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仁爱版九年级上册英语教学案Unit 1 The Changing WorldTopic1 Our country has developed rapidly .Section A第 1 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词: proper, by the way, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson2. 学会区别have been to 与 have gone to 、学习重点及难点:了解并掌握现在完成时的基本用法。Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第1和第2页的内容,并写出下列英语。1. 变化的世界_2. .巨大的变化 _3越来越漂亮_ 4. 如此(那么)多的人_5. 拍照_Step3. 精讲点拨:1. 语法重点导入(根据句意在横线上填入谓语动词的适当形式)1. He _ (play) soccer on the playground now.2. He _ (play) soccer on the playground yesterday.3. He _ (play) soccer on the playground when I saw him yesterday.4. He _ (play) soccer on the playground every day.5. He _ (play) soccer on the playground tomorrow afternoon.6. He _ (play) soccer on the playground for a long time.注意(6)句中的时间状语,看P118现在完成时讲解, 总结现在完成时用法总结:(1) 现在完成时的构成是-_ 看P140-142过去分词表。(2) 经常搭配的时间副词有: just, already, yet, ever, never, before(3) 现在完成时句型转换写出(6)句的否定句:_写出(6)句的一般疑问句并肯定回答:_写出(6)句的划线提问句:_写出(6)句的反意疑问句:_(4) 观察1a中出现的现在完成时的句子并翻译理解1. You have just come back from your hometown. 译:_2. Great changes have taken place there. _3. My hometown has become more and more beautiful. 译:_4. Where have you been? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents. 译:_5. Wheres Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer. 译:_(5) 现在完成时考点:have / has been to - have / has gone to 练习:参看P118现在完成时讲解,完成P2(2)区别:have / has been to_,现在_; have / has gone to表示已经_,现_.说明:have (has) been to 表示曾经到过某地,而现在人已回来。 have (has) been in 表示现在还在那里, have (has) gone to 表示到某地去了,人已不在此地。Step 4. 典题训练.一选择:1. Tom _ to China three times. A. has been B. has gone C. have been2. -A: _the USA? -B: No, never.A. Have you ever gone to B. Do you ever go to C. Have you ever been to3. -A: Where is Peter? Do you know?-B: Sorry , I dont .But I think he _the library.A. has been to B. have gone to C. has gone to二用词的适当形式填空1 We _ (clean) the classroom already . We _ (clean)the classroom yesterday afternoon . 2He _ not _( post) the letter yet . He _ not _ ( post)the letter an hour ago . 3 .A:_ your uncle _ (arrive) in Beijing yet ? B:Yes, he _ . A:When _ he _ (arrive) ? B:Three days ago .Step5. 归纳小结:总结have been to 与 have gone to 的区别; 归纳现在完成时的时间状语。Step 6. Homework.看P118现在完成时讲解, 总结记忆现在完成时用法。Section 第 2 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词: proper, by the way, bell, grandpa, chairwoman, grandson2. 学会区别have been to 与 have gone to 、学习重点及难点:了解并掌握现在完成时的基本用法。Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第1和第2页的内容,并写出下列英语。1.长假过后_2.从回来_3发生_4.提高我的英语水平_.5.顺便问一下_6.我感觉不舒服_7.患感冒_8.很长时间_Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. Great changes have taken place there. 注意: taken是take的_形式点拨:change有名词/动词两种词性,名词词意是_/_等; 动词词意是_ take place - 发生、举办,指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排 区别:happen - 发生、碰巧,一般用于偶然或突发性事件注意:take the place of- 取代某人的位置练习:a. Jason _ Miss Li to teach us French next term. b. The Olympic Games of 2008 _ successfully in Beijing. c. What _ to you yesterday? 2. But there were so many people that I couldnt find a proper place to take photos.思考:sothat意思是_,引导_状语从句 区别:so that意思是_,引导_状语从句练习:a.为了拍照,他爬得很高。_ b.他爬得那么高,以至于能拍照。_3. There goes the bell. 译:_ 思考:这是个there提前引起的_句回忆:副词here, there 提前到句首要引起主谓倒装,但是当主语为人称代词时不倒装。练习:a. Here comes the No.31 Bus. 译:_b. There they are. 译:_c. Jim跑过来了。译:_ d.他跑过来了。 译:_Step 4. 典题训练:补全对话A: Hello, Wang Hongqi. (1)_?B: I have been to an English training school to improve my English. What about you?A: I have just come back from Canada. My father has worked there for a long time. B: (2)_?A: I went there a month ago. B: (3)_?A: No, I have never been there. B: (4)_?A: Wonderful. I like living there. The people there are very friendly. I have made many friends there. I like the food there. By the way, have you ever been abroad?B: (5)_, but I want to go abroad very much. My English is poor. A: Study hard, next year, lets go to Canada together. B: Thank you. Ill study harder. Step5. 归纳小结:总结现在完成时的用法。Step 6. Homework.