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GOLDRATT SATELLITE PROGRAM高瑞特卫星节目SESSION 6第六讲SALES销售Good day! 大家好。Sales. 销售。First we have to decide what type of sales are we going to talk about today. 首先,我们必须决定今天要讨论的是哪一种销售。Because actually there are two different topics under the same name. 因为这个名称其实涵盖了两个不同的主题。One is the external sale. 一个是外部销售。Professional sales people are selling the products and services of our organization to the external world. 专业的销售人员把我们组织的产品和服务推销给外面的世界。That is what we usually refer to the sales. 这就是我们平常所谓的销售。But is it the only thing? 但这是唯一的销售型态吗?No, there is another sale - the internal sale, done by managers.不是,还有另外一种销售型态由经理人所做的内部销售。Managers are selling, they are selling targets, decisions, they are selling changes internally.经理在内部推销自己的目标、决策、改革方案。Which type of sale is more difficult? Well, it depends what you are. 哪一种销售比较难?嗯,必须视你的职位而定。If you are a professional salesman you will say that to sell to the external clients is much more difficult. 如果你是专业的销售人员,就会说外部销售比较困难。You dont have much time, you usually have only one shot, the person doesnt have much time for you, not much patience. 你的时间不够,通常只有一次机会,客户给你的时间不够,而且他们没有耐性。Well, if you are a manager inside a company and you are trying to sell internally you know how damn difficult it is. 嗯,如果你是公司的内部经理,而你在做内部销售,就会知道这是多么困难的事。Which one are we going to deal with first? 我们要先讨论哪一种销售呢?Well, my inclination is lets start with the second one. Because of two reasons.基于以下两个理由,我想先从第二种开始。One is - most of you are not professional sales people, but almost all of you have tried to sell some change inside your organization and it wasnt so easy. 第一你们多半都不是专业的销售人员,而且几乎都曾经在组织内部推销过某种改革方案,这实在不太容易。The second reason is that - if we succeed to crack the problem of how to sell targets, decisions and changes, we will find out that if the solution is good, it is a generic solution. 第二个的理由是如果我们能成功地解决如何推销目标、决策、改革方案的问题,会发现只要这个解决方案很好,就可以适用在其它地方。And one of its ramifications, one of its derivatives will be to sell externally. 其中一个适用范围就是外部销售。That is what I am going to show. 这就是我接下来要说明的内容。So the first part of this program I want to devote to the problem of selling internally.所以我想在课程的第一部分先处理内部销售的问题。Lets make it a little bit more personal. 让我们预设一个情境,把它变得跟你比较息息相关。So, lets assume that you are bothered by a whole herd of undesirable effects in your organization and you are thinking what to do, and you really put your mind into it. 假设你被组织内许多不良效应所苦,绞尽脑汁,思索该怎么做。. 有天早上你起床后,灵光一闪,想到了该采取什么做法。实际上,你感到有点挫折,因为这个方法如此明显而简单,为什么你花了这么久的时间才想出来。你到了公司,把同事集合在一起,告诉他们这个明显又完美的解决方案,他们会立刻热烈地接纳这个方法吗?情况并非如此。通常他们的反应是什么?负面的,他们似乎要开始告诉你为什么我们的情况跟别人不同,为什么在这里行不通。 你开始觉得自己撞上一面拒绝改变的墙。They start to come up with excuses that sound to you like pitiful excuses of why it cannot be done, why we should not change. 他们开始想出一些借口,告诉你为什么行不通、为什么我们不应该改变,但是你觉得这些理由听起来很可悲。And as time goes by and you start to become fed up. 随着时间流逝,你开始觉得不耐烦。You are totally convinced that you are dealing here with too conservative people, setting their ways, that the only thing that guides them is how not to rock the boat.你深信自己是在跟过于保守的人打交道,他们安于现状,唯一奉行的原则就是不要改变。And as time goes by, youre still trying to push for your change they start to put a sticker on your head - fanatic. 随着时间流逝,你仍然试图推动改革,他们开始认为你很疯狂。If you are in a position of power they put a sticker of dangerous fanatic. 如果你掌握大权,他们会认为你这种疯狂的想法具有危险性。How many of you have seen it? 你们有多少人有过这种情况?I believe that this is so common that every one of us has faced it more than once. 我相信这种情况很普遍,我们每个人都不只碰过一次。Resistance to change. A huge problem, right? 拒绝改变,很大的问题,对不对?Well, what Ill try to prove to you is something amazing. 嗯,我要证明给你看的是一件很惊人的事。I claim that the biggest power for improving our companies is resistance to change, that it is not negative, it is very positive. 我认为能让公司改善的最大助力就是拒绝改变,这是非常正面的力量,而不是负面的。Now you think that I have lost my marbles, right? I am totally crazy. 现在你认为我神智不清了,对不对?