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behr S 5 fully automatic steam distillation apparatusbehrOperating ManualPlease read this operating manual carefully before starting use of your new behr S 5 steam distillation apparatus! The operating manual provides clear and simple instructions in the use of the apparatus. Additional information, which is useful and important for an understanding of the operating principles of the apparatus, is denoted by a gray stripe in the margin.AWe wish you success in the use of the behrS 5 Steam Distillation ApparatusSafety WarningsIn order to avoid electrical shock injury, please insure that no liquids get into the apparatus housingAor come in contact with the electrical wires and connections!ATo avoid electrical shock injury, always remove the electrical power (mains plug before opening the apparatus housing!ARepair of electrical, electronic and mechanical components is only to be performed by suitably quali-?ed and authorized personnel!APlease rigorously observe all pertinent safety measures to avoid injury in working with glass!AObserve carefully safety procedures in working with acids and bases, which can cause burns and other injuries!ADuring the distillation and for a short time thereafter, do not touch any parts of the distillation system behind the Plexiglas door! These components may be hot and can cause burn injury!Do not operate the S 5 steam distillation apparatus in damp or explosive atmospheres!AThe maximum allowable humidity is 80%The maximum allowable room temperature iS 50 C 0Before shutting the S 5 down22 Inserting the vessels22 Switching the steam distillation apparatuson22Rinsing 22 Purging program23Adapting the behr S 5 to your personal requirements24 Choosing the language24 Con?gur ng the level sensor24 Settirthe time24 Download Software-Updates24 selecting titration unit24 Cooling Water Source Setting24 What to do if (25Problems which you can solve yourself25 Sample vessel not inserted25 Insuf? cient cooling water pressure25 Reagent level sensors25 In the event that you are not using thebehr KAS 50 canister set:25In the event that you are using the behrKAS 50 canister set:25 Titration vessel is full26 Problems requiring the attention of the behr repair service27 Technical Speci?cations28Overwiew: Menus and displays of the behr S 529Table of ContentsContents of Delivery5 Use of the behr S 5 in Chemical Analyses5 Operating Conditions5 Installing the behr S 57 Emplacing the steam distillation apparatus7 Connecting the hoses and tubing8 Connecting to the electrical power line8 Front view of the behr S 511 Turning the steam distillation apparatus on12 Preparations12 Switching the S 5 on12 Distilling with the behr S 513 The operating control unit13 Programming the S 513 Distilling16 (Re? lling the reagent lines16Inserting the glass components16Switching the steam distillationapparatus on16 Performing the (re?ll ng17 Test run17Inserting the glass vessels17Switching the steam distillationapparatus on17 Starting the test run18Ending the test run18 Automatic Distillation with the behr S 519Inserting the vessels19Switching the steam distillationapparatus on19 Starting the automatic distillation19Interrupting or terminating thedistillationprogram19 Ending the automatic distillation19 Manual distillation with the behr S 520Inserting the sample vessel20Switching the steam distillationapparatus on20 Performing a manual distillation20Ending the manual distillation21Contents of DeliveryPlease check immediately upon receipt to see that the contents of delivery are complete and undamaged.In the event of damage in shipment, contact the ship-ping agent (mail, freight carrier, railway immediately and request an inspection of actual condition of contents and packaging.The components, which should be present, are itemized in the following list.List of Componentsbehr S 5 distillation apparatus, completely assembled Hose set:1 Water inlet hose, 10/17, withandstandard ? ttings, 2 m1 Verprene tubing, 8/12,2 m3 PVC tubing, 4/7, 2 m2 PVC tubing, 8/12, 2 m3 PVC tube, 6 x 1,420 mm1 PVC tube, 10 x 1,420 mm1 Electrical (mains cable1 Cable for titrator connection1 Cable for pHelectrode1 Crucible tongs Use of the behr S 5in Chemical AnalysesThe behr S 5 is an effective automatic distillation appa-ratus for use in various applications. Principally, it ? nds application in the steam distillation of Kjeldahl ammonia solutions. In this application, the automatic addition of NaOH, HO and H3BO3,as well as the automatic drain-ing of spent sample waste, provide for a high degree of safety and convenience in use.Be certain to carefully implement the following guidance for the sake of safety in operation and the greatest pos-sible working life of the behr S 5:Operate the apparatus always in accordance with the instructions and warnings in this operatingmanual!Modi? cation or changes to the apparatus areunauthorized and lead to termination of the guaiantee. Modi? cations may result in serious opera-tional safety hazards and /or reduced reliability of the S 5.Do not expose the steam distillation unit to cor-rosive vapors, such as acids, bases or organicsolvents!Operating ConditionsOperate the behr S 5 steam distillation apparatus un-der normal laboratory conditions.The S 5 steam distillation apparatus may be con-nected to a cold water tap having astandard ? pipe thread.Contents of Delivery-5 -? behr Labor-Technik 20061. 