完成练习册Section A .Section B 第 3 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词: shut, rope, granny, describe, in detail, education, develop, development2. 了解中国青少年过去生活与现在生活的不同。、学习重点及难点:继续学习现在完成时的用法。Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第3、4页的内容,并写出下列英语。1.参加_2.为打扫房间_3.一段多么美好的经历啊!_4.从学到很多_5.网上聊天_6.一篇有关青少年的文章_7.过着艰苦的生活_8.详细地描述_9.为贫困家庭提供帮助_10.受到很好的教育_Step3. 问题导学:读1a,回答下面的问题1. Has Maria taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays? _2. What has she done? _3. What does she think of it? _Step4.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. You have taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays, havent you?思考:havent you? 构成了句子的_部分2. What a wonderful experience! 同义句:How _3. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy.思考:你能将上句改为用but的形式吗?_看课本P105注解并总结:though和_引导_从句,语气较弱,不与_连用;_和_也用于引导_从句,带有强调的意味,语气较强。4. Is that so? 区别:Is that all? 链接:a. Do you think itll rain soon? I think so. b. Do you believe China will become No.1 in the world one day? I believe so.拓展:我希望如此_ 我猜是这样的_ 注意:I hop not. _ I dont think so._ 5. In order to help support their families, they had to be child laborers.思考:你能将上句改为so that形式吗?_总结:in order to + 动词原形,在句子中做目的状语;so that 后面引导的是目的状语从句练习:为了赶上早班车,他们起得很早。a._b._Step 5.典题训练:1. 练习:根据时间状语的变化写出谓语动词的不同形式并完成后面的反意疑问句。a. He _(take) part in some volunteer activities during the last summer holidays, _?b. He _(take) part in some volunteer activities during the next summer holidays, _?c. He _(take) part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays every year, _?2.感叹句转换练习:a. 多么狭窄的公路啊!What_! / How_!b. 多么艰苦的生活条件啊!What_! / How_!Step6. 归纳小结:Step 7. Homework.Write an article about teenagers nowadays.Section C 第 4 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词及短语: communication, quick, keep in touch with, far away, sort, rapid, progress, make progress, already, succeed2. 进一步学习现在完成时的用法。、学习重点及难点:继续学习现在完成时的用法。Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第5、6页的内容,并写出下列英语。1.艰苦的生活条件_2.高大而明亮的楼房_3.有机会干_4.接受良好的教育_5.与保持联系_6.远方的亲戚_7.变得更加高大明亮_8.享受更加多样的业余活动_9.不但而且_10.另外还有_11.变得更加简单而快捷_12.记住过去_13.立足现在_14.展望未来_Step3. 问题导学:读1a,回答下面的问题(1) How about Beijings roads in the past?_(2) Could most families get enough food in the past?_(3) Why didnt the children have a chance to go to school?_Step4.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. Usually, a big family were crowed in a small house.点拨:crowd - 拥挤, 挤,聚集(动词);人群,群众;一群(名词) crowded - 拥挤的(形容词)注意:拥挤的交通不能直译为 crowded traffic, 而是_ traffic2. Life was so hard that people had no time or money to enjoy leisure activities.思考:你能将上句改为tooto形式吗?Life was _ _ _ people _ _ time _ money to enjoy leisure activities.3.China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening-up.点拨:since - 从以来 (介词+连词),是使用现在完成时的标志词,上面句子中的since是_词注意:since 后面的时间短语是过去的时间,后面的句子要使用过去时4.There are more kinds of food and clothes to choose from.点拨:choose from- 从中选择 链接:choose -_(过去式) - _ (名词) 思考:to choose from在句中做_语5. Beijing has made rapid progress and it has already succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.链接:succeed(动词)-_(名词)-_(形容词)-_(副词)点拨:succeed in (doing) sth. - 成功地做了某事 拓展:fail (in) sth.- _ / fail to do sth. - _6. What be sb. / sth. like? - 怎么样?(询问人/物本身固有的品质,特征)练习:过去新乡的气候如何?经常刮风。_ 区别:What does sth. / sb. look like? - 看起来怎样?(询问人/物的表象)练习:Tom长得如何?他又高又壮实。_ 区别:How is / are sb. / sth.? - 怎么样?(询问人/物目前的状况)练习: 你妈妈近来怎么样?很好。_ 点拨:sth. happen to sb. / sth. - 某人/物发生某事 拓展:sb. happen to do sth. - 某人(偶然)做某事Step 5.典题训练:练习:a. I _ ( be ) like this since last month.b. He _ (teach) us since I _ (come ) it this school.c. They _ (keep ) in touch with each other since they _ ( meet ) the first time in Beijing.Step6. 归纳小结:Step 7. Homework. Write a passage on “Changes in My Hometown” according to the report above. Eighty words at least.Section D 第 5 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词及短语: war, note, composition, consider, draw up, tool, thanks to2.复习总结现在完成时的用法。、学习重点及难点:总结现在完成时的用法。Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第7、8页的内容,并写出下列英语。