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实用标准文案模拟试题(一)一、选择填空Vocabulary and structureA)从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出下列各题的最佳答案。 Whos _ baby in the picture? Is _ you?A. a; itB. the; sheC. a; thisD. the; it - Whats this? - Its _.A. a pencil of MaryB. a Marys pencilC. a pencil of MarysD. Marys a pencil - Is this pencil box _?-No. It looks like _, but its _.A. yours; mine; hisB. his; him; herC. mine; your; hersD. its; it; mine Mr Dennis is from _, but he isnt _. He is _.A.English;English;AmericanB.Japan; Japanese; an EnglishC.America;American;an EnglishmanD.England;English;America This _ van is my grandpas favourite.A. Japanese old bigB. big old JapaneseC. old big JapaneseD. big Japanese old _ students in the school bus?A.The allareB.Are the allC.Are alltheD.Allthe are _ have the same name -Young Pioneers.A. You, he and IB. I you and heC. He, you and ID. You, I and he I want a dress _.A. like this oneB. look thatC. like this itD. look me Does the man _ red work _ this shop?A. in; onB. at; inC.in;inD. on; at Mrs Wilson is not very well, _ she works hard.A. orB. butC. andD. too Let _ the tree green.A.me colourB.we putC.us to likeD.him give Here are your pants. _, please.A. Put on itB. Put it onC. Put on themD. Put them on -_ you see the peaches on the tree? -_, I can.A.Can not;YesB.Can not;NoC.Cant;yesD.Cant;No -Mary, where is your homework? -_. I forgot it.A.Hurry upB.This way, pleaseC.Oh, dearD.Over there -_? -No, Amy isnt here.A. Who isnt hereB. Is Amy hereC. Where is AmyD.Can Amy be hereB)为下列句子或对话选择最佳的排列顺序(大小写不计) go to we the same in Beijing school (.)A.B.C.D. in France are(Are) your grandfather grandmother and (?)精彩文档实用标准文案A.B.C.D. the one Emilys mother a red coat is (Is) in (?)A.B.C.D. Not bad, thanks. And you? Very well. How are the children? Hi, Jessie! Its me, David. How are you? They are fine. Hello, 163045.A.B.C.D. Can I help you, then? Oh, no. He is not in. Excuse me, where is Mr Black? I think he is at home. Thank you. But I must go now.A.B.C.D.二、阅读理解Reading comprehension( A)In a smallvillage,thereis a teacher,a doctor,a driverand a policeman.Theyare all good friends. What are their names? One is Mike, one is Jack, one is Tomand the other is John. Mikes, Jacks and Toms children are classmates. John hasnot any children. He teaches his friends children at school. Mike has many hens,and he givesthe driverand the doctoreggs. Jackshouse next to the doctorshouse.The doctors is behind Jacks. The four people live in a small _.A. factoryB. schoolC. villageD. park The four people are _.A.teachersB.doctorsC.policemanD.good friends John _.A. has only one childB. is a driverC. has many hensD. is a teacher Mike is a _.A.teacherB.doctorC.driverD.policeman Which is right?A. Jacks house is behind the doctors.B. Only John has no children.C. Johns and Jacks children are in the same school.D. Jack gives his friends eggs.( B)Look at the buses. Four buses are here. They are all Chinese. Li Mings buses is No. 70 and Wang Yans bus is No.64. Zhang Jies bus is No. 10. What number is Jims bus? Look, here comes his bus. Its No. 38. Tom doesnt take a bus, he ridesa bike. There are _ buses here.A.2B.3C.4 They are all _ buses.精彩文档实用标准文案A. ChineseB. JapaneseC. English _ bus is Wang Yans.A. No. 70B. No. 64C. No.10 Jim takes _ bus.A. No. 38B. No.10C. no Does Tom take a bus?A.No, he doesnt.B.Yes, he does.C.We dontknow.