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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上三年级(人教版)上册英语期末模拟试卷 满分 100分笔试部分(100分)一、 单词辨音,相同S,不同D。(10分)( )1.nice fine ( ) 2. grade class ( )3. big nine ( ) 4. apple today ( )5.teacher farmer二、 给下列词语分类,有一词不属于任何一类。(15分)A. egg B.sunny C. carrots D.brother E.postman F.pineappleG. driver H.cloudy I.hot dog J. water K.cucumber L.cake M.rainy N.eggplant 0 teacher天气类:_职业类:_蔬菜类:_食品饮料类:_三、 单项选择。(20分)( )1. This_ my mother. She s beautiful.A. am B.is C.are( )2. Where_ you from?A. am B.is C.are ( )3. Lisa and Kate are good_. A.a friend B.friend C.friends( )4. My aunt is _.A.an English teacher B.a English teacher C. an nurse( )5.-_ is your uncle?-He is a doctor.A. Where B.When C. What( )6. Come_, girls. A.to B.on C.from( )7. Li Yan is from_.A. Beijing, china.B. China,BeijingC. Beijing, China.( )8. Have _ fruit . A.some B.a C./( )9.I am in _(五年级6班)A.Class Five, Grade SixB. Class Six, Grade FiveC. Class six, Grade five( ) 10. What is this _ English?A. at B.for C.in( )11. This green pencil is _ you. A.for B.to C. of( )12.What is _number?A. her B.you C.he( )13. _ four and five?A. What B.what is C. What is( )14. Can you count _ one _twenty?A. to, from B.from, to C. from, and( ) 15.- _?-It is 8:00.A. What is time?B. What time is ?C. What is the time?( )16.-_ Tom like apples?-Yes, he does. A.Do B.Does C.Can ( )17. I like _. A.panda and milk B.pandas and milks C.pandas and milk( )18. It is very cold. _ your coat. A.Put on B. Take off C. Put off( )19. _ is the weather today? A.What B.How C.Where( )20. -Is it black or blue?-_.A. Yes, its black.B. No, its blue.C. It is blue.四、 按要求完成各题。(15分) (一) 1. boy(对应词)_ 2. big(反义词)_ 3. tomato(复数)_ 4. Zoo(复数)_ 5. What is(缩写形式)_ 6. 3+5=?_7. man(复数)_提示:填写字母构成单词,一空一字目,并在括号写出中文(第8-10小题)8. p_ _ r( ) 9.o_ a_g e( ) 10. f_v_( ) (二)连词成句1. kite , with, lets , my ,play (.)_2. zoo, we, to ,the ,go, shall (?)_3. T-shirt, a ,can, have , I ,new(?)_4. cold, please, have ,can, some, I ,water (?)_5. swimming, lets, go(.)_五、 根据问句,选择正确答语。(20分)( )1.Can I have some apple juice? ( )2. Do you like watermelons? ( )3. What class are you in ? ( )4. What is your father? ( )5. Are you Jim? ( )6.What is seven and nine? ( )7. Where is my eraser? ( )8. What colour is your skirt? ( )9. How old is your sister? ( )10. Whats the weather like today?A. Its red.B. He is a doctor.C. Its on the desk.D. Its fine.E. She is 6 years old.F. Ok.Here you are.G. No , I am Mike.H. Yes, I do.I. I am in Class 6,Grade 3.J. Its sixteen.六阅读理解。(20分)(一)Tom is from America. He is eleven. He is a student. He is in Class4, Grade 3. He likes English and Chinese. He is a good student. His father is a doctor in a hospital. And his mother is a teacher. She teaches English. Tom has got a sisiter. Her name is Sue. She is two years old. She cant go to school. Because she is too young. She likes playing dolls. She likes them very much.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. Tom is an English boy. ( )2. There are four people in Toms family. ( )3. His father is an English teacher. And his mother is a doctor. ( )4. Tom and his sister go to school every day. ( )5. Sue likes her dolls very much. (二)Today is sunny. Jack and his dad are in the zoo now. There are tigers, monkeys ,bears and lions. Oh, That is an elephant. It has a long nose and big ears. Jack likes elephants and monkeys. His dad likes tigers, lions and bears. They are very happy.阅读短文,请选择正确答案。( )1. What is the weather like today?A. Its cloudy. B.Its sunny . C. Its rainy.( )2. Who are in the zoo?A. His dad and Jack B.His mother and Jack C. His dad and his mum( )3. How many noses does the elephant have?A. One B.two C.three( )4.Does Jacks dad like tigers? A.Yes, he do. B.Yes, he does C. No, he doesnt.( )5. Are they happy today?A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they arent.专心-专注-专业


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