湖南省高考英语总复习 M1 Unit 2 Growing pains(2)课件 牛津版译林版

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湖南省高考英语总复习 M1 Unit 2 Growing pains(2)课件 牛津版译林版_第3页
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Unit 2Unit 2Growing pains Growing pains Module15、complain vi. 抱怨,埋怨;申诉,控诉,控告 complain to sb. about / of sth. 向某人抱怨某事You have nothing to complain of, do you? 你没什么可抱怨的,是吧?He complained to the waiter that his meal was cold. 他向服务员抱怨饭菜是凉的。重重 点点 单单 词词complaint 抱怨;埋怨;投诉The most common complaint is about poor service.最常见的投诉与服务差有关。重重 点点 单单 词词 She complained _ waiting.A. having keptB. to keepC. of having been keptD. of having kept C complain of 后接动名词作宾语。重重 点点 单单 词词6、argument n. 争论;争吵;辩论The student had a long argument with their teachers about their uniforms.学生们就他们校服的事和老师进行了很长时间的辩论。 argument about / over sth.关于某事物的争论 argument with sb.和某人的争论重重 点点 单单 词词 argument against / for sth.反对 / 赞成某事物的论据 sb.s argument某人的观点What is their argument_over? 他们在争论什么?Thats not a good argument for raising the price. 那不是涨价的好理由。The authors argument is that some of the plays were actually not written by Shakespeare. 作者的观点是:其中有些剧作实际创作者并不是莎士比亚。重重 点点 单单 词词重重 点点 单单 词词 Why dont they agree to the plan? Their main argument _ it is that it will cost too much. A. of B. against C. about D. withB根据语境,该句意思应为“他们不同意这个计划的论据/理由是这个计划成本太大”。重重 点点 短短 语语1、辨析do with, deal with do with (sb. / sth.) 处置; deal with 处理;打交道; 涉及,当表示“怎样处置”时,do with用what提问,deal with用how提问。How to deal with the waste from the factory is a serious problem. 怎样处理这家工厂的垃圾是一个严重的问题.What did you do with my umbrella? 你把我的伞怎么了?重重 点点 短短 语语 _ have you done _ my table? I have thrown it away.A. What; with B. How; withC. What; for D. How; forA 用do with 表示“怎样处置”, 用what提问。重重 点点 短短 语语2、stay up 熬夜,不睡We stayed up till after midnight to see the New Year in. 我们熬过半夜等待着新年的到来。I stayed up last night, reading a novel from cover to cover. 我昨晚熬夜读了一整本小说。重重 点点 短短 语语 What makes you tired now? _ for my favorite TV programme last night. A. To stay up B. Staying up C. Stay up D. Stayed upB答句为回答上文的what,所以stay up的形式应视为作句子的主语,只能从A或B中选取;另外不定式一般指将来动作,所以最佳答案为动名词。后者可以指已发生的动作。重重 点点 短短 语语3、insist on insist on sth./doing sth. 坚持做某事She insisted on not telling me her telephone number. 她坚持不告诉我她的电话号码。The scientist insisted on an exact figure. 这位科学家坚持要得到一个精确的数字。重重 点点 短短 语语 insist有两个含义,其用法也不同: (1)作“坚持要;一定要”讲时,后面的从句中用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”,其中should可省略。They insisted that we (should) begin the work at once. 他们坚持要我们立刻开始工作。 (2)作“坚持说;坚持认为”讲时,后面的从句中不用虚拟语气。 He insisted that he had put the file back in the case. 他坚持说他已经把文件放回到盒子里了。重重 点点 短短 语语He has always insisted on his _ Dr Turner instead of Mr Turner.A. been called B. calledC. having called D. being called D 句意:他总是坚持要别人叫他Turner医生而不是Turner先生。 insist on后接名词或动名词。重重 点点 短短 语语疑疑 难难 句句 型型1、Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. 埃里克跟在后边跑了进来,身后跟着一只狗慢慢地走着。 followed by为过去分词短语作伴随状语。而walking very slowly为现在分词短语作定语。China is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light. 突然一道闪光过后紧跟着发出一阵巨大的响声。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, _ in a small apartment near Boston and _ what to do about his future.A. living; wondering B. lived; wonderingC. lived; wondered D. living; wondered疑疑 难难 句句 型型 A 句意:29岁时,Dave是个工人,住在波士顿附近的一所小公寓里,不知道他将来能干什么。 考查非谓语动词作状语。根据句子结构可判断出,live和wonder的逻辑主语都是Dave,故用现在分词形式作状语。疑疑 难难 句句 型型The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A. forced B. forcingC. to be forced D. having forced疑疑 难难 句句 型型 B 句意:政府打算引入一些新的法律,以促使家长们对孩子的教育承担更多责任。 考查非谓语动词作定语。 forcing是现在分词作定语,修饰new laws表示主动,相当于定语从句that/which force,A、C两项表示被动,D项表示主动及完成,均不合题意。