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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上同学们,大家好!这份考前辅导材料先从一则故事入手,让我们先来走进它:1968年,在墨西哥奥运会的百米赛道上,美国选手吉海因斯撞线后,转过身子看运动场上的记分牌。当指示灯打出9.95秒的字样后,海因斯摊开双手自言自语地说了一句话。这一情景通过电视网络,全世界至少有好几亿人看到,可是由于当时他身边没有话筒,因此海因斯到底说了句什么话,谁都不知道。但人们清楚地知道这是人类历史上首次有人在百米赛道上突破10秒大关。1984年,洛杉矶奥运会前夕,一位叫戴维帕尔的记者在办公室回放墨西哥奥运会的资料片,当再次看到海因斯回头、摊手、自言自语的镜头时,他想他一定说了一句不同凡响的话。但这一新闻点,竟被当时400多名在现场的记者给漏掉了,这实在是个天大的遗憾。于是他决定去采访海因斯,问他当时到底咕哝了句什么话。当被问起16年前的事时,海因斯想了想笑着说:“当时难道没人听见吗?我说,上帝啊,那扇门原来是虚掩着的!”谜底揭开之后,戴维帕尔接着对海因斯进行了采访。针对那句话,海因斯说:“自美国运动员欧文斯于1936年5月25日在柏林奥运会上创下10.03秒的百米赛世界纪录之后,以詹姆斯格拉森医生为代表团的医学界断言,人类的肌肉纤维所承载的运动极限不会超过每秒10米,的确,这一纪录保持了32年,这一说法在田径场上非常流行,我也以为这是真的,但是,我想我的最高水平该跑出10.01秒的成绩。于是,每天我以自己最快的速度跑50公里。因为我知道,百米冠军不是在百米赛道上练出来的。当我在墨西哥奥运会上看到自己9.95秒的纪录之后,我惊呆了,原来10秒这个门不是紧锁着的,它虚掩着,就像终点那根横着的绳子。”“百米冠军不是在百米赛道上练出来的。”,“每天我以自己最快的速度跑50公里。”同学们,就是这每天的坚持成就了海因斯在最后的赛道上突破了自己的“10秒大关”,推开了虚掩着的成功之门,成就了自己,创造了历史。高考不也如此?看似枯燥、单调、甚至令人心烦的一份一份小练、一题一题讲解、一遍一遍重复,回想起来不正是铺就了我们通向虚掩着的那扇门吗?越是接近终点,越要屏气凝神、步履坚定、成竹在胸。因为我们知道,翻过了这份“考前辅导材料”,“2018年高考卷”的尊容就在那扇虚掩着的门背后。去吧,去轻轻地推开它!高三英语组全体老师预祝莘莘学子梦想成真!2018届高考英语考前辅导l 应试总方法:“一看二序三速四查”。一看:充分利用考前分钟,认真阅卷,同时调节紧张的心理。阅卷时要注意,答题要求、题量、总页码及正反面的试题。不要迫不急待答题。“磨刀不误砍柴工”。二序:遵循先易后难的原则,不要违反规律。三速:在规定的120分钟内完成全部试题需要一定的速度。以下为各项题目建议时间分配:(学生可根据自己的实际作适当调整)听力单项、完形阅读理解任务型书面表达涂卡、整理20分钟25分钟35分钟13分钟25分钟2分钟(建议做好一大题就涂好一大题)四查:在完成全部试题后要认真检查:1. 试题是否全部完成(包括正、反面)。不要轻易改答案(尤其是阅读理解),除非恍然大悟。2. 答题卡是否全部涂规范、正确,考号、姓名、科目等是否正确无误。3. 对漏做、疑难的题目进行强攻。l 各题型的解题方法指导一、听力题的解题技巧1浏览试题,学会预测话题。高考英语听力测试的对话或短文的测试点一般都集中体现在一些主要信息上,在听力测试开始前,或每段对话后的十秒钟的间隔时间,我们应迅速浏览每小题的题干和选项,搜索出答题可能涉及的相关信息,并据此有意识地预测对话或短文的内容或可能隐藏的答题需的重要信息。2合理分配注意力。在高考英语听力测试中,由于成篇的听力材料的信息量大且集中,中间又夹杂着大量的冗余信息,在听录音时,要养成听前抢读、听中边听边记、抓关键词等技巧,科学合理地分配注意力,可以有效地提高听力测试成绩。3运用归纳、分析、综合等技巧推断最佳答案。纵观近几年高考英语听力试题,整体听力材料所提供的信息越来越大,句子长,结构复在理解录音材料大意、掌握其中重要细节的基础上,再经过分析、判断,才能选出最佳答案。4了解文体特点,注意结构层次一般情况下,整体听力材料第6-10段中都有一段独白材料,我们在听这段材料时,如果能够充分了解短文的文体特点和结构层次,将有助于我们在听的过程中分清主次,将注意力集中在关键语句(主题句)和与问题有关的内容上来。建议:1.高考之前的每一天都要听一份;2.多读听力原材料。二、单选题的解题技巧适当做些单项选择题,腾出些时间看以前的听课笔记和错题集。复习各次大型考试和各地调研卷和模拟卷大单选题,研究2016年和2017年的高考题的单选题。要重视语境题、时态题、三大从句、动词和动词短语相关的单选题。考察趋势:最近几年关于语法的高考题更注重在具体的语境中考查,在单选题中没有无用的句子和单词,要学会仔细分析,找到题眼,选出正确答案。所以复习语法专题的同时要注意交际方面的问题,要特别注意从语境和语意中来解决语法问题。语法重点要掌握情态动词和虚拟语气、时态语态、非谓语动词以及定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句等大块的内容。语法复习参看语法错题。本几套试题难度适中,题目不难,不长,不偏,不怪。可能不对学霸的口味,但却是高考题的味道。大家选择使用。单选训练题组(1)21. The Internet Plus will bring about the fourth industrial revolution for manufacturing _the conventional business models.A. in charge of B. in contrast to C.in defense of D. in proportion to22. Some experts believe that the students, once _ to computer games, will probably lose opportunities of progressing.A. addictingB. addicted C. having addicted D.being addicted23. The company has been performing poorly over the past year.In my view, it needs to _ its image.A. hold up B.take up C. step up D.polish up24.A survey indicates that if we rapidly_between activities, we cant focus on what were doing.A. swap B. swing C. stretch D. switch25. I have come across you before, I think, but I cant remember where.It must have been in the Grand Hotel where Jacks wedding _.A. takes