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o?pen 11、开着得 ,打开得?He threw the door open and ran down the stairs 、 她猛地打开门 ,往楼下跑去。2、眼睛或嘴未合上得,张开得?I was so sleepy, I couldn keep myteyes open、 我困得眼睛都睁不开了。?He was fast asleep with his mouth wide open 、 她大张着嘴 ,睡得很熟。3、开阔得 ,未围上得?There was open ground at the end of the lane 、 小巷得尽头有一片开阔地。open countryside/country ?At weekends people want to leave the town for open countryside、到了周末 ,人们就想离开城镇到开阔得乡村去。4、无顶得 ,无遮盖得?The president was riding with his wife in an open car 、 总统与她得夫人乘坐一辆敞篷车。?an open drain 排水明沟open to the sky/air/elements?Many of the tombs had been robbed and left open to the sky 、 许多坟墓被盗 ,裸露在青天白日之下。5、the open air 户外 ,室外 ,露天 openair?Jane wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air、 简很想冲到门口 ,到外面去。in the open air ?The dancing was outside, in the open air 、 舞会在户外举行。6、not before noun, 不用于名词前 开放得 ,营业得?The museum is open daily in the summer months 、 夏季里这座博物馆每天开放。?The offices are also open at weekends 、 办事处周末照常营业。?After the security alert, most of the firms affected wereopen for business on Monday morning、安全警报过后 ,大多数受到影响得公司都在星期一上午恢复营业。?The villagers are anxious that their local school is kept open、 村民们非常希望她们当地得学校能够继续办下去。?I declare this exhibition open (= officially say that it is now open ) 、 我宣布本次展览会开幕。7、人人都可参加得 ,对公众开放得?In many schools, governors meetingsopenarentot the public 、 在许多学校 ,董事会议就是不对公众开放得。?The discussion was then thrown open for the audiencetionsques、 这场讨论后来变成开放式,接受听众得提问。?an open meeting 开放式会议?The men s race appearswide open (= anyone could win it ) 、 这场男子赛跑胜负未定。?The painting would fetchseveral hundreddollarson the open market (= a market in whichanyone can buy or sell ) 、 这幅画在公开市场上可卖到好几百美金。+ to ?The petition is open to all readers in the UK 、 英国得所有读者都可以参加这次比赛。8、机会、可能得行动、工作等可用得;可拥有得?The job is being kept open for her 、 她仍有机会得到这份工作。?So what other options are open to us? 那么我们还有什么其她得选择??There is only one course of action open to the local authority 、 地方当局只有一个办法可以采用。+ to?The 1960s was a period when greater opportunities were open to women 、 20 世纪 60年代,女性有了更多得机会。9、公开得 ,不加掩饰得?Her father watched her with open admiration、 她父亲以不加掩饰得赞赏目光瞧着她。?open hostility between the two nations ?The party was calling for more open两国之间公开得敌对状态government (= whenthe governmentmakes informationfreely available ) 、 该政党呼吁要有更多得政务公开。?The case will be tried in open court (= in a court where everything is public ) 、 这个案子将进行公开审理。?It is an open secret (= it is supposed to be secret, but most people know about it ) that she is having an affair with another man 、 她与另一个男人有染已就是公开得秘密。10、坦率得 ,坦诚得 ?his friendly, open manner她那友善而坦诚得态度+ with?The couple are quite open with each other about their feelings 、 这对夫妻彼此之间开诚布公。+ about ?She was quite open about her ambitions 、 她对自己得志向相当坦白。11、未系好得 ,未扣上得?the open neck of his shirt她敞开得衬衫领口?She was wearing an open jacket 、 她敞着身上得夹克。12、未定得 ,待决定得?The matter remains an open question 、 这件事仍待确定。+ to? The new rates of pay are open to negotiation 、 新得工资还有待商议。?The test results are open to interpretation、 化验结果有待解释。