Sense Relations 英语专业词汇学论文

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Sense RelationsAbstract: Sense relations are the meaning relationship between word and word in lexical system, which is the concept meaning of vocabulary. Sense relations have varieties of relations, mainly including synonymy, antonymy, polysemy, homonymy, hyponymy, taxonomy, partonomy and so on. Any word maybe in many relations, therefore, every word composes of one meaning network in actually. Many sense relations represent the words in vocabularys system are not a non-sequence gathering.Keywords: Synonymy, Homonymy, Hyponymy, Taxonomy. SynonymyRelationship is synonymous with the word two or more lexical items with the same or similar meaning of the language phenomenon. Synonyms can be divided into absolute synonyms and relative synonymous. The so-called absolute synonyms are those identical in meaning and usage in any context can be interchangeable synonyms. For example: fatherland-motherland, compounding-composition performance of technical terms and some other synonym in the synonym of this nature are few in any language. Most are considered synonymous with relative synonymous that they have a common basic meaning, but there is always between some minor differences. These differences are mainly in the following areas: dialect differences: Life-elevator; railway-railroad, the former is British English, which is American English. Stylistic differences: employer-boss; fatigued-tired; decease-die, the former is commonly used in more formal settings, while the latter used for informal occasions. AntonymyAntonymy is opposing a relationship of mutual relations constitute a pair of words is called antonym. Antonymy is an important cognitive style in our thinking. When we defined the definition of antonym, at first we should make sure of the meaning of vocabulary are opposite, meanwhile, we need to have an established lexical relationship, which is the range of vocabulary used. The first category of antonym is called “true antonym”, or “contradictory terms”, “binary antonym”, Complementary word, “non -gradable antonym”. The Standard of definition: two words can not be applied simultaneously; they are all negative, mutually exclusive. The second category is called “polar antonym”, or “contrary terms”, “gradable antonym”. Such antonyms characteristics: one does not negate the affirmative another, they are just a relationship of more or less.The third category is called “converse antonym”, or reciprocal antonym. For example: buy/sell, before/after. In such antonym, the reverse of one another the meaning is the same thing for the expression of two different angles. The fourth category is called multiple incompatiblility. The semantics of these words are not literally the opposite, but they expressed the concept is opposite in direction. Multiple incompatiblility have two or more members. Such as: the three states on matter solid, liquid, gas; that the seasons spring, summer, autumn, winter and so on.In English antonym has a fun and flexible usage of oxymoron, that is the two do not reconcile the contradictory or the opposite of each placed in a clever fact meaningful. Such as: living death, cruel kindness, a thunderous silence. In O Henrys short story there is a typical example, these words appear in contradiction six qualifiers: “I despise its very vastness and power. It has the poorest millionaires, the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw.” poorest millionaires, the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties , the lowest skyscrapers , the dolefulest pleasures , the novel reveals the full appearance of prosperity, when the United States in the emptiness of the two sides. . PolysemyAmbiguity between the languages is polysemy phenomenon. Generated when a word is always just used to refer to a particular object or phenomenon, which is always single. However, with the development of society, new things and phenomenon continue to emerge, people need to name them. Correspond to the naming vocabulary will not only infinite expansion, but will also place great difficulties in our memories. Therefore, from the language of economic principle, by borrowing some means, so that the original meaning of a single gain new meaning, polysemy arises. In English, most words are polysemic words. And in nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, the higher frequency of use of the words, meaning the more the stronger the vitality of the word. The broad term as an example: In 1987, the ninth edition of Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, broads meanings: 1. Edge; 2. Ship; 3. Planks; 4. The table; 5. Rectangular flat Direct material; 6. thick cardboard; 7. Exchange; 8. ice hockey; 9. IC board; 10. Board of bulletin For the definition of polysemy, the traditional view that if a word is usually two or more similarity between the meanings of the term is ambiguous word. Such as: building can also be said that the building construction, both meaning is the relationship between process and outcome. If the various uses of a word express in two or more different domains, the word is polysemy. Words meanings are interrelated and mutually independent. A typical example is the meaning of school. “School” can also mean university faculties; faculty and students; class; go to school and so on.Polysemy relationship between the meaning is usually caused by the operating mechanism must be achieved. Polysemy through the analysis of the meaning, you can find some relationship between meanings. Main: the original meaning and extended meaning, ordinary meaning and special significance, abstract and concrete meaning, literal and figurative sense. . HomonymyHomonymy refers to two or more words in the form of the same linguistic phenomenon, but different