人教新版英语三上Unit 2PPT课件3

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3b.Practice the conversation below.A:Whats this in English B:Its a pen.A:How do you spell it?B:P-E-NA:Whats this in English?B:Its a pen.A:Can you spell it?B:Yes,P-E-N,pen.注意两个句型的区别。注意两个句型的区别。Find the ownerSection BbaseballwatchID card computer gamenotebookring各种各样的ball 棒球:baseball 足球:football 英式足球: soccer 篮球:basketball 排球:volleyball 乒乓球:ping pong 网球:tennis 高尔夫球:golf1a.Match the words with the things in the picture.1.baseball _ puter game_ 5.key_ 7.ring_ 2.watch _ 4.ID card _ 6.notebook _ 8.pen_1b .Pair workA:Whats this ? B:Its a watch.A:How do you spell it?B:W-A T -C-H.acfgdbhe2a .Listen and circle the things you hear2b. Listen again and write the things in the chart.KelseyMikewatchID cardpenbaseballIs this your watch?Is this your watch?Call John atCall John at495-3539495-3539 call + 某人 + at +电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人) Found(拾到)拾到)Francisco,Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? RickFound:Gold ring.Is this your ring?Please call Mary .Phone # 235-0285. ringLost:My school ID card.My name is Steven.Please call 685-6034.Lost(丢失)(丢失) school ID card学生证StevenNo.2 Middle schoolClass Two,Grade one3b .Put these pieces in order to make a message.Write numbers in the boxes.at 529-6403 call DavidA set of keys.Please Found1423Found:A set of keys .Please call David at 529-6403A set of keys 一串钥匙一串钥匙一周练习1。重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词。重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词1.dacr_ 2.rsaere_ 3.bsaealbl_ 4.eky_ 5.yctnidorai_ 6.rleur_7.cakbpakc_ 8.ipcnel_ 9.atcwh_ 10.ignr_2.用用am, is 完成句子完成句子1.This _ my watch._ that your watch?2.What _ that?It_ a nice book.3.I_ Sonia. This _ my mum.4.His name _ John.carderaserbaseballkeydictionaryrulerbackpackpencilwatchringisIsisisamisis3。按要求转换句型1.This is a pen.(变为一般疑问句)变为一般疑问句)2.Is this your pen?(肯定回答)肯定回答) 3.How do you spell “ruler”?(回答)回答)4.Can you spell “ruler”?(回答)回答)5.Is that her pen?(否定回答)否定回答) Is this a pen?No, it isntR-U-L-E-RYes,R-U-L-E-R,ruler.No, it isnt


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