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12016英语六级听力模拟试题及答案第十Secti on A注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。11. A) He will have no choices left.B) He had better not go there.C) The books are of poor quality.D) He should go whe n he has some time.12. A) The restaura nt was nt crowded.B) The meal was very expe nsive.C) The magaz ine was nt in teresti ng.D) The food was nt very good.13. A) He wont be ready un til n ext week.B) He is available any day except Wedn esday.C) He will be busy before Wedn esday.D) He can meet the woma n on Wedn esday.14. A) Study math with Paul.2B) Take Paul to a doctor.C) Discuss the problem with Paul.D) Find Paul a study group.15. A) The housekeepingservice is notincluded in thishotel.B)No housekeep ing services can be provided on weeke nds.C)The guest complainsabout lack ofhousekeepingservices.D) The guest requires housekeep ing services on weeke nds.16. A) He n eeds a new hat and gloves.B) The weather will con ti nue to be cold.C) He does nt know how the weather will be.D) He does nt know where his win ter clothes is.17. A) Can cel her appo in tme nts.B) Reschedule one of her appo in tme nts.C) Prepare for the meeti ng at lun ch.D) Keep both appo in tme nts short.18. A) Clea ning the shirt will take Ion gertha n usual.B) The man can have his shirt at the end ofthe day.C) She does nt thi nk the blood sta in can beremoved.D)The man should go to a differentcleaningshop forhelp.3Conv ersati on One19. A) To do some cerical work.B) To own her own law office.C) To become a veil-k nown lawyer.D) To practice law in well-k nown law offices.20. A) Her pers onal characters.B) Urge nt n eed for lawyers in her coun try.C) Its social status, and promis ing future.D) Her childhood dream.21. A) America has the best educatio nsystems.B) Female lawyers are respected there.C) She followed her pare nts advice.D) America has got top law schools.Conv ersati on Two22. A) A gover nment departme nt.B) A sta ndard unit for measuri ng weight.C) The value of precious metals.D) The humid weather.23. A) Check ing the accuracy of scales.B) Calculati ng the den sity of metals.C) Observ ing cha nges in the atmosphere.4D) Measuri ng amounts of rain fall.24. A) It was eroded by some chemicals.B) The scales are obscure.C) The sta ndard for measuri ng had cha nged.D) It absorbed moisture and was in accurate.25. A) It is relatively cheap for so much precious metal.B) It is difficult to judge the value ofsuch an object.C) It is reas on able for an object with sucha n fun cti on.D) It is too expe nsive for such a lightweight.Secti on B注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。Passage One26. A) Water might become clea n and pure.B) People will live in a better en vir onment.C) There will be no police to protectpeople.D) People n eed to spe nd more money on educati on.27. A) To build hospitals and schools.B) To build roads and railways.C) To train the police officers.D) To teach and train the citize ns.28. A) Some people refuse to pay taxes.important5B) The rich people pay higher taxes.C) Every citizer has a duty to pay taxes.D) The taxes are used to make laws.PassageTwo29. A) They were made only three times in Earths history.B) The most beautiful diam ond comes from Africa.C) They are eve n harder tha n those sawblades.D) The hard ness of diam onds depe nds on the purity.30. A) The cutting of diamondsneeds to havecha nges.B) The en vir onment of making diam onds hascha nged.C) The compositi on of rocks is the same asit used to.D) The dema nd for diam onds has in creasedrece ntly.31. A) 3.3 billio n years ago.B) 2.9 billi on years ago.C) 1.2 billi on years ago.D) 2.1 billi on years ago.Passage Three32. A) They were the most terrible disaster on earth.B) They were warning sig ns of some bigeve nts.C) They were tur no vers of the big drag ons.D) They were puni shme nt from an angry god.33. A) The surface of the earth is made upby 12 huge plates.some6B) The surface is the most importa nt partof the earth.C) We can now tell where and whenearthquakeswillhappe n.D) Our earth is made up by some ocea ns an dla nds.34. A) It will have more earthquakes.B) It is beco ming larger slowly.C) It is divided by a large plate.D) It will become eve n deeper.35. A) It is the meet ing point of thePacific and the North America nPlates.B) It runs a length of roughly 1906kilometers through Califomia.C) It is one of the Iongest and most activefaults in the world.D) It once caused the largest earthquake in the world.


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