专题01 读后续写: 冲突构思大法(解析版)-高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx

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专题01 读后续写: 冲突构思大法(解析版)-高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx_第1页
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专题01 读后续写: 冲突构思大法(解析版)-高考英语读后续写核心素养与实战演练.docx_第2页
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专题01冲突构思大法(解析版)I如何通过矛盾设计来写好作文?一第一,矛盾冲突包括两种主要形式:一是外部冲突,包括人与人、人与周围环境的矛盾; 二是内部冲突,指的是特定环境下人物自身的矛盾。第二,如何设计矛盾冲突?从大的方向上说,它包括三个方面:人与人、人与周围环境、 人物内心。从内容方面来说,这种矛盾冲突,是现实生活里由于人们的立场、观点、思 想感情、理想愿望的不同而产生的矛盾斗争,是人们的主观与客观、正确与错误、先进 与落后等种种矛盾斗争的反映。M构思作文时,一般都会想到哪给盾冲突呢?从立意的角度来说,矛盾冲突要指向人们的价值取向。比如生与死、是与非、成与败、诚与 伪、忠与奸、善与恶、荣与辱、得与失、乐与苦、爱与恨、兴与衰、小我与大我、主观与客 观这是需要我们在写作之前想清楚的。例了:下面这篇文章大意:感恩节到了,我继续和往年-样,这-天会开车送礼物如食物 给穷人。但是有一年,我和妻子呆在纽约的旅馆里,不能回家团圆,我告诉妻子我的往 年的做法,妻子非常开心。但我们需要货车(van)才能购物。于是我们准备在街头上拦一 辆车,妻子同意了。文章凭什么吸引阅卷者的眼光,拿到高分的? 一句话:矛盾设计精巧。首先,是人与周围环境的矛盾。环境的恶劣:chilly wind,我们却在拦车,突出艰难。(插一句:环境的描写,可以力求个渐变的技巧,譬如在小说I survive里有一句:The wind moaned at first. Then it started to howl, and finally it was shrieking so loudly Dad had to turn up the TV.)其次,是人与人的矛盾。纽约的街头,无人同情我们,更无人对我们道一声辛苦,大家似乎 什么也没有看到。但最后我们还是看到了热心人,并且和我们一起去帮助他人。最后,是人的内心冲突。从开始的充满希望到绝望:Who can we turn to?” my wife murmured with a fierce frown ,we found ourselves on the verge(边缘)of giving up 至 lj 重新 充满期待:The nearly-extinguished (快要熄灭的)sparks of hope were instantly rekindled (点燃)她真的很紧张她哥哥是否给她带来了她想要的东西。8. 萨拉,看看我给你带来了什么。”他用颤抖的双手从包里拿出奖品。9. 萨拉一看到鞋子,脸上就喜形于色。10. 她激动得向阿里扑了过去。“谢谢你! ”当兄妹紧紧拥抱在一起时,他们的眼睛里 涌出喜悦的泪水。参考答案:1. 在这一点上他拒绝放弃,他跳起来,尽可能快地跑。Refusing to give up at this point, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could.2. 他冲过终点线,得了四等奖。He dashed across the finish line and won the fourth prize.3. 想到他会让她妹妹失望,阿里忍不住抽泣起来。Thinking he would let her sister down, Ali couldnt help sobbing.4. 就在这时,他突然听到广播里宣布他获得了三等奖,因为与阿里相撞的赛跑者因违 反规定被取消资格。Just then he suddenly heard the announcement from the broadcast that he won the third prize as the runner who collided with Ali was disqualified for breaking the rule.5. 在颁奖典礼上把鞋放在胸前,阿里感到欣喜若狂,如释重负因为他最终为妹妹赢得 了这双鞋。Holding the shoes close to his chest during the award ceremony, Ali felt overjoyed and relieved as he eventually won the shoes for his sister.6. 他迫不及待地想见到他的妹妹并分享这个令人激动的消息。He could not wait to see his sister and share the thrilling news.7. 到达时,阿里发现萨拉在外面等着。On his arrival, Ali found Zahra was waiting outside.8. 她真的很紧张她哥哥是否给她带来了她想要的东西。She was really nervous whether her brother had brought her what she was expecting.9. 萨拉,看看我给你带来了什么。”他用颤抖的双手从包里拿出奖品。Zahra, see what I have got for you. he took the prize out of his bag with his trembling hands.10. 萨拉一看到鞋子,脸上就喜形于色。The instant Zahra saw the shoes, her face lit up.H.她激动得向阿里扑了过去。“谢谢你! ”当兄妹紧紧拥抱在一起时,他们的眼睛里 涌出喜悦的泪水。So thrilled was she that she threw herself at Ali. Thank you! Ali., Tears of joy welled up their eyes as the brother and sister hugged tightly together.参考范文:【参考答案】One possible version:Paragraph 1:Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead. Refusing to give up at this point, he jumped to his feet and ran as fast as he could. He dashed across the finish line and won the fourth prize. Thinking he would let her sister down, Ali couldnt help sobbing. Just then he suddenly heard the announcement from the broadcast that he won the third prize as the runner who collided with Ali was disqualified for breaking the rule. Holding the shoes close to his chest during the award ceremony, Ali felt overjoyed and relieved as he eventually won the shoes for his sister.Paragraph 2:Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly. He could not wait to see his sister and share the thrilling news. On his arrival. Ali found Zahra was waiting outside. She was really nervous whether her brother had brought her what she was expecting. Zahra, see what I have got for you. he took the prize out of his bag with his trembling hands. The instant Zahra saw (he shoes, her face lit up. So thrilled was she that she threw herself at Ali. Thank you! Ali. Tears of joy welled up their eyes as the brother and sister hugged tightly together.