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Eat Healthy健康饮食Clean your plate! 1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their childrennot to waste food. do American restaurants serve large portions?Because Americans associate quantity with value. happened in the 1970s?The American waistline started to expand. does the survey indicate?Many poor Americans want large portions. of the following is Not true of working class Americans?They dont want to be healthy eaters.Eiffel Is an Eyeful埃菲尔铁塔万人瞩目1. Why does the author think the Eiffel Tower is transformed into symbol of a world on the move?B) Tourists of all nationalities come to scribble on the cold iron of the tower.2. What seems strange to the author?A) Visitors prefer wasting time scribbling to enjoying the view.3. Which statement is NOT true of Hugues Richard?C) He climbed 747 Steps up the tower in 19 minutes and 4 seconds. did the builder use the Eiffel Tower for?B) Conducting research in various fields.5.Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “(The Eiffel Tower is like) a blank canvas for visitors to make of it what they will”?C) Visitors can imagine freely what the tower represents.Some Things We Know about Language关于语言的一些事 the second paragraph the author thinks thatC) any human race, whether backward or not, has a language. to the author, people of undeveloped cultures can have_ languages. complicated author has used American Indian languages as an example to show that they are just as sophisticated as some well-known languages. of the following statements is INCORRECT? Some languages are better than other languages. to the author, language changes are most likely to occur in vocabulary.A Ride in a Cable-car缆车1. The cable-car in Singapore takes visitors to Sentosa. of the following ab6ut the cable-cars is true? The cars move along the steel cable. can get a breath-taking view when riding in a cable-car becausethe car is suspended so high in the sky. short trip does not bother passengers who want a good view becausethe cars move slowly. last sentence of the passage, The return journey is no less exciting than the outward trip, means The return trip is as thrilling as the outward one.Career With a Uniform1. According to the passage, all of the following reasons make many college grads choose to join the army EXCEPT: The pay from the PLA is relatively higher than the grads can earn in other jobs. can be inferred that about_ students graduating consider join the army. 6,000,000 the backdrop of bad employment news and a cooling economy, which of the following causes the PLA to raise this years recruitment quota? The PLA wants to attract high-quality personnel to meet the need of hi-tech sector in the nations defense.4Why does the author think that the grads are given an extra chance in starting a career? C) Grads who have already volunteered to sign up can give up before the deadline for enlistment if they can find another job that is more suitable. word confidential in the last paragraph could best be replaced byD) secretEat to Live to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?D) We have to begin dieting from childhood. does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2?B) To illustrate the effect of meager food on mice. can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage?D) They are more likely to suffer from inflammation. to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers? A) The mice that started dieting in old age. to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes thatC) dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life.Sauna桑拿 bathing C) has various forms. is understood by some people to be the true sauna experience?Saunas with smoke. to the third paragraph, saunas can do all of the following EXCEPTcuring asthma.4According to the fourth paragraph, sauna gives the skin a healthy glow becausepores are cleaned by sweat. are advised not to take a sauna? All of the above.Americans Get Touchy 越来越敏感的美国人1. The word practically in the first paragraph could be best replaced by_.nearly of the following is NOT among the typical ways of greetings in the past? embrace parents, teachers and school administrators concern the new trend of hugging for the following reasons EXCEPT: Diseases could be transmitted more easily through the extra-long body contact. of the following statements is true according to the passage?In some countries, its usual for men to kiss each other on the cheek.5. We can infer that the author holds a _ attitude toward the new trend of hugging. Positive Outside-the-classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference1. An extracurricular activity like raising a fund of $300,000 is risky because most-student leaders C) are not rich enough.2. American students join campus organizations mostly for C) building friendship.3. Who is Katie Rowley? B) Shes a senior student.4. What do student leaders need to carry an activity through to a successful end? A) Passion.5. The phrasal verb fatten up in paragraph 6 could be best replaced by C) polish.The only Way Is Up1. .these are cities concerned with the past in the first paragraph refer to cities that C) want to maintain their traditional image2. The difficulty in constructing tall buildings in the 19th century lies in the lack of a device to carry people upward3. When Otis came up with the idea of a lift, most people had doubt about its safety.4. Which of the following best describes the experience of going in a lift now?(五段1行)B) Uninteresting.5. Psychologists find the lift a good place where they can study human behaviour because(六段2行)D) in a lift the bubble of personal space breaks.Dorm Food More Comfy宿舍烹饪之风流行。