1.be very popular with_2.be excited at their visit_5.看露天电影_6.更喜欢在家看电视_7.去电影院看电影_8.去滑旱冰_Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. First, consider it carefully. 点拨:consider - 考虑 链接:同义词组是-_总结: 考虑做某事-consider doing sth. 练习:我在考虑换工作的事。_2. Thanks to the governments efforts 点拨:thanks to - 多亏,由于 区别:thanks for - 为而谢练习:a. Thanks to your help, I could finish my work on time. 译:_ b. Thanks for helping me finish my work. 译:_Step 4.典题训练:1.用词的适当形式填空:(1) A: you (make) your bed? B: Yes. I have.(2) I (water) the flowers already. (3) My mother (work) in the hospital for twenty years. (4) A: Wheres Maria? B: She to the library.(5) Lily Beijing twice.(6)I _ never _ (speak) to a foreigner.(7) _ Tom _ (return) the library book? -Yes, he has. -When _ he _ (return) it? -Half an hour ago.(8) I _ (not finish) my homework yet.(9) He _ (study) at this school for two years.(10) Wheres your mother? -She _ (go) to hospital.2. 单项选择1. _ the help of the government, the poor children can get _ good education. A. Under; a B. With; a C. Under; an D. With; an 2. -_ he ever _ abroad? -No, never. A. Did; go B. Have; been C. Has; been D. Has; gone 3. Though it was so cold, _ he went out without a coat. A. but B. or C. so D. / 4. -Hello, this is Lilys speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Lee? -Sorry, hes _ to Tianjin. A. been B. gone C. went D. go 5. Our job is _ the children. A. look after B. looks after C. to look after D. looked after 6. _ her efforts, the projects will be a success. A. Thanks B. Thank C. Thanks to D. Thank to 7. Mary _ just _ to New York. Shell not be back until next Monday. A. have; been B. has; gone C. have; gone D. has; been 8. I _ afraid of the dark, but now I dont. A. use to B. used to C. use to be D. used to be Step5. 归纳小结:Step 6. Homework. Imagine what our country will be like in 2050, and write an outline.Topic 2 China has the largest population .Section A 第 6 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词及短语: yet, probably, call up, European, population, recent, because of, policy, neither2.学习掌握下列有用句子:(1) So do I.(2) Neither do my parents.、学习重点及难点:继续学习含有“just”, “never”, “yet”, “ever” and “already”的现在完成时。Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第9页的内容,并写出下列英语。1.不再_.2.迷路,走散_3.倒霉_4.给他打个电话_5.这么个地方_Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. I have just called you, but you werent in.点拨:call - 给打电话 链接:给打电话还可以说:_ /_/_ in - 在家 = _ 链接:不在家- _练习:昨天他给我打电话时我不在家。_ he _ me yesterday, I _ _.2. Ive never been there before, but I dont want to go there any more. 点拨:before - 以前 (表示时间),在句中是副词(不是连词或介词),模糊时间状语,表示到说话时间为止之前发生的事,大多使用完成时态点拨:not.any more = no more - 不再 (强调程度) 链接:not .any longer = no longer - 不再 (强调时间)练习:a. He is no more angry with me. = _b. Hurry up, or we wont wait for you any longer. =_3.-I really hate to go to such a place. -So do I.点拨:So do I. - 完全倒装句,含义是:A如此,B也如此 结构是:so + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语拓展:上述结构的否定形式为:Neither / Nor + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 + 主语 - A不是这样,B也不是这样Step 4.典题训练:( 一 )a. He likes playing the piano, _. (她也是) b. They are interested in Chinese culture, _. (我们也是) c. Tom can work out the difficult problem, _. (我也能) d. He has been to Beijing before, _. (他弟弟也去过)e. I am not good at singing, _. (他也是) f. I have never been there, _ (他也是)( 二)选用所给单词或词组填空already, yet, ever, never, have been to, have gone, have been in 1. Tom has _ finished his homework. Now he is playing football on the playground. 2. Have you _ been to the Great Wall?3. She hasnt come back _.4. I have _ heard of that before. It is so strange. 5. He has _ eaten chocolate, has he?6. Has he kept the book _?7. Have you seen the film? -Yes. I have _ seen it.8. _ you ever _ Hainan?9. How long _ you _ this city?10. Mr. Wang isnt here. He _ Shanghai. Step5. 归纳小结:Step 6. Homework. Make five sentences. Use the present perfect tense with the words “just”, “already”, “yet”, “ever”, “never”.Section A 第 7 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词及短语: yet, probably, call up, European, population, recent, because of, policy, neither2.