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智慧树知到拓展英语词汇章节测试答案第一章1、My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the _ files to you.A:videoB:visualC:audioD:visible答案: audio2、Im deeply impressed by the great musical effect of this theatre. Even if you sit in the farthest seat, the music is still _.A:audibleB:inaudibleC:credibleD:incredible答案: audible3、The _ in the downtown area is really poor today. I hope you are careful when you drive after class.A:visibilityB:visibleC:videoD:vigor答案: visibility4、It is evident that we have to do something to improve the hazy weather. Otherwise the sea might become _.A:viciousB:vigorousC:inedibleD:invisible答案: invisible5、I can not _ a life without beautiful scenery around me. I want to see the sea, the sand and the sun every day.A:visualizeB:visionC:visionaryD:volunteer答案: visualize6、The company Goldman Sachs made a _ (预言) about national economies. The experts there predicted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the world by the year 2050.A:dictationB:predictionC:conditionD:preparation答案: prediction7、The experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable. Without the help of big data, the ranking would be_ (不能预言的).A:predictableB:unpredictableC:speakableD:unspeakable答案: unpredictable8、I like Hamlets _ (独白):“To be or not to be. That is the question.”A:monologueB:murmurC:dialogueD:conversation答案: monologue9、Environmental pollution has been a big concern for many countries. I think governments should put environmental issues high on the _ (议事日程).A:agendaB:agencyC:scaleD:scanning答案: agenda10、My niece has got a(n) _ (试镜) for the Juilliard School of Music in America on Friday. She goes to me for some important interview skills.A:auditionB:attractionC:translationD:admiration答案: audition第二章1、 His long illness and _ absence put him far behind in his study. That explains why he failed the final exam.A:consequentB: statusC:successD:consequence答案: consequent2、The doctor advised him to _ from drinking if he hoped to recover from the disease soon.A:sustainB:abstainC:absentD:suspect答案: abstain3、This course aims to give a _ introduction to the word roots. A good command of so many roots will help students learn words more efficiently.A: comprehendB:comprehensiveC:complaintD:compliment答案: comprehensive4、Maybe Ma Yun hasnt expected that Alibaba can _ its present position in e-commerce within only 15 years.A:detainB: attainC:deliverD:attach答案: attain5、 Guys, push yourself to make more friends and make sure to _ the friendships.A:matureB: containC:contactD:maintain答案: maintain6、Its a wonder that the thin branches can _ (支撑) the weight of such heavy snow.A: obtainB:surroundC:sustainD:surrender答案: sustain7、Lisas husband tied her hands and feet to keep her from buying goods on Double Eleven Festival. I hope he will not be _ (逮捕) for his behavior.A:apprehendedB: appreciatedC:comprehendedD:combined答案: apprehended8、The fans must be expecting the _ (续集) to the movie “Transformer” .A:continueB: searchC:conformD:sequel答案: sequel9、Nowadays,more and more women are taking a(n) _ (管理的) role.A: executiveB:manageC: executeD: manual答案: executive10、This book is made up of 16 units. But you guys neednt learn these lectures in _ (顺序).A:fluencyB:sequenceC:frequencyD:disorder答案: sequence第三章1、Its too noisy for me to study in this classroom. Overcrowded and uncomfortable classrooms can_ learning.A:improveB:impedeC:promoteD:propose答案: impede2、Charles was an excellent pianist. Yesterday his performance _ expectations.A:projectedB:exceededC:receivedD:rejected答案: exceeded3、Ma Yun is a _ businessman. His achievements inspire college students to start their own business.A:failingB:succeedC:successfulD:defeated答案: successful4、Scientists have invented a robot which can cook for people. Nowadays, science and technology_ every aspect of our lives.A:persuadesB:persistsC:producesD:pervades答案: pervades5、The_ is one of the necessary instruments in the North Pole exploration.A:compassB:passageC:messageD:progress答案: compass6、Each English learner can _(进行) at their own speed.A:proceedB:correctC:succeedD:reject答案: proceed7、Sleepiness _(发生) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates.A:occursB:occupiesC:recallsD:reviews答案: