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Jiangsu Baipu Middle School English Team Qi Min November 25, 2012Activity SheetModule 3 Unit 1 Reading: FogLearning aims: Language knowledge and skills:(1) Get a deeper impression of the new words and phrases.(2) Practice and reinforce reading comprehension.(3) Get a thorough understanding of the passage.(4) Discuss what can be learned from the successful people who have lost one or more of their senses. Emotions and attitudes:(1) Develop a serious and positive attitude towards what can be learned from the successful people who have lost one or more of their senses.(2) Make better use of the five senses in studies and daily lives. Study strategies: (1) Learn to recognize the aspects of a story.(2) Study individually and discuss in groups.(3) Retell the story and make up an interview according to the story. Cultural awareness:(1) Use the five senses to build harmonious interpersonal relationships with others and try to help those in need.(2) Know something about the successful people at home and abroad, who have lost one or more of their senses.Highlights and difficult points:(1) Get a thorough understanding of the story.(2) Retell the story and make up an interview according to the story.(3) Discuss what can be learned from the successful people who have lost the ability to use one of their senses and learn from them. Teaching and learning methods and aids:activity sheet, consolidation sheet, multi-media, overhead projector, blackboard, a stick, a pair of glasses, individual study, pair work, group cooperation and discussion, individual, pair and group presentation, group competition, retell, interview,using some group assessment regulations(小组评价规则):(1) Take an active part in group discussions and presentations(展示). (2) If you answer one question right, your group will get one point. (3) The winning group will get a prize.Teaching and learning procedures:Activity 1 Lead-inLook at some pictures and describe what you can see in the pictures.1. Whats the weather like in the first picture?2. What does the woman say in the second picture?3. What does the man look like in the third picture? Is he blind? What does he carry in his hand?Activity 2 Reading strategy(阅读策略)on page 3 Read the reading strategy part silently and fill in the blanks.The aspects of a story include: a _(情节) main _(人物) Time and place make up the setting of a story. (时间和地点构成了故事发生的环境) a certain time period a place a problem to be solved a _(高潮) or a surprise ending. Characters, plot and setting are the three elements of a story. (人物、情节、环境是故事的三要素)Activity 3 Careful reading Read the passage carefully and loudly and finish tasks 1, 2 and 3. Task 1 Judge whether the following statements are true or false.(1) The fog was not thick when Polly left home. _(2) Polly took a taxi to Green Park. _ (3) Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her cheek. _(4) The old blind man carried umbrella in his hand. _(5) Polly lived at 86 King Street. _Task 2 Choose the best answer according to the passage.(1) Which is the right order of the following events? a. The old blind man went to help others. b. Polly left work at four oclock. c. An old man reached out his hand and grasped Pollys arm.d. Polly and the blind man got to King Street safely. e. A tall man in a dark coat was watching Polly on the train. f. Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her face. A. b-e-f-c-d-a B. b-f-e-a-d-c C. e-b-f-c-d-a D. e-b-d-f-c-a(2) Whats the meaning of “approaching” in Line 22?A. go to sb for help or support or in order to offer sth B. come near or nearer to sb/sth C. begin to deal with a task, problem, etc D. way leading to sth; path; road(3) Why did the blind man help Polly?A. Because he wanted to go home with her.B. Because she asked him to come in and rest for a while.C. Because he wanted to pay back the help he had received before.D. Because he had no one to help.(4) What can we learn from the passage?A. Where there is a will, there is a way. B. Two heads is better than one.C. All things must have a beginning. D. Character (品格) is what you are in the dark.Task 3 Fill in the blanks with proper words (One word for each blank.)(1)_FogMain ideaA young woman got (2) _ in the fog.CharactersA young woman and an old blind man.Setting (time and place)A foggy city in one afternoonPlotBeginning(Parts 1&2) When Polly left home in the morning, the fog was not thick. At four oclock Polly left work, but the bus didnt (3) _ toKing Street because it was too foggy. Polly took the (4) _ to Green Park.Development(Parts 3&4) On the train, Polly felt a tall man was (5) _her. However, when the train arrived at the station, the man was (6) _to be seen. Outside, no matter (7) _ she looked, the fog was very thick and there was no one in sight. After that, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, a (8)_ hand brushed her cheek and she heard a mans voice, which made her feel frightened.Climax and (9) _(Parts 5&6) Then an old blind man offered to help her. Knowing she was anxious, he held her hand more (10) _. After arriving at King Street, Polly invited the old man to her home for a rest. But he didnt agree and went to help more people.Activity 4 Retelling(复述) the storyLets try to retell the story together (according to the plot in the form above).Activity 5 Interview(采访) Please make up an interview in pairs (两人一组) according to the story. One student acts as the interviewer(采访者), the other acts as Polly. Some questions for the interviewer to refer to (可供采访者参考的一些问题):(1) Where did you live?(2) When you left home in the morning, was the fog thick?(3) When did you leave work that day?(4) How did you usually go home, by bus or by train?(5) Did the bus run to King Street that day? Why?