九年级英语 Module 1 unit 2 You're sitting in my seat课件 外研版

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九年级英语 Module 1 unit 2 You're sitting in my seat课件 外研版_第1页
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九年级英语 Module 1 unit 2 You're sitting in my seat课件 外研版_第2页
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九年级英语 Module 1 unit 2 You're sitting in my seat课件 外研版_第3页
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MODULE 1 TRAVEL Unit 2 Youre sitting in my seat. TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS:1. New words: nod, tear, towards, cigarette, though2. Key Phrases: set off, get off 3.Key structures: Sentence structure Now it was in front of him, to set off soon. Ive got a long way to go. (重点重点)4. To get information from the reading material. (难难点点)Talk timeWhen you leave your parents and your home for the first time to a new place, what will you feel?When you meet some bad things or some impolite persons, do you have the bravery to face ?Reading time.From the title “Excuse me. Youre sitting in my seat”, can you guess what the passage will tell?Fast Reading (Group work)How many parts can the passage be divided ?P1-P4P5-P19Try to use your own words to show the main idea for each part.Maybe like thisSay goodbye to his brotherThe experience of getting back the seat from an impolite man.CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. How old was Lin?A.) He was 16 years old. B) He was 26 years old. C) He was 10 years old. D) He was older than his brother. What was it like on the train?A) It was almost empty. B) It was full of people and bags. C) There were few people. D) There were a number of empty seats. Detailed readingCHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. The man sitting in Lins seat _. A.) was bigger and stronger than Lin B) was very brave C) needed the seat more than Lin D) was more interesting than the other passengers What did the man with glasses do?A.) He looked out of the window. B) He shouted at Lin. C) He told the young man to move. D) He disappeared down the train. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. The young man in Lins seat would get off the train _.A.) at Beijing B) at the next stop C) at Lins village D) at Hangzhou How long would Lin stay on the train?A.) 10 minutes. B) One day. C) 12 hours. D) More than seven hours. CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. What did the young man sitting in Lins seat do in the end?A)He gave up the seat. B) He found another seat for Lin. C) He shouted at the man with glasses. D) He looked at Lins ticket. (1) his first long trip by train ( ) leaving his village and his home ( ) sitting in Lins seat.( )Slowly the young man stood up ( )This young man has the right ticket ( )with tears in his eyes Now read the passage again and num the phrases in the order they happen.23456New words and expressionsset off 出发,动身nod 点头tear 眼泪towards 往,向,朝cigarette 香烟though 虽然,尽管get off 下(火车,共交车)step 步,步骤Language points Dream about set off long trip at the start of the last 16 years hold sb in ones arms with tears in ones eyes push sb away look out of watch with interest turn to sb notbut in a stronger voice get off with glasses even if give up shout at sbexcept/ besidesa. All of us went to have a picnic yesterday. _ Daming, because he was ill and had to stay in bed.b. She is learning art _ music.In/with (表示穿戴)a.Who is that girl _ a red dress?b.My father often works _ a pair of gloves.exceptbesidesinwithSentence studyLin nodded, unable to speak.Now please find some like the example from the passage.With tears in his eyes, Jin pushed Lin away.“Sir, youre sitting in my seat,” Lin said, with a nervous smile.“Besides, I was here first,” said the man, without moving his head.表示点头时的状态Homework1.特训 M1 unit22.Homework 1 M1 unit23.Read passage for 10 minutes.


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