place B. took place C. has taken place D. would take place26. The Belt and Road Forum, _ a total of 1500 visitors have attended, is centered on the goal of promoting common development and prosperity. A. where B.when C. that D. which27. If you _yourself to an unpleasant situation or fact, you accept it because you realize that you cannot change it. A. commit B.transfer C. apply D. resign28.In times of trouble or difficulty, one may take_help is available.A.whoever B. whenever C. whatever D.wherever29. In order to achieve and guarantee basic human rights, equality of opportunity is.A. essential B. ridiculous C.potential D. cautious30Professor Smith, Id like to take a gap year to Africato serve in a global anti-Aids campaign. Good idea, _ you can afford the time. A. provided that B. in case C. even if D. so that31. Home-made C919,the updated_ of the narrow-body aircraft,made its maiden flight in Shanghai.A. revision B.version C. dimension D. vision32. Jerry has promised to keep the secret, so he wont tell anyone even though_.A.asked to keep B. to be asked C. to ask D. asked to33. Why didn t you attend the meeting this morning?But I _ anything about that Adidnt tell Bhavent told Chadn t been told Dhavent been told34. Little Daniel is watering the flowers! Why?Well, Im not feeling very well todayotherwise I _ it myself. A. did B. would do C. had done D.would have done35.-Hey, you fellow! Would you like to come and taste the dishes I have cooked?-Dont _. You even dont know how to fry an egg.A. rain cats and dogs B. pull my leg C. be all ears D. be all thumbs21-25BBDDB 26-30 DDCAA 31-35BDCBB三、完形填空题的解题技巧1完形填空的解题步骤(1)通读全文,了解大意。做完形填空时,要利用首句的提示,跳过空格,通过略读的方式浏览全文,了解全文的大意,在此基础上再进行解题。(2)前后兼顾,先易后难。在理解了文章大意的基础上,先将容易的、自己有把握的题目解出来,然后再结合上下文寻找相关的提示信息去解决难题。(3)复读全文,仔细检查。完成解题后,务必用2-3分钟的时间将文章从头至尾读一遍,查看内容是否通顺、流畅、自然、地道。对于极个别特别难的题目可以凭语感来确定。2完形填空解题技巧(1)充分利用首句信息。(2)多角度的逻辑推理。(3)从上下文中寻找线索。(4)利用语法分析解题。(5)利用文化背景和生活常识解题。(6)习惯用法和词语辨析。(7)语篇标志的利用。巩固练习: AMy mother once said her aim in life was to be capable of satisfying her desire to leave a personal legacy(遗产)in this world. Whatever was thrown her way in life, she never 36 . Her strength, her determination, her belief and values were her strongest qualities and she 37 them with everything she did. She left us with many 38 to share, whether they brought us bitter tears or delighted laughter. My mothers skills to make 39 were endless. She showed great potential as an enterpriser and a leader of vision. My mother dreamed of one day owning her own company but she 40 believed in stability and worked the 41 9 am-5pm job being a dental hygienist(牙科保健员)and eventually 42 in the Health Insurance Industry 43 her retirement. In daily life, she had amazing leadership skills and forward-looking ideas that made us 44 that anything is possible if you have a dream. My mothers greatest accomplishment, besides 45 her two daughters, was 46 being able to receive her four-year degree in Science and Management. That accomplishment took many years to complete but her 47 never faltered(变弱). She was truly a(n) 48 . Several years after receiving the