从句的先行词。15A.nobodyBeveryoneCanyoneDsomeoneD作者被这位男士感动的同时意识到:当我们看到有的人(someone)难过时,我们总是去猜测他们的情绪是否稳定,或者他们的生活中发生了什么意外,但我们真正应该认识到的是:我们都是人,有时候只是需要一些支持。16A.routesBhappeningsCstoriesDexperiencesBroute意为“路线”;happening意为“事件,意外发生的事”;story意为“故事”;experience意为“经历”。由语境可知选B项。这里的happening是个名词,常用复数形式,表示“意外发生的事情”。17A.anyhowBseldomCsometimesDanytimeC句意为:我们都是人,有时候只是需要一些支持。anyhow意为“无论如何”;seldom意为“很少”;sometimes意为“有时”;anytime意为“任何时候”。由句意可知选C项。18A.forBintoCupDthroughA由上文可知,作者平静下来之后,那位男士就离开了。因此此处指作者在离开之前再次在商店里寻找那位男士。look for意为“寻找”,为固定短语,符合语境。下文的.and could not find him.也是线索。此处句子的状语again in the store将动词looked和介词for隔开了,增加了此题的难度。19A.butBsoCandDorD作者希望那位男士,或者某个做过同样事情的人读了这篇文章后会知道他们的举动是多么感人,多么温暖人心。由语境可知,此处应用or表示选择关系。20A.tearsBemotionCheartDlifeC虽然是举手之劳,但是温暖的却是他人的内心(heart)。.阅读理解(2016东北三校第二次联考)A growing number of Chinese are keeping their cash in their wallets this Lunar New Year as the traditional exchange of red packets of money is moving from the physical world into the digital space.The tradition of giving cash gifts of “lucky money” (“hong bao”in Chinese) goes back centuries and can be particularly profitable for the young and the unmarried.As the country increasingly adopts online business and ecommerce models, tradition is taking a back seat to convenience as more and more lucky money receivers prefer to receive their money via electronic means.A recent study conducted by Shanghaibased Avanti Research Partner showed that 58% of respondents (调查对象) preferred their “hong bao” directly deposited into their accounts.The country is becoming increasingly connectedover 90% of 18 to 30yearolds in China own an Internetconnected smartphone, according to a Global Times survey published last year.Of course, Chinas Internet giants have not been slow to capitalize on this trend, with Shenzhenbased Tencent last week launching their “New Year Red Envelope”app (应用程序), an addon to its popular WeChat messaging service.The companys over 600 million WeChat users can send each other lucky money, provided both the sender and receiver have signed up to the companys inapp payment service.“I am really happy that I can use a new and fashionable way to send my holiday greetings to my family and friends, especially for people who have kids but live far away from us.”said Mr.Cheng, a user of the service.The service reportedly banked 18 million RMB ($2.9 million) worth of transfers (转移) in its first 24 hours, according to a report in the Beijing Youth Daily newspaper.While Tencents rival Alibaba also has a similar service, called Hong Bao, which launched last year, WeChats app allows users to randomly distribute up to 200 yuan ($33) within a group of friends, adding a fun element of unpredictability to the process.Some analysts believe that linking the payments to WeChats inapp payment service could be a gamechanger, as it simplifies the process of paying for micro dealings, potentially making users more likely to make inapp purchases in the future.“The tradition of giving red packets is a symbolic gesture,”said Steve Wang, Chief Economist, Reorient Group.“Its a new way to get people more comfortable dealing with money online, to expand their user base.It combines the old and the new, and is a great example of the kind of creative idea that were seeing come out of China these days.”语篇解读本文介绍了给压岁钱这一中国传统习惯的新变化。如今网络上出现了一个有创意的方法,即通过网上支付来送红包。1What is the main idea of the passage?AThe competition for the online business is increasing.BNew Year lucky money goes online.CElectronic commerce has changed the way of trade.DThe tradition of giving lucky money is out of fashion.B主旨大意题。根据全文内容尤其是第一段可知,本文介绍了中国春节时的传统习俗给压岁钱,现在可以在网上进行了。故选B项。2Compared to the Alibabas Hong Bao service, WeChats app _.Acan send lucky money to any friend of the users quicklyBlinks the messaging service and payment service togetherCpermits the users to distribute money in a friend circle randomlyDis more unpredictable during the process of money transferC推理判断题。根据文章第七段中的“WeChats app allows users to randomly distribute up to 200 yuan($33) within a group of friends”可知,同阿里巴巴的“红包”服务相比,微信的应用程序允许用户在朋友圈里随机发红包。故选C项。3Some analysts think _.AWeChats app makes online payment easierBTencent has beaten Alibaba in online businessCexchanging red packets online is a new gameDusers of WeChats app can make more friendsA推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“as it simplifies the process of paying for micro dealings, potentially making users more likely to make inapp purchases in the future”可知,一些分析者认为微信的应用程序使得网上支付(给红包的方式)更容易了。故选A项。4In the opinion of Steve Wang,_.Aits a creative way to send lucky money via electronic meansBsending money to others makes people uncomfortableCsending red packets is a symbol of friendlinessDWeChats app is more useful to parents than to kidsA细节理解题。根据最后一段Steve Wang的话“Its a new way to get people more comfortable.a great example of the kind of creative idea that were seeing come out of China these days.”可知,他认为网上送压岁钱是一种创造性的方法。故选A项。.语法填空(2016吉林省实验中学三模)Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car _1_(steal)They filed a report _2_ the police station and a detective drove them _3_ to the parking lot to look for evidence.To their _4_ (amaze), the car had been returned and there was a note in it _5_ (say):“I apologize for taking your car.My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the _6_.Please forget the _7_ (convenient)There are two tickets for tonights Mania Twain concert.”Their faith in humanity restored.The couple attended _8_ concert.But when they returned home, they _9_ (immediate) found that their house had been ransacked (洗劫)On the bathroom mirror was _10_ note:“I have to put my kid through college somehow, dont I?”答案1.had been stolen2.at3.back4.amazement5.saying6.hospital7.inconvenience8.the9.immediately10.another

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