( C)One morning a fox sees a cock. He thinks, This is my breakfast. He comes up to the cock and says, I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches the cock away in his mouth.The people in the field see the fox. They cry, Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away. The cock says to the fox, Mr Fox, do you understand? The peoplesay you are carrying their cock away. Tell them it is yours, not theirs.The fox opens his mouth and says. The cock is mine, not yours. Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into a tree. One morning a fox _ a cock.A. looksB. meetsC. thanksD. runs The fox wants to have the cock for _.A. mealB. supperC. lunchD. breakfast The fox _.A.likessingingB.can singvery wellC.wants to eat thecockD. begins to sing The fox catches the cock in his mouth and _.A.runs awayB.eats itC.stands thereD.wants him to sing _ cry, Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.A.The foxB.The cockC.The peopleD.We( D)This is Lucy and this is Lily. They are twins. They are eleven. This is theirbedroom. Its a nice room. The two beds look the same. This bed is Lilys and thatone is Lucys. The twins have one desk and two chairs. Lucys chair is yellow. ButLilysisred.Lucysskirtison her bed. Lilyscoatis on the clothesline.Theirclock,books and pencil-boxesare on the desk. Theirschoolbagsare behind the chair.Their bedroom is very nice. Lucy and Lily are _.A. brothersB. sistersC. twinsD. boys Lucy and her sister have _.A. two chairs and one deskB. two desks and one chairsC. two chairs and two desksD. one desk and one chair Lilys chair is _ and Lucys is _.A. red; blackB. yellow; blackC. black; redD. red; yellow精彩文档实用标准文案 Wheres Lucys skirt?A. Its on the clothes line. C. Its on her bed. Which sentence is wrong?B. Its on their desk.D. Its on her sisters bed.A.Theirclassroomis very niceB.Theirtwo beds lookthe same.C. Their clock, books, and pencil-boxes are on the desk.D. Their schoolbags are under the chair.( E)Teachers are very importantpeople.They teach everyone many good things.Everyyear in China thereis a TeachersDay is on September 10th. This is a nice day forthe teachers. Teachers teach many different things. They help people to know many things.() When is Teachers Day? Its on _.A.MondayB.everydayC.September10thD. every 10 days() What do teachers do? They _.A. work everywhereB. help peopleC. teach peopleD. go to school What do teachers teach? They teach _.A.onlyEnglishB.onlyChineseC.many differentthingsD. only children In China there is a teachers Day _.A. every yearB. for studentsC. for peopleD. for English teachers Teachers are _ people.A. oldB. youngC. importantD. good( F)Mr Green is a teacher of English. He comes from America. He teaches English inChina. He speaks English quite well.He reads a lotof books and his wifeMrs Green oftenwritesbooks forthe studentsand readsforthem.He gets up at fivein the morning.He leaveshome at ten to six.He begins the first lessons at 8:00. He teaches English every day except Sunday.At ten to twelve he finished his lessons. Ten minutes later he has lunch. In theafternoon he often plays games with his students at about four oclock. Sometimeshe teacheshisstudentsat his room. Supper time isat about six.Afterthathe readsnewspapers and watches TV. At about ten to eleven he goes to bed.() Mr Green is _.A. a ChineseB. an AustralianC. an EnglishD. an American精彩文档实用标准文案 He leaves home at _.A. 5:00B. 5:50C. 6:10D. 6:30 The students come to school every day except _ in a week.A. one dayB. two daysC. three daysD.four days He has lunch at _.A. 11:30B. 12:30C. 12:00D. 11:50 He watches TV or reads newspapers _.A. at sixB. after supperC. before supperD. in the afternoon三、完形填空ClozeA)用所给词填空完成短文。每空一词,每次只使用一次,有8 个词多余。