keep/leave your options open ?Officers investigating her death are keeping their options open 、调查她死因得警员暂时未下定论。13、 open to sth 易受某事物损害得,容易被某事物影响得?The magazine s editoropenis to criticism in allowing the article to be printed 、 该杂志得编辑会因允许刊登此文而遭受批评。?The regulations are open to abuse by panies 、 这些法规很容易被各公司滥用。?He has left himself open to accusations of dishonesty 、 她使自己陷于被人指责为不诚实得境地。willing to consider something new or to accept something new乐于接受某新事物得?Teachers need to be open to children、 教师sideas要乐于倾听儿童得各种想法。14、可通行得 ; 畅通得?We try to keep the mountain roads open all through the winter、 我们力图保持山路在整个冬季都畅通。15、展开得 ,伸开得 ?At night the flowers were open 、 夜里花开了。?Johnson raised an open hand 、 约翰逊举起摊开得手掌。?He was sitting in bed with a book lying open (=with its pages apart so it can be read ) on hisknees、 她坐在床上 ,腿上放着一本摊开得书。16、an open mind 开放得思想 ,不怀有成见 ?It s important tokeep an open mind as you study thetopic 、 研究这个题目时,不抱成见很重要。17、 be open to question/doubt有疑问 ,令人怀疑?Whether the new situation is an improvement is open to question 、 这一新局面就是否算就是一种改善仍令人怀疑。18、 wele/greet sb/sth with open arms热烈地欢迎 / 迎接某人 / 某事物?Mike will be weled back into the team with open arms、 迈克归队将受到热烈得欢迎。19、 an open invitation 随时可以来访得邀请something that makes it easier for criminals to steal, cheat etc容易引来犯罪分子得情况+ to?The lack of security measures provides an open invitation to crime、 缺乏安全措施为犯罪分子提供了可乘之机。20、 be an open book 就是 非常熟悉得事物 ,就是 很了解得事物 ?The natural world was an open book to him 、 她对自然界了如指掌。21、 the door is open 大有机会 ,大门敞开着+ to?Schoolgirls are being told that the door is open to them to pursue careers in science 、 女学生们被告知 ,她们就是有机会从事科学事业得。22、 keep your eyes/ears open 睁大眼睛瞧 / 竖起耳朵听以便注意到重要得、危险得等事情23、 open weave/texture织物得稀松织法/ 质地open 21、开 ,打开 ?Jack opened the window 、 杰克打开窗户。2、打开 ;撕开 ;揭开 ?Louise opened a bottle of wine 、 路易丝开了一瓶葡萄酒。3、睁开 ?Barry was awake long before he opened his eyes 、 巴里睁开眼睛之前早就醒了。4、张开 ?He opened his mouth but couldn t think what、 to她say张开嘴 ,但想不出该说什么。5、公司、商店、餐馆等开张,开业 ?Sarah had recently opened an office in Genoa、 萨拉最近在热那亚开办了一个办事处。6、开始营业 ?What time do the banks open?银行什么时候开门营业?7、着手 ,开始 ?An inquest into the deaths will be opened next week、 死因调查将于下周开始。8、打开 ,开启计算机文件或程序?Click on this icon to open the、 点击这个图标打开文件管理器。9、(使 )会议等开幕,(使)开始?Hughes, opening the Conference, made a dramatic plea for peace 、 休斯在大会开幕时对与平得呼吁令人印象深刻。+ with ?The concert opens with Beethoven s Egmont 、Overture音乐会以贝多芬得埃格蒙特序曲开场。10、为大楼等举行揭幕典礼; 宣布 落成?The new County Hall building was officially opened by the King、 郡议会新大楼由国王正式宣布落成。11、展开 ,张开?She opened her umbrella 、 她打开伞。12、开通 ,开放使汽车、货物等通过?They were clearing away snow to open the tunnel 、 她们在清扫积雪使隧道能够通行。13、 FILM/PLAY ETC电影 / 戏剧等开始公映公演 ?The film opened yesterday to excellent reviews 、 这部影片昨天公映,获得佳评。14、 open an account 开立账户15、 open fire (on sth)( 向 )开火 ?Troops opened fire on the rioters 、 军队向暴徒开火。16、 open the door/way to sth给某事物以机会,给某事物敞开方便之门?Research on genes should open the door to exciting new medical treatments 、基因研究应该会为开发令人振奋得新疗法创造机会。