occurs8、Jims car ran into a tree yesterday. We called an_(救护车) and rushed him to the hospital.A:ambulanceB:preambleC:ambassadorD:prediction答案: ambulance9、With the accumulation of English, our English skills are _(提升).A:upgradedB:upsetC:downloadedD:downgraded答案: upgraded10、Snoring is bad for sleep but the medical community continues to make_(进步) against snoring.A:pressureB:suppressC:progressD:aggress答案: progress第四章1、Most girls in our class agree that Patrick is charming, and his main _ lies in his thoughtfulness, warmth and sincerity.A:behaviorB:appearanceC:performanceD:attraction答案: attraction2、One thing that attracts me about this online course is that all the teachers will reveal a little about the contents of the next _ by raising a question.A:dateB:sectionC:attemptD:security答案: section3、The CEO of our company will meet with his _ of that famous company, i.e., the CEO of that company, this afternoon.A:counterpartB:emergencyC:counterD:employee答案: counterpart4、I cant believe John would have committed _, because in my mind, he was always so optimistic and kind to others.A:criminalB:motivationC:suicideD:injury答案: suicide5、He was so lucky to be given a five-year _ with an annual salary of RMB150,000 to work in that big company .A:contractB:dataC:journeyD:leadership答案: contract6、Nowadays, more and more people, including children as well as adults, have been _ (转移注意力) by their mobile phones and cannot concentrate on their work.A:disciplinedB:distractedC:disagreedD:discovered答案: distracted7、I dont like the idea of camping in the wild, because Im always worried to be attacked by a(n) _ (昆虫) or animal.A:crabB:eagleC:featherD:insect答案: insect8、Alana confesses she is rather _ (偏爱) to pink, and almost all of her clothes are pink.A:likelyB:lovelyC:naturalD:partial答案: partial9、The teachers then added more _ (精确的) instructions until the students got the assignment done.A:objectiveB:preciseC:passiveD:proper答案: precise10、When we were little kids, we always thought it was interesting to see Mr. White help others _ (拔掉) their teeth.A:examineB:shrinkC:extractD:slip答案: extract第五章1、He sensed the shyness of the girl, and _ his eyes off her face immediately.A:staredB:avertedC:smiledD:screened答案: averted2、Scientific knowledge was _ to help cause destruction and war.A:restoredB:recoveredC:previewedD:perverted答案: perverted3、The little boy is wondering whether it is true that all the planets all _ around the sun in the same direction.A:revolveB:involveC:devolveD:evolve答案: revolve4、John _ went to a police station and handed himself in.A:subconsciouslyB:significantlyC:voluntarilyD:steadily答案: voluntarily5、Although the evidence remains _, he believes that radiation is bad for human health.A:universalB:customaryC:sociableD:controversial答案: controversial6、_ (旋转的) doors at the gates of hotels are convenient for guests.A:RevolvingB:DevolvingC:EvolvingD:Involving答案: Revolving7、Now the company plans to _ (下放) parts of its responsibilities to branch offices.A:revolveB:devolveC:evolveD:involve答案: devolve8、The plants make unwelcoming smells to _ (击退) their enemies.A:implyB:spellC:compelD:repel答案: repel9、Jackson said his boss became increasingly depressed and _(回到) to smoking heavily.A:consumedB:confirmedC:revertedD:introvert答案: reverted10、The majority of people are a mixture of extroverts and _(内向的人).A:introvertsB:constantsC:convertsD:respects答案:第六章1、 I often choose articles from English magazines as the reading assignments for my students. I think these reading materials can improve their _ of passing the exams like TOEFL.A:aspectB:presentC:prospectD:presence答案: prospect2、Some teachers and parents dont _ the use of e-readers. One of their reasons is e-readers will do harm to eyesight.A:affordB:advocateC:affectD:adapt答案: advocate3、Gary is interested in the magazine The Spectator because its _ on new books and films are insightful.A:inspectiveB:perspectiveC:productiveD:protective答案: perspective4、The book wins great _ from the readers. Its the best seller in this month.A:accountB:insultC:rejectionD:acclaim答案: acclaim5、The book points out that trainers should not only _ to be good trainers, but also to become inspirational trainers.A: insightB: aspireC: expireD: instruct答案: aspire6、In the