高中英语The Olympic Games 新人教必修

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会计学1高中英语高中英语 The Olympic Games 新人教新人教必修必修-2-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 The History of the Olympic GamesAccording to historic records,the first ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 B.C.They were dedicated to the Olympian Gods and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia.Many sports games were based on ancient Greek myths.第2页/共80页-3-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 The ancient Games actually had an important position in the life of the Greek ancestors.Players came to compete from every corner of the Greek world aiming at the final prize:an olive wreath and a “heroic” return to their city.But apart from the glorious victory,it was the Olympic values themselves which accorded special meaning to the Games:noble competition and the effort to combine body,will,and mind in a balanced whole.As the Games developed,so did a set of procedures such as a standardized schedule of events and the practice of the Olympic Truce.They continued for nearly 12 centuries.However,it was French Baron Pierre de Coubertin who led the way to the first Modern Olympic Games in 1896.第3页/共80页-4-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 With the revival of the Olympic Games,a number of symbolic Olympic traditions were also developed and established,such as the Olympic Anthem,the Olympic Flag,the Olympic Flame and Torch.译文:奥运会的历史据史料记载,第一届古代奥运会可以追溯到公元前776年,为纪念奥林匹亚神在奥林匹亚的古代平原上举行。很多运动项目都源于古希腊神话。古代奥运会在古希腊人的生活中占据了很重要的地位。来自希腊各地的参赛者参与角逐,目标就是最终奖赏:一个橄榄花环和“英雄”般的返乡。除去胜利的光荣,奥林匹克价值本身赋予了奥运会特殊的意义:高尚竞争,把身体、意志和精神平衡的结合于一体。第4页/共80页-5-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 随着奥运会的发展,一系列程序,如标准化的项目时间表和奥林匹克休战的实践也在完善。这样持续了近12个世纪。然而,法国人皮埃尔德顾拜旦为1896年第一届现代奥运会的举行铺平了道路。随着奥运会的复兴,许多具有象征意义的奥林匹克传统也建立和发展,如奥林匹克会歌、奥林匹克旗、奥林匹克火焰和火炬。第5页/共80页-6-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 dedicated /dedIkeItId/ adj. 献身的;专心的myth /mI/n. 神话truce /trus/n. 休战revival /rIvaIvl/ n. 复兴continent /kntInnt/ n. 大洲第6页/共80页-7-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 Players came to compete from every corner of the Greek world aiming at the final prize:an olive wreath and a“heroic” return to their city.译文:来自希腊各地的参赛者参与角逐,目标就是最终奖赏:一个橄榄花环和“英雄”般的返乡。剖析:aiming at the final prize为v.-ing形式作伴随状语。第7页/共80页-8-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE 新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑词海拾贝 难句剖析理解诱思 1.What do you think are differences between ancient and modern Olympic Games?2.How do you value the 30th Olympic Games held in London?3.Why did the players attend the ancient Olympics?A.Because they wanted to show themselves.B.Because they wanted to see the Olympics themselves.C.Because they wanted to win the final prize and a “heroic” return to their city.D.Because they wanted to introduce their country to the world.答案:Different students have different answers. 答案:Different students have different answers. 答案:C 第8页/共80页-9-第9页/共80页-10-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六一、写作词汇预习Reading部分的词汇,完成下列小对话或语篇。1.How many students will (比赛) in the sports meeting?About 100 hundred students.2.Which country do you want to visit this summer?China,an (古老的) and beautiful country. 3.What does NBA (代表)?National Basketball Association.4.Id like to learn something about the Internet.Good idea.(现今) it is playing an important part in our life. compete ancient stand for Nowadays第10页/共80页-11-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六5.Mike is a famous player and his friend David is a famous player (也).In 2012,Mike (参加) the London Olympic Games,but in 2016 David will (取代) him to Brazil,which will (主办) the Olympic Games.Mike(承认) that David does better than he now.He hopes his friend can win a gold medal. as well took part in replace host admits 第11页/共80页-12-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六二、阅读词汇预习Reading部分的词汇,写出画线部分的汉语意思。I am an athlete and good at gymnastics 1.Last year I took part in an important sports meeting.As a competitor 2.,I am proud of what I did.This year I volunteer 3. to take part in another national sports meeting because I feel it my responsibility 4. to win medals 5. for my province(省). 体操 竞争者 自愿 责任 奖牌 第12页/共80页-13-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六三、奥林匹克运动会现已成为和平与友谊的象征。