2019高考英语 被动语态、条件状语从句和让步状语从句练习(含解析).doc

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2019高考英语:被动语态、条件状语从句和让步状语从句单项选择1. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances _ in the past 10 years. A. discoveredB. have discoveredC. had been discoveredD. have been discovered 2. He will stop showing off, if no notice _ of him. A. is taken B. will be takenC. takesD. has taken3. According to a report, cigarette smoking _ in all indoor public places in China already. A. will banB. has bannedC. will be bannedD. has been banned4. The construction of the two new railway lines _ by now. A. has pletedB. have pletedC. have been pletedD. has been pleted5. Linda, make sure the tables _ before the guests arrive. A. be set B. set C. are set D. are setting6. The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune_. A. is made B. would makeC. was to be made D. had made7. In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the “r” sounds at the end of the words _. A. are dropped B. dropC. are being dropped D. have dropped8. Youve failed to do what you _ to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you. A. will expect B. will be expectedC. expected D. were expected9. This coastal area a national wildlife reserve last year. A. was named B. named C. is named D. names10.Mom, can we move into our new house this weekend?No, it_.A. is painted B. is paintingC. was painted D. is being painted11. The little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story. A. or B. unless C. but D. whether12. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, _ acpanied by an adult. A. once B. when C. if D. unless13. _they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures. A. As B. While C. Until D. Once14. Our holiday cost a lot of money. Did it? Well, that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves. A. as long as B. unlessC. as soon as D. though15. All the dishes in this menu, _ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. A. as B. if C. though D. unless16. The medicine works more effectively _ you drink some hot water after taking it. A. as B. until C. although D. if17. Do you have a minute? Ive got something to tell you. OK, _you make it short. A. now that B. if onlyC. so long as D. every time18. The doctor would allow him to go home _ he remained in bed. A. as though B. for fear thatC. on condition that D. as far as19. Too high house prices can be brought under control, _ the authorities introduce a series of regulatory policies. A. even if B. as ifC. so that D. provided that20. My parents dont mind what job I do _ I am happy. A. even though B. as long asC. as soon as D. as though21. Though _ to see us, the professor gave us a warm wele. A. surprising B. was surprisedC. surprised D. being surprised22. How about camping this weekend, just for a change? OK, _ you want. A. whichever B. howeverC. whatever D. whoever23. The engineers are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, _they have the interest. A. wherever B. wheneverC. even if D. as if24. Tim is in good shape physically _ he doesnt get much exercise. A. if B. even thoughC. unless D. as long as25. _ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him. A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as26. The lawyer seldom wears anything other than a suit _ the season. A. whatever B. whereverC. whenever D. however27. All people, _ they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. A. even if B. whetherC. no matter D. however28. _ well prepared a gymnast is, he still needs a lot of luck in performing. A. Whatever B. AlthoughC. No matter D. However29. Some Chinese students find it difficult to understand native speakers when in London. Exactly, _ theyve learned a lot about grammar and known many words. A. if only B. now thatC. as if D. even if30. _ your next high-adventure trip is scheduled, start preparing now. A. In case B. UnlessC. Only if D. Whenever1. D 解析:考查时态和语态。