最后想说的是:虽然读后续写无非就是简单的故事讲述,但是我们还是可以融入一点人文主 义情怀,这就是美学价值了。我在文章中用到了: However, they came, they saw and they sped up, only to leave ash and dirt dancing in the air. 和 It was the worst of times, but it was also the best of times.当然这不是必须的,而是看平时的积累和那么点 点文学灵感的因素。就为我们平时备考提供了线索。下面我来说说,其中各个冲突并非孤立的,而是相互交织, 解决方法也是如此:Confl ict and Emotion:三冲突Danger系列和危险的动物害怕、紧张:Scared,nervous和危险的环境和危险的人Quarrel 系列误解失望、伤心、后悔、生气、 困惑、害羞和尴尬: Disappointed,sad,shy, embarrassed, regret, angry, confused背叛观念、性格、兴趣不一伤害(自尊、信任等)Frustration 系列第一类:贫困、残疾、孤独(poor, disabled, loneliness)等同情和伤心:Sympathetic,sad第二类:失败、骄傲或自卑(failure, not confident / too proud)等解决途径基本是:1. encouragement (某人的鼓励的话)comfort (某人的安慰)2. inspiration突然灵机一动)effort (自己的努力训练)3. calm (冷静思考)kindness(某人的善良)4. courage (勇敢做起来)love (爱心,不过这个需要和move, patience结合,爱只是底子,还需要感化和耐心等 待)5. help (准确说是及时帮助)模拟训练01Solution and Emotion:四途径他人譬如:善心和爱(love, kindness),及时援助,安慰和 鼓励,陪伴等情节中:1. 镇定(calm)2. 鼓舞(encouraged)3. 不悦(dissatisfied)结尾:1. 欣慰、欢喜(relieved, happy)2. 感动、感恩(moved, grateful)3. 希望、信心(hopeful, confident)他物譬如:河流,太阳等自己譬如:effort, inspiration自然突出和谐,时间与成长这样划分后,我们就比较方便去针对性进行训练。下面且以高考真题为例进行说明:卷别ConflictSolution2020.7拍摄北极熊遇险(浙江)借助他物和他人:用辣椒喷雾器(文章有提示)暂退熊,然后救援队及时援助情绪变化:害怕熊到暂时镇定,到脱险后的欢喜卖爆米花方法救助穷人(山东)借助他物和他人:一家决定和被救助孩子卖爆米花,路人纷纷购买情绪变化:开始的同情到最后的开心与感恩2020. 1大学生和宠物狗的离别借助他物:父母买来小狗,孩子回家后,看到两只狗彼此陪伴和陪伴父母,明白道理情绪变化:难过到欣慰2018.6父子骑马迷路借助他人他物:先父亲安慰我,然后我们看到小河后寻路回家情绪变化:害怕到镇定,最后到开心2017. 11家庭旅游为野营争执借助他物:用自己带的帐篷来野营露宿情绪变化:不解困惑到最后开心2017.6骑车游玩遇狼脱险借助他人他物:用辣椒喷雾器(文章有提示)暂退狼,然后路人甲及时援助情绪变化:害怕到喜出望外,到害怕,最后开心2016. 1()夫妇森林旅游争执,女主人迷路借助他人他物:想起丈夫曾经的爱后悔,找到一个地方 先睡下,第二天跟着河水来到空地,救援队及时赶到读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。John Blanchard stood up, straightened his army uniform(制服),and studied the crowd making their way through the station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he had never seen, the girl with a rose.His interest in her began thirteen months ago in a library. Taking a book off the shelf, he found himself fascinated, not with the words of the book, but with the notes penciled in the margin (页边的空白).The soft handwriting showed a thoughtful soul and brilliant mind. In the front of the book, he discovered the owners name, Miss Hollis MaynclL With time and effort he found her address. She lived in New York City. He wrote her a letter introducing himself and inviting her to correspond (通信).The next day he was shipped overseas for military service.During the next year and one month, the two begun to know each other by mail. Each letter was a seed failing on both hearts. A romance was budding. Blanchard asked for a photograph, but she refused. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldnt matter what she looked like.When the day finally came for him to return from Europe, they scheduled their first meeting 7 pm at the Grand Central Station in New York, Youll recognize me , she wrote. By the red rose Ill wear my dress. So at 7 : 00 he was in the station looking for a girl whose heart he loved, but whose face hed never seen.A young lady was coming toward him. Her figure was long and slim; her blonde hair lay back from her ears; her eyes were blue as flowers; her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime coming alive. He went toward her, entirely forgetting to notice that she was not wearing a rose. As he moved, a middle aged woman whispered, Going my way, Sir ?注意:1 .所续写短文的词数应为150左右;1. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;3. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1 :Almost uncontrollably he made his way to the woman, and then he noticed that she was wearing a red rose.Paragraph 2 :The womans face broadened into a big smile.翻译小练习:1. 约翰布兰查德看到这个40多岁的女人很失望。2. 没错,她就是他等的那个女孩。3. 尽管他想跟着那位年轻的女士,他还是停下来,朝那位女士走去,向她打招呼,并 拿出他在图书馆里找到的那本书。4. 我是约翰布兰查德,你一定是霍利斯梅内尔小姐。我非常高兴你能见到我,我 可以请你吃饭吗?5. 我不知道这是怎么回事,”她回答说,但是刚才路过的那个穿着淡绿色西装的 年轻女士求我把红玫瑰戴在我的外套上。6. 她说如果你要请我吃饭,我应该告诉你她在街对面的餐厅等你。她说这是个考验!