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U5_relax and exploreOpening upReference answersI like going to the beach most because it is more relaxing and less tiresome. I enjoy lying on the beach and bathing in the sunlight. / I prefer to have a holiday of sightseeing. I always enjoy seeing interesting spots in different places and learn some history about them.Listening to the worldSharing1Reference answersThe podcast is mainly about what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday.ScriptsF=Finn; M1=Man 1, etc.; W1=Woman 1, etc.Part 1F: I love hot weather, so when I go on holiday I like to travel to hot countries. Last year I went to Greece, which was beautiful. How about you? What kind of holidays do you like?W1: I like adventure holidays. But then, I like going on holidays where therere loads of famous landmarks.M1: I like relaxing beach holidays.W2: I like different kinds of holidays. I like city breaks, like going to London. Er, I also like beach holidays, though.W3:I like activity holidays, where we swim or, cycle or um, do boat trips or skiing, walking, that kind of thing.W4: Activity holidays really.M2: I really like beach holidays.W5: I love to go on beach holidays.W6: we like relaxing holidays.W7: We like all sorts of holidays. Er, relaxing ones and city breaks especially.2AnswersThe things you hear are:. adventure holidays. beach holidays. city breaks. activity holidays. swimming. skiing. relaxing holidayScriptsPart 2F: Where did you go on your last holiday?M2: My last holiday was to the Cook Islands, and, um, I had a fantastic time. I just sat on the beach and did not (do) very much read a couple of books, um, and went kayaking and did some other water sports.W5: The last holiday I went on was, um, to Bali, um, in Asia.W6: We went to Saint Lucia last year, where we had a relaxing holiday on the beach, reading our books and swimming.W4: Weve got two young children, so our last holiday we went to Disneyland in Paris.M3: Last year I went to Australia with my mom and friends and that was pretty much a beach holiday. We were there for two and a half weeks and it was very good, very warm.W7: We went to New York, er, five ladies! Um, and it was the most wonderful place, wonderful theaters, er, wonderful nightlife and safe.W1: My last holiday, I went to Rome. Er, we saw the Coliseum, the Spanish Steps. Um, one night there was live opera there. .W3: our last holiday was a city holiday, and we went to New York and had a great time just before Christmas. We did lots of shopping and looking (looked) at all the sights. And once wed had three days in, er, in New York, we then went to stay, to stay with friends up in Maine in New England.3Answers1. T2. He had a fantastic time.3. He went to Australia with his mom and friends for a beach holiday.4. T5. T6. They loved the wonderful city nightlife and it was safe.7. T8. She watched live opera there one night.9. She went to New York for a city holiday just before Christmas.10. TPart 3W2: Um, my last holiday, I went to France, to southern France, to see some friends of mine who live there.M1: the last holiday, I went to Mauritius and it was good. It was relaxing; it was a beach holiday. The food was fantastic treat seafood and the people were lovely.W1: They have really good food there. Amazing ice cream!W5: I thoroughly enjoyed, er, every minute.W6: Very relaxing. Lovely weather.M1: IT was a great place.W4: The boys really enjoyed it.M2: It was fantastic.4Answers1) relaxing2) fantastic3) lovely4) Amazing5) thoroughly enjoyed6) Lovely7) fantastic5. Reference Answers1) beach2) Xiamen, a famous city in southern China3) my good friends4) a week5) swam in the sea6) sunbathed on the beach7) lovely8) thoroughly enjoyedWhile you listenScriptsM: So, how do you usually travel? By plane or train?W: er train. I think traveling by train is more comfortable than flying. And I dont like flying.M: I put “plane” because flying is faster than going by train.W: Not always! OK, next question. Where do you like to stay: in a hotel or a self-catering apartment?M: In an apartment. And you?W: Hmm, in a hotel.M: Oh. But a hotel is more expensive than an apartment!W: Yeah, but its more comfortable. Hmm next question. What do you prefer to do: to sightseeing or relax on a beach?M: Oh, thats easy. I have beach holidays. Boring!W: OK theres one we answered the same. So we agree about that.M: Yeah, sightseeings definitely more interesting!W: Right. When do you like to go: in spring or summer?M: Er in spring I dont really like hot weather. Tourist places are more crowded in summer.W: True. But the weathers better. Summer is hotter than spring. I love hot weather.M: Well, we dont agree there. Anyway, next question. What do you like to eat: local dishes