根据时间状语in the past 10 years, 应使用现在完成时,又因为substances和discover之间是被动关系,所以选D。句意:在高科技的帮助下,在过去的十年中越来越多的新物质被发现。2. A 解析:考查时态和语态。这里考查时态的特殊用法,主句用一般将来时,而条件状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。而且根据短语take no notice of可以看出notice和take之间是被动关系。所以应选A。句意:他会停止炫耀,如果都不理睬他的话。3. D 解析:考查时态和语态及主谓一致。根据时间标志词already 可知用现在完成时,又因为cigarette smoking和ban之间是被动关系,所以用现在完成时的被动形式。句意:根据一项报告,在中国所有的室内公共场所吸烟已经被禁止了。4. D 解析:考查时态和语态及主谓一致。根据by now,可知应选现在完成时,又因construction和plete之间是被动关系,所以应选现在完成时的被动形式。又因主语是the construction,故选D。句意:这两条新铁路现在已经竣工了。5. C 解析:考查时态和语态。make sure后接的宾语从句中谓语常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,set与table之间为动宾关系,故应选C。句意:琳达,一定保证客人到达之前摆好桌子。6. C 解析:考查时态和语态。make a fortune“发财”;fortune在主动语态中是make的宾语,而此时fortune作了句子的主语,说明fortune和make之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;又因为 be to do结构表示注定会发生某事。句意:澳大利亚金矿的发现使成千上万的人认定会发财。7. A 解析:考查动词的时态及语态。sounds与drop之间为被动关系,并且为习惯性行为,故选A。句意:在美国一些地区的口语中,一些单词词尾的r音常略去。8. D 解析:考查时态和语态。因为expect是及物动词,如果选A和C,那么后面必须有宾语,但是后面没接宾语,故you和expect之间是被动关系,又因为expect的动作发生在fail之前,所以用过去时。句意:你没有做老师期望你做的,所以恐怕老师会责备你。9. A 解析:考查一般过去时态的被动语态。根据句子的时间last year可知用一般过去时态,有因为the coastal area和name之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时态的被动语态。10. D 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。表示当前正在发生的动作用现在进行时;又因为the house与paint之间是被动关系,故答案选D。句意:妈妈,这周我们能搬进新房子吗?不能,房子正被粉刷着。11. B 解析:句意为:除非他的妈妈给他讲个故事,否则小男孩不睡觉。unless表条件,意为“除非”。12. D 解析:考查条件状语从句的省略。句意为:学校制度规定任何孩子在白天不允许离开学校,除非由成人陪伴。当从句主语和主句主语一致且从句的主语后是一个系表结构时,可以省去从句主语和动词be。unless表示“除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句,故选D。13. D 解析:句意为:一旦学生们决定要上哪所大学,他们就会搜索相关的录取程序。连词once在此处表条件,而as,while,until均不符合句意。14. A 解析:句意为:我们的假期耗费了很多钱。是吗?只要你们玩得高兴,那就没什么关系。unless“除非,如果不”,相当于ifnot; as soon as“一就”;though“虽然”,都不符合句意。15. D 解析:考查条件状语从句。句意为:这个菜单上所有的菜,除非有特别说明,会满足两到三人的需要。as意思较多,意为“因为,尽管,当时候”等; if意为“如果”;though意为“虽然,然而”;unless意为“除非”。根据语境,选项D正确。16. D 解析:句意为:如果你在服药后喝些热水,这种药会更有效的。as“当时,因为”;until“到为止”;although“尽管,虽然”;if“如果”。只有if符合题意,引导条件状语从句,故答案为D。17. C 解析:句意为:你有时间吗?我有事要告诉你。好的,只要你长话短说。now that“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句;if only“要是就好了”, 用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的情况;every time“每次,每当”,表示时间;so long as“只要”, 表示条件,符合题意。18. C 解析:考查连词。句意:医生允许他回家,条件是他要待在床上。on condition that“以为条件,条件是”,符合题意。19. D 解析:考查条件状语从句。句意为:假如政府引进一系列调控政策,过高的房价是可以得到控制的。even if即使;as if好像;so that以便,为了;provided that如果,假如。20. B 解析:考查条件状语从句。句意为:我父母不介意我做什么工作,只要我快乐就好。as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句,答案为B。21. C 解析:此题考查状语从句的省略。句意为:尽管教授看见我们很惊奇,但是仍然热烈欢迎我们。surprise与主语professor之间为动宾关系,故应用其过去分词形式。22. C 解析:句意为:这周末去野营怎么样,只是改变一下?好吧,你想怎样就怎样。whatever作want的宾语,表示想做的事情。23. C 解析:句意为:即使工程师们有兴趣,但是他们太忙,以至于没有时间进行户外体育运动。“工程师们太忙,以至于没有时间进行户外体育运动”与“他们有这个兴趣”具有语意上的转折关系,后一句表示让步。wherever表示地点;whenever表示时间;even if“即使”,表示让步;as if引导方式状语从句。24. B 解析:句意为:尽管Tim没有做太多的锻炼,但他身体还是很好。“is in good shape”和“doesnt get much exercise”之间是转折关系,故选B。25. A 解析:句意为:虽然警察认为他最有可能(是罪犯),但因为没有确凿的证据,他们不能逮捕他。句子前后的逻辑关系为转折关系。although意为“虽然,尽管”;as long as意为“既然,只要”;if only意为“要是就好了”;as soon as意为“一就”。根据句意选A。26. A 解析:句意为:无论什么季节,这位律师除了一套西装以外,很少穿其他的(衣服)。whatever the season是whatever the season is的省略,whatever在从句中作表语。wherever“不论什么地方”;whenever“不论什么时候”;however“无论怎样”,均不符合语境。27. B 解析:句意为:自这次灾难以来,所有的人,不管他们是年老的还是年轻的,富有的还是贫穷的,都在尽自己最大的努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人。Whetheror是固定搭配,意为“无论是还是,不管是还是”,符合句意。28. D 解析:考查让步状语从句。句意为:无论准备得多么充分,在比赛中一个体操运动员仍然需要很多运气。此处however=no matter how无论多么,引导让步状语从句。29. D 解析:句意为:一些中国学生在伦敦时,发现听懂当地人说话很难。的确如此,即使他们已经学了很多语法且知道了很多单词。if only要是多好;now that既然;as if好像;even if即使。30. D 解析:考查让步状语从句。句意为:无论何时你安排好了下一次高风险之旅,现在就开始做准备。in case以防,万一; unless除非;only if只有;whenever无论何时。根据句意,D项正确。


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