(优化方案)2011高考英语一轮复习 Unit16课时活页训练(详细解析) 北师大版选修6

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优化方案2011高考英语一轮复习课时活页训练.单项填空1. The saleswoman in the shop is always _ to please everybody.Aeager BhurriedCworried Dstrange解析:选A。句意:商店里的那个女售货员总是希望她能取悦于每一个人。be eager to do sth.渴望做某事。hurried匆忙的;worried焦急的,担心的;strange奇怪的。2Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ by the hour.Apay BpayingCpaid Dto pay解析:选C。句意:大城市的女清洁工通常是按小时获得报酬的。pay作动词或名词,意为“付款”;paying为现在分词,表示主动;to pay后要接宾语,意为“付款”;此处get paid构成被动。3If I were in a movie,then it would be about time that I _ my head in my hands for a cry.Ahad buried Bam buryingCburied Dwould bury解析:选C。It is about/high timethat.中常用过去式或should动词原形表示虚拟意义。4Did Susan become a doctor in 1998?Yes,she _ in hospital for ten years by next winter.Awill work Bwould have workedChas been working Dwill have been working解析:选D。根据句意“她到明年冬天在医院工作就将十年了”,用将来完成进行时表示这个将来某时前一直进行的动作。5The young man owes his success to many people,his parents_.Aafter all Bby chanceCon purpose Din particular解析:选D。句意:那位年轻人将成功归功于很多人,特别是他的父母。只有D项in particular“特别是”符合语境。6You can always _ himhes very responsible.Arely in Bcount onCdepend by Dtrust on解析:选B。A项rely的常用搭配应为rely on,意为“依靠,依赖,指望”,而不是rely in;C项常用搭配应为depend on;D项trust为及物动词,不带介词on。B项count on sb.指依赖、信任某人,符合语境。7The door wouldnt open,so he _ the door _.Aknocked;about Bknocked;outCknocked;down Dknocked;off解析:选C。knock down弄垮;knock out敲出来;knock about到处闲逛,居住;knock off撞翻。根据语境只有knock down符合。8His sister had to _her journey because of his mothers illness.Aleave BdesertCquit Dabandon解析:选D。句意:由于他母亲生病,他姐姐不得不放弃旅行。leave是一般用语,着重强调“离开”“遗留下”;desert指某人或某物在困难或困境中被人背弃;quit指突然出其不意地放弃;abandon指因外界影响或压力完全或永久舍弃自己感兴趣的人或物。9_ you lose your confidence,you can never expect to work hard at your study.ATwice BBeforeCUnless DOnce解析:选D。句意为:一旦你失去信心,你就别想努力学习。once conj.一旦就。10After the man was killed,the policemen did a lot of work to find out some clues from the _.Aonlookers BviewersCpeople Dwitnesses解析:选D。句意:那人被谋杀后,警察做了大量工作试图从目击者那儿发现一些线索。onlooker旁观看者,指正在观看的旁观者;viewer观看者,观众;people人们。调查案件一般从witness目击者、见证人那儿得到证据或线索。如:She was a witness at the accident.她是这场事故的目击者。11._ it during the second war _ he died?AIs;which BWas;whichCWas;that DIs;that解析:选C。本题考查强调句句型。该句可还原为:He died during the second war.,句子强调during.介词短语;而句子又是过去式,故只有C项符合。12Her trousers were so tight,and they _ when she sat down.Aspit BsplitCsplashed Dspun解析:选B。句意:她的裤子太紧了,一坐下来就裂开了。split裂开,劈开;spit吐痰;splash溅落;spin旋转,纺,根据语境只有B项符合。13The new discovery of gas is of great _ to the countrys economy.Asignature BsignificantCsignificance Dsign解析:选C。句意:新气田的发现对这个国家的经济意义重大。be of significance(be significant)有意义的,有价值的,重要的;significance比value,importance正式。14There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than _ in the public mind today.Aexists BexistCexisting Dexisted解析:选A。此句的主要结构是There ought to be less anxiety.than.,than后面是一个省略的比较状语从句,实际上省略了there exists anxiety。than后面应接一个从句,后面有状语today,existed也可排除;exist应该在主语是复数时使用。15Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed _.Ahad produced Bto be producedCto have produced Dhad been produced解析:选D。本句中有表示过去的时间状语“Between 1897 and 1919”,主语是motion pictures,所以要用过去完成时的被动语态had been produced。.阅读理解AQuestionI have recently returned to college to complete my Bachelors degree.I am in an accelerated(加速的)course.In this course there are no tests or exams,only class presentations(陈述)I have recently prepared my PowerPoint and will study the material.I am not very knowledgeable in the material.I have not had to speak in public since high school which was many years ago.I am somewhat of a shy person;I am losing sleep because of the anxiety and fear of doing this class for the next year;I have considered giving up,but I want so badly to complete this.I am,for lack of a better word,terrified.AnswerBeing a shy person is not really a factor in giving a presentation.Your focus should be on providing information for the other students.Think of yourself as a teacher or an instructor and not as someone who is trying to show how good he is.The fact that you are using a PowerPoint presentation takes an enormous amount of pressure off you.With a speech,there is the fear of forgetting what you are going to say.But with a PowerPoint presentation you have a guide.Some people use only a few words in their bulletpoints,while others include full sentences.But for each bulletpoint,you need to have some extra material.If you do happen to forget something,no one will know the difference.The big thing is to give your presentation several times before you give it in class.You can record your practice.This will force you to go through it completely.If you can,give your presentation to a friend.This practice should give you the confidence in being able to do the task effectively.Although you may be somewhat nervous when you start,once you get going,things should be a lot smoother.Best wishes on getting some great presentations.1What can you learn from the first paragraph?AInterested in presenting in college.BTerrified of giving presentations in college.CHesitating in speaking in class.DDesperate in presenting in college.