我简直是疯了。No, what you have to realize is that we are using two words as exchangeable when we dont mean that they are exchangeable. 不是的,你必须了解我们现在将两个词交替使用,而实际上这两个词的意思并不能替换。Change and improvement. 改变和改善。Yes, every improvement is a change, is every change an improvement? 是的,吗?Oh, no. 不是的。And when you look back on your organization in hindsight, in the last 10 years there were so many initiatives to improve.你回顾一下自己的组织,过去这十年来,出现过许多次推动改善的机会。In hindsight how many of them really improved the performance of the company. 回想看看,其中有多少次确实改善了组织的绩效呢?All of them? Half? probably less than half. 全部吗?其中一半吗?可能还不到一半。Well, do you think that people are idiots?嗯,你认为人们都是傻瓜吗?Do you think that people do not learn from their experience? 你认为人们不会从自己的经验中学习吗?Of course they do.他们当然会。So when somebody is coming with a suggestion of how to really change things around, and he promises that it will improve things dramatically, people from their experience know - you better check it. 所以当某人提出一个如何有效改变的建议,承诺可以大幅改善现况,人们根据过去的经验分析你最好检验一下。Amazingly enough it turns out that the way that people are checking suggestions for improvement is very systematic. 令人惊讶的是,人们以非常系统化的方式,来检验这些宣称能有效改善的建议。Even when we are unaware of it, we are checking suggestions very systematically. 虽然我们并不自知,但是实际上检验建议的方式非常系统化。But the way we check is what we call, when we are the one who comes with the idea, that is exactly what we call resistance to change. 如果我们是提出想法的人,就会把人们检验的方式叫做拒绝改变。And in order to prove it, lets imagine that we are dealing with the ideal situation. 为了要证明,想象一下我们处理的是最完美的情况。Imagine that when you came with your bright idea, your peers and your people are the most open minded people that exists in the world. 假设你想出很棒的点子,你的同事是全世界最能接纳新点子的一群人。What a lovely bunch of people. They are all very experienced, they are all very bright, and they are all eager to improve. 这一群人真可爱!他们的经验非常丰富,都很聪明,十分渴望改善。Can you imagine better situation than that? No.你还能想出比这个更完美的情况吗? 不能。Nevertheless, lets see what must be a reaction of such an ideal group.然而,看一下如此完美的团队必定会出现什么样的反应。But lets face it, these people if they are smart, experienced and eager to improve are not waiting for you to come with your bright idea in order to try to improve. 我们看一下,如果这群人聪明、经验丰富、渴望改善,那么他们就不会等到你想出很棒的点子才来改善。They have tried it before. Really tried it.他们自己已经试过了,确实试过。And, if you are not happy with the rate of improvement, why is it? 如果你对于改善的速度不满意,这是什么原因造成的呢?It must be that they have reached the point where they think, quite convinced, that any jump in performance, any significant improvement, is blocked by something which is out of their control. 一定是因为他们碰到了某个瓶颈,他们深信某个超出掌控的因素,使绩效无法进一步大幅提升。Because, if it would have been under their control, they would have taken already the initiative and done it. 因为如果这是在他们的控制范围内,老早就可以采取行动完成。So what is the most logical reaction of such a fantastic group of people to your suggestion. 所以,如此完美的一群人对你的建议最可能采取什么反应?They have to look on your suggestion based on their experience, and remember they were not waiting just for you to improve, based on their experience they have to tell you their opinion about it. 他们必须根据自己的经验来检验你的建议,别忘了,他们不是只等着你来改善,他们会根据经验提供你意见。And, what is their opinion? 他们的意见是什么?Their opinion is that it probably cannot be done because they are different.他们的意见是因为他们的情况跟别人不同,所以这么做可能行不通。Their opinion is that what you are suggesting - probably that they have though about it before and now they will try to show you why are they different, why it cannot be done. 他们的意见是你提出的建议他们以前也想过,现在他们会试着告诉你为什么他们的情况跟别人不同,为什么行不通。What is your reaction? 你的反应是什么?They are resisting change - even this ideal group.他们拒绝改变即使是如此完美的团队也不例外。So the mere fact that somebody is telling you “wait a minute we are different,” does not mean that he resists improvement, not at all. 所以,当某人告诉你:“等一下,我们的情况不同。”此时绝对不是表示他拒绝改善。