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课 题 Study skills 课时安排共需 7 课时课 型新授 为第 6 课时教 学目 标1. 能够掌握基本的构词法来猜单词的意思。 2. 能够在阅读中使用通过构词法猜词义这一阅读技巧提高自己的阅读能力教学重点掌握阅读技巧培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力。教学难点掌握阅读技巧培养和提高学生的阅读理解能力。教学准备 PPT教学内容及过程二次备课Step 1 Revision and lead-inAsk a student to tell the others as much as possible about Anne Frank and her book.Step 2 Presentation1. T: Now Millie has found more about Anne Frank and her bookA Diary of a Young Girl. But there are some new words in a paragraph. I believe you can work them out. Now lets read it and try to help her guess their meanings.2. Ask two students to tell their answers and give short reasons one by one.3. Try to find out how they are formed, and sum up the rules with them.Step 3 Learning moreIn order that the students can grasp this skillGuessing the meaning of a word by its formation, the teacher sums up Word Formation for the students.Step 4 PracticeShow the following exercises and let the students finish them.Match the right words from the right column with the words on the left.( )1. enrich A. trying to find jobs( )2. semicircle B. of, having, using imagination( )3. troublesome C. make or become sharp( )4. sharpen D. half a circle( )5. job-hunting E. causing trouble( )6. limitless F. make rich, improve in quality, flavor, etc.( )7. imaginative G. without limitStep 5 SummaryT: From the practice, we know when we deal with the problems in reading comprehension, we can use Word Formation to help us, but the ccontext is also very important.Step 6 Homework1. Go over what theyve learned in this unit.2. Prepare some notes about the person who has influenced them most by answering the questions in Part B on Page 61.Read a story about Anne, guessing the meanings of the new words.Work out the rules.Add another exercise.教学反思There are not many contents in this lesson, so finish some exercises in class.


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