or the food you usually eat?W: Local dishes, I think. You?M: Definitely! Thats two answers the same!W: Hmm, interesting. Next what do you like to do in the evening? Go to a club or go to a restaurant?M: well, go to a restaurant.W: OH, good. Me, too. Its much quieter than a club.M: Yes I agree. Restaurants are quieterhmm, more relaxing.W: and the last question. how long is your perfect holiday?M: er three months.W: 5Answers1) 19622) leave their cars at home3) public transport4) build 5) keep in good condition6) 19487) got in and drove away8) engineering problem9) too heavy10) strong11) private12) difficult to fly13) traffic problemsAfter you listen6I like the idea of the monorail in that people could get to work faster y monorail than by car. / Ilike the idea of the plane with a car that comes off because one can fly to a place and then drive his / her own car without bothering to rent a car. / I like the idea of the home helicopter because with a home helicopter one can fly directly to the place he / she wants to by taking the shortest route.7.Reference answersThe horseless sulky:. It can only hold two people. Its difficult to slow down. Its open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:. Its very small. Its difficult to get in and out.8Reference answersStudent A: The Horseless Sulky was invented by an Italian in the 1930s. it is easy to turn and can go up to 190 kilometers per hour. It is also easy to get into and out of the Horseless Sulky. And it is easy to see things both on the left and on the right.Student B: The Lightning Bug was invented by an American in the 1930s. It can go up to 65 kilometers per hour. It is completely safe because it can stop I a very short time to avoid car crashes and it cant turn over. The windows are made of plastic instead of glass so that passengers wont get hurt.Student A: I think the Horseless Sulk is better than the Lightning Bug because it is so easy to get into and out of the Horseless Sulky, and it is easy to see things both on the left and on the right. In contrast, the Lightning Bug is very small and difficult to get in and out. Besides the Horseless Sulky can go so fast and it is three times faster than the Lightning Bug.Student B: I think the Lightening Bug is better than the Horseless Sulky. Although it does not go as fast as the Horseless sulky, it is completely safe because it cant turn over and it can stop in a very short time to avoid car crashes. The windows are made of plastic instead of glass so that passengers wont get hurt.ViewingBefore you view1Reference answers1. There is a computer problem in the control tower.2. It is mainly about how the passengers are feeling and how they spend their time waiting.While you viewScriptsP=presenter; W1=woman 1, etc.; M1=man 1, etc.Part 1P: Heathrow Airport is having a bad day. Hundreds of passengers cant fly because of a computer problem in air traffic control. In Terminal 1, things are getting worse. More and more passengers are arriving. Some airplanes are leaving, but many flights are canceled. Everyone is hoping to find a flight. Some of the waiting passengers are having a snack while others are spending their time outside. Its a hot summer day. Back inside the terminal, its getter hotter and hotter. Some people came here five hours ago. W1: Im here with my grandmother and my parents and its terrible for us to wait here for such a long time now. we have to sleep at the airport because no hotel is available. S, its just terrible.M1: Have a look at this. Improvisation at its best. Im glad theyre sleeping now. I was hoping to get to Berlin soon.P: People are still trying to find a flight.W2: Ive had my son go on the Internet, my daughter be in one queue, me be in the other queue and on the mobile, all at the same time, trying to get to Amsterdam for 9:30 tomorrow morning.M2: After five hours queuing, you you really become really Zen, you know and here its pretty calm.2 Answers1. queuing2. making phone calls3. pizza4. playing outside5. chess3AnswersA: 3, 5B:2C: 1,6D: 4ScriptsP=PresenterPart 2P: The airport managers find an interesting solution to one of the problems: garden chairs. With the chairs to relax in, some passengers are finding new ways to pass the time. Inside Terminal 1, its lae at night, after midnight. And many passengers are still here, waiting for their flight. Around 300 flights left Heathrow that day, but 319 flights were canceled, and over 500 people spent the night in the terminal.4.Answers1) airport managers2) relax3) pass the time4) midnight5) their flight6) 3007) 3198) 500After you view5Reference answers1) Beijing2) terrible 3) 7 p.m.4) a computer problem in the control tower5) cancelled6) another flight7) queue/wait8) sleeping everywhere at the airport9) took