(6) How did you go to Green Park?(7) What happened on the train?(8) How was the fog like when you arrived at Green Park station?(9) Why did you feel frightened?(10) Who helped you at last?(11) What did he carry in his other hand?(12) What did he do after knowing that you were anxious? (13) After arriving at King Street, did you invite him to your home for a rest? (14) Did he agree? Why?You may start your interview like this:A: I have read a story about you. Could I ask you some questions?B: Sure, go ahead(请问吧). / Of course, you can.A: Where did you live? B: Activity 6 Group competition(小组竞赛)Activity 7 Enjoying a video(视频) What do you think of their dances?Activity 8 Discussion What do you know about him or her? What can we learn from them?Beethoven(贝多芬), A Bing(阿炳), Tai Lihua(邰丽华), Helen Keller(海伦凯勒) Some expressions for you to refer to(可供参考的一些表达): five senses of people: the sense of sight / smell / taste / hearing / touch 视觉 / 嗅觉 / 味觉 / 听觉 / 触觉 lose the sense of sight / hearing deaf (失聪的), blind make great achievements, amazing people a famous composer(作曲家); the Fifth Symphony 第五命运交响曲 an excellent erhu player;The Moon Reflected on Erquan 二泉映月 a famous dancer; The Thousand-hand Guanyin 千手观音 a great writer; The Story of My Life 我的一生;graduate from Harvard University cherish(珍惜)our sense of sight / hearing make the best of our senses in our studies and daily lives help those who are blind or deaf as much as we can not give up in face of difficulties keep positive(积极乐观) take an optimistic ptimistik attitude towards lifes test对生活的考验持有积极乐观的态度 inspire us that we can realize our dreams(实现我们的梦想) if we work hard. Where there is a will, there is a way. If we try our best, we can also become an amazing person. attach importance to our education 重视我们的教育 As Obama puts it, “ Whatever your situation, education is key to success in life.” 正如奥巴马所说的那样:“不管你的处境怎样,教育是生活中成功的关键。” Thefireisthetestofgold,adversity d v:sitiofstrongman.烈火验真金,艰难磨意志。Consolidation sheet(巩固单)Task 1 Underline the important phrases and sentences in the story.1. run that far(指公共汽车 渡船 火车等沿规定路线)行驶那么远2. take the Underground乘地铁 3. be nowhere to be seen 不见了4. lie like a thick, grey cloud像浓密的灰云一样聚积着5. in sight看得到,在势力范围之内 6. beat with fear (心脏)因害怕而怦怦地直跳7. wish for盼望,企盼 8. come along出现 9. hold sb still (恐惧)使某人挪不动脚步10. reach out 伸出(手) 11. stare up at 抬起头来凝视 12. watch out for 留心,密切注意 13. come to sbs aid帮助某人 14. a fog this bad这么大的雾 15. pay back回报;偿还1. She wondered if the buses would still be running.2. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.3. The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.4. As Polly observed the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.5. Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.6. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.7. She could feel her heart beating with fear. 8. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along.9. Polly found herself staring up at the face of an old man with a beard.10. It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when its sunny.Task 2 Fill in the blanks with proper phrases.in sight, wish for, reach out, watch out for, stare at, .pay back(1) All parents _ their children to grow up to be happy and successful people.(2) It is great fun to swim in the sea, but you have to _sharks (鲨鱼).(3) She is thinking about how to _ the support from her friends.(4) The train was still _ after a few minutes.(5) He tried to _ his hand for a piece of cake. (6) Its rude to _ others for a long time.Task 3 Write a passage in about 150 words according to the story.Task 4 Polly wrote a letter to the newspaper to thank the old man for his help. Choose the correct words from the box to complete her letter.conductor, rough, footsteps, rare, frightened, fog, blind, fear, lost, taxiTo the man in the fog,Id like to thank you for your kind help in the terrible (1) _ last week. I was so (2) _ - I could hear my heart beating very fast, but you made me feel safe with your kindness.That day, I tried to take my usual bus home before the fog got too thick, but the bus (3) _ told me to go to Green Park by Underground and find a taxi there. I followed his advice. When I arrived at Green Park and got to the station entrance, it was deserted. The fog lay like a thick, grey cloud. Weather that bad is really (4)_ these days. It was impossible to find a (5) _.I had to walk in the fog. I became frightened as I could hear (6) _ but couldnt see anyone. You spoke to me and offered help. For a moment, (7) _held me still, but then I decided you had a kind voice, so I answered you.It was the best decision I ever made. You took my hand and led me confidently(自信地) through the foggy streets to my house. Your hand was (8) _ but strong and warm. Imagine my surprise when you told me you were (9) _! I wanted to invite you to my home to rest for a while, but you left to help other people who were (10) _ in the fog. I want to express my thanks to you again through the newspaper.Polly Townsend Task 5 Finish the Cloze.One summer evening, I was wandering about. Suddenly, a sweet, clear voice came _1_ behind, “besides all these lovely animals, there is a little window for bears here, a _2_ window for dogs there. What an excellent _3_!”I turned around. It was a little boy _4_ the sandy ground. The little boy was drawing something in the sand, some _5_ like windows.I walked towards him and asked _6_, “What are you drawing here?”He _7_ his head, wearing a pair of dark glasses. Just at the moment, I was astonished to find that his eyes were _8_ behind the glasses. A blind boy! I felt _9_ for him all of a sudden.“Hi, did you call me?” A sweet voice drifted out through the little boys thin lips.“Yes. Why dont you go home? You see, its getting _10_ now.” I asked him again.