1: behr S 5 - rear viewRear view of the behr S 5Figure 1: Diagram Legend1.1Overpressure steam release 1.9Diaphragm pump for delivery of boric acid;Connection nipple for 4/7 PVC tubing1.2.Cooling water inlet connection with ?ltersieve; ?” connection for 10/17 PVC hose1.10Socket for electrical (Mains power cable 1.3Water outlet, 8/12 PVC tubing1.11Socket for level monitoring1.4Peristaltic pump for sample waste disposal;-Connection nipple for 8/12 Verprene tubing1.12Printer port1.5Diaphragm pump for H2O for steam genera-tion; Connection nipple for 4/7 PVC-tubing1.13RS 232 port for titrator1.6Diaphragm pump for NaOH; Connection nipple for 8/12 PVC-tubing1.1425-pin port for titrator1.7Excessive temperature circuit breaker 1.15RS 232 port for software updates 1.8Diaphragm pump for delivery of sample dilutionwater; Connection nipple for 4/7 PVC tubing1.16Socket for air ventInstalling the behr S 5In installing the S 5, be certain to adhere to all building codes pertaining to plumbing and towaste water disposal regulations.In selecting the location for installation, keep in mind that the hoses and tubing provided have a length of 2 meters.Place the behr S 5 steam distillation apparatus on a sturdy horizontal ? at laboratory bench top, with access to both water tap and drainnd suf? cient space for the reagent containers below the bench top.Select a cold water tap to which you can permanently attach the hose for the cooling water supply.Faucets providing a mixture of hot and/or cold water should not be used.The water pressure must be at least 0.5 bar for the proper functioning of the water pressuresafety monitor.The steam distillation unit is completely assembled by the manufacturer. Please unpack it carefully.Emplacing the steam distillation apparatusPlace the apparatus on the bench top.Unpack the accessory parts.First, put the reagent containers in place:Container for distilled waterContainer for sodium hydroxide (NaOHContainer for boric acid (H3BO3Container for sample wasteThe optimal location for these containers is directly be-neath the laboratory bench top.In no case should the reagent containers be placed at a level higher than the steam distillation apparatus.Connecting the hoses and tubingPay careful attention to the labels of the hose and tube connections found on the back of the S 5.Insert the ends of the three 6 x 1 PVC tubes into the three 4/7 PVC tubing segments.Next insert the end of the 10 x 1 PVC tube into an 8/12 PVC tubing segment.Make certain that the tubes are securely inserted in the PVC tubing segments.Insert two 6x1 PVC tubes into the container for distilled water. Connect the free ends of the PVC tubing seg-ments to the following connection nipples on the rear of the S 5:H2O for steam generator (1.5,H2O sample (1.8.Insert the third 6x1 PVC tube into the container for the boric acid and connect the free end of the PVC tubingsegment to the connection nipple labelled H3BO3(1.9on the back of the S 5.After inserting the 10x1 PVC tube into the container for NaOH, connect the free end of the PVC tubing segment to the connection nipple labelled NaOH (1.6 on the rear of the S 5.Using the pressure-resistant fabric-reinforced hose, con-nect the cold water tap ? pipe thread to the ? ? tting labelled cooling water inlet with ? lter (1.2 on the rear ofthe S 5.Finally, connect the two discharge tubing segments:Connect the Verprene 8/12 sample waste discharge tubing segment to the connection nipple labelled pump for suction sample (1.4 and insert into the container for sample waste discharge.Connect the 8/12 PVC tube segment to the connection nipple labelled water outlet (1.3 and lead the other end to a drain.File the tubing of the titration device and the electrode cable through the opening (2.9, cf. page 10.Screw the tubing to the titration device. Connect the other side to the tirator (see user s manual of the tirator.Electrical connectionsConnect the titrator connection cable to the appropriate port of the S 5: Depending on the type of your titrator, it will ? t into the RS 232 socket (1.13 or the 25-pin socket (1.14.Screw the pHelectrode to the electrode