学习掌握下列有用句子:(1) So do I.(2) Neither do my parents.、学习重点及难点:了解并讨论中国人口 Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第10页的内容,并写出下列英语。1.在(两个中)另一张照片上_2.我爸爸的家庭照片_3.至少三四个孩子_4.在那个时候_5.发生_6.近年来_7.很大的发展_8.因为计划生育政策_9.过去常常_10.对某人要求严格_Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. It seems that their living conditions were not very good. Their living conditions didnt seem to be very good.回忆seem的三个结构-a.It seems that + 句子 b.主语 seem + 形容词/名词/介词短语 c.主语 seem + to be / to do练习:他好像不在家。a._ b._ c._ 这天似乎要下雨了。a._ b._ c._2. China had the largest population in the world and it was not well developed. 点拨:population - 人口,居民,其修饰词是:large和small 切记:不要用many和few !总结:询问和回答人口常用句子是 - Whats the population of? - have a population of练习:- 中国有多少人口? _3. -No one likes “Little Emperors”. -Neither do my parents.巩固:a.你不是工人,他也不是。_ b.-他们昨晚没去电影院。-我也没去。_ c.-Tom以前没去过网吧。-我也是。_拓展:neither和either 的区别 neither - (两者中)没一个 either - (两者中)任何一个 both - _固定搭配:neithernor / eitheror / bothand Step 4.典题训练:补全对话 A: Hello, (1)_Kate?B: Sorry, she isnt in right now. Is that Susan speaking?A: Yes. Whos that?B: This is Mike. (2)_?A: Fine, thanks. Can I leave a message?B: Of course. (3)_, please. Ill go and get a pen. (Soon Mike returns.)B: OK, please. A: Id like to ask her if she will go to the English party next week. Will you please tell her to call me back when she returns?B: No problem. (4)_?A: Its 78340631. B: OK. Bye-bye!A: Thanks. (5)_.Step5. 归纳小结:Step 6. Homework.完成练习册Section B 第 8 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词: increase2.学习掌握下列有用句子:(1) It says the world has a population of 6.5 billion. (2) It is increasing by 80 million every year.(3) Which country has the largest population? (4) Whats the population of the U.S.A.?Its (5) So it is. 、学习重点及难点:了解数字的表达 Step 1. 导入。Step 2. 自学检测:自学第11、12页的内容,并写出下列英语.1.一份有关人口的报告_2.65亿人口_3.增加8千_4.美国的人口_5.发展中国家_6.发达国家_7.另外_8.快速增长_9.执行计划生育政策_10.控制人口数量_11.543.7_Step3. 问题导学:读1a,回答下面的问题1. What does Kangkang think of the population of the world? _2. How is the population of the world increasing every year? _3. What about the population of China? _4. Whats the population of India? _5. Whats the more serious problem in developing countries? _6. How does China control the population? _Step3.精讲点评(在文中划出下面的句子并翻译)1. And it is increasing by 80 million every year.点拨:increase by - 增加了 拓展:increase to - 增加到练习:a. Our pay has already increased by three times. 译:_ b. Our rice output has increased to 6 million tons this year. 译:_2. It shows that the population in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries, doesnt it?思考:你能解释一下句中的两个that吗?(1)_ (2)_3. -The population problem is more serious in developing countries. -So it is. 点拨:So it is. - 半倒装句,含义是:A的确如此 结构是:so + 主语 + be / 助动词 / 情态动词 练习:a.- I think Tom can work out the problem. - So he can. 译:_ b. - Its a fine day today. -_. (的确是这样) c. - They have just finished their homework. - _. (的确是这样)注意:完全倒装句和半倒装句是重要考点,一定要观察,理解并会使用!Step 4.典题训练: 阅读对话,用所给动词的适当形式填空A: Where (1)_ you _ (go) this morning?B: I (2)_(go) to a shopping center.A: (3)_ you _ (buy) anything?B: No, I bought nothing. There (4)_ (be) too many people in the shop. My son got lost in the shopping center. A: Really? Have you (5)_ (find)him yet?B: Yes, I have. I really hate shopping. There are too many people. A: Thats true. What happened to your son?B: I (6)_ (take) him shopping with me. He moved faster than me. A few minutes later, I didnt (7)_(know) where eh was. He was lost. A: (8)_ (be) he afraid?B: Of course. He (9)_ still _(cry) when I (10)_ (find) him. He said he didnt want to go shopping again. Step6. 归纳小结:Step 7. Homework.Write a report about the population of China in the future. Section C 第 9 课时. Aims and demands学习目标:1. 学习新单词: difficulty, be short of, so far, take measures to do sth., percent2.学习掌握下列有用句子:(1) and about one fifth of the people in the wo


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