cinema I heard girls _ (尖叫) when the wolves fought for food.A: claimB: exclaimC: expressD: explain答案: exclaim7、 In _ (回顾), I found students seem to prefer the reading materials closely related to current events and culture, such as the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations.A: retrospectB: remindC: recallD:respect答案: retrospect8、 Last night I woke up covered with cold sweat. I dreamed that my visa had _ (过期).A: deadlineB: exhaledC: expiredD: used答案: expired9、 The air after the rain is excellent. I love to _ (吸入) the clean air.A: inhaleB: exhaleC: extendD: indicate答案: inhale10、 My childhood dream is to be a vocalist like Pavarotti. In my eyes, he regards singing as a _ (天职).A: vocationB: vacantC: vocalD: vacation答案: vocation第七章1、The rescue team is _ to supply relief to millions of flood victims.A:vitalB:vitaminC:vistaD:victor答案: vital2、Study shows that excessive use of _ may damage the ecosystem.A:biocideB:suicideC:biologyD:decision答案: biocide3、Your _ is an account of your life, in which you write about yourself.A:biologyB:autobiographyC:mobileD:robot答案: autobiography4、On our seminar, we not only tolerate but celebrate free expression and _ debate.A:weakB:vitaminC:vigorousD:victory答案: vigorous5、The _ should not be overstated when the two nations are on the verge of conflict.A:anxiousB:animosityC:anniversaryD:angle答案: animosity6、Chinas reforms have brought _ (活力) to its economy.A:vitalityB:vividC:victoryD:valid答案: vitality7、With the support from family and peers, Im sure Susan could _ (度过) the emotional crisis.A:reviewB:visionC:surviveD:vigorous答案: survive8、With domestic market booming, the country has expectations of economic (复苏).A:vigorB:revivalC:surviveD:various答案: revival9、This film is a Japanese _ (动画片) sold to a Chinese network.A:activationB:unanimousC:animalsD:animation答案: animation10、The decision to appoint Mike as vice president of the student union is _ (一致通过的).A:unableB:abstractC:anxiousD:unanimous答案: unanimous第八章1、Ive never taken a flight. The thought of flying _ me a lot.A:terrifiesB:persuadesC:tastesD:perceives答案: terrifies2、The new economic system _ our society, so now we become very powerful in the world.A:protestedB:sufferedC:prosperedD:suggested答案: prospered3、The traffic accident last night took eight peoples lives away. What a _traffic!A:poisonousB:horrendousC:honorableD:pleasant答案: horrendous4、I believe that your goal will be achieved as long as you_ yourself to it.A:complainB:communicateC:completeD:commit答案: commit5、 We are supposed to _ questions for discussion in advance of the meeting.A:submitB:supportC:spendD:succeed答案: submit6、People take it for granted that a journalist should be completely _(客观的).A:passiveB:obviousC:activeD:objective答案: objective7、With rapid development, this city looks more _ (繁华) than ever before.A:prosperousB:proposalC: backwardD: bankrupt答案: prosperous8、The majority of the voters _ (否决) the idea of dependence, which implied we should rely on ourselves.A:acceptedB:reportedC:accessedD:rejected答案: rejected9、Marriage is not only a choice between lovers, but a _(承诺) to each other.A:commitmentB:combinationC:compositionD:comparison答案: commitment10、Though the two sides have some disagreement, finally they reached a _ (妥协) after long talks.A:complaintB:failureC:compromiseD:famous答案: compromise第九章1、A _ thought crossed my mind but I managed to calm myself down quickly.A:disappearingB:disturbingC:discoveringD:discussing答案: disturbing2、In the Christmas season, buyers are offered a 50 percent cash _. Many items are much cheaper.A:rebateB:reportC:reviewD:repeat答案: rebate3、He took this pill to _ a summer virus and soon he felt much better.A:complainB:commentC:combatD:compare答案: combat4、His contract with the company will _at the end of the year, so he has to find a new job.A:startB:terminateC:stateD:term答案: terminate5、I have to go now because I must be _for the appointment.A:proposalB:puzzledC: profoundD:punctual答案: punctual6、Happiness and love can be more_ (有感染力的). These emotions can easily influence others.A:contagiousB:destructiveC:constantD:decisive答案: contagious7、My father made great efforts to change my _ (反叛的) temper and he finally succeeded.A:obeyingB:rebelliousC:observingD:recalling答案: rebellious8、They