人教新版英语六下How tall are youPPT课件

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1. which 哪一个(只)哪一个(只) which boy 哪一个男孩哪一个男孩 which monkey 哪一只猴子哪一只猴子2. brown 棕色的棕色的3. yellow 黄色的黄色的4. funny 滑稽的;可笑的滑稽的;可笑的5. about 大约大约6. its 它的它的7. tail 尾巴尾巴Which monkey do you like, Ben?本,你喜欢哪一只猴子?本,你喜欢哪一只猴子?I like the yellow one.我喜欢黄色的那一只。我喜欢黄色的那一只。Look, its taller than the brown one.看,它比那只棕色的更高。看,它比那只棕色的更高。Which monkey is stronger?哪一只猴子更强壮?哪一只猴子更强壮?The brown monkey is stronger.棕色的猴子更强壮。棕色的猴子更强壮。But the yellow monkey is taller.但是那只黄色的猴子更高。但是那只黄色的猴子更高。I like the little monkey.我喜欢那只小猴子。我喜欢那只小猴子。Its younger and funnier.它更年轻更滑稽。它更年轻更滑稽。How long is its tail?它的尾巴多长?它的尾巴多长?I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. 我认为那只小猴子只有我认为那只小猴子只有40厘米高。厘米高。Its tail is about 30 cm long.它的尾巴它的尾巴大约大约30厘米长。厘米长。I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.我认为那只黄色的猴子我认为那只黄色的猴子150厘米高。厘米高。The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.那只黄色的猴子更高那只黄色的猴子更高但是那只小猴子更滑稽。但是那只小猴子更滑稽。读一读读一读Which monkey do you like, Ben?本,你喜欢哪一只猴子?本,你喜欢哪一只猴子?I like the yellow one.我喜欢黄色的那一只。我喜欢黄色的那一只。Look, its taller than the brown one.看,它比那只棕色的更高。看,它比那只棕色的更高。Which monkey is stronger?哪一只猴子更强壮?哪一只猴子更强壮?The brown monkey is stronger.棕色的猴子更强壮。棕色的猴子更强壮。But the yellow monkey is taller.但是那只黄色的猴子更高。但是那只黄色的猴子更高。I like the little monkey.我喜欢那只小猴子。我喜欢那只小猴子。Its younger and funnier.它更年轻更滑稽。它更年轻更滑稽。How long is its tail?它的尾巴多长?它的尾巴多长?I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. 我认为那只小猴子只有我认为那只小猴子只有40厘米高。厘米高。Its tail is about 30 cm long.它的尾巴它的尾巴大约大约30厘米长。厘米长。I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.我认为那只黄色的猴子我认为那只黄色的猴子150厘米高。厘米高。The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.那只黄色的猴子更高那只黄色的猴子更高但是那只小猴子更滑稽。但是那只小猴子更滑稽。背一背背一背本,你喜欢哪一只猴子?本,你喜欢哪一只猴子? 我喜欢黄色的那一只。我喜欢黄色的那一只。看,它比那只棕色的更高。看,它比那只棕色的更高。 哪一只猴子更强壮?哪一只猴子更强壮?棕色的猴子更强壮。棕色的猴子更强壮。但是那只黄色的猴子更高。但是那只黄色的猴子更高。我喜欢那只小猴子。我喜欢那只小猴子。它更年轻更滑稽。它更年轻更滑稽。它的尾巴多长?它的尾巴多长?我认为那只小猴子只有我认为那只小猴子只有40厘米高。厘米高。它的尾巴大约它的尾巴大约30厘米长。厘米长。我认为那只黄色的猴子我认为那只黄色的猴子150厘米高。厘米高。那只黄色的猴子更高那只黄色的猴子更高但是那只小猴子更滑稽。但是那只小猴子更滑稽。Dad: Which monkey do you like, Ben?Ben: I like the yellow one. Look, its taller than the brown one.Dad: Which monkey is stronger?Ben: The brown monkey is stronger. But the yellow monkey is taller. Dad: I like the little monkey. Its younger and funnier. Ben: How long is its tail?Dad: I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. Its tail is about 30 cm long.Ben: I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.Dad: The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.


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