17、 open sb s eyes (toh)st使某人认清 了解 (某事 )?The purpose of the training is to open managers eyes to the consequences of their own behaviour 、 此次培训得目得就是要让管理人员认识到自身行为得后果。18、 open your mind (to sth) 乐于考虑 接受 新观念19、 open your heart (to sb)( 对某人 )敞开心扉 ,(向某人 )倾吐心事20、 the heavens opened 天降大雨1、open 打开 ;张开used about a door, window, container, package, letter, your eyes, or your mouth ?I opened the door quietly 、 我轻轻把门打开。?She was nervous about opening the letter 、 她拆信得时候很紧张。?Open your mouth wide 、 把嘴张大。2、unlock 用钥匙开 得锁to open a door, drawer, box etc with a key?You need a key to unlock the safe 、 您需要钥匙才能打开保险箱。3、unscrew 拧开 ,旋开瓶子、容器等得盖子to open a lid on a bottle, container etc by turning it?I carefully unscrewed the lid of the jar 、 我小心地旋开罐子得盖。4、force open 强行打开to open a drawer, window, cupboard etc using force?The door was locked so we had to force it open 、 门锁着 ,我们只好硬把它撞开。5、unwrap 拆开包装纸to open a package by removing the paper that covers it?The children were busy unwrapping their Christmas presents、 孩子们正忙着拆圣诞礼物。6、unfasten/undo 松开 ,解开安全带、衣物等to make something no longer fastened or tied, for example a seat belt or a piece of clothing ?He unfastened the top button of his shirt 、 她解开衬衫最上面得扣子。 ?I was so full I had to undo my belt 、 我吃得太饱了 ,只好解开腰带。open onto/into sth1、房间、门等通往,通向?The door opens o nto a long balcony 、 这扇门通往一个很长得阳台。open out1、道路、小径或通道变宽,变开阔?Beyond the forest the path opened out into a track、过了森林 ,这条小径变成了一条较宽得小路。2、变得不羞怯open up1、机会、新情况出现;产生?With a microscope, a whole new world of investigation opens up 、 有了显微镜 ,科学研究开启了一个崭新得世界。open sth up?The new international agreement opens up the possibility of much greater cooperation against terrorism 、这项新得国际协定为打击恐怖主义创造了更大得合作机会。2、open sth ifupsomeone opens up an area of land, they make it easier to reach and ready for development 开发 ,开拓 ,开辟?The new road will open up 300 acres of prime development land 、 有了这条新路 ,300 英亩得优质开发地将得以开辟。3、to open something that is closed, locked, or covered?Open up, this is the police!开门 ,我们就是警察!打开 ,开启open sth up?He opened up his case and took out a clean sweater 、她打开箱子 ,拿出一件干净得毛衣。4、(使 )开张 ,开办 ,开设在某时开始营业办公 5、open sth toupstart a discussion or argument引起 ,引发讨论或争论?The article was written with the intention of opening up a public debate、 写这篇文章得目得就是引发公开得讨论。6、if someone opens up a lead in a petition or race, they increase the distance or number of points by which they are winning比赛中在距离或得分上领先7、to stop being shy and say what you really think不再羞怯地开始畅所欲言,开始倾诉心事?Last night was the first time that Ken had opened up about his feelings、 昨晚就是肯第一次敞开心扉谈论自己得感受。8、to start shooting射击 ,开火9、if a hole, crack etc opens up or is opened up, it appears and bees wider(使 )变宽 ,(使 )扩大open 31、 in the open 在户外 ,在野外?In the summer, we camped in the open 、 夏天我们在野外露营。2、(out) in the open 信息公开得地?By now the whole affair was in t he open 、 如今整件事情已经公开了。?She never let her dislike for him e out into the open 、 她从不把对她得反感表现出来。?All these concerns need to be brought out into the open 、 所有这些担心都需要公开讲出来。


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