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八年级英语下模拟测试题一 选择填空(20分)( )1.Theres _milk in the bottle, is there?A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( ) 2. Lucy didnt come to school, did she? -_ A. No, she did. B. Yes, she did. C. No, she didnt. D. Yes, she is.( ) 3. - _ your father _ to Pair? - Yes, once. A. Have; gone B. Has; been C. Do; go D. Were; going ( ) 4. These boys have been to the West Hill。-When _ there?A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone( ) 5. Youre swimming so well.-Thank you. I _ for five years.A. swim B. have swim C. have been swimming D. am swimming ( ) 6. Im sure shell know _.A. what he like B. what he likes C. what he like D. what does he like ( ) 7. After a weeks careful treatment in hospital, the old man was _ to go home. A. well enough B. enough well C. good enough D. enough good( )8. I like playing basketball with my friends,_Mike.A. so will B. so does C. so did D. so is( ) 9. I dont know Nie Haisheng, but I _the boring films at the cinema. A. have heard B. has heard of C. heard of D. have heard of( ) 10. Liu Xiang, a _ boy , won the first prize of the _ competition. A. 21-years- old; mans B. 21-years old; womens C. 21-year- old; mens D. 21 year-old; girls( )11. Mary is _ and she often makes her classmates laugh. A. shy B. pretty C. busy D. funny( )12. The price of this computer is the _ of the three. A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. tallest( )13. -Its hot today. How about going swimming after school. A. Thats OK B. Best wishes C. Good luck D. Good idea ( )14.- I havent brought my pen. Could you please _ me yours? - No problem. A. borrow B. lend C. return D. get( )15. I have got a new walkman. - How much did you _ it? A. pay for B. cost C. spent D. buy( )16. He had some problems _ his friends home yesterday. A. found B. find C. finding D. to find( )17. I didnt do my homework last night._. A. So did he B. So can he C. Neither did he D. Neither is he ( )18. The Americans _ Shanghai _ Sunday morning. A. reached; on B. arrived in; in C. arrived at; in D. got; on( )19. Noboby likes to go out _ bad weather. A. in such B. in such a C. at such D. during such a( )20. _ bad weather it is today! A. What B. What a C. How二 完型填空。(10分)Dear Dr. Bamford,I know you are a famous scientist who has done great work on cloning(克隆) animals. Please excuse me for writing to you, but I need your 1 . Let me explain.I am a 58-year-old man. Im very rich. I live in a large house. My wife died three years ago; we didnt have children.So, am I 2 ? No, because Cindy is with me. Every night we eat dinner together and watch TV, Cindy sits beside me 3 I feel very happy. Im fascinated(着迷的) with her beautiful green eyes. Shes also very smart. Sometimes she thinks only about herself. But thats what I 4 about her. She is quite a beautiful Siamese cat. There is no other cat like her in the whole world. These days I worry about 5 Cindy. She is getting older and older. Cats dont live 6 humans, of course, so she will die before I do. I cant imagine my life 7 Cindy.Well, why not get another cat after Cindy dies? 8 ! No, other cat ever replace(替代)her.I have been thinking about this: Clone Cindy. Scientists are able to clone sheep and other animals. They should be able to clone cats without much 9 . Luckily, I am a rich man. I dont care how much money I will spend cloning Cindy. I think 10 to clone pets. Its not cloning humans.What do you think? Could you clone Cindy? Sincerely A rich man( ) 1. A. cat B. animal C. help D. money( ) 2. A. luck B. lonely C. healthy D. happy( ) 3. A. but B. or C. for D. and ( ) 4. A. like B. hate C. mind D. stand( ) 5. A. feeding B. catching C. losing D. training( ) 6. A. as hard as B. as soon as C. so often as D. so long as( ) 7. A. with B. without C. of D. about( ) 8. A. Certainly B. Impossible C. Really D. Wonderful( ) 9. A. difficulty B. advice C. hope D. chance( )10. A. its terrible B. you arent supposed C. its OK D. you arent allowed三.阅读理解.(10) Henry was a carpenter(木匠) of our village. Once I asked him to make a dining table for my wife. He made it just the right size to fill the space between the two windows. When I arrived home that evening, Harry was drinking a cup of tea and wring out his bill for his work.My wife said to me ,quietly, “ Thats his ninth cup of tea today.” But she said loudly, “ Its a beautiful table, dear., isnt it?”