1. Which of the following is not mentioned as a basic equipment in todays student dorms? A) fridges B) microwaves C) notebook computer D) TV sets2. Which of the following statements is true according to the author?A) The salad bar is still the most interesting food to them up to now.B) Today Pizza remains the most popular food to US college students.C) US college students want their dining options to be more flexible and personalizedD) Colleges have made no changes to meet students needs.3. The following food are among Sodexos top campus foods for 2009 EXCEPTA) Italian PizzaB) Vietnamese noodle soupC) goat cheese saladD) Mexican chicken4. Which of the following statements about Angelo Berti is NOT true?A) He is a chef at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.B) He teaches cooking in a cooking school.C) He believes that cooking means more than preparing food following the recipesD) He regards dining together as a good way to expand the circle of friends.5. What does Angelo Berti mean by saying The meal is your canvas?A) Cooking is so boring that it is not worthy for students to have a try.B) College students should make their meal as simple as possible.C) Cooking is a good way to express oneself freely.D) If one wants to become a successful cook, hed better learn painting firstWomen Staying in Mini-Skirts for Longer British women are happy nowadays to wear mini-skirts up until the age of 40, according to research by Debenhams. Just 20 years ago, few women would dare to wear a mini-skirt after the age of 33, the store said. It shows that women now have an increasing confidence in their bodies and are happy to dress accordingly, it added in a statement. If this trend continues, theres no doubt that, within the next decade, women in their mid 40s and early 50s will rightly regard a mini-skirt as an essential part of their everyday wardrobe. The figures emerged when the store, examined the latest age profile of women buying short,36-cm skirts over the past six months. Their results show that it has jumped from an average age of 36-years-old at the start of millennium1 t0 40 today. Figures from 1980 showed that on average women stopped buying minis when they reached 33 years old - a figure unchanged from the mid-1960s. The store noted that experts believe that the popularity of intensive gym culture2, providing women with well toned bodies3 for longer may be the reason. The increasing number of British women living on their own may also be a factor. The Debenhams study showed that a modem womans love affair with a mini-skirt begins at the age of 14 but that she doesnt buy her first one until the age of 16. Instead, she flouts school rules by rolling up the waistband of the school uniform to give the impression of wearing a mini skirt. Skirts get shorter between the ages of 16 and 19 reducing in size from 46 t0 36 cm before reaching their shortest, a mere 32 cm, at the age of 23. Skirt length increases slightly between the ages of 23 and 27, rising t0 37 cm, possibly due to girls being in their first stable relationship,with no desire to attract attention, the store said. However, it found short skirts suddenly zoom in popularity between the ages of 27 and 34, as those early relationships break down, and new relationships are formed. The move into longer skirts begins irreversibly at 40 years old, when 46-cm skirts, still slightly above the knee are the norm. From then on, skirt length increases dramatically, falling below the knee for the very first time since school days at the age of 42.3. We can infer from the second and third paragraph that in 1970s.(四段3行)A) A lot of women dared to wear mini-skirts at the age of 40.B) Most women between 33 and 36 were still happy to wear mini-skirts.C) Even women in their early 50s rightly regarded a mini-skirt as an essential part of their everyday wardrobe.D、Most women no longer wore mini-skirts when they reach the age of 33.4. Which of the following statements about the length of the mini-skirts is true?A) At the age of 14, girls often wear mini-skirts which are about 46cm in size.(五段2行)B) Girls at the age of 19 wear the shortest mini-skirts.(六段1行)C) At the age of 23, most girls wear mini-skirts which are 37cm long.(六段2行)D) From the age of 23, skirt length increases because girls are in their first stable relationship.(六段3行)5. The word zoom in the first sentence of the last paragraph can be best replaced by:(最后一段1行)A) soarB) decreaseC) hold steadyD) drop3 D 第三段说从20世纪60年代开始一直到80年代,调查都显示女性到33岁之后普遍不再购买超短裙。4 D 从倒数第二段可知,从23岁开始,女性所穿着的超短裙长度从32cm渐增至37cm,主要是因为这个阶段她们普遍有了稳定的恋爱关系。5 A “zoom”意为迅速增长,故A是最佳答案。Cell Phones: Hang Up or Keep Talking?移动电话Millions of people are using cell phones today. In many places it is actually considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cell phones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of communicationhaving a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected. The explosions around the world in mobile phone use make some health professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debates about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile phones are bad for your health. On the other hand, why do some medical studies show changes in the brain cells of some people who use mobile phones? Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern scanning(扫描)equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at a young age because of serious memory loss. He couldnt remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employers doctor didnt agree. What is it that make mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech machines can detect very small amount of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about. As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that its best to use mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, its wise not to use your mobile phone too often.31. People buy cell phones for the following reasons EXCEPT thatA. theyre popularB. theyre cheapC. theyre usefulD. theyre convenient32. The word “detected” in paragraph 3 could be best replaced byA. curedB. removedC. discoveredD. caused33. The salesman retired young becauseA. he dislike using mobile phonesB. he couldnt remember simple tasksC. he was