As a matter of fact, when we really look on when people say “but we are different,” you will find out that if you just continue to listen rather than immediately attack back, you will find out that what they are telling you is that the solution that you are suggesting is addressing a problem which is not their problem. 实际上,当人们说:“但是我们的情况不同”,如果你继续聆听,不要立刻反击,就会发现他们要说的是你提供的解决方案不是针对他们的问题。Its not “the problem” that they are bothered with. 这并不是让他们感到困扰的“问题”。In other words the first layer of resistance, the first thing that you have to overcome, is the logical claim that you are not addressing the real problem.换句话说,第一层的拒绝,你必须克服的第一件事就是人们认为你没有针对真正的问题。So if you want to convince anybody about your idea it must be that the first thing to convince, the first thing to get consensus on, is on the problem that we should solve. 所以如果你想说服任何人接受你的想法,就必须先对我们应该解决什么问题取得共识。You must get a consensus on the problem, because the first layer of resistance is “we do not agree with you on the problem at all.” 你必须对问题取得共识,因为第一层的拒绝是:“我们根本不同意你说的问题。”Go back to your experience and youll see that thats the case. Almost always. 回顾一下过去的经验,你会发现情况几乎总是如此。Well. Whats the chance of solving, of removing this layer of resistance if you will start, like we usually start, to describe your solution? 嗯,如果你按照一般的做法,在刚开始就叙述你的解决方案,那么消除这一层拒绝的机率是多少?Do you think that by describing your solution you can overcome the first layer of resistance, you can convince people that thats really the problem. 你认为叙述了解决方案,就能克服第一层的拒绝,说服人们这是真正的问题吗?Just think about it for a second it cant be because if you are using your solution in order to get the consensus that thats really the problem what you are actually doing is insulting everybody that you are talking to. 稍微想一想,根本不可能。因为如果你想用自己的解决方案,对真正的问题取得共识,你其实是在侮辱对方。Because you are telling them is, “listen it must be that thats the problem, because, because I have a solution for it.” 因为你告诉他们的是:“你看,这一定就是问题所在,因为我提供了一个解决方案。”Do you think that this is reasonable? 你认为这种说法合理吗?Which means, if you really want to get a consensus on your idea and if really the first step is to get the consensus on the problem it means immediately - you cannot start by showing your solution. 也就是说,如果你真的想为自己的点子取得共识,如果第一个步骤就是对问题取得共识,那么就意谓着你不能在一开始就提出解决方案。Starting by showing your solution is just insulting people. 你在一开始提出解决方案就是侮辱他们。You have to start by somehow convincing people that this particular thing is the problem.你必须先说服人们这就是问题所在。Is it easy to achieve?要做到这一点很容易吗?Is it easy to get a consensus on what is the problem of our organization?我们组织的问题是什么,大家要对这一点取得共识很容易吗?Or lets be even more modest what is the problem in this department, or in this topic?或者我们把范围缩小一点这个部门或这个主题的问题是什么?Well, lets look on it schematically and its obvious that we are hitting here a huge problem. 嗯,我们概略地看一下,很明显地,这里有个很大的问题。Because listen, in every section, in every topic there is more than one undesirable effect. 因为你看,每个部门和每个主题内的不良效应都不只一个。That is usually the case. 情况通常如此。People are used to call undesirable effects problems.人们习惯于把不良效应叫做问题。Now look, suppose that you are talking with a foreman, he is bothered by one undesirable effect. 现在你看,假设你的谈话对象是领班,他深受一个不良效应所困扰。At the same time the person is charge of human resources is bothered by a different undesirable effect. 同时,负责人力资源的人深受另一个不良效应所困扰。The financial person is bothered by something totally different and the sales person is bothered by something else. 财务人员受到完全不同的事情所困扰,销售人员则是被其它事情所困扰。What is the chance of getting a consensus on what is the problem? 对于问题究竟是什么,能取得共识的机率是多少?Did you ever try to write a list of undesirable effects and even to prioritize them with a group of people? 你是否试着写下一张不良效应的清单,甚至跟一群人共同排列出顺序?It is impossible to reach a consensus of what is first, what is the second unless you are using the conventional technique two by four. 除非你使用传统的技巧,否则对于哪个是一号、哪个是二号不良效应,根本不可能达成共识。In other words force. 换句话说,你只好用暴力。How can you overcome the first layer of resistance to change which is what is the problem we should deal with? 