“I want to see the sunset. Everyone says that the sunset is very beautiful. Mum always tells me that little animals can _11_ see the sunset through _12_. You see, Ive drawn windows for both animals and myself, so I can see the sunset like those lovely animals.” The little boy said happily and _13_. He seemed like a golden statue bathed _14_ the sunset light.“Your name?” I asked. I had a(n) _15_ that something was about to happen.“Liu Xiaoyi.”“Liu Xiaoyi?” I felt my heart _16_ to my mouth. My prediction proved to be right. He was the winner of the National Childrens Drawing Competition and his painting, some windows without any shape _17_ in a newspaper.I was silent, a sudden wave of admiration _18_ from the bottom of my heart. What an angel he was!These “windows” are the brightest windows in the world. Eyes are the windows of ones _19_. Only when his eyes are _20_ of sunshine can he find the beautiful world around him.1. A. on B. out C. from D. up2. A. big B. huge C. large D. tiny3. A. sight B. idea C. surface D. picture4. A. coming overB. bending overC. climbing overD. going over5. A. pictures B. photos C. lines D. drawings6. A. curiously B. anxiously C. worriedly D. surprisingly7. A. raised B. held C. rose D. left8. A. open B. closed C. excited D. exciting9. A. ashamed B. pity C. a shame D. a pity10. A. bright B. shining C. late D. early11. A. ever B. only C. but D. never12. A. eyes B. windows C. drawing D. sunshine13. A. loudly B. silently C. proudly D. slowly14. A. in B. under C. at D. outside15. A. notice B. idea C. knowledge D. feeling16. A. come B. jump C. go D. beat17. A. appeared B. printed C. reported B. covered18. A. making B. rising C. coming D. finding19. A. brain B. beauty C. mind D. heart20. A. surprised B. full C. filled D. proudTask 6 Read the following passages and choose the best answer. AIt was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk there but found he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr. Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk there. The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He went along one street, turned down another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hours walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith couldnt understand how the stranger found his way. “It is wonderful,” he said. “How do you find the way in the fog?”“It is no trouble at all to me,” said the stranger, “I am blind.”1. According to the passage, we can infer that bump into means _.A. knock off B. meet by chance C. strike D. traffic accident2. Which of the following statements are NOT true?A. The stranger has a better sight than Mr. Smith. B. Heavy fog can cause traffic accidents.C. Its easy to get lost in a foggy day. D. The fog was getting thicker and thicker.3. Why is it no trouble at all to the stranger to find the way in the fog?A. Because he is a local inhabitant of London.B. Because he lives next to the Houses of Parliament.C. Because he is familiar with the route. D. Because he finds the way not by sight but by heart.4. This article mainly tells us that _.A. London is a foggy city. B. Mr. Smith works for the government.C. A blind stranger led the way for Mr. Smith in a foggy day. D. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting and lost his way in the fog. BWhen we can see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cant see perfectly that we come to see how important our eyes are.People who are nearsighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Many people who do a lot of close work, such as writing, reading and sewing, become nearsighted. Then they have to wear glasses in order to see distant things clearly.People who are farsighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arms length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses too.Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly in the right shape. This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some peoples eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.When night falls, colors become fainter to the eye and finally disappear. After your eyes have grown used to the dark, you can see better if you use the sides of your eyes rather than the centers. Sometimes, after dark, you see a small thing to one side of you, which seems to disappear if you turn your head in its direction. This is because when you turn your head, you are looking at the thing too directly. Men on guard duty sometimes think they see something moving to one side of them. When they turn to look straight at it, they cant see it any more, and they believe they were mistaken. However, this mistake happens because the center of the eye, which is very sensitive in daylight, is not as sensitive as the sides of the eye after dark.1. We dont know that our eyes are of great importance until _.A. we think about our eyes B. we cant see clearlyC. we wear glasses D. we have to do much reading2. According to the passage, who is more likely to be nearsighted?A. A tailor. B. A doctor. C. A guard. D. A painter.3. People who are farsighted _.A. cant do a lot of close work without glasses B. can only see things that are very close to their eyesC. have difficulty in reading a book if they hold it at arms lengthD. have the same problem as the nearsighted people4. To see a small thing at night, it is better to look _.A. with wide open eyes B. with half-shut or narrowed eyesC. straight at it D. at it indirectly5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. People who are farsighted need to wear glasses to see distant things clearly.B. It is possible for people who suffer from cataracts to become blind.C. When night falls, colors may disappear from sight in some way.D. Some visual mistakes happen because


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