tired of talking on his mobile phoneD. his employers doctor persuaded him to34. On the safety issue of mobile phones, the manufacturing companyA. deny the existence of mobile phone radiationB. develop new technology to reduce mobile phone radiationC. thy to prove that mobile phones are not harmful to healthD. hold that the amount of radiation is too small to worry about35. The writers purpose of writing this article is to advise peopleA. to use mobile phones less oftenB. to buy mobile phonesC. to update regular phonesD. to stop using mobile phonesExcessive Demands on Young PeopleBeing able to multitask is hailed by most people as a welcome skill, but not according to a recent study which claims that young people between the ages of eight and eighteen of the so-called Generation Ml are spending a considerable amount of their time in fruitless efforts as they multitask. It argues that, in fact, these young people are frittering(浪费) away as much as half of their time again as they would if they performed the very same tasks one after the other. Some young people are juggling an ever larger number of electronic devices as they study.At the same time that they are working, young adults are also surfing on the Internet, or sending out emails to their friends, and/or answering the telephone and listening to music on their iPods2 or on another computer. As some new device comes along it too is added to the list rather than replacing one of the existing devices. Other research has indicated that this multitasking is even affecting the way families themselves function as young people are too wrapped up3 in(沉湎于) their own isolated worlds to interact with the other people around them. They can no longer greet family members when they enter the house nor can they eat at the family table. All this electronic wizardry(魔力) is supposedly also seriously affecting young peoples performance at university and in the workplace. When asked about their perception of the impact of modern gadgets(小装置) on their performance of tasks, the overwhelming majority of young people gave a favourable response. The response from the academic and business worlds was not quite as positive. The former feel that multitasking with electronic gadgets by children affects later development of study skills, resulting in a decline in the quality of writing, for example, because of the lack of concentration on task completion. They feel that many undergraduates now urgently need remedial(补救的) help with study skills. Similarly, employers feel that young people entering the workforce need to be taught all over again, as they have become deskilled. While all this may be true, it must be borne in mind4 that more and more is expected of young people nowadays; in fact, too much. Praise rather than criticism is due in respect of5 the way todays youth are able to cope despite what the older generation throw at them.36. What is probably true about the multitasking Generation M? A) They feel they are more efficient than others. B) They waste more time than they should spend. C) They put more energy on important tasks. D) They need to improve their analytical skills.37. With the introduction of new gadgets, what happens to the Generation Ms present e-devices?A) They give way to the latest.B) They are quickly put aside.C) They are sold to their friends.D) They become part of their collection.38. Multitasking makes the Generation M A) feel lonely and pitiful. B) selfish and aggressive.C) distant to their family.D) silent and sad.39. The academics feel that many undergraduates badly need to A) adjust their social attitudes. B) seek psychological assistance. C) improve their study skills. D) task more business courses.40. What attitude should the older generation adopt towards the multitasking youth?A) Critical.B) Thankful.C) Negative.D) Supportive.Three Ways to Become More CreativeMost people believe they dont have much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to access it. Creativity isnt always connected with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you.This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle. Write down all the ideas/words associated with candies: light, fire, matches, wax; night, silence, etc. Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present; you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the night.Imagine that normal limitations dont exist. You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If, for example, your goal is to learn to ski, you can now practice skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now adapt this to reality. Maybe you can practice skiing every day in December, or every Monday in January.Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators (谈判者) use this technique in business, and so do writers. Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books. They ask questions: what does this character want? Why cant she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she dream about? If your goal involves other people, put yourself in their shoes. The best fishermen think like fish!41. According to the passage, when we become adults,A. we can still learn to be more creative.B. most of us are no longer creative.C. we are not as imaginative as children.D. we are unwilling to be creative. 42. According to the first technique, if you need to solve a problemA. you could find an image and try to link it with the problem.B. you should link it with candles.C. you have to think of buying a present for a friend.D. you should link it with as many words as possible.43. The second technique suggests that you just imagineA. setting a goal is as simple as skiing.B. you have every resource to achieve your goal.C. new possibilities will soon appear.D. December and January are the best months for skiing.44. The phrase put yourself in their shoes in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning


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