我们应该处理什么问题,这就是第一层的拒绝改变,你要如何克服呢?Especially when this is reality. Everyone is bothered by another aspect of it, by another undesirable effect. 尤其是在现实生活中,每个人都被不同的层面、不良效应所困扰。Well, as it turned out there is no conventional answer. 嗯,结果并没有一个合乎传统的答案。But there is an answer, excellent, beautiful answer if we switch totally the way we approach an organization. 不过如果我们完全改变管理组织的方法,就会有一个完美的答案。And what I am looking to what we have already started to talk about in the first session. 我现在要说的是在第一讲里面提过的内容。Do you remember what we talked about, at the beginning of the first session? 你还记得我们在第一讲刚开始提到的内容吗?We talked about system approach, the holistic approach. 我们提到系统方式。Well, today lets call a spade a spade. What we are actually talking about is approach of the hard science.嗯,我们不要拐弯抹角,其实我们讨论的就是自然科学方法。And within that approach there is a beautiful answer, in the conventional approach there is not. 这种方法提供一个完美的答案,而传统方法却办不到。Let me try to explain what is the major difference between the two approaches. 让我解释一下这两种方法最主要的差异。And it all stems from a different definition to one word, to the word complexity.差异是来自于对“复杂”这个词不同的定义。How each one of them is defining the meaning of complex system. 这两种方法如何替复杂的系统下定义。You see nobody likes complex systems.你看,没有人喜欢复杂的系统。If you have a very complex system you are bound to lose. 如果你的系统非常复杂,一定会输。You cannot predict what will be the outcome of your decisions. You are bound to lose.你无法预测决策所带来的结果,一定会输。What is complex? 什么是复杂?And in order to show you that there are two different definitions to this word, one which is a conventional definition and the other one which is adopted by the hard sciences, lets look on the following schematic of two different systems. 为了要告诉你这个词有传统和自然科学上两种不同的定义,让我们看一下以下两种不同系统的图形。This is system A, this is system B. 这是A系统,这是B系统。Let me ask you a question which system is more complicated? Which system is more complicated? A? B?我问你,哪一个系统比较复杂?A还是B?Well, let stop to be sophisticated. 嗯,我们不要过于复杂。If you ask people that have learned from the university of life, who dont have any degree, but they have learned really from the university of life, and you ask them which system is more complicated, A or B, what do you think will be the answer? 如果你问一些生活阅历丰富的人,他们虽然没有文凭,但是长期在社会大学中历练,你问他们哪一个系统比较复杂,你认为答案会是什么?The vast majority will not even understand the question. 大部分的人甚至不了解问题。They will say what are you talking about , -it is obvious that A is simpler, B is by far more complicated.他们会说:“你在说什么呀?A比较简单,B比较复杂,非常明显。”But if you go to any university in the world, to any physics department in any university, and you will ask them the exact same question, and I am talking about physicists, ask them, you will be amazed, they will not understand your question as well. 但是如果你去世界各地任何一所大学的物理系,我不是指物理学家,问他们同样的问题,结果会让你很惊讶,他们也不了解你的问题。They will say, what are you talking about it is obvious that A is much more complex than B. 他们会说:“你在说什么呀?B比较简单,A比较复杂,非常明显。”The exact opposite. How come?答案完全相反,为什么呢?Well, it turns out that we are using two different definitions to the same word. 嗯,结果是我们对于同样的词使用两种不同的定义。The conventional definition, the one that is more in prevalent use for the word complexity is the more data elements you have to provide in order to fully describe the system, the more complex the system is. 传统上,对于“复杂”这个词比较常用的定义是:如果你必须提供较多的数据才能完整地描述系统,那么这个系统就比较复杂。If you can describe the whole system with 4 sentences it must be a simple system. 如果你能用四句话描述整个系统,这个系统一定很简单。If you need 4000 pages to describe a system, that is a complex system. 如果你要用四千页描述一个系统,这个系统就很复杂。In other words, we are judging complexity by the amount of data to describe the system. 换句话说,我们根据描述系统时使用的数据量,来评估其复杂度。And of course, if that is the criteria for complexity, if that is the definition of complexity, no doubt that B is much more complex than A. 当然,如果这就是复杂度的评估标准和定义,B绝对比A更复杂。Not only that you have to describe more circles here, you have to describe the arrows, the connections. 