疑疑 难难 句句 型型2、The room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. 房间一片混乱,地上四处是比萨盒子,水池里堆着没洗的盘子。 此句中with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink用的是with的复合结构,这里是“with+名词+介词短语”的形式。The English teacher came into the classroom, with a book in her hand. 英语老师手里拿着一本书走进教室。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 “with+复合宾语(即O.+O.C.)”在句子中充当状语或定语。其中宾语补足语除了可以由介词短语充当外,还可以是分词短语、形容词短语,副词短语、不定式短语。They came to a farmhouse with a big tree in front of it. 他们来到一所其前有一棵大树的农舍前。(定语)They came to a farmhouse with their equipment on their backs. 他们背着自己的装备,来到一所农舍前。(状语)疑疑 难难 句句 型型 with+名词/代词+分词With the exams coming next week, I have no time to play. 下周考试就要来临了,我没时间玩了。With their homework finished, the boys went out to play. 作业完成后男孩们出去玩耍。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 with+名词/代词+形容词He likes to sleep with the door open. 他喜欢睡觉时把门开着。 with+名词/代词+副词The young couple sat there in silence, with the light on, for nearly half an hour. 这对年轻的夫妇开着灯一言不发坐在那儿近半个小时。 疑疑 难难 句句 型型 with+名词/代词+不定式With no one to talk to, the girl felt bored and cried under the quilt alone. 没有人可以交谈,这个女孩感到很乏味并且躲在被子里哭了起来。 with+名词/代词+名词With her son still being a schoolboy, she has to work hard to support his study. 儿子还在上学,她不得不努力工作以维持他的学业。 John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work_ , he gladly accepted it.A. finished B. finishingC. having finished D. was finished A 句意:约翰收到一份宴请函而且他的工作也干完了,他就欣然接受了邀请。 考查 with 复合结构。根据句意,工作该是被完成,所以排除B、C两项。 with 复合结构中,所缺部分作宾补,D项只能作谓语。故选A项。疑疑 难难 句句 型型疑疑 难难 句句 型型窗户敞开着,我们可以感觉到凉爽的风吹到我们脸上。(汉译英)With the windows open, we can feel the cool wind blowing against our face.妈妈在外,我不得不独自做饭。(汉译英)With Mum out, I have to cook meals on my own.疑疑 难难 句句 型型3、 Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms crossed and looks angry. 埃里克坐在床上看着双臂交叉,表情气愤的丹尼尔。 has his arms crossed为have/get sth. done 结构,该结构有两层含义: (1) 使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是自己做,也可能让别人做)疑疑 难难 句句 型型Youd better have that bad tooth pulled out. 你最好把那颗蛀牙拔掉。I must have/get my homework finished first before going out to play. 出去玩之前我得把我的作业先做完。(2) 遭遇,经历(一般指不愉快的事情)He had his leg kicked in the game. 在比赛中他的腿让人踢了。疑疑 难难 句句 型型 have sb./ sth.do / doing / done的差别:have sb.do等于ask / tell / arrange for sb.to do,sb.和do是主动关系;have sb./ sth.doing是指让某人/某物不停或反复做某事,或容忍某人做某事(常用于否定),sb. / sth.和doing是主动关系;have sb./ sth.done意思是使某人/某物被(主语自己做或让别人做都可以),也可表示遭受了损害。疑疑 难难 句句 型型Ill have a workman fix it.我会安排一个工人修好它。(Ill have it fixed by a workman.)Mum wont have us making noise while she is working. ( She wont allow us to make)在她做事的时候,妈妈是不容许我们制造噪音的。It was very cold. We had_the_fire_burning all the time. 当时天气很冷。我们就让火一直燃着。The director had her assistant _ some hot dogs for the meeting. A. picked up B. picks up C. pick up D. picking up疑疑 难难 句句 型型C句意:导演让她的助理为会议去买一些热狗。考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语的用法。have sb. /sth.后可以接do/doing/done 3种形式。本句中her assistant与pick up之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示将来动作,因此用动词原形。而doing表示“经常或不停地做”;done表示“被动”,因此排除A、B、D三项。疑疑 难难 句句 型型If you have illegal immigrants _ in, many local workers will lose their jobs. A. came B. coming C. to come D. having come疑疑 难难 句句 型型B句意:如果你们容忍非法移民不断涌入,当地许多工人将会失业。考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语。该句是have sb. doing“容忍某人干某事”结构,故选B项。疑疑 难难 句句 型型疑疑 难难 句句 型型4、I still wish we could go and see a film tomorrow though! 可我还是希望我们明天能去看场电影。 “wish +that从句”表示无法实现的愿望,从句须用虚拟语气。 但愿我像他那么富有。I wish I were as rich as he. 我希望你跟我一起去。I wish you would go with me.


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