cable.Connect the other sides of the electrode cable and of the connection cable to the titrator.Fill some KCl solution (KCl 3 mol/l into the electrode protection vessel (2.8, page 10.Gently pull the protection cap off the electrode and put the electrode into the electrode protection vessel (2.8.When you are not doing analyses, always keepthe electrode in the protection vessel (2.8. Makesure there is enough KCl solution in the vessel soas to keep the electrode membrane wet. Do notleave the electrode dry; it would dry out andbecome useless.In case you are using the container set KAS 50:? Connect the individual sensor cables from the varous reagent containers to the central junction box.Then connect the cable from the central junction box to the socket labelled LEVEL DETECTORS (1.11 on the rear of the S 5.Connecting to the electrical power lineFirst, insure that the voltage speci? cation stated on the model identi? cation sticker of your S 5 corresponds to the electrical line voltage.Insure that the electrical power MAIN SWITCH (2.11 on the front of the S 5 is set to 0Connect the electrical power cable to the socket on the rear of the S 5 identi? ed MAINS (1.10.Insert the plug of the power cable into an electrical power socket.Calibrating the pHelectrodeSee user s manual of your titrator. 2.312.321.1 2: behr S 5 - Front viewFront view of the behr S 5 Figure 2: Diagram legend2.10 perating control unit: Chemical-resistantplastic foil 2.17Disti11ate level sensors (the 2nd is hiddenbehind the stirrer2.11 Liquid crystal display (LCD 2.18Protection vessel for pH electrode2.12 ontrol knob 2.19Drip tray2.13 ooling water outlet 2.20PTFE steam delivery tube2.5Screw-on connectors GL 14 2.21Notch for positioning the steam delivery tube between distillations2.6Cooling water inlet 2.22Quick release fastener for holding the samplevessels during distillation2.7Disti11ate suction tube, silicone 2.23Plexiglass protective door (not shown2.8Silicone delivery tube for H3BO32.24Fastening screws for glassware mounting2.9Opening for electrode cable and titration tube 2.25Glassware mounting2.10Disti11ate delivery tube, silicone 8/12 2.26Viton stopper for sealing vessel mouth2.11Air release valve 2.27GL 18 screw-on connectors with silicone gaskets2.12Titration device 2.28PTFE delivery tube for NaOH2.135 tirrer 2.29Distillation head, glass2.136 itration vessel 2.30Polypropylene steam/water inlet junction withpolypropylene nut2.137 lectrical power switch 2.31GL 32 screw-on connector with silicone gasket2.138 id opening for pelectrode 2.32Condenserbehr S 5Turning the steam distillation apparatus onPreparationsAcids and bases can cause burns and otherinjuries!Sample vessel will become hot; it can causeburns!In working with acids and bases, observe thesafety precautions prescribed for these substances in the Material Safety Data Sheets!Before switching the steam distillation apparatus on, close the plexiglass door!Fill the reagent containers with the appropriate chemi-cals.Verify by checking the tubing connections which rea-gents are to be ? lled into which containers. Then ? ll the containers accordingly:? Distilled or deionized water (e.g. from a behropur?water deionizer? NaOH, 32%? H3BO3,2 - 4%Provide the cooling water supplyOpen the water tap.Switching the S 5 onTurn the power on by switching the MAIN SWITCH (2.11 on the front of the S 5 to the position - IThe electrical power switch of the S 5 ful? 11s twofunctions. It serves to turn the apparatus on andoff and also has an electrical circuit-breaker builtin.This circuit breaker operates on a similar principalto those used in homes. If too much current isdrawn, it shuts off.The operation of this circuit breaker requires thata spring within it be cocked. For this reason, asomewhat greater pressure is required on theswitch to turn it on than is required in a similarswitch without circuit breaker.After turning the apparatus on, the display (2.3 on the front will brie? y show an initialization noti? cation. Im -mediately thereafter, the pump begins ? lling the steam generator and you see the following noti? cation on the display:steam generator ? llingAn hourglass symbolizes the ongoing process. Next, the following noti? cation appears:steam generator heatingAgain, the hour glass is seen on the display.These two procedures can take a bit of time, especially when the apparatus is switched on for the ? rst time. These procedures have been completed when thePROGRAM 01STARTOPTIONSdisplay switches to the Start “ modeThe S 5 steam distillation apparatus is now ready foroperation.Figure 3: Operating control unitDistilling with the behr S 5The operating control unitProgramming the S 5After ? ll ng and heating of the steam generator you willbehrS5see the following display:This is the main menu . From here you come to all other menus and displays.The option START is pre-programmed as a default set-ting.Distilling with the behr S 5behrS5Press button forYour behr S 5 steam distillation apparatus is program-med and operated easily with a single knob.The principle remains in all cases the same:Turning the knob enables you to choose an option. The currently addressable option is recognized by being highlighted with green text on a black background.The knob may be turned in both directions. In doing this, you will pass all possible options in the display shown and will always again ? nd the dsired option on continu-ed turning. Try this for yourself.The desired option is implemented by pressing on the knob.The complete procedure of choosing by turning and im-plementing by pressing will henceforth simply be called selecting .The following pages will show you how to program and operate you steam distillation apparatus.behr S 5Modifying a distillation programDIL+H;ODelivery time fcseconds. Possi range from 0.0 The factory def 3,0 sec.Delivery of the With the S5, you can de? ne 99 different distillation programs. This allows you to de? ne the appropriate conditions and the approbate quantities of reagents for different analyses and different sample concentration ranges.The 100th programm, program no. 00, is a cleaning program which purges the distillation head with steam.When de? nng a program, make a note of its purpose and the settings you made.DIL.HODelivery time foi seconds. Possit range from 0.0! The factory dels 3,0 sec.Delivery of the 口Turn the operating control knob clockwise orcounterclockwise until the menu item Program is highlighted. Then press the knob once.You will now see the following display:Dll.HODefivery time fo secondst Possil range from 0.0 The factory det 3.9 sec.Delivery of the |You can now select which of the 99 programs of the S 5 you wish to enter or modify. Simply turn the operating control knob until Prog.Number appears in green on a black background. If you now press the knob once, you will be able to dial to another number. Turning the knob clockwise advances the display to the higher numbers, while turning counterclockwise brings you to the lowernumbers. At both ends of the number range, continued turning of the knob will bring you to the other end of the range, speci? cally turning clockwise beyond 99 will bring you back to 00turning counterclockwise from 00 will bring you to 99.By pressing on the operating control knob you will then enter the programming options of the selected program number.If you are working with the S 5 for the ? rst time, then leave the program number selection on 01.By turning the operating control knob and pressing, select the option further =.You will now see the following menu displayed:Read the menu items as follows:Prog.Number 01You can modify the settings of program no. 01DIL.H 2ODelivery time for dilution water in seconds. Possible entry values range from 0.0 sec to 99.9 sec. The factory default setting is 3.0 sec.Delivery of the pump approx.16 ml/sec.80 ml/5 sec 965 ml/minNaOHDelivery time for sodium hydro-xide in seconds. Possible entry values range from 0.0 sec to 99.9 sec. The factory default setting is 3.0 sec.Delivery of the pump approx.10 ml/sec.51 ml/5 sec 610 ml/minDist.TimeDistillation time in seconds. Possible entry values range from 0 sec to 999 sec. The factory default setting is 300 sec.furtherIf you wish to change an entry, simply turn the operating control knob to highlight the value of interest and press the knob to access the entry value. Then dial the desi-redvalue by turning the operating control knob and en-ter it in memory storage by pressing the knob again.Once all entry values have been entered according to your wishes, select further = and press the operatingProg,Number01REACJIME000POWER80%DRAINSAMPLE30control knob to bring up the following program menu.Explanation:Prog.Number 01You can modify the settings ofprogram no. 01REAC.TIME Delay time in seconds betweenthe end of NaOH addition and thestart of distillation. Possible entryvalues range from 0 sec to 999sec. The factory default settingis 0 sec. For the distillation in theKjeldahl nitrogen determination,do not change the preset defaultof 000.POWER Steam generator power. Possibleentry values range from 30% to100%. The factory preset defaultvalue is 80%. You can change theelectrical power for steam generation and thereby the intensity ofsteam generation.The steam generator is switchedon and off on by a pressure sensor. The on/off set points of thepressure sensor cannot be adjusted by the user. It is only possiblefor the user to adjust the steamgeneration power. DRAINSAMPLE Run-time in seconds for the pumpdr


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