off10) 3 oclock this morningSpeaking for communicationRole-playScriptsB=Boss; S=Secretary; D=David; G=GeorgeB: Where are the other people? We were supposed to start 15 minutes ago.S: Alex called and said hes he here in a second. He said he got tied up with a customer.B: Thats all right. I know what Alexs customer is like.D: Morning, everyone! Please forgive me. I didnt mean to come so late. I was just getting a cup of coffee at the coffee shop and the line was way too long. I had to wait for 20 minutes to get my coffee.B: David, this is not acceptable. If I say the meeting starts at 10, the meeting starts at 10. Not ten-o-one! And definitely not ten-twenty.D: Yes, sir. It wont happen again, I promise.B: I hope so, David. All right. Lets get started. So the first thing I want to talk about is our.G: Im really sorry, everyone! I know Im late. But really, its not my fault.B: OK, whats the story this time, George?The railway service was delayed this morning. You know what happened? They say a train hit a cow that got onto the line between two stationsB: A cow? George, do you expect me to believe that?1Reference answers 1. tied up; customer2. 20; coffee3. Delayed; cow; stations2Reference answers.1. all right2. mean3. not acceptable4. wont 5. really6. not my fault31.X 2.X 3.T 4.T 5.X 6.T 7.T4Reference answers1.A: Im terribly sorry. I didnt mean to be so late for the party.B: Its no big deal. We started the party just a few minutes ago.A: I went to buy this present for you. But when I was going to pay, the credit card machine broke down, and I didnt have enough cash. I had to find an ATM machine to get some cash. So, Im late.B: Thats all right.A: I feel terrible. I should have brought the present earlier. But I was too busy toB: Please dont worry about it. And thanks a lot for the present!2A: Honey, I am so sorry that I am late.B: What happened?A: Well, actually I left home early, but the traffic was terrible. To make matters worse, when I was almost there, the road was blocked because of a car accident, so I had to walk three blocks to get here.B: You should have taken the subway. Its Saturday.A: I forgot the traffic would be so bad on Saturdays. Im terribly sorry to keep you waiting.B: Never mind. Next time remember not to take a bus here on Saturdays.3B: You are 10 minutes late.A: Im really sorry, sir. I didnt mean to be late for the interview. But someone jumped off the platform and the subway service was closed. So, I had to take a taxi to get here. Then I got stuck in a traffic jam! Im sorry.B: all right then. Lets start the interview. 4B: Hi, this is Professor Robertson. How are you? Im afraid you are 15 minutes late.A: Hi, Professor Robertson. Its only 2:15. Shouldnt the appointment be at 3:00?B: well, no. we were supposed to meet at 2:00. A: Oh! Please forgive me! I thought it was 3:00 as usual. I forgot we had changed the time. Im so sorry. Will you still have time for me if Iarrive in 20 minutes?B: Yes, no problem.A: thank you so much. See you soon.B: Youre welcome. See you soon.Group discussionGet ideasScriptsA=attendant; P=passengerA: Your meal, sir.P: Thank you. Um excuse me.A: Yes, can I help you?P: hope so! Im sorry, but theres a small problem her. I ordered a vegetarian meal but this is meat.A: Oh, just a moment. I checked and we dont have a record of your order.P: What? But I always order vegetarian. Im a frequent flyer.A: I Understand, sir. But we dont have any more meals in business class.P: I dont believe it! You always have extra meals in business class.A: Yes, but this is economy class.P: You dont understand. Let me explain one more time. I dont eat meat. I ordered vegetarian. I cant fly to Tokyo without dinner. Its your job to bring me a meal. A business class vegetarian meal is fine.A: Just a moment. Here you are, sir. A vegetarian meal.P: Thank you, but this is already open. And its cold. Um, can I speak to the person in charge, please.1 Answers1) a vegetarian meal2) meat3) his order4) business class5) cold6) the person in charge2AnswersPassenger1. small2. dont 3. dont understand4. one more time5. job 6. speakattendant1. understand2. momentPresent ideas5Reference answersA: (To B, the childs parent) Excuse me, Maam. Id like to take a nap. Its a long flight, you know, and Im really tired. But Im afraid your boy is a bit too noisy. Can you do something to quiet him down a bit, please?B: Im terribly sorry. Ive tried to stop him, but this is the first time traveling by plane and he feels uncomfortable. Im sorry. I dont know what to do. Hes just a little child after allA: Yes, I understand. Maybe I should talk to the attendant and see if theres anything she can do. (To C, the attendant) Excuse me?C: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?A: Id like