A little boy comes to anew town. His name is Mike. Ofcourse he lives with hisparents.His fatheris a businessman.His familyis rich.They have a cook, a gardenerand ten servants.Mike comes to a new school.On the firstday hismother _to him, Mike, be _ at your _ school. Be careful. Dont say weare rich. And Peter says, OK. Mum!So Mike goes to school.He meets his new teacherand his classmates.And he comes_ the classroomwiththe otherchildren.The teachersays to the children,First, lets do a composition _ My family. And Mike writes, My nameis Mike. My family is poor. Myfather is poor. My mother is poor. The cook is poor.The gardener is poor and the other servants are poor, _.B)根据上下文内容,用适当的单词补全对话。每空一词。Lucy: Hello.Caller: Good afternoon. May I _ to Mr King?Dana: He _ in.Caller: Then your _ or your elder brother?Dana: Sorry, Im the _ one at home.Do you think itsa _ idea to let the caller _ you areat home alone? No, never! Do you know what to do then?Perhaps something _ this should be followed.Caller: Hello, is that Mr King?You: Oh, this is Dana. My father _ come to the phone now. May I takea message?Caller: Thank you. Please tell him to _ Mr Bridge.四、句型转换Sentence pattern transformationA)按要求改写下列各句型,每空一词。 Is that a woman driver?(改为复数句子)_ _ _ _? I know his sister very well.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ his sister very well? Spell the words in the whiteboard.(变为否定句)精彩文档实用标准文案_ _ the words on the whiteboard. There are some sheep in the picture.(对划线部分提问)_ _ sheep are there in the picture? It is a nice photo.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the photo?B)根据上句完成下句,使两句表达的意思相同或相近。每空一词。 Tracy looks like her mother.Tracy _ _ her mother. I think it is a big box.I _ think it is a _ box. Those are their English cars._ cars of theirs are _. She is Lilys Chinese teacher.She is the Chinese teacher _ _. Please take off your hat!Please _ your hat _!五、动词填空Fill in the Blanks with verbs用所给动词的适当形式填空。A farmer _ (be) tired. He _ (sit) near a tree. A rabbit isrunning fast. It doesnt _ (see) the tree.The famer _ (have) the rabbit. He _ (like not) _(work) on the farm again.Let me _ (wait) here.Oh, dont_ (be) afraidof me, my dear rabbits,_ (come) hereto the tree! But there _ (not be) rabbits coming.六、翻译TranslationA)把短文中的划线部分译成汉语。( 1) What do you know about sea? Some people know it, but others dont.( 2)The sea looks beautifulon a fine sunnyday and when thereis astrong wind, it canbe very rough. What other things do we know about the sea?Of course, the sea is very big.(3) In the world, there is more sea than land.( 4) When you swim in the sea, you will find that the water is salty. Rivers carrysalt from the land. Some places of sea are more salty than other places. ( 5) Do you know Dead Sea? Fish cant live in it._精彩文档实用标准文案_B)用所给提示词将下列各句译成英语。 我们应当互相学习,互相帮助。_ 凉衣绳上的衣服是谁的?(clothes line)_ 刘莉总是七点半做作业。_ 别坐在那里,过来!_ 在大房间里有两个窗户和两扇门,一个前门和一个后门。_七、智力测试Intelligence test Mum is not at home for a long time. All the things are at sixes and sevens.Here, at sixes and sevens means _.( You can answer in Chinese.) The neighbourcalledthe tallman coldfish,because he never help others.Whats the meaning of cold fishhere ?A. 冻鱼B.冷酷无情的人C.忙人D.杀手E.间谍 Putallthe ten lettersinthe grid( 格子 ) , so thatthe same fourwords canread both across and down in the same order .SETHAHEAAECTHMCEChoose thedifferentone ._A.MilkB.CoffeeC.TeaD.Candy What number is missing from the final (最后的 ) box ? _678?24253511八写作 (Writing)Linda有一个新房子, 她和 Barry 正在电话里谈论这个房子。请根据此情景 , 结合所给图片编写一段她们之间的对话。要求 : 1.发挥想象 , 将图片中的信息体现在对话中;2.条理清楚 , 意思连贯 , 语句通顺 , 标点正确 , 书写规范、清楚;精彩文档实用标准文案3. 不得少于 50 词。_精彩文档


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