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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 小升初知识点总结(三)1.V.ing+n.reading room 阅览室living room 起居室n.+n. woman/man teacherwomen/men teachers* 除woman/man+n.外两者均要变复数,其余n.+n.的组合变复数只需变化后者,例:tomato noodletomato noodlesThere are three _(女老师)in our school.Do you want some _(苹果蛋糕)?2.France 法国 French 法语、法国的 FrenchmanFrenchmen 法国人 England 英国 English 英语、英国的 EnglishmanEnglishmen 英国人 Germany 德国 GermanGermans 德国人、德语、德国的3. another 另一个(三者以上) the other 另一个(两者之间) other(adj.泛指)+名词 others(pron.泛指、剩余的部分) 那些 the other(adj.特指)+名词 the others(pron.特指、剩余的全部) 那些one another(三者以上) each other(两者之间)彼此【练习】1. Do you read any _novels? 2. Would you like_ cup of tea? 3. She has two sons. One is in America, and_ lives with her. 4. Some like singing, _prefer dancing.5. I have three daughters. One is a nurse, another is a teacher and_ is a worker.6. Two boys will go to the zoo, and_ will stay at home.7. Put it in your_ hand. 8. He has two daughters. One is a nurse, _is a worker.9.On _side of the street,there is a tall tree. 10.Mary is much taller than_ girls. 11.He lives on_ side of the river. 12.Some of us like singing and dancing, _ go in for sports. 13.Give me some_ , please. 14.There are no _. 15. Ask some_ people.16.I dont like this one. Please show me_. 17. Do you have any_ question(s)?18.Will you show me _?I dont like its color.19.She has two computers. One is IBM PC 386 and _ is IBM PC 586.20.Tom runs faster than any _ student in his class.21.The students have English,Chinese,math,biology and many_ subjects.22.Why are only three of you here in the classroom?Where are_?23.My classmates come from different parts of the country. Some come from Shanghai,some from Tianjin and _ from Beijing.参考答案:1 other 2.another 3. the other 4. others 5. another 6. the others 7. other 8. the other 9. the other10. the other 11.the other 12.others 13.others 14.others 15.other 16.another 17.other 18.another19. the other 20.other 21. other  22.the others 23.others4.leave A 离开A leave A for B 离开A去B leave for A 离开去A 明天我要离开广州去上海。_ 明天我要去上海。_5.prefer A to B 喜欢A超过B prefer doing sth. to doing sth.喜欢做某事胜过喜欢做某事prefer to do 更喜欢做某事 我喜欢学英语胜过喜欢学语文。_ 我喜欢蓝色超过喜欢粉色。_ 我更喜欢唱歌。_6.think 想、认为 think of想到(人、事物) think out想出(答案、主意) think about(考虑)7.将来时易错点:由there bebe(助动词) going to be(there be的be,实义动词)例:There is going to be(不能用have,因为是there be句型) a football match next week.be going to do与be going to+地点(用进行时表将来时)go,come,leave,arrivebe going to do相对will/shall(第一人称,I,we) +do更强调计划性,但年龄,日期,天气等人为不可控制的均不能计划,即不能用 be going to do句型用现在时表将来时:plan(计划) wish(希望) hope(希望) want(想要)+to do sth.例:This plane takes off(起飞)(反义词:land on着陆) at 4:30. 8.hundred,thousand,million,billiontwo hundred(不加s)两百hundreds of 数以百计two hundred(不加s) of(从属介词)the students 学生中的两百个two hundred languages 两百种语言9. 人+spend+钱/时间 +on sth./(in) doing sth. 人+pay+钱+for sth./for sth. 人+buy+sth.+for+钱 I buy this book for 200 yuan. I pay 200 dollars for this book. 物+cost+sb.+too much/钱 物+take+sb.+钱/时间 to do sth. This book costs me 200 yuan.(主语为物,花费的是钱,无to do时用cost)10. and只在最后的百位和十位之间加,其他数位不加例如:99,118 ninety-nine thousand one hundred and eighteen 83,648_ 分数表达法:(分子是基数词,分母是序数词;当分子大于1时,分母要加s) _ _ one second/one(a) half 1 one and a half 1 _小数表达法: 0.56 zero point five six 2.79_ 百分数表达法: 62% sixty-two percent(不加s) 45% _11.形状: triangle 三角形 rectangle 矩形、长方形 square 正方形、广场、平方 round 圆形 circle 环形 12. second(秒)minute(分钟)hour(小时)13.hard adj.困难的(=difficult)、硬的 adv.努力地 hardly adv.几乎不 hard work 困难的工作 work hard 努力工作雨下的的很大:There is a heavy rain. It rains heavily/hard.风刮的很大:There is a strong wind. It blows strongly/hard.14. 时间:星期:Sunday(一周的第一天)Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday月份:January February March April May June July August September October November December 方向:east west north south 季节:spring summer autumn/fall winter in autumn/in the fall on holiday/on summer holiday 15. as soon as一就 He went home as soon as I went out.我一出去他就回家了(注意翻译顺序) 我一写完作业就下课了。_as soon as possible(adj.可能的)/you can 尽可能的快 请尽快给我打电话。_ 16.倍数表达法:A be three times as big as B.=A be twice bigger than B.类似用法:She is two years(数量词需置前) younger than me.倍数:one time/twice/three times. 次数:once/twice/three timesonce=at a time一次 once=at one time一度、曾经Take this medicine three times a day. 一天吃三次这个药这本书是那本书的三倍。_=_我每周跑三次步。_他曾经是个医生。_17.some time 一段时间 sometime 将来或过去的某个时刻 sometimes 有时 some times几次、几倍18. be good at=do well in+doing sth. 擅长于做. 她擅长唱歌。_=_ 我擅长英语。_=_19. 祈使句:Come in./Dont come in! 易错题:Jack,dont(此处不用doesnt)come in!Tom 不跳舞。_Tom, 不要说话!_20. speak+语言 talk with/to sb.和/对某人说话 talk about sth.谈论关于某事 say+具体的内容(goodbye/a word) say to sb./say sth. to sb. tell+抽象的整体(tell a story/tell the differences between A and B) tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 in+语言 chat (v.聊天)with sb. discuss(v.讨论) sth. with sb. Mary 说日语。_ 他昨天给我讲了个故事。_ 这本书是中文的。_ 妈妈每天都和我说再见。_ 我喜欢和Tom聊天。_ 老师让我们清扫教室。_ 21. Youd better=You had better+do sth.你最好做 had better不随人称、时态变化 你最好多喝水。_22. Whats wrong with?= Whats the matter with? 怎么样?23.worry n./v. 担忧 worry about 担忧 worried adj.担忧的 be worried about 担忧 Dont worry. 别担心 妈妈总是担心我。_ hurry n./v.匆忙 hurry up快点 in a hurry处于匆忙中 hurry to do匆忙做 hurried adj.匆忙的 be hurried to do 匆忙做 Dont hurry.别着急 快点,公交车来了。_24. 形式主语、形式宾语只能用it.It(形式主语) is easy (for me) to learn English.I find it(形式宾语) easy (for me) to learn English.It is easy (形容事的adj.用介词for)for me to learn English.It is kind(形容人的adj.用介词of) of you to help me.专心-专注-专业


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