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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上不定代词讲解与习题 .不定代词讲解与习题 .不定代词用法注意点:1.one,some与any:1)one可以泛指任何人,也可特指,复数为ones。a.one作为代词可以指人,也可以指物。b.one,ones(one的复数形式)可用来代替前面出现过的少数名词,以避免重复。c.one的前面可用this,that,the,which等词来修饰。d.常有a+形容词+one这一形式。it和one的用法区别:it用来指特定的东西,而one则用于替代不特定的东西some多用于肯定句,any多用于疑问句和否定句。Oneshouldlearntothinkofothers.Haveyouanybookmarks?no,idonthaveanybookmarks.Ihavesomequestionstoask.2)some可用于疑问句中,表示盼望得到肯定的答复,或者表示建议,请求等。wouldyoulikesomebananas?couldyougivemesomemoney?3)some和any修饰可数名词单数时,some表示某个,any表示任何一个。ihavereadthisarticleinsomemagazine.pleasecorrectthemistakes,ifany.4)some和数词连用表示“大约”,any可与比较级连用表示程度。therearesome3,000studentsinthisschool.doyoufeelanybettertoday?2.each和every:a.each用来指两个或两个以上的人或物中的一个。every则指两个以上的人或物中的一个。b.从含义和语法功能上看,each是“单个”的意思,侧重个体,在句中可作主语、同位语、定语和宾语。而every是“每一个”之意,侧重全体、整体、共性。在句中只能作定语,也就是说它后面必须跟着名词。而由every构成的合成词后面绝不能跟名词。each强调个别,代表的数可以是两个或两个以上,而every强调整体,所指的数必须是三个或三个以上。eachstudenthasapocketdictionary./each(ofus)hasadictionary./weeachhaveadictionary.everystudenthasstrongandweakpoints./everyoneofushasstrongandweakpoints.3.none和no:no等于notany,作定语。none作主语或宾语,代替不可数名词,谓语用单数,代替可数名词,谓语单复数皆可以。thereisnowaterinthebottle.howmuchwateristhereinthebottle?none.noneofthestudentsare(is)afraidofdifficulties.4.other和another:a.anotheranother另一个”,泛指众多者中的另一个,在原有基础上自然增加的另一个。一般后面接单数名词,前面不能加定冠词。有时another可以用在复数名词前表示“又”“再”,如:iwanttohaveanothertwocakes我想再吃两个蛋糕。btheother表示两个中的另一个,常与one连用。常见形式是“onetheother”。c.other+复数名词othersd.theother+复数名词theothers1)other泛指“另外的,别的”常与其他词连用,如:theotherday,everyotherweek,someotherreason,nootherway,theother特指两者中的另外一个,复数为theothers。如:heheldabookinonehandandhisnotesintheother.twostudentsinourclassfailed,butalltheotherspassedtheexam.2)another指“又一个,另一个”无所指,复数形式是others,泛指“别的人或事”如:idontlikethisshirt,pleaseshowmeanother(one).thetrousersaretoolong,pleasegivemeanotherpair/someothers.somelikefootball,whileotherslikebasketball.5.all和both,neither和either两者三者都bothall都不neithernone任何eitherany在之间betweenamongboth表示“两者都”,而a11表示“三个或三个以上的人或物都”。a11、both在句中放在be动词,情态动词及助动词之后,放在实义动词之前。either:指两者中的任意一个。作主语谓语用单数。neither:指两者都不,全否定。作主语谓语用单数。both:指两者都。作主语谓语用复数。all表示不可数名词时,其谓语动词用单数。both和all加否定词表示部分否定,全部否定用neither和none.allofthebooksarenotwritteninenglish./notallofthebooksarewritteninenglish.bothofusarenotteachers./notbothofusareteachers./eitherofusisateacher.6.many和muchmany只能和复数可数名词连用。much注意:alotoflotsof/plentyofmuchmanyalargegreatnumberofmanyagreatgooddealofmuch7.afew,little,alittlefew,little表示否定含义,“很少”“几乎没有”;afew,alittle表示肯定含义,有一些”。few,afew用在可数名词前,little,alittle用在不可数名词前。只能和不可数名词连用。!注意:人称排列:单数排列顺序为:你,他/她,我you,he/sheandi复数排列顺序为:你们,我们,他们1.You may come to my house_ this week _ next week.A .neither; or B .from; to C .either;or D. either; nor2.I dont think we can do it all_.A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves3.I dont want this shirt. Please show me _.A .others B .the others C .another D .the other4.I cant repair the model ship_. Can you help ?A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself ;me D. me ; myself5.Does your brother often wash clothes ?A. he B .himself C. herself D .him6. We study Chinese, English , maths and some subjects.A .the other B. one C .other D .another7.I have two sisters. of them are doctors.A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither8.The book on the shelf is . She wrote name on its cover .A .Hers; her ;herself B. Her; hers; herselfC. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself9. Dont worry . Theres much wrong with you. said the doctor.A. nothing B .everything C. something D .very10.These shoes are too small. You may buy some_ shoes.A .another B .other C .the .others D. others11.I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but_ of them came .A .another B. other C .the others D .others12.They are_ the same size , so you may take_ half of the cake.A.at; each B. in; both C .at; neither D .in; either13.Betty and John have come back , but_ students in the class arent here yet.A.the other B others C. another D. the others14.Your mother is kindness_.A .itself B. herself C.oneself D .himself15.She stayed there longer than_.A. anyone B .anything else C. anybody D .anybody else16.Is this her bike? No, it isnt . Its_.A. mine B. my C. me D. hes17._ Li Pings brother.A. Her B. His C. Hes D. Shes18.He is a boy. name is Wang Bing.A. He B. His C. Her D. Hes19.Whats this? .A. Its a bread B. It is a bread C. Its bread D. Thiss bread20.The bowls are on the table .There are some eggs in .A. the B. them C. it D. he21.Let have a meeting .A. me B. you C. us D. me22. Mother often sees on Sunday .A. her all friends B. all her friend C. her friends D. her all friend.23.When you see Tom and his sister , tell that mother is waiting at the gate.A. his ;his B. her; hers C. them ; their D. his ; her24.He wants you to talk about China.A .anything B .nothing C. thing D .something25.Granny seems ill . Are you sure its ?A .nothing serious B. anything seriousC. serious nothing D. serious anything1. Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it? Oh, its_. Thank you.A. my B. mine C. me2. Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it? Oh, its_. Thank you.A. my B. mine C. me3. Mrs. Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook_for me during my stay in Canada.A. something different B. anything different C. noting different4. Mrs. Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook_for me during my stay in Canada.A. something different B. anything different C. noting different5. - How is Helen in the new school?- She is doing very well. There is _ to worry about.A. Something B. anything C. nothing D. everything6. -We have red and yellow T-shirts. Which color do you like?- Im afraid_. 1 think blue will be OK.A. both B. either C. neither D. none。7.Which of his parents is going to the meeting? is.ABoth BEither CAny DNone8.of the students of Class One was happy.AAll BNone CBoth DNeither3.Would you likemilk, please?Asome Bany Cfew Da few9.of the students has a dictionary.AAll BNo one CEach DEvery10.Withare you playing Ping-Pong?Awho Bwhom Cwhose DWhich11.Whats this? is a computer.AThis BThat CIt DThese12.was sold this morning.AMany cottons BMany cotton CMuch cottons DMuch cotton。1-5 CACCB 6-10 CAAAB 11-15 DDABD 16-20 ACBCB 21-25 CBCDA【答案】B【解析】选B。考查代词的用法。my为形容词性物主代词意为“我的”;mine为名词性物主代词意为“我的”;me为人称代词的宾格意为“我”。名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,此句的答语句意为:它是我的书包,因此需要用mine代替my schoolbag。故选B。【答案】B【解析】选B。考查代词的用法。my为形容词性物主代词意为“我的”;mine为名词性物主代词意为“我的”;me为人称代词的宾格意为“我”。名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,此句的答语句意为:它是我的书包,因此需要用mine代替my schoolbag。故选B。【答案】A【解析】选A。考查不定代词的用法。something一般用于肯定句,anything一般用于否定句。当形容词修饰不定代词时需后置。句意为:“布朗夫人很好,我呆在加拿大期间她每天给我做不同的饭”。故选A。【答案】A【解析】选A。考查不定代词的用法。something一般用于肯定句,anything一般用于否定句。当形容词修饰不定代词时需后置。句意为:“布朗夫人很好,我呆在加拿大期间她每天给我做不同的饭”。故选A。【答案】C【答案】C1.“他”只可能有父母(两个人),因此,C、D不能选;答句的谓语是单数,A也不能选。故B是正确选项。2.一个班的学生不可能只有两个人,C、D应排除;如果All作主语,谓语动词应变复数,而该句的was是单数。因此,应选B。3.few和a few要和可数名词连用,而milk是不可数名词,选项C、D应排除;这是一个向对方建议的句子,要用some。故应选A。4.every不能作主语;no one不能和介词of短语连用(如果需要连用,则用none替换);该句谓语动词用的是单数,all也不能选用。因此,C是正确选项。5.从该句句义来看,C、D不能选;who不能用在介词后面。因此,这里应选B。6.在回答用this或that提问的句子时,主语通常要用it。故应选C。7.cotton是不可数名词,没有复数形式,因此A、C都不能选;many不能与不可数名词连用。故应选D专心-专注-专业


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