degree, she became an author, another important 49 made by her. Her first book called Red River Rising was published in 2002 and 50 in 2006 a book called Reality in Rachel was published. My mothers 51 to express her words, through her books and poetry, 52 many of us. she always seemed to know exactly what to 53 with her touching words. Its a 54 that she isnt here to write her story today but I pray I can 55 her through my words.36. A. broke up B. turned up C. gave up D. stayed up37. A. showed B. studied C. imagined D. compared38. A. opportunities B. advantages C. techniques D. memories39. A. jokes B. money C. food D. notes40. A. never B. next C. even D. still41. A. incredible B. alternative C. traditional D. compulsory42. A. retired B. abandoned C. worked D. failed43. A. after B. until C. since D. upon44. A. suppose B. doubt C. predict D. realize45. A. raising B. bearing C. celebrating D. controlling46. A. nearly B. finally C. directly D. merely47. A. organization B. opposition C. determination D. education48. A. inspiration B. enterpriser C. authority D. explorer49. A. experiment B. accomplishment C. adjustment D. movement50. A. almost B. alone C. again D. thus51. A. chances B. wishes C. duties D. abilities52. A. saved B. moved C. blessed D. amused53. A. say B. leave C. change D. give54. A. reason B. pity C. hope D. thought55. A. help B. advise C. improve D. honor36-40CADBD 41-45CCBDA 46-50BCABC 51-55DBABD 四、阅读理解题的解题技巧高考考纲在阅读理解方面对考生有六大要求,即理解主旨要义、理解文中具体信息、根据上下文推断生词的词义、做出简单判断和推理、理解文章的基本结构、理解作者的意图观点态度。这六个能力要求对应我们常见的六种题型:主旨大意题、细节理解题、词义猜测题、推理判断题、文章结构题及作者观点态度题。主旨要义题注意点:(1)要找到文章的关键词(2)范围不能太大,也不能太小即只是文章部分信息(3)主旨在文章开头(如调查或研究结果、新闻报道、部分议论文等)、主旨在文章结尾、主旨在文章第二或第三段(第一或一二段为主题的引子)或通读以后进行对各个部分概括所得,当然最后一种较难,那么就要养成对文章标段,读完每段要抓出段落大意,这种方法对文章结构题也同样适用。词义猜测题注意点:一般在前句或后句中体现,通过解释、说明等方法,常用 that is, that is to say, in other words , which(who)引导的定语从句来解释,或but, however, and 等表示与之相反或并列(同类),通过这些进行简单的分析都不难得出答案。推理判断题注意点:(1)了解常用的表示推断的词:infer, imply, suggest, reveal, mean, intend, conclude等;有时提问中含有may, might, probably, most likely等表示可能的词和surely等表示肯定的词,这些细节词也要注意。(2)了解类型:推断文章的出处、作者的态度(positive, negative, neutral, approving, opposed, objective, subjective, indifferent, cautious, worried, doubtful, suspicious等)、节选的文章上文或下文所讲内容(3)根据作者所使用的词语的褒贬性进行判断;区分开作者的态度及作者引用的别人的态度;读文章前先读题、边读边标小结、读一段标出、划出或自己用中文或英文写出本段的main idea来帮助正确定夺文章结构图答案。阅读理解题的干扰项的设置具有一定的迷惑性,起干扰作用。它不仅能检测出考生理解、概括、推断等逻辑思维的精确性、深刻性,而且对考生个性心理品质也是一种检验,干扰项的干扰性一般在如下五个方面:1脱离原文;2以偏概全;3扩缩范围;4偷换概念;5正误并存。希望同学们用火眼金睛排除这些干扰项,提高阅读题的正确率。提示:选择答案时应以文章作为依据,而不要以自己的想法或经历作为依据。 五、任务型阅读题的解题技巧任务型阅读(Task-based reading)要求学生在限定的时间内,根据文章提供的信息,用恰当的词语完成与文章相关的图表。该题型主要考查学生对于不同体裁和不同题材语言材料的理解能力,以及归纳、提取信息的能力。任务型阅读侧重语篇分析和文章脉络的剖析,即文章的结构和框架。题目常按照一定的逻辑顺序展开。考生要在分析了解文章篇章结构的基础上,认真对照图表上所要完成的任务,逐一对照原文进行信息的筛选。任务型阅读要求考生不但掌握具体事实情节,又要理解其深层含义,包括作者的态度、观点、意图等,掌握所读材料的主旨大意、中心思想;既要理解文章的含义及逻辑关系,又要根据其含义及逻辑关系进行判断和推理,运用材料中的信息去理解、分析问题。特别提醒:做题不要急,先预测空格的词性,然后在文章中找相关的句子,不要马上写,注意是否有词性变化!答案也要关注关键词,不会在原句出现,但会在其他句子中出现。字母大小写名词的数和格动词的形式形容词副词的比较级最高级连词,介词时态语态,主谓一致,第三人称等注意:同一级栏目下词形的一致性;首字母是否要大写等。