你对奥运会了解多少?The Olympics are the symbol of peace and friendship.How much do you know about the Olympics?First: Second: Third: Fourth: 答案:略第13页/共80页-14-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六四、阅读 AN INTERVIEW,指出本文的主旨大意The text mainly introduces 答案:the Olympic Games,especially the differences and similarities between the ancient Olympic Games and the modern Olympic Games第14页/共80页-15-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六五、阅读 AN INTERVIEW,选出最佳选项1.In which column can you find this passage?A.Culture.B.Sports.C.Science. D.Entertainment.2.How does the writer introduce the Olympics?A.By comparing.B.By giving examples.C.By explaining.D.By introducing events.答案:B 答案:A第15页/共80页-16-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六3.Who was Pausanias?A.He was a famous athlete about 2,000 years ago.B.He was a volunteer for the 2008 Olympics.C.He was a famous writer about 2,000 years ago.D.He was a Greek editor.答案:C第16页/共80页-17-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六4.Which is the most proper explanation about the sentence “Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals”?A.The competition between the countries for hosting the Olympic Games is as hard as that for medals.B.Many countries are willing and eager to host the Olympic Games.C.It is much harder to host the Olympic Games than to win medals in the Games.D.To win medals in the Olympic Games is harder than to host the Olympic Games.答案:A第17页/共80页-18-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六六、课文填空按照课文的内容和句子结构的语法性,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Pausanias and Li Yan are talking about the similarities and between the ancient and modern Olympics.The ancient Olympic Games were first held in Athens,in only men from the Greece had the right (compete).The champions were awarded olive wreaths prizes.The modern Olympics started in 1896.From then on,athletes from all over the world have come to take part in the games four years.There are two sets of Gamesthe Summer and the Winter Olympics.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event (admit) as competitors.There are over 250 sports events.differences whichto compete as every will be admitted 第18页/共80页-19-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑一二三四五六To host the Olympics, special village is usually built,with a main reception building,several stadiums,a gymnasium as as seats for those who watch the games.The winners of the first places are awarded gold,silver and bronze medals.The motto of the Olympic Games is: (swift),higher and stronger. a well three swifter 第19页/共80页-20-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567891.How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?(P9)有多少国家参加了古代奥运会的比赛?考点:compete vi. 比赛;竞争【高考典句】(2012天津高考)Like many young athletes,she had Olympic dreams,but a serious illness kept her from competing in the Games.像许多年轻运动员一样,她有着奥运梦,但是一种严重的疾病使她不能参加奥运会。Several countries competed against each other for hosting the World Cup.几个国家竞争主办世界杯。第20页/共80页-21-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,指出compete的词组及意义。Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. 女性首次被允许参加奥运会射击项目是在1968年。词组:compete in意义:参与比赛/在某方面竞争 The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool.孩子们互相竞争着抵达池子的另一端。词组:compete against sb意义:与某人竞争 All the singers need to compete for the prize.所有的歌唱演员都要竞争那个奖项。词组:compete for意义:为而比赛 第21页/共80页-22-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567892)阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义。It is reported that 890 competitors took part in the activity organized by our school.据报道有890名竞争者参加了我们学校组织的这项活动。词性:名词含义:参赛者;竞争对手【高考典句】(2015福建高考)Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese weighing about four kilos (disappointingly,but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wooden ones).竞争是激烈的,主要的奖品是一个完整的斯蒂尔顿奶酪,重约四千克(令人失望但又可以理解的是用来比赛的奶酪是木制奶酪)。词性:名词含义:竞争第22页/共80页-23-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789【高考典句】(2014四川高考) Women are friendly.But men are more competitive.女人友好,而男人更好竞争。词性:形容词含义:竞争的;有竞争性的知识卡片compete in参与比赛;在某方面竞争compete against/with sb与某人竞争compete for为而比赛competitor n.参赛者;竞争对手competition n.竞争in competition with与竞争competitive adj.