to move to a quitter seat so I can take a nap. The boy beside me just keeps screaming and it seems there is no way to quiet him down. Could you check for me if there is a vacant seat on this flight.C: Sure. Ill go check for you. Ill help you move to another seat as soon as I find a vacant one.A: Thank you.Problem 2A: (to B, the passenger who picks up As suitcase) Excuse me?B: Yes?A: Is that suitcase yours?B: Yes, of course. Anything wrong?A: Im not sure, but I think it is mine. It looks exactly like mine.B: No way! This is mine. I know what my suitcase looks like.A: But Ive been waiting for a long time and I havent seen my suitcase yet, so I couldnt help wondering Would you mind opening the suitcase to see whats inside?B: This is my suitcase, and Im not going to open it. Why should i?A: All right then. Im going to call the airport staff to handle this for us.(to C, the airport staff) Excuse me. Im afraid I need you help.C: Of course. Whats the problem, Maam?A: This gentleman has picked up a suitcase which I think belongs to me. I suggested we open it to see whats inside, but he refused. Can you check for us?C: Yes, of course. (to B) May I open it, sir? Could you name some of the things you have in the suitcase.Problem3A: (To B, the guest next door) I can see you are having a party and I hate to disturb, but Im staying next door and I cant fall asleep with that noise coming out from your room. Could you quiet down a bit?B: Sorry, sir, but you see, this is the only night I spend here and its the only chance for me to meet my friends and have some fun together. Besides, its only half past nine. Isnt it too early to go to bed?A: You dont understand. I have to catch the six oclock train tomorrow morning. So I have to get up really early.B: Ill tell my friends about this, but with so many people here you know, I cant promise, really.A: (To C, the hotel staff) The people in the room next door are making a big noise. Ive talked to them, but they are having a party. Is there anything you can do? I need to go to bed early because I have to get up early tomorrow morning to catch the train.C: I see, sir. Ill talk to them immediately. Im sorry about this.A: Oh, its not your fault. But could you please find another room for me? Im afraid they will go on like this the whole night.C: Yes, that might be a better idea. Please wait a minute yes, there is vacant room at the other end of the corridor. You can move there if you want.A: Yes, Id like to . thank you.Further practice in listeningShort conversationsScripts Conversation 1M: Would you like to share a taxi with me to the airport? We can save money that way.W: Actually, Im not flying. Im going to the conference by train. I was thinking of driving, but it will be too tiring.Q: How is the woman going to travel?Conversation 2W: I have to catch the 10:45 train. I think Id better get to the station by half past 10.M: Oh, its just a small station. Itll be fine if you arrive there five minutes before the train departs.Q: according to the man, at what time could the woman arrive at the station?Conversation 3M: Did you say I should take the No. 46 bus to your house? Because I remember going there once on the No. 28.W: The No.28 bus has been canceled. It used to run straight to my house and it was faster than the No. 46. Its too bad.Q: What does the woman say about the bus services?Conversation 4W: Many people would rather take the bus or the subway than drive by themselves. Parking is getting to be a real headache.M: That doesnt surprise me, for more and more people are buying their own cars. Q: What does the man mean?Conversation 5M: Excuse me, could you please tell me when the next train to London is?W: Sure. The next train to London is two hours from now, but if you do not mind connecting at Manchester, there is one indirect train leaving in 10 minutes.Q: what information about train services does the woman provide?Answers1C 2 B 3D 4D 5ALong conversationScriptsM: Did you here.? The new high-speed train around the capital is almost finished. It will travel at 180 miles per hour!W: I know! I saw it on Channel 6 this morning on TV. I cant wait! It will change my work travel time from 2 hours each way to just 45 minutes each way.M: Wow, Rachel ! thats way too long to spend traveling to work.W: well, John, I leave home in the morning at 6 and arrive at work at 8. Leave work at 5 and arrive back home at 7. During my 2-hour travel time on the subway, I do catch up on emails and try to read and rest a little.M: so, the new high-speed train will be a big help for you then, Rachel!W: Yes! Now my travel time to work is so long that any extra time like for shopping can be really tough. The new high-speed tra


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