你不只要描述更多的圆圈,还要描述箭头和彼此的关联性。Well, when hard scientists approach the exact same thing, the word complexity, they are not looking in terms of - how much data is needed, they are looking from a totally different angle. 嗯,科学家对“复杂”这个词不是从需要多少数据的角度来看,他们采取另一个全然不同的角度。They are asking themselves another question, which is how many points in the system do I have to touch in order to impact the entire system? 他们问自己另一个问题:我必须碰触系统内多少个点,才能影响整个系统?How many points do I have to touch, how many Archimedes points do I have here that I have to touch in order to change the whole system? 我必须碰触多少点,多少阿基米得点,才能改变整个系统?They are calling it what is the degree of freedom of the system. 他们把它叫做系统的自由程度。Now ask yourself if I want to impact the entire system A, what is the minimum number of points that I have to touch in system A?- 4. 现在你问自己如果我想要影响整个系统,至少要在A系统内碰触多少个点? 四个。Well, if you look on the system B and you assume that the arrows are cause and effect arrows, what is the minimum number of points that you have to touch in system B in order to impact the entire system? 嗯,如果你看一下B系统,假设这些箭头是因果箭头,那么你至少要在B系统内碰触多少个点才能影响整个系统?Only 1,am I right?只要一个,我说得对不对?So no wonder the scientists will say B is much more simple, A is so complex. 怪不得科学家会说B系统比较简单,A系统非常复杂。Well, now what we have to bear in mind is the basic belief of hard sciences, belief, nothing that is proven. 现在我们必须铭记在心的是自然科学的基本假设,没有经过证实的假设。Do you know what is the meaning of basic belief? Something that you cannot prove. 你知道基本假设的意义是什么吗?就是你无法证实的事情。Because if you can prove then it is not a belief. 因为如果你能加以证实,那么这就不是假设。Well, hard science is based on two different beliefs.嗯,自然科学是以两种不同的假设为基础。One of them relates directly to the word complexity. 其中之一与“复杂”这个词有直接的关系。And the belief of the hard science is - there are no complex systems in reality.自然科学的假设是现实生活中没有复杂的系统。Shall I repeat it? 需要我再重复一次吗?The belief of the hard science is that in reality there are no complex systems.自然科学的假设是现实生活中没有复杂的系统。Let me show you how engraved is this belief in scientists by just pointing to the most important subject in physics in this century, even today.我只要指出本世纪,甚至是目前物理学上最重要的主题,你就会知道这个假设如何深刻地烙印在科学家的心中。At the beginning of the century we found out that there are four different fields. 上世纪初,我们发现了四种不同的作用力。Lets call them forces the gravitational force, the Electro-magnetic force, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. 我们把它们叫做重力、电磁力、强作用力、弱作用力。Since then do you know what was the topic in physics? 从那时起,你知道物理学的主题是什么吗?It is called uniform field theory.叫做单一作用力理论。It is the search for the one thing that cause all the four forces. 想要寻找引发这四种作用力的力量。Who said that there is one thing that cause all the four? 是谁说会有一种力量引发这四种作用力?Oh, it must be because four is too complex.噢!必然如此,因为四种作用力太复杂了。And this must be because four is too complex was enough, is enough for putting so many scientists to look for it, totally convinced that it must be there and if we cannot find it is just because we dont think enough, or we dont look for it enough, but it must be there. 这一句“必然如此,因为四种作用力太复杂了。”就足以让许多科学家去寻找,他们深信这个力量一定会存在,如果找不到,只是因为我们想得还不够、或是找得还不够,但是它一定存在。If we adopt this approach (and that is exactly what we have adopted in theory of constraints) that not just in the material world where you are dealing with atoms or molecules or enzymes, but also in the human based systems still the same belief exists. 如果我们不只在原子、分子、酵素的物质世界里采用这种方法(这正是限制理论采用的方法),而且也将其应用在以人为基础的系统内,同样的假设仍然存在。If you are looking and what is described to you is such a system, you must say this system is too complex, there cannot be complex systems in reality. 如果你碰到的是这样的系统,你一定会说这个系统太复杂了,在现实生活中不会有复杂的系统。Which means what was presented to us is a partial description. This is a partial description of such a system.也就是说,呈现在我们面前的是一部分的叙述,只描述了这个系统的一部分。And if I agree that if I want to change, and those are things which ac


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