竞争的,有竞争性的第23页/共80页-24-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第24页/共80页-25-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第25页/共80页-26-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567892.Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games?(P9)谁不能参加古代奥运会?考点:take part in参加;参与【高考典句】(2013浙江高考)A good listener takes part in the conversation,offering ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.善于倾听的人在参与谈话的时候,提供建议并提出问题,从而使得谈话能顺利进行下去。第26页/共80页-27-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789考点延伸 1)阅读下面句子,写出黑体词组的意义。She took an active part in all kinds of performances for the earthquake-stricken areas.她积极参加为地震灾区举办的各种演出。意义:积极参加2)辨析take part in,join,join in,attend的用法。 take part in指参加有组织的、群众性的活动。join指参加社会团体、某一政党、军队、俱乐部等并成为其中一员。join in指加入某一活动或游戏。attend指参加会议、婚礼、典礼、听报告、讲座等,一般指成为观众或听众。第27页/共80页-28-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789People who take part in sports must be in good condition.参加运动的人一定要保持良好的状态。He was eighteen years old when he joined the army.他18岁参军。Do you know how many of them joined in the research project?你知道他们中间有多少人参加了这个研究项目吗?At best a few hundred people attended the meeting.充其量只有几百人出席了会议。第28页/共80页-29-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第29页/共80页-30-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第30页/共80页-31-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567893.What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?(P9)奥运旗帜上的五环代表什么?考点:stand for代表;象征;表示【高考典句】(2013课标全国高考)In China,these knots stand for friendship,love and good luck.在中国,这些结象征友谊、爱和好运。CCTV stands for China Central Television.CCTV代表中国中央电视台。As we all know,X can stand for an unknown number in math.我们知道,X可在数学中表示一个未知数。第31页/共80页-32-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789考点延伸 1)阅读下面句子,指出stand for的意义。 Its outrageous,and we wont stand for it any more.这太不像话了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。意义:容忍 2)阅读下列句子,指出stand的词组及意义。You cannot stand by and allow such a thing.你不能袖手旁观,听任这样的事发生。词组:stand by意义:袖手旁观 Well stand by you through thick and thin.不管多么艰难困苦,我们都会支持你们。词组:stand by sb意义:支持某人 第32页/共80页-33-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789【高考典句】(2014课标全国高考)Then the driver stood up and asked,“Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last stop?”司机然后站起来问:“有人在上一站丢了一个箱子吗?”词组:stand up意义:站起来 The words on the road sign stand out well.路牌上的字非常醒目。词组:stand out意义:显眼 【高考典句】(2014广东高考)After countless interviews and presentations,I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone.经过无数次的面试和陈述,我设法在候选人中脱颖而出,独自一人通过了考验。词组:stand out意义:突出 第33页/共80页-34-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789知识卡片stand for代表;象征;表示;容忍stand by袖手旁观stand by sb支持某人stand up站起来stand out显眼;突出第34页/共80页-35-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567894)Old as the house was,it stood during the strong earthquake. 单句填空5)PLA (stand) for the Peoples Liberation Army. 6)The red flag stands well against the blue sky with the white clouds. 答案:1)for2)by3)out4)up5)stands6)out第35页/共80页-36-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567894.and both are held every four years on a regular basis.(P10)这两种(运动会)都是定期四年举行一次。考点一:every four years 每四年;每隔三年The Asian Games are held every four years.亚运会每4年举行一次。考点延伸 1)次数的表达:一次once;两次twice。阅读下面句子,指出表示“三次或三次以上”的构成方式。We take the medicine three times a day.我们一天吃三次药。构成方式:用“基数词+times”,如three times,four times。第36页/共80页-37-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567892)频率的表达:次数+every+间隔时间如:每四年一次once every four years(once常可以省略,等于every four years)每三天两次twice every three daysWe usually go home for money (once) every four weeks.我们每四周回家拿一次钱。3)英语中有一些特殊的频率表达方式。阅读下列句子,指出黑体词组的意义。I go home to see my aged parents every few days.我每隔几天就回家看望年迈的父母。意义:每隔几天第37页/共80页-38-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789She visited him in hospital every other day/every two days.她每隔一天到医院去看望他一次。意义:每隔一天They appear in my dream every two or three days.他们每两三天就出现在我的梦里。意义:每两三天第38页/共80页-39-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789考点二:basis n.基础;根据【高考典句】(2014课标全国高考)As a general rule,all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine basis.一般来说,当所有形式的活动被经常做的时候,它们通常会变得乏味。The basis of good marriage is trust.美满婚姻的基础是信任。考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,指出basis的词组及意义。Dont judge a person on the basis of appearance.不要以貌取人。