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春季来临的养生之道( Spring comesa way of keeping good health ) Spring comes a way of keeping good healthThe weather in spring to play fast and loose, makepeople appear discomfort symptoms, suffering from various diseases, therefore, spring is also grass germination, diseasesAttack season, should pay attention to health care.In spring, ten thousand trees vomit jade, and the air is fresh.It is a good time to adopt the natural gas to raise Yang, while the move is the most important link in raising yang. Such as walking and jogging,Exercise, play, or to the suburbs, scenic area to go outing. Not only can smooth the mind, and builds, can make the blood stasis, smooth evacuation, improve heart and lung function, body disease.That the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, in liver, but there are often people feel thirsty, chapped lips just in the spring, which is mostly Yangfeihuoxue work is not doing enough.Experts, the spring temperature changes, coupled with serious air pollution, our lungs are the most vulnerable to external harmful substances of the organs.No matter whether it is warmor dry in spring, it can cause the consumption of yin and Yang, dry skin and loss of body fluid, and injure the lung of human body.The lung can be divided into three aspects: the spirit raisesthe lung, the diet raises the lung, the movementraises the lung. Generally, the spring people are more likely to be sleepy, and the state of mind is poor, which gives them a sense of desolation,And grief is the most likely to hurt the lungs. So do not betoo sentimental in the spring, should pay attention to release mental pressure.Diet, lung, mainly should drink plenty of water, it is best to drink more than 500 milliliters of water every day than other seasons. You can also pour hot water into the cup and inhale two or three times a day with your nose at the cup,10 minutes each time. Eat more white radish, lotus root, cucumber, vegetables leaves, as well as pears, dates, sugar cane and other fruits and vegetables.Spring is very important for the health of the lungs, the so-called not drug Sibu, spring can raise lung using therapeutic method.Almondporridge peeled sweet almond 10 grams grind into mudinto the washing clean 50 grams of rice, add appropriate amount of water to boil, and then simmer for rotten. Food should be warm, 2 times a day, for breakfast and dinnerIt has the effect of relieving cough and asthma, and healthy people can often eat to keep fit and prevent diseases.Radish drink red radish one, washed and chopped, add a proper amount of maltose, block pickled, and use for 34 hours, after eating the radish sugar water, there is cough phlegm effect;or radish cut into pieces or flakes,100150 grams each time, add water cooked, and then add the amount of rock candy, once all eaten.Almond, pear, yampaste, take almonds 10 grams, Sydney 1, yam, rice flour, sugar amount. First, the almond soaked in boiling water, go to clothing, wash; Sydney peeled and washed, take meat cut.Then place the almonds and pears in the blender and mix them into a puree. With the amount of water, the almond mud, pear mud, yam, rice flour, white sugar into a paste, into the boiling pot (boiling water of about 100 milliliters)Stir and cook well. Moderate consumption.The main methods of sport and health nourishing lung is a rub nose, deep breathing, sit back, cold tolerance training.Friction nose with ones thumb to massagethe nose, and the cold resistant exercise can choose to wash your face with cold water, and even wash bath, but should pay attention to our strengths and persevere.The lungs well, then you should pay attention to the liver.Spring and summer Yang, autumn and winter yin. In the five elements, the liver is wood, and the corresponding spring, ascending, or smooth catharsis and evil depression. So, the first one is emotional conditioning liver.Bad moodcan lead to liver qi stagnation is not smooth, so that the neuroendocrine system dysfunction, decreased immune function, easy to cause mental disease, liver disease, cardiovascular disease, infectious disease. Therefore, the spring should pay attention to emotional health, keep optimistic and cheerful mood.Spring Yanggan diet:In early March, Yang Melhado, initiation things, people should conform to the characteristics of the spring, in addition to Zaoshuizaoqi, in time, appropriate exercise, mental and emotional broad-minded comfort, it is necessary to pay attention to dietMethod oneLotus seed fungus soup: lotus seed meat 30 grams, white fungus 20 grams.Practice: 1, lotus seed meat 30 grams, white fungus 20 grams, add 400 ml water, slow fire boil rotten;2, put a little rock sugar, every morning to eat, after eating a little activity.Efficacy reminder: Lotus meat into the spleen and stomach, and can makeup the spleen and stomach empty. Goodwhite fungus into the lung and stomach two, can nourish the lung and stomach yin, the two phase, can Qi and Yin tonifying. Healthy eating, beneficial to the heart.Method twoWolfberry porridge: medlar 50 grams, 100 grams of rice.Approach: take medlar 50 grams, 100 grams of rice, add water, boil congee together, morning and evening to take appropriate.Effect of tip: medlar sweet flat, liver kidney to medicine, is a kind of nourishing liver and kidney medicine and food products. Chinese wolfberry porridge in the spring, it can make up the deficiency of liver and kidney, and treat impotence and impotence,Jiuzhibuyu (no exogenous cough). In addition, wolfberry porridge also reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, protect the liver, and promote liver cell regeneration and so on.Method threePickpurse Boiled dumplings: shepherds purse 500 grams, 250 grams of pork meat, 500 grams of flour.Approach: the fresh shepherds purse in boiling water to wash, number, remove, chop, transferred meat stuffing seasoning, wrapped Boiled dumplings.Effect of tip: shepherds purse is rich in vitamins, cellulose, can appetizers help digestion, known as the three March, when all the shepherds purse reputation, is the spring mayeat the liver nourishing food.Spring is difficult to catch up with, not a disease, is a physiological phenomenon of the human bodys physiological function with the change of natural climate. And vitamins are really sober agents, you mayeat carrots, Chinese cabbage, leek, potatoes, oranges and other foods rich in vitamins.In addition, alkaline foods neutralize the acidic substances produced by muscle fatigue and eliminate fatigue, such as apples, kelp, and fresh vegetables. Caffeine has an excitatory effect on the nervous system and is