高中英语一轮总复习(知识运用+拓展)Unit 3 The secret of success课件 牛津译林版选修11

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高中英语一轮总复习(知识运用+拓展)Unit 3 The secret of success课件 牛津译林版选修11_第1页
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高中英语一轮总复习(知识运用+拓展)Unit 3 The secret of success课件 牛津译林版选修11_第2页
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高中英语一轮总复习(知识运用+拓展)Unit 3 The secret of success课件 牛津译林版选修11_第3页
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Module11Unit 3The secret of success1、resign vt. & vi. 辞职,放弃;使听从,使顺从(to)The defence minister will soon resign. 国防部长不久就要辞职。 Her injury forced her to resign from the State Department. 伤残迫使她辞去了国务院的工作。 He is resigned to his fate. /He resigned himself to his fate. 他听天由命。 In tonights meeting well _ the question as to why the rhinoceros have become endangered. A. dismiss B. embarrass C. resign D. addressDaddress 致力于,着手2、tire vt. 使疲倦;使厌烦(with) 疲劳;厌烦(of)A days work tired him.一天的工作累得他疲惫不堪。 The audience are tired with his long speech.他的长篇演讲令听众厌烦。 I never tire of reading classics. 这些古典名著我百读不厌。她总是津津有味地谈论自己的故乡。 She never _. tires of talking about her hometown 我已经对这些电脑游戏感到厌烦。I _. have tired of these computer games After so long a walk, he was too _ further. A. tired for walk B. tire to walk C. tiring to go D. tired to go D累得再也走不动。3、shrink (shrank/shrunk, shrunk/shrunk) vt. & vi.起皱,收缩;退缩,畏缩;减少shrink from 退避;在前面畏缩The economy is shrinking instead of growing.经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。This kind of cloth shrinks easily.这种布容易缩水。I do not shrink from this responsibility I welcome it. 在这一重任面前,我决不退缩,我欢迎它。 我们在困难面前永不退缩。_I will never shrink from difficulties.The advertisement says this material doesnt _ in the washing, but it has. A. contract B. shrink C. wet D. absorbBshrink 收缩。4、bless vt. 赐福于,祝福,保佑blessed adj.神圣的;有福的;愉快安宁的,无忧无虑的blessing n祝福;幸运的事(可数名词,常用其单数形式)the Blessed Virgin 圣母the Blessed 与上帝同在天堂的圣徒们be blessed with sth. / sb. 赋有(能力等);享有(幸福等)a blessing in disguise因祸得福,祸中有福a mixed blessing有利亦有弊的事物count your blessings不要身在福中不知福May God bless you and keep you safe from harm. 愿上帝保佑你平安无事。Fortunately, were both blessed with good health. 幸运的是我们俩都有健康的身体。This rain will be a blessing for the farmers. 对农民来说,这场雨真是一场甘霖。Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise, because I have now got a much better one. 没有得到那份工作真是因祸得福,因为我现在得到了一份更好的工作。Getting that job was rather a mixed blessing because/as/since it left me very little time to spend with my family. 得到那份工作有利也有弊,因为我很少有时间和家人在一起了。5、fold vt. &vi. 折叠,包,交叉,拥抱(反)unfold 展现,展开fold ones arms 交臂;抱臂fold sth. away/up/down (使某物)折叠收拢(以便存放)fold sb. / sth. in ones arms 拥抱某人(抱着某物)fold up (因痛苦或大笑)倒下, 折叠 根据段落大意或括号内的提示填词 Andrew Ritchie, inventor of the Brompton _ (fold) bicycle, once said that the perfect portable bike would be “like a magic carpetYou could fold it _ and put it into your pocket or handbag”. Then he paused:“But youll always be limited by the size of the wheels. And so far no one has invented a _wheel.” folding a folding bicycle折叠式自行车up folding 1、pull out 离开,撤离;拔出;渡过难关;恢复健康I had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday.我昨天拔了一颗蛀牙。 He hopelessly watched the train pull out of the station.他无奈地看着火车开出了车站。 Most want US to pull out of Afghanistan as soon as possible. 大多数人都希望美国能尽快从阿富汗撤军。2、take off 拿走;脱下(衣帽等);起飞;动身;突然走红;流行开;突然离开The company really started to take off after World War .在二战后,公司得到了飞速发展。 Her singing career began to take off after Li Yuchun became a supergirl.李宇春成了超级女生之后,她的演唱事业便开始腾飞了。Would you please _ this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right? A. take off B. look after C. give up D. go overD检查,浏览一遍看表填对没有。3、throw sb./sth. into (doing) sth. 投身于,热衷于,积极从事 同devote/apply/dedicate sb. to doing sth.He threw himself into work once he got back from his holidays.他度假一回来就投身于工作。 Jack threw himself into computer games.杰克热衷于电脑游戏。很多人热衷于学英语。_Many people throw themselves into learning English.


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