参考答案:1. 约翰布兰查德看到这个40多岁的女人很失望。John Blanchard was disappointed to see the woman, who was over 40 years old.2. 没错,她就是他等的那个女孩。Exactly, She was the girl he was wailing for.3. 尽管他想跟着那位年轻的女士,他还是停下来,朝那位女士走去,向她打招呼,并 拿出他在图书馆里找到的那本书。Though he would like to follow the young lady, he stopped and walked toward the woman, greeted her and held out the book he found in the library.4. 我是约翰布兰查德,你一定是霍利斯梅内尔小姐。我非常高兴你能见到我,我 可以请你吃饭吗?Tm John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Hollis Maynell. I am more than glad youcould meet me; may I take you to dinner ?我不知道这是怎么回事,她回答说,但是刚才路过的那个穿着淡绿色西装的年轻女士求我把红玫瑰戴在我的外套上。I dont know what this is about , she answered, but the young lady in her pale green suit who just went by begged me to wear the red rose on my coat.5. 她说如果你要请我吃饭,我应该告诉你她在街对面的餐厅等你。她说这是个考验!And she said if you were going to invite me to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street. She said it was a test !参考范文:Paragraph 1 :Almost uncontrollably he made his way to the woman,and then he noticed that she was wearing a red rose. John Blanchard was disappointed to see the woman, who was over 40 years old. Exactly, She was the girl he was waiting for. Though he would like to follow the young lady, he stopped and walked toward the woman, greeted her and held out the book he found in the library. Tm John Blanchard, and you must be Miss Hollis Maynell. I am more than glad you could meet me; may I take you to dinner ?Paragraph 2 :The womans face broadened into a big smile. T dont know what this is about , she answered, but the young lady in her pale green suit who just went by begged me to wear the red rose on my coat. And she said if you were going to invite me to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the restaurant across the street. She said it was a test ! ”模拟训练02读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Ali and his younger sister, Zahra, lived with their parents in a poor neighborhood. Their mother was very sick and their father was struggling to find a job, and they had only a little money with which to buy food. As they had not paid the rent for several months, the landlord was breathing down their necks.One day, Ali took Zahras shoes to a shoe repairman to be fixed, but he lost them on the way home. It wasnt until he got home that he realized he had lost the shoes. He was afraid that his parents would be angry and disappointed, so he begged his sister to keep it secret. Zahra agreed and the two decided to share Alis running shoes. Zahras school hours were in (he morning, so she would wear them first. After school, she would rush back and give them to Ali. He could then run to his school, which began in the afternoon. Although he ran as fast as he could, Ali often arrived late and was warned by the school.Ali heard about a long distance race that was held for the boys in the city. When he learned that the third prize was a new pair of shoes, he decided to take part. He ran home excitedly and promised his sister that he would win her the new shoes.The day of race arrived. Ali had a strong start, but halfway through the race he began to get tired and his legs began to ache. Getting more and more exhausted he thought only of Zahra and his promise to her. Dreaming of the new shoes he would win for his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the two fastest runners, determined to finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, another runner collided (碰撞)with Ali from behind and he crashed to (he ground.注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关椎词语。Paragraph I:Ali looked up and saw the other boys rushing ahead.Paragraph 2:Filled with delight, Ali walked home quickly.翻译小练习:I. 在这一点上他拒绝放弃,他跳起来,尽可能快地跑。2. 他冲过终点线,得了四等奖。3. 想到他会让她妹妹失望,阿里忍不住抽泣起来。4. 就在这时,他突然听到广播里宣布他获得了三等奖,因为与阿里相撞的赛跑者因违 反规定被取消资格。5. 在颁奖典礼上把鞋放在胸前,阿里感到欣喜若狂,如释重员因为他最终为妹妹赢得 了这双鞋。6. 他迫不及待地想见到他的妹妹并分享这个令人激动的消息。7. 到达时,阿里发现萨拉在外面等着。


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