“ I wont decide about that until I see that bill.” I said.Henry laughed and gave me his bill for the work. It said:BILLOne dining table June 10, 1995Cost of wood 17.00Paint(油漆) 1.50Work, 8 hours (1 an hour) 8.00Total(总计) 36.50When I was looking at the bill, Henry said, “ Its been a fine day, isnt it? Quite sunny.”“Yes,” I said. “ Im glad it is only the 10th of June.” “ Me, too.” Said Henry. “ You waititll be a bit hotter by the end of the month.”“ Yes. Hotter-and more expensive . Dining tables will be 20 more expensive on June 30th,wont they, Henry?”Henry looked hard at me for half a minute. There was a little smile in his two blue eyes. I gave his bill back to him.“ If it isnt too much trouble, Henry,” I said, “ Please add it up again. You can forget the date.”I paid him 26.50 and he was happy to get it.( ) 1. Why did Henry talk about weather when the writer was looking at the bill? A. Because it was a fine day indeed. B. Because he wanted the writer to look at the bill carefully.C. Because he wanted to tell the writer what the weather was like.D. Because he didnt want the writer to go through the bill carefully.( ) 2. Why did the writer say that dining tables would be 20 more expensive by the end of June.A. Because he thought Henry would almost certainly add the date to the cost of the dining table.B. Because it was difficult to make dining tables in hot weather.C. Because paint would be more expensive.D. Because the cost of wood would be more expensive.( ) 3. The writer thought Henry would ask for _ if he made a dining table on the last day of June. A. 26.50 B. 56.50 C. 46.50 D. 20.00( ) 4. When the writer gave him the money, Henry was happy because _ A. he got the money easily. B. he didnt have to add up the cost again. C. he got what he should get for his work. D. he got much money for his work.( ) 5. From the story we know that_.A. Henry had written out the bill before the writer got home B. Henry still wanted to get 36.50 for his work in the end.C. Henry made a mistake in the bill.D. Henry tried to get more money for his work.四. 补全对话. A: What should I do? B: Thank you, mom. C: Yes, he is . D. Where have you been? E: What was wrong with him? F: Were you sick?G: Where is the hospital? A: Jim, you said you would not stay out late after school, didnt you?B: Yes, mom, I did . A: But its 10 oclock now. 1 B: Sorry, Ive been to the hospital. A: What? 2 B: No. I sent Jack to the hospital. A: Oh, really? 3 B: He had a terrible headache on the way home. A: Is he better now?B: 4 A: Good for you, my dear! Im very glad you can help others. B: 5 五. 完成单词.(10) 1. Theres some _(水) in the bottle. 2.The old man lives alone ,but he doesnt feel _(孤独的) because he has many friends. 3.Swimming is one of the worlds most popular water s_. 4.On Marys birthday ,we all said , “H_ birthday” to her. 5.I like reading m_ and newspaper in my freetime. 6.How long have you been c_ stamps ? 7.You shouldnt ask English ladies _(私人的)question in pulic. 8.Its raining heavily outside. Please take an u_ with you. 9.I think the old man is at l_. 10.My brother was late for work ,because the _(交通) was busy in the street.六词形填空。(10分)1. There _(be) going to be a soccer game next Monday. 2. He _( write) a letter when his father came in. 3. I _ (eat) seafood already. 4. She has few good friends here,_(do) she? 5. What hobby would you like _(have)?6. Tom is interested in _( learn) English.7._( drop) litter here and there is not allowed.8.Would you mind _( not move) the table? 9. Its fun _( learn) English well. 10. How long have you been _(swim) ? For ten years.七:句型转换:(10分)1.Ive been listen to foreign music for seven years .(提问)_ _ have you been listen to foreign music.1. He bought me a present yesterday(同)He bought a _ _ me yesterday,2. He will study hard this term.(反)He will study hard this term,_ _.3. He plays computer once a week.(提问)_ _does he play computer ?4. Hes too weak to carry the box.(同义句)He isnt _ _ to carry the box.八书面表达(20分)请写一篇介绍青岛市的文章,内容如下: 1为于山东省东部,以蓝色的大海,美丽的海滨而闻名,是避暑胜地。 2每年夏天来自全国各地成千上万的人们到这里沿海散步;游泳;购物;观光。 3近几年城市发生了巨大变化,对发展我国对外贸易起重要作用,成为国际化港口 城市。 4将是2008年北京奥运会比赛的一个场所。参考词汇:发生 take place; 贸易trade; 国际的 international;


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