in meanings. We called homonym which words have the same spelling, the same pronounced, but the different meaning, but the same spelling different pronunciation of the word different meanings as homograph.Homonymy has a great majority belong to homonym. The pronunciation and spelling are the same, in the absence of the specific context of the circumstances, tend to produce semantic ambiguity, such as: The sailors were satisfied with the port .The three meanings can be understood as the following:a. The sailors were satisfied with the harbor.b. The sailors were satisfied with the opening in the side of a ship for entrance.c. The sailors were satisfied with strong dark-red wine.Homonymy syllable word referring to the same spelling, pronunciation and meaning of the words are different. For example: supply v. (give), supply adv. (softly); wind n. (gentle breeze), wind v. (wound). In addition, English has a class of two-syllable word that, according to the different stress positions constitute of homonymy syllable word. Usually the term stress falls on the first syllable, the verb of the accent falls on the second syllable. For example: conduct n. (act), v. (guide) and so on. Homograph has many causes to produced, and some more complex, summary, are: 1. The introduction of a large number of foreign words. 2. Abbreviated term results.3. The result of sound change. 4. Zero suffix derived results. . HyponymySome of meaning relationship in English is a kind of hierarchical relation. Oak and tree are kind of generality/specificity in the hierarchy. This hierarchy within the meaning of the word is more concepts and relationships between things.When some words in meaning, nature, characteristics, category; belong to another word that large areas, these words are called hyponym. Oak is a synonym for the next tree. Similarly, pine is also a synonym for the next tree. Oak and pine were the word which is called co-hyponym, tree is called superordinate term. Between oak, pine, and tree, semantic relations is called hyponymy.Relationship is reflected under the meaning of relationship of inclusion: the meaning of the word which is included in the meaning of the word on the meaning under. Therefore, pot, barrel, box, tin, bag is the hyponymy of container. Relations are sometimes included some quasi-hyponymy .Hyponymy hierarchical relation maybe the level of a multi-layer, that is a word one hyponym has its hyponyms. English also an interesting phenomenon, the same word meaning which includes both upper and lower justice. The most typical example is the man, which refers to people, which is its upper meaning; and refers specifically to men, which is lower its meaning. Relationship reflects the lower type of relationship between things, different cultures, different language, the division of classes will be different. . TaxonomyFormed under the generic classification of words is called lexical taxonomy. The structure of the meaning of the various relationships between lexical items is called taxonomy. In the classification of relations, said the small class of lexical items is called taxonyms, that a classification level on the categories of lexical items is called superordinate, the same classification level called co-taxonyms, relationship between them is called co-taxonym. Taxonomy is a generic classification of relationship (X is a kind/type/token of Y ), where X is taxonyms, Y is superordinate. For example: Horse is a kind of animal.Carrot is a kind of vegetable.Chair is a kind of furniture.Hammer and saw are kinds of tools. Taxonomy has quasi-taxonomy, which is taxonyms and superordinate belong to different parts of speech. For example: noun heats taxonyms are boiling, hot, warm, cool ,which are all adjectives and taxonyms of noun feelings, emotion have either adjectives happy, sad, etc., can also be a verb delight, fear and so on. Between co-taxonyms are incompatible relationship between the words, in most cases their status is equal. Major differences between Hyponymy and Taxonomy is: with are: strict hierarchical classification of relations, generally not more than five floors, each level of lexical items must strictly abide by the same classification; and relations under the meaning of lexical items although it can be divided level, but there is no strict definition of standards, the number of levels are not specified. . PartonomyPartonomy reflected a kind of part-whole level of relations, which are from various parts of a whole composition. For example, hand by the palm, finger, knuckle composed of three parts. Partonomy between performances in the meaning is called meronymy, the overall total is called superordinate, part of the lexical item is called meronym.According to the relationship between part and whole compactness, some of the partonomy between the level of division in the lexical items can be divided into the necessary meronym and optional meronym.Hyponymy, taxonomy, partonomy are all a hierarchical relationship. Therefore, the hierarchical structure of words is not always in a systematic manner absolute, and sometimes empty words, while sometimes co-hyponyms, co-taxonyms, co-meronyms not always in accordance with the same basic distinction, but it is undeniable that such a hierarchical relationship between meaning in vocabulary building is very important. 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典 - 查看字典详细内容References:1CARTER, R. Vocabulary: applied linguistics perspectives M. London: Allen.1987.2LEECH, G. Semantics M. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 1983.3 MCCARTHY, M. Vocabulary M. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1991.4陆国强,现代英语词汇学M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.2001.5刘津开,外语学习策略研究一猜词能力与外语水平J.外语教学,1999 (3) .7


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