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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上土木工程专业英语课文 翻译The principal construction materials of earlier times were wood and masonry brick, stone, or tile, and similar materials. The courses or layers were bound together with mortar or bitumen, a tar like substance, or some other binding agent. The Greeks and Romans sometimes used iron rods or claps to strengthen their building. The columns of the Parthenon in Athens, for example, have holes drilled in them for iron bars that have now rusted away. The Romans also used a natural cement called puzzling, made from volcanic ash, that became as hard as stone under water.早期时代的主要施工材料,木材和砌体砖,石,或瓷砖,和类似的材料。这些课程或层密切联系在一起,用砂浆或沥青,焦油一个样物质,或其他一些有约束力的代理人。希腊人和罗马人有时用铁棍或拍手以加强其建设。在雅典的帕台农神庙列,例如,在他们的铁钻的酒吧现在已经生锈了孔。罗马人还使用了天然水泥称为令人费解的,由火山灰制成,变得像石头一样坚硬在水中。 Both steel and cement, the two most important construction materials of modern times, were introduced in the nineteenth century. Steel, basically an alloy of iron and a small amount of carbon had been made up to that time by a laborious process that restricted it to such special uses as sword blades. After the invention of the Bessemer process in 1856, steel was available in large quantities at low prices. The enormous advantage of steel is its tensile force which, as we have seen, tends to pull apart many materials. New alloys have further, which is a tendency for it to weaken as a result of continual changes in stress.钢铁和水泥,两个最重要的现代建筑材料,介绍了在十九世纪。钢,铁,基本上是少量的碳合金已作出了这一由一个艰苦的过程,限制它的刀刃等特殊用途的时间。后在1856年发明贝塞麦过程,钢在低价格大批量供货。钢铁的巨大优势是它的拉伸力,正如我们所看到的,往往会拉开许多材料。新合金进一步,这是一个趋势,它削弱了在压力不断变化的结果。 Modern cement, called Portland cement, was invented in 1824. It is a mixture of limestone and clay, which is heated and then ground into a power. It is mixed at or near the construction site with sand, aggregate small stones, crushed rock, or gravel, and water to make concrete. Different proportions of the ingredients produce concrete with different strength and weight. Concrete is very versatile; it can be poured, pumped, or even sprayed into all kinds of shapes. And whereas steel has great tensile strength, concrete has great strength under compression. Thus, the two substances complement each other.现代水泥,称为硅酸盐水泥,发明于1824年。它是石灰石和粘土的混合物,被加热,然后进入电源地。它是混合达到或接近沙施工现场,聚集的小石头,碎石,或石子和水,使混凝土。不同比例的成分产生不同强度和重量混凝土。混凝土是非常灵活,它可浇,泵浦,或连成各种形状喷洒。和鉴于钢具有很大的拉伸强度,混凝土受压的伟大力量。因此,这两种物质是相辅相成的。 They also complement each other in another way: they have almost the same rate of contraction and expansion. They therefore can work together in situations where both compression and tension are factors. Steel rods are embedded in concrete to make reinforced concrete in concrete beams or structures where tensions will develop. Concrete and steel also form such a strong bond the force that unites them that the steel cannot slip within the concrete. Still another advantage is that steel does not rust in concrete. Acid corrodes steel, whereas concrete has an alkaline chemical reaction, the opposite of acid.他们还以另一种方式补充对方:他们几乎在同样的速度收缩和扩张。因此,他们可以一起工作的情况下压缩和紧张的因素。钢条是嵌在混凝土,使钢筋混凝土结构中混凝土梁或地方的紧张局势会发展。混凝土和钢也形成如此强烈的纽带团结的力量他们的钢材,不滑内的混凝土。还有一个好处是,不生锈的钢混凝土。酸腐蚀钢,而混凝土的碱性化学反应,酸相反。 The adoption of structural steel and reinforced concrete caused major changes in traditional construction practices. It was no longer necessary to use thick walls of stone or brick for multistory buildings, and it became much simpler to build fire-resistant floors. Both these changes served to reduce the cost of construction. It also became possible to erect buildings with greater heights and longer spans.结构钢和钢筋混凝土建筑采用传统的做法造成了重大变化。它不再需要使用的石块或砖头厚的多层建筑物的墙壁,成为更简单,建立防火地板。这些变化都有助于降低建设成本。它也成为可能有更大的直立高度和时间跨度的建筑。 Since the weight of modern structures is carried by the steel or concrete frame, the walls do not support the building. They have become curtain walls, which keep out the weather and let in light. In the earlier steel or concrete frame building, the curtain walls were generally made of masonry; they had the solid look of bearing walls. Today, however, curtain walls are often made of lightweight materials such as glass, aluminum, or plastic, in various combinations.由于现代结构重量是由钢或混凝土框架进行,墙壁不支持建设。他们已成为玻璃幕墙,它保持了天气和光线让。在早期的钢或混凝土框架结构,玻璃幕墙,一般由砖石,他们有坚实的承重墙看看。然而,今天,玻璃幕墙往往是由诸如玻璃,铝,塑料或轻质材料,在各种组合。 Another advance in steel construction is the method of fastening together the beams. For many years the standard method was riveting. A rivet is a bolt with a head that looks like a blunt screw without threads. It is heated, placed in holes through the pieces of steel, and a second head is formed at the other end by hammering it to hold it in place. Riveting has now largely been replaced by welding, the joining together of pieces of steel by melting a steel material between them under high heat.钢结构建筑的另一个进步是梁紧固在一起的方法。多年来,标准方法是铆。铆钉是一个头,像一个没有线程看起来钝螺丝螺栓。它被加热时,通过放置在洞的钢件,第二头在另一端形成的锤击它举行到位。铆接现在很大程度上是由焊接取代,加入钢件在一起融化在高温下它们之间的钢铁材料。 Presstressed concrete is an improved form of reinforcement. Steel rods are bent into the shapes to give them the necessary degree of tensile strengths. They are then used to priestess concrete, usually by one of two different methods. The first is to leave channels in a concrete beam that correspond to the shapes of the steel rods. When the rods are run through the channels, they are then bonded to the concrete by filling the channels with grout, a thin mortar or binding agent. In the other (and more common) method, the priestesses steel rods are placed in the lower part of a form that corresponds to the shape of the finished structure, and the concrete is poured around them. Priestesss concrete uses less steel and less concrete. Because it is a highly desirable material.预应力钢筋混凝土是一种改进形式。棒钢弯曲成的形状,给他们一定程度的拉伸强度。然后他们用女祭司混凝土,由两种不同的方法之一,通常。首先是留在渠道混凝土梁对应于钢铁棒的形状。当棒是通过渠道来说,他们是那么粘在混凝土充填灌浆,薄砂浆或结合剂的渠道。在其他(更常见)的方法,女祭司钢棒放置在一个表格对应的成品下部结构形状,和他们周围的混凝土浇。女祭司的具体使用较少的钢铁和混凝土少。因为它是一个非常可取的材料。 Presstressed concrete has made it possible to develop buildings with unusual shapes, like some of the modern, sports arenas, with large spaces unbroken by any obstructing supports. The uses for this relatively new structural method are constantly being developed.预应力混凝土使人们有可能发展不寻常的形状的建筑物,如现代,体育场一些大空间的任何阻挠支持不间断。在使用这种相对较新的构造方法正在不断发展。 专心-专注-专业


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