


1、2019高考英语阅读理解专题选编(2) A My daughter Kelly is a cautious person. She needs to warm up situations, and is hesitant to try new things. When with close friends, she bees a leader who laughs lo。

2、Unit 3 一、词汇复习 (一)单句语法填空 1. the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable ________ in decline. 2Stan。

3、第七讲 主谓一致 第一课时 知识过关课 读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文。领悟画线黑体部分。思考:主谓一致包括哪些原则?分别在什么情况下使用语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近原则? My seatmate James, whose。

4、第三讲 冠词 第一课时 知识过关课 读语篇,悟语法。反复朗读下列短文,领悟画线黑体部分的冠词用法。 Tom,a1 classmate of mine, is a2 Lei Feng in our class, who is always ready to help others. Henry, w。

5、现代科技) 【话题导读】灯柱伞是一种有雨水感应伞的灯柱,这样人们在忘记带雨伞时就不会挨淋了。 Lampbrella You cant always predict a heavy rain or remember your umbrella. But designer Mikhail Belva。

6、2019高考英语阅读理解专题选编(5) A Grey clouds move as low as smoke over the treetops at Lolo Pass. The ground is white. The day is June 10.It has been snowing for the past four days in the Bitterroo。

7、Unit 2 词汇考查+词汇应用 必修二Unit 2 一、词汇复习 (一)单句语法填空 1 I cant tell you ________ way to the Wilsons because we dont have ________ Wilson here in the village. 答案:the;a way后有介词。

8、词汇(5) 复习:1、核心单词2、重点短语3、写作句式4、我读我练(词汇应用、句式仿写) 【单句单词语法填空】 1After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide ________ (acmod。

9、2019高考英语 被动语态 条件状语从句和让步状语从句 单项选择 1 With the help of high technology more and more new substances in the past 10 years A discovered B have discovered C had been discovered D ha。

10、词汇 21 复习 1 核心单词2 重点短语3 写作句式4 我读我练 词汇应用 句式仿写 单句单词语法填空 1 Im afraid I have to leave now for you see he is waiting for me Well if you at least wait till the heavy rain。

11、图表写作高分绝招专项练习 写作训练1 近期某网站就校车安全问题进行了一次社会调查 结果见下图 请根据图示用英语写一篇短文 介绍调查结果并谈谈你的看法 供有关部门参考 词数不少于60 Recently a survey on school b。

12、词汇 12 复习 1 核心单词2 重点短语3 写作句式4 我读我练 词汇应用 句式仿写 单句单词语法填空 1 Recycling is one way to protect the environment reusing is 答案 another 句意 循环利用是保护环境的一种方法 再。

13、家庭 社会生活 导读 妈妈总是告诉我们如果我们在暗处看书会弄坏眼睛 这种说法有科学依据吗 Some facts about vision science Mom always told us wed go blind if we read in the dark Does science back her up Ji。

14、Unit 5 一 词汇复习 一 单句语法填空 1 The boss of the pany is trying to create an easy atmosphere his employees enjoy their work 答案 where 本句中定语从句 his employees enjoy their work 不缺主宾表 先行。

15、2019高考英语阅读理解专题选编 6 A Recently I and other Red Cross volunteers met a group of victims from Hurricane Katrina We were there as mental health professionals to offer psychological first aid a。

16、2019高考英语阅读理解专题选编 12 A In 1959 when Jean Harper was in the third grade her teacher gave the class an assignment to write a report on what they wanted to be when they grew up Jean s father w。

17、冠词讲与练 冠词练题 China and Malaysia two neighbors facing each other across sea enjoy time honored friendship A the B the a C a D a the 答案 B 解析 考查冠词用法 句意 中国和马来西亚隔海相望 两国的友。

18、Unit 5 一 词汇复习 一 单句语法填空 1 Youre right we should support you 2 The text is rather difficult it is not beyond the reach of the students 3 She thought I was talking about her daughter in fact。

19、2019高考英语阅读理解专题选编 1 A Taylore is a kid who passes by to ride sometimes and help us with chores Barely 15 she s never short of advice and one of her favorite pastimes is teasing me about bei。

20、作文 如何巧妙使用连接词语 写作中的重点关联词语 1 表示时间顺序 first then afterwards meanwhile later 例句 First we open the door then we came in with sticks in our hands 2 表示空间顺序 near next to fa。

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