解析:选B。概括大意题。根据第一段最后一句“I am,for lack of a better word,terrified.”得出答案。求助者对当着同学的面陈述感到恐惧。2Why did the person ask for advice on giving a presentation in class?AHe wanted to give himself a challenge.BHis classmates all did so.CHe couldnt pass his written exams.DThe course required so.解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“In this course there are no tests or exams,only class presentations(陈述)”得出答案。课程无需考试,但要在班上陈述。3The adviser intended to suggest that the questioner _.Agive his information,ignoring his classmatesBask his professor for advice in detailsCfix his attention on presenting knowledge to his classmatesDcalm himself down before presenting his knowledge解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Your focus should be on.”得出答案。建议把精力集中在向同学陈述知识上,不要想其他的。4In the advisers opinion,the advantage of using a PowerPoint presentation probably is that _.Ait can remind you to say what you have preparedBit can provide more informationCit can save a lot of timeDit can show your complete preparation解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第三段“But with a PowerPoint presentation you have a guide.”得出答案。它就像一个向导,提醒你要讲的内容。5.To get rid of anxiety,the most important thing is _.Alearning all your knowledge by heartBdiscussing it with othersCpretending to perform it before you startDgiving enough practice before giving your presentation in class解析:选D。判断归纳题。根据最后两段特别是倒数第二段首句“The big thing is to give.”得出答案。建议者认为,消除紧张的重要方法是在班上陈述前要有充分的练习。BA voyage to Timbuktu in a flying car may sound like a magical childhood fantasy.But this week a British adventurer will set off from London on an incredible journey through Europe and Africa,traveling by road and air.With the help of a parachute and a giant fan motor,Neil Laughton plans to fly over the Pyrenees near Andorra,before taking to the skies again to jump across the 14km Straits of Gibraltar.Neil Laughton then aims to fly over the Atlas Mountains in Morocco,above the Sahara Desert and,well,wherever else the road runs out.But forget Chitty Chitty Bang Bangthis flying machine is based on proven technology.Designed by a 29yearold British inventor,the Skycar enables its driver to pilot the vehicle at the mere touch of a button.The team behind it calls the Skycar the worlds first road legal biofuelled (生物燃料的) flying car.Mr.Laughtons destination is the west African country of Mali and its city of Timbuktu,a place which has had a mystical (神秘的),“middle of nowhere”reputation since the Victorian exploration.The 42day expedition will pass 4,000 miles through France,Spain and Morocco,head into the Sahara by way of Mauritania and Mali,before returning home via Senegal.He had also hoped to make the 22mile flight across the English Channel,but that plan was forbidden by civil aviation officials.Even Mr.Laughton whohas climbed the highest mountains on seven continents and made a difficult journey at the North Pole admits his latest “boys own” adventure is a little strange.Hes been dreaming of creating a flying car since childhood.“The inspiration came from realizing we can drive and we can fly,so why cant we do both? The problem all along has been the wing technology,which we think weve cracked with the Skycar,” he said.Sadly some areas on his route are not good and so he must be careful.6Why does the voyage to Timbuktu in a flying car sound like a magical childhood fantasy?AIts too far to be realized.BIts difficult and full of imagination.CIt needs to cover a distance of 4,000 miles.DIt is done by the adventurer Neil Langhton.解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段和最后三段可知,这次的旅行有点像魔力童年幻想,一方面是因为该旅行很难实现,另一方面是因为该旅行富于想象。故答案选B。7According to the text,the voyage from London to Timbuktu _.Amust cross Straits of Gibraltar by shipBmainly travel through the whole EuropeCwill have to carry a parachute with himDwill cover as many as six countries解析:选D。细节判断题。根据文章第五段可知,该次旅途所经过的国家有:法国、西班牙、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、马里、塞内加尔六国。故答案选D。8Which of the following is the right order of Neil Laughtons travel?aStraits of Gibraltar bThe PyreneescSenegal dThe city of TimbuktueMauritaniaAabced BdebacCabecd Dbaedc解析:选D。细节理解题。结合第二段和第五段可知,Neil Laughton首先从伦敦开始,经过“the Pyrenees”,穿过“Straits of Gibraltar”,通过摩洛哥的“the Atlas Mountains”再经过“Mauritania”,到达“Mali”的“city of Timbuktu”,最后是“Senegal”。故答案选D。9The author uses“middle of nowhere”to show _.Athe significance of visiting TimbuktuBthe meaning of the word TimbuktuCthe history of the city of TimbuktuDthe development of the city of Timbuktu解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据文章第四段可知,这座城市很神秘,因此,选取这座城市作为其旅途的终点有其重要的意义。故答案选A。10What drove the success of Neil Laughtons travel according to the text?AThe bad political situation along the route.BNeil Laughtons childhood dream.CThe good weather conditions all the time.DThe great support from Neil Laughtons family.解析:选B。推理判断题。Neil Laughton的成功一方面要归功于自己孩提时代的梦想,另一方面要归功于科技。故答案选B。


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