resistant to tiredness.Caffeinated foods include tea, coffee and chocolate. Potassium deficiency can also makepeople tired and weak, so in the spring, weshould also pay attention to dietary supplement of foods with high potassium content, such as soybeans, amaranth and citrus.The eight major epidemics of spring prevention are:UlcerThe spring body metabolism increased, gastric juice increased, all this can cause increased gastric acid secretion, thus causing or induced ulcer. Ulcer patients should be reasonable meals, work and rest, to ensure sleep, cold, warm and stable mood.Allergic diseaseSpring, willow boll rebirth, microorganism, pollen, Yang catkins allergens allergic constitution person easy to produce allergic reactions, which suffer from asthma, urticaria, allergic purpura.Cardiovascular diseaseIn spring, the moodin the exuberant period, together with its causes vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, and blood viscosity in vivo dehydration, easy to cause cardiovascular disease. Should pay attention to warm, water, stable mood.Hepatitis AAny fever, eat, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, yellow urine, like tea and other symptoms, should go to hospital for treatment, examination is not a.tuberculosisWith the rise of Yang, the body imbalance between yin and Yang, decreased immunity, TB may take advantage of a weak point.epidemic hemorrhagic feverSudden chills, followed by high fever, flushing, chest and shoulder red, accompanied by headache, orbital pain, low back pain and bleeding spots in the skin of the patient, should go to hospital for treatment, so as not to delay the disease, loss of rescue boat.Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitisA sudden fever, headache, jet strike, vomiting, convulsions, and bleeding of the skin mucousmembraneshould be given to the hospital.RubellaIts heating, the temperature is not too high, 1-2 days after the face and neck skin appear reddish rash, within 24 hours of rapid spread to the whole body, but the palm of the hand, foot mostly without rash. The confirmed patients should be treated in isolation.Exercise six is not good in spring:A years plan starts with spring. Spring is the season that many young people like to exercise, but we should pay attention to the following six points in the spring exercise:Exercise should not be sudden: you should do simple limbs exercises before exercise, in case of ligament and muscle sprain.Fog is not suitable for exercise: especially now haze is relatively serious, fog beads contain a large number of dust, pathogenic microorganisms and other harmful substances, exercise into more harmful substances.Exercise should not mouth breathing exercise: to develop the habit of nose breathing, nose because of a lot of hair, it can filter the air, the trachea and lungs from dust and pathogens.Exercise should not be ignored: warmstart exercise should not immediately took off his coat, body slightly hot and then gradually reduce clothing, at the end of the exercise, you should wipe his sweat, immediately put on clothes, to prevent cold.Should not be empty stomach exercise: early morning, in addition to low blood sugar, the body blood viscosity, coupled with low temperature, vascular contraction and other factors, if fasting exercise, it may cause hypoglycemia and heart disease sudden death.Not to get up early to go out to exercise in the morning theair is not fresh, only about 4 pm air rich in oxygen anion, the idea that the chickens should be updated.How to prevent gastrointestinal disease in spring?One, cold pathogenic stomach, spleen and stomach injurySpring corresponds with the liver in the five zang organs. It is easy to cause excessive liver qi, which has bad effects on the spleen and stomach, and interferes with the normal digestion and absorption of foodGastro intestinal disease. Specifically, there are three main reasons:1) the liver Qi is the main order in the spring, and the liverQi is easy to cause the spleen and stomach;2) windy in spring, cold, large temperature changes, the slightest mistake, the body vulnerable to cold, cold evil in the evils most easily madethe stomach, cold evil, easily hurt yang,If cold or cold drink excessively, the spleen and stomach injuries Yang, can appear gastrointestinal lesions, especially in summerand autumn are Tanliang cold drinking habits of people, to the winter season of spleen and stomachThe phenomenon of diminished function is prominent, while the cold and rainy weather in Guangzhouhas more obvious influence on the spleen and stomach;3) early spring festival more, diet, if overeating, gastrointestinal disease is more likely to occur.For the beginning of stomach qi stagnation of liver and stomach disharmony caused by long epigastric pain. Therefore, once the stomach discomfort, should take active measures, must not delay the treatment.Two, self massage can help improve stomach function1) first of all, cold proof. Including prevent cold and excessive eating cold, prevent abdominal cold. Stomach patient should according to temperature rise and fall, add clothes intime, strengthen to keep warm.Sleep at night to cover the quilt, as far as possible to reduce the stomach caused due to recurrence or exacerbation of chance belly cold.2) pay attention to diet, nursed back to health. Stomachpatient diet to warm, soft, light, vegetarian suitable, do not eat cold, overheating, excellent and too stimulating food, eating to time quantitative,Avoid overeating and give up smoking and drinking. If you take medicine, you should pay attention to the 3 method, so as to prevent the irritation of the medicine to the gastric mucosa.3) keep a good mood, a good moodand a steady mood. TCMbelieves that excessive anxiety, temper stagnation, long injury, transport and disorders, tension and anxiety will affect the function of the spleen and stomach.Its not advisable to bring business negotiations and work meetings to the table while eating and thinking. In addition, xijiaomanyan is an important principle in the stomach.4) pay attention to work and rest. Pay attention to daily life sometimes, maintain good habits, workers have Yi, to sleep, to prevent excessive fatigue.5) strengthen physical exercise. Take an active part in physical exercise and carry out physical activities within ones ability, improve the blood circulation of the stomach and intestines, increase the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, improve the resistance of the stomach and intestines, and the adaptability of the human body to the climate from the heat to the cold.


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