词组:on the basis of意义:在的基础之上 第39页/共80页-40-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789【高考典句】(2015浙江高考) On a daily basis,she reminded me that life goes on.她每天提醒我生活在继续。词组:on a daily basis意义:每天 11He will visit Eastern Asia on a regular basis.他将会定期走访东亚地区。词组:on a regular basis意义:经常地;定期地 2)阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性及含义。12Drums are basic to African music.鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。词性:形容词含义:基本的第40页/共80页-41-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑12345678913Basically I agree with your plan.我基本上同意你的计划。词性:副词含义:基本地;根本地14After the attack,they returned to the base.他们发动攻击之后返回了基地。词性:名词含义:基地15The movie is based on a real-life incident.这部电影以现实生活中的一件事为基础。词性:动词含义:以为基础第41页/共80页-42-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567893)辨析basis,base和foundation的不同用法。basis常指理论、信念等的基础或依据,即无形的基础或抽象的根据。base是指以实物为基础,指物体的底部或根基。foundation既可指理论基础,也可为实物基础,侧重于牢固的基础。知识卡片on a daily basis每天on a regular basis经常地;定期地basic adj. 基本的basically adv. 基本地;根本地base n. 基地vt. 以为基础第42页/共80页-43-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第43页/共80页-44-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第44页/共80页-45-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第45页/共80页-46-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567895.Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.(P10)只有达到他们各自项目统一标准的运动员才会被接受参加奥运会。剖析:本句是一个复合句,其中who引导的定语从句who have reached the agreed standard for their event修饰先行词athletes。在该定语从句中,形容词agreed作定语,修饰名词standard,意为“经过协议的,同意的”。如:The students who failed in the exam were told to see the teacher.考试不及格的学生们被告知去见老师。Look,this is the agreed plan.看,这是经过协议的计划。第46页/共80页-47-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789考点:admit vi.& vt.容许;承认;接纳【高考典句】(2013浙江高考) The thing is,a number of them have admitted that despite their success,they arent happy.问题是,他们中的许多人承认,虽然他们成功了,但是他们并不快乐。【高考典句】(2013北京高考)They also were more likely to admit to sensation-seeking and impulsive behaviour,which connects with how easily people get bored and distracted.他们也更有可能容许寻求刺激和冲动的行为,这些行为和人们容易厌倦和分心有关系。第47页/共80页-48-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,指出admit的词组及意义。He admitted breaking the school rules and willingly accepted punishment.他承认违反了校规,愿意接受惩罚。词组:admit doing sth.意义:承认做过某事 My friend was admitted to the Party last year.我的朋友去年入党了。词组:be admitted to意义:被接纳/录取 She was admitted as a member of the club.她被接纳为俱乐部会员。词组:be admitted as.意义:作为被接受 第48页/共80页-49-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑1234567892)辨析admit,allow,permit表示“允许”时的不同用法。Each ticket admits one person to the garden.每张票只允许一个人进入花园。admit表示允许某人进入某场地或允许加入某个组织。School rules dont allow us to eat in the classroom.校规不允许我们在教室里吃东西。allow表示允许某人做某事,即给予某人权力去做某事。I will see you after the meeting,if time permits.如果时间允许的话,我开完会去见你。permit表示同意、准许某人做某事。第49页/共80页-50-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789知识卡片admit doing sth承认做过某事be admitted to被接纳/录取be admitted as.作为被接受第50页/共80页-51-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第51页/共80页-52-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑123456789第52页/共80页-53-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑5612347896.For each Olympics,a special village is built for them to live in,a main reception building,several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well.(P10)每届奥运会都有一个特殊的村庄(奥运村)供参赛的人住,一个主要的接待大楼,好几个供比赛用的体育场,还有一个室内体育馆。考点:as well 也;又;还We should stick to the principles and be flexible as well.我们应该坚守原则,也要有灵活性。China is a socialist country and a developing country as well.中国是一个社会主义国家,也是一个发展中国家。第53页/共80页-54-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑561234789考点延伸 1)阅读下列句子,指出as well as的意义和用法。 【高考典句】(2015陕西高考) Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I danced as well as her.艾伦是一位出色的舞蹈家。我希望能跟她跳得一样好。意义:和一样好She is beautiful as well as tall.她不但长得高而且漂亮。意义:也,而且用法1:as well as连接并列的表语。第54页/共80页-55-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑561234789Tom,as well as his parents,has gone to Beijing for their holidays.汤姆和他的父母去北京度假了。意义:和用法2:as well as连接并列的主语时,谓语要与前面的人称保持一致。He shared in my sorrows as well as in my joys.他分享我的快乐也分担我的悲伤。意义:也用法3:as well as连接并列的状语。第55页/共80页-56-Section Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading & ComprehendingCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵X INZHI DAOXUE新知导学DAYI JIEHUO答疑解惑5612347892)阅读下列句子,


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