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黑骏马短语大礼包live upon sth. 依靠生活deep end 深端well off 处境好的stand still 一动不动in time 迟早think a great deal of 对评价很高be/get/become used to sth/doing sth 习惯于used to do sth 过去常常not nearly 远非feel like doing sth 想做某事send sb to someplace 把某人送到某处on the edge of 在边上run by 从旁跑过at a distance 在远处in the course of a day 在一天当中do sb harm 伤害某人at the sight/sound of 一看到/一听到for no good reason 无缘无故be shut in 被关在live next door to sb 住某人隔壁look across to sb (从对面) 朝某人看have nothing to do with 与毫无关系(have) quarrel with sb 与某人争吵live in peace 平静地生活lose control of sth 失去对的控制授课:XXXbe particular in/about sth/doing sth 对讲究、挑剔jump off 从跳下来;开始go off (枪炮等)被发射;突然发出响声close by 在附近pull up 停住(车、马等)what do you say to sth/doing sth 你觉得怎么样?你觉得行吗?do ones full share 完成某人应做的部分feel at home 舒适自在,无拘无束not onlybut also不仅而且to ones mind 在某人看来be supposed to do 应该做have the full use of sth. 充分利用agree on sth. 同意take the same tone 风格一致,基调一致calm sb. down 使某人平静下来might (just) as well 倒不如最好还是break off 结束get up sbs spirits 使某人精神振奋start for 动身去某处from side to side 从一边到另一边be well out of sth 幸而摆脱了某事come down upon 掉落到上hardlywhen 一就tear up by the roots 连根拔起be brought up to sth 从小被教育要narrow escape 死里逃生授课:XXXspring out of 从跳出来die down 逐渐平息give way 坍塌more than likely 很可能stop to do 停下来去做某事take a message 捎口信be in the charge of sb 处在某人负责之下spread over 展开、笑容绽放look across at sb 打量某人step into ones place 代替某人part with sb 与某人分别think sth over 把某事想清楚pay a visit 拜访be upset 感到不安rub down 擦洗practice makes perfect 熟能生巧later on 随后,稍后shake ones head 摇头lead the way 带路to death 以致死亡trust sth entirely to sb 把某事全权托付给某人be proud of sb 为某人感到骄傲be alarmed in sth 对某事感到恐慌deny doing sth 否认做过某事remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事never to allow sth 绝对不要允许某事ought to be 应该成为授课:XXXget (ones) breathe (恢复)呼吸hurry to 急忙赶去all goes well 一切进展顺利look out for 寻找;小心、提防be ready to do 准备好做.be of much use 有些用处be afraid of work 害怕工作get into trouble & get out of trouble 陷入麻烦&脱离麻烦do a kindness 采取善意行为have full charge of 对.负全责come whistling to work 吹着口哨来工作be annoyed at.因.而恼怒turn out well 结果良好get on well 相处很好in no time = in a minute 马上、立刻old fellow 老伙计draw up 停下、起草think fit 觉得合适stand by sb 站在某人身边take some breath 喘口气use up = run out 耗尽breathe heavily 重重喘气a bucket of 大量的off = away 启程、离开still 寂静的send to 送去send for sb 请某人前来授课:XXXa bit of 一点儿;稍微be hard on/upon sb 对某人严厉苛刻be hard on sth 对某物有害the pride of ones heart 某人心中的骄傲the apple of ones eye/a pearl in the palm 掌上明珠be thrown away 丢弃;浪费in this manner 以这种方式come for sb 抓走某人pay close attention 很专心from time to time 时常fall upon 打击落在go about ones work 处理某人的工作on the condition that 在的条件下well off 富有的、境况良好的too much for sb 对某人来说足够多了back again like oneself 归来仍是本我keep up hope 保持信心lose patience 失去耐心so indeed sb was 某人的确是这样place sb in/at 安置某人于what sort of 哪种,什么样的look round 再找找看heavy hearts 沉重的心act in a bad way 行为举止恶劣be unfairly treated 受到不公平的对待be reasonable about sth 对公道授课:XXXnow and then 偶尔I beg your pardon 请您原谅by degrees 渐渐地look forward to doing sth. 期待某物be scared of sth. 害怕某物burst out 突然爆发at once 立刻、马上take ones opportunity 抓住某人的机会a match for sb. 和某人旗鼓相当set sb. free 释放某人as for 至于in charge of 掌控、掌管stay away from 远离 break out 突然爆发order sb to do sth 命令某人干某事feed sb well 好好喂养某人come loose 变松nottill 直到才speak/behave in a rude way 行为粗鲁have a care 小心come off 松开/成功cut into 切入with great force/violence 在巨大强力/暴力下a heavy cry 沉重的叫声at a great distance 在很远的距离dark figure 黑乎乎的人影 upon the ground 地板上bend down over弯下身来授课:XXXraise sb up 把某人举起来no wonder 难怪/不足为奇as well as 和一样start off 出发/开始with great pain 伴随着巨大的疼痛draw out 拔出/拉出burn out 烧尽get rid of 避开/清除be cleared of all blame 洗脱嫌疑/无责as soon as 一.就.no chance to do 没机会做pass time 消磨时光cost sb. a lot of money 花了某人一大笔钱be of much importance 很重要at a low price 以低价had better do sth. 最好做某事be particular about 对.挑剔take care of 照顾、关心set off 出发attend to sb./sth. 照料for rent 租用rest on 靠在keep an eye on 留意;照看talk sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事understand ones business 明白某人的职务well off 处境好的tell upon sth 损害;对产生不良影响授课:XXXkeep up my condition保持我的状态catch sb doing sth 抓到某人正在干某事be sentenced to= be found被宣判in the shape of 以形状、形式;作为be civil to sb 对某人有礼貌come near 走近,接近could not help doing 禁不住做useful-looking 看起来有用的样子 in a very decided tone 以一种非常坚定的口气on the spot 现场、当即pull up 停下as good a match as 和.一样的好伴侣before or since 空前绝后attend to 照顾、照料in my youth 在我年轻时as long as 只要(就)keep a good name going 让一个好名字流传下去time went by 时光流逝out of breath 上气不接下气be ashamed of 因而耻辱run a risk 冒着风险burst into tears(=burst out crying)突然痛哭come down the steps 走下台阶for your own good 为了你自己好a great deal of 大量的sit up for 不睡觉等某人make good money 赚大钱授课:XXXdance away to the music 随着音乐声翩翩起舞play cards 打牌sound the quarters 每过一刻钟响一次walk up and down 来回踱步make it 成功be wanted safe enough 一定会被需要的by turns 轮流have a full load 负重满满in the first 起初keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做be worn out 筋疲力竭speak of 提起、提及be painful to sth. 引起某部位疼痛poor sight 视力低下seeing is believing 眼见为实fall over 摔倒a set of 一系列be hard on 对 严苛out of misery 脱离不幸pick up 接look for fun 寻欢作乐a good amount of 大量in spite of 尽管draw a deep breath 深呼吸in company with 在的陪伴下in answer to sth 回应put in ones word 说好话;美言授课:XXXcould hardly control很难控制in charge to sb 归某人照看pay sb a visit 拜访某人be at hand 即将到来we can but try 我们不妨试试at the distance of 有.的距离have sth. on trial 试用go a long way with 对.大有帮助be sent for 被送去talk to oneself 自言自语tell sb about sth. 告知某人某事try out 试用have nothing to fear 没有忧虑 (注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!) 授课:XXX


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