常用的概括性的词汇:definition of; introduction to;topic/title;theme; conclusion; evaluation; comparison; reason for; cause of; result/findings (of the study); effect; consequence, advice/suggestions/tips on; tips for sth; measures/steps (taken/sb takes); solution to sth/doings sth; way (to do/of doing), approach (to sth./doingsth), features/characteristicsof, benefits/advantages/weaknesses;drawbacks/ disadvantages/strengths; differences; similarities , types/kinds/categories of ; purpose,aim; history; significance/importance of ; present/current/future situation etc.近两年学生练习中常见的同义词转换:专心-专注-专业 1. take advantage of = make use of 2. by accident/ chance = accidentally 3. take sth. into consideration/account = consider 4. in all/ total = totally 5. oppose sth. = be against sth. = object to sth. = disagree with sth. 6. in the beginning = at first 7. be responsible for = take/shoulder/bear responsibility for 8. take an active part in sth. = take part in sth. actively 9. approve of = in favor of = agree to = favor = subscribe to 10. have faith/ trust in = trust = believe in 11. out of breath = breathlessly 12. cope with = deal with = handle 13. in a hurry/rush = hurriedly 14. despite = in spite of 15. valuable = be of value 16. make an apology = apologize17. encourage participation in = take part in = play a role in = participate in 18. understand clearly = have a clear understanding of 19. matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make a difference 20. explain = make an explanation 21. offer sth. to sb. = provide sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.22. have access to = be accessible to = be available to 23. use up = run out of 24. stop = quit = give up 25. be accused of = be charged with 26. most of the people = the majority of the people 27. benefit = be beneficial to = be of benefit to 28.cater to (satisfy/meet) ones needs/demands/requirements来源:学#科#网Z#29. starve to death = die of hunger/starvation 来源30. all at once = all of a sudden = suddenly 31. in particular = particularly 32. deliberately = on purpose 33. out of the question = impossible = less likely 34. take the risk of doing sth. = risk doing sth.35. respect sb.= show respect for sb. = look up to sb.= be respectful to sb. 36. prepare = make preparations for = get ready for 37. take in = absorb 38. appear = turn up = show up 39. give a description of = describe 40. lead to = cause = bring about = result in 41. be different from = differ from 42. commit suicide = kill oneself 43. succeed in doing sth. = manage to do sth.44. be in response to sth.= respond to = react to 45. make up something new = invent 46. a person with a physical disability = a disabled person 47. go through = experience 48. varieties of = different kinds of = a variety of = various 49. make contributions to = contribute to 50. stand for = represent 51. be willing to do sth. = do sth. willingly 52. give permission to = permit 53. that is to say = in other words = namely 54. come to sbs aid = aid 55. damage = cause damage to 56. all the year round = throughout the year57. in any case = at any rate = at any price/cost 58. without doubt = undoubtedly 59. make an impression = impress60. put up with = stand = bear = endure61. all in all= overall62. in no time= immediately63. in advance=ahead(beforehand)64. on a large scale= massively65. with a clear mind=keep clear-minded66. treat yourself to a movie.