had an intense _ (辩论) on that issue and finally managed to reach an agreement.A:approvalB:despairC:appearanceD:debate答案: debate9、He has been fighting bravely against a _ (晚期的) cancer for more than two years.A:terminalB:pleasantC:technicalD:plastic答案: terminal10、Its a rather delicate situation and he shows great _(机智) to deal with it.A:tideB:recordC:tactD:report答案: tact第十章1、Can you believe such a (an) _ act was treated so lightly? I think he should be sentenced to death.A:activeB:illegalC:rareD:positive答案: illegal2、In that big explosion, only five passengers escaped _, while all others were severely or lightly hurt.A:suicideB:sympathyC:laborD:injury答案: injury3、I _ a pretty woman I met yesterday to be about forty, but she said the day before yesterday was her fifty- third birthday.A:affectedB:judgedC:attractedD:justified答案: judged4、His bad appearance will _ the interviewer against him, and maybe he will not get the job only because he is not so good-looking.A:prejudiceB:pleaseC:judgeD:threat答案: prejudice5、The problem is that we _ our happiness to wealth, success and social status. That is to say, we think happiness is equal to wealth, success and social status.A:coordinateB:denyC:equateD:ensure答案: equate6、The _ (代表团) headed by the program director is going to leave for India the day after tomorrow.A:determinationB:organizationC:occupationD:delegation答案: delegation7、The _ (陪审团) has to decide whom to believe among various conflicting evidence.A:juryB:unionC:personnelD:staff答案: jury8、Dont you think he lacks his basic _ (判断) to make comments on what have happened between us two?A:balanceB:judgmentC:restrictionD:limitation答案: judgment9、In a lot of countries, women earn _ (相比较而言) lower wages than men, even if they are doing the same job.A:exclusivelyB:experimentallyC:comparativelyD:favorably答案: comparatively10、I do not want to _ (预先判断) the situation now, but what I can say is we are trying our best.A:postponeB:prefaceC:preventD:prejudge答案: prejudge第十一章1、Some students have to _ going abroad for further study because their family cannot afford their education.A:desist fromB:continueC:preventD:stand答案: desist from2、The flood had robbed many people of everything, and they became _. But the government gave them everything they needed to start a new life.A:hungryB:destituteC:constructionD:separate答案: destitute3、In an inflation (通货膨胀), you can never expect the price to stay _.A:changingB:smartC:unreliableD:stable答案: stable4、A new research center will be _ to study lung cancer.A:institutedB:conductedC:smashedD:destructed答案: instituted5、He was put into prison for his _ of the law.A:designB:infractionC:benefitD:respect答案: infraction6、Racism is unacceptable under any _ (情况).A:circumstancesB:contrastC:contraryD:circle答案: circumstances7、Children tend to get _ (易怒的) and tearful when they are tired.A:instructionalB:fractionalC:fractiousD:afraid答案: fractious8、This company needs a more _ (系统的) program to train the new employees.A:rationalB:fragmentalC:fractiousD:structured答案: structured9、Since the old system doesnt work well, the _ (创建) of a new one is necessary.A:constructionB:destructionC:inspirationD:structure答案: construction10、The emotional _ (疏远) between them led to their divorce.A:establishmentB:destitutionC:distanceD:orientation答案: distance第十二章1、He is not very nice to his girlfriend. He often _ her ideas, which annoys her a lot.A:adaptsB:criticizesC:adoptsD:critical答案: criticizes2、Lily does not like London. She often speaks of her _ towards London.A:sympathyB:likenessC:loveD:antipathy答案: antipathy3、Gary is an honest and determined guy. He is _ and consistent in the way he conducted his affairs.A:negativeB:nationalC:irrationalD:rational答案: rational4、A heavy flood happened in USA last summer. The losses caused by the flood were beyond _.A:computeB:contactC:raiseD:reach答案: compute5、Its _ to get angry over such a trifle.A:sensationB:senselessC:sentimentD:sensible答案: senseless6、Nowadays young people are very _ (敏感的) about their appearance.A:sensitiveB:senseC:sentimentD:sensible答案: sensitive7、A new educational reform was in discussion these days. There were likely to be many _ (不同意的) views regarding the new refor


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