=reward yourself with a movie.67.pose a threat to sb/sth= threaten sb/sth68. put sb/sth in danger=endanger sth69. and so on= and the like=or whatever70. keep the balance of the ecosystem=maintain a balanced ecosystem71. be popular=enjoy popularity=catch on72. speed up=accelerate73. all but= nearly74. call off= cancel75. distribute= give out76. He doesnt think so.= He thinks otherwise.77. put emphasis on sth=emphasize sth78. let go of=realease79. strong points= strengths80. have a strong influence in many aspects=be influential in many aspects81.give rise to=give birth to=cause 82. draw near= approach83. look very much alike=closely resemble84. make it not complicated= simplify85. Everything happens for a reason.= Everything comes in to serve a purpose86. do less exercise-be inactive87.give the secret away=betray/reveal ones secret88. set sb free= release sb89. at ease= comfortably90. with ease=easily91. as family members=feel at home92.without a clear purpose=purposelessly=aimlessly93. keep sb. informed of=update sb. on sth.94. get better= recover95.areas where you need to make improvements=weaknesses96.performances and results are the assessment factors that remain at the top of a managements list.=performances and results are a priority97. protect sb from diseases= be resistant to diseases98.should be severely punished= deserve severe punishment99. Each of us can make a valuable contribution towards preserving our environment.=Everyone should get involved in the protecting the environment.100. be out of date= be outdated任务型中的固定词组(2017模拟卷)be well receivedbe keen on/ be bent onin recognition offind fault withdeal with/ cope withhave a good understanding/ knowledge ofallow forthe attitude to/ towardsa sense of belongingmake a difference tofreefroma solution/ an approach to doingget in the way 阻碍it pays to do 做。是有益的at an early age/ at a young ageDespite the fact thatbe concerned/ anxious/ worried aboutbe of great significance/ importance/ benefitbe aware/ conscious ofhave easy access totake pride inattach great importance tokeep in mindbe unwilling/ reluctant to dooccupy oneself withput into practical use/ application2018模拟卷result inenjoy great popularitydraw a conclusionon purposeplace restrictions onin ones favor/ interestcome to light 显露,为人所知result/ arise froma hard/ tough nutto some degree/ extentbe replaced/ substituted bytake advantage ofwithin easy reachbe decided/ determined by六、书面表达题的解题技巧书面表达题可以从以下几个方面进行解题:1审题:认真阅读试题,做到明确中心思想,判断类型和特点,了解重点内容,力求切中题意。不论书面表达是以哪种形式提供情景,都要首先搞清楚要求写的是一般记叙文,还是说明文,应用文等。只有审清题目,明确了体裁与格式,方能有的放矢。2打草稿:将要点在草稿纸上用英语表达出来,力争语句正确地道,尽可能地减少错误,避免出现汉字、拼音、空格等低级错误,尽量避开自己使用起来没有把握的单词和句子。要充分运用熟悉的有把握的句型和词组,不要做不必要的冒险和牺牲。同时注意时态、人称、顺序和开头结尾。其中时态和人称至关重要。3修改:写完后要认真通读一遍,改正错误,尤其是时态、人称、主谓一致、习惯用法、单词拼写等容易出错的地方。4誊答案:衡水体5再复查:将答案誊到答题纸上之后,还要快速地复查一下,以防止由于粗心大意而出现的一些完全可以避免的错误,例如单复数、拼写、搭配、时态、标点符号等方面的错误。


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