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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2017八年级上册期末考试考点总结一、“be+形容词+介词”结构的有:be good at = do well in 擅长 be good/bad for: 对有好处/坏处 be interested in 对 感兴趣 be worried about担心.be famous for 以而出名 be late for迟到 be different from与不同 二、只能跟动名词作宾语的动词或短语:(常见的)专心-专注-专业enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth.完成做某事practice doing sth.练习做某事mind doing sth.介意做某事keep doing sth.不停做某事have fun doing sth.做某事很开心be busy doing sth.忙于做某事look forward to doing期盼做某事have problems doing=have a difficult time doing做某事有困难Be halfway to doing 完成了或做了事情的一部分三、有些词既可接动名词,也可接不定式,但含义不同:1.remember doing sth.记着做过某事;remember to do sth.记着去做某事2. forget doing sth.忘记做过某事;forget to do sth.忘记去做某事3.stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情;stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事情4. see sb. do sth.看到某人做某事的全过程或看到某人经常做某事; 5. see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事1. Miss Brown asked us to stop _so we stopped _to her.A. talking , listening B. to talk, to listen C. talking, to listen D. to talk, listening 四、常考短语辨析1.look at看,look for寻找,look after照顾=take care of,look up查找,向上看2.think of/about想到,think over仔细考虑3.turn off关掉,turn on打开,turn up放大,调高,turn down关小,调小 You can watch TV, but please _it _, because my baby is sleeping.A. turn; off B. turn; on C. turn; up D. turn; down5 .put up支起,建造; put off延期;put out熄灭;put on穿上6.sendto把寄给;7.穿:wear强调状态,put on强调穿的动作(反义:put off); dress, 强调给某人穿衣 dress sb.8.too much太多+不可数名词;too many太多+可数名词,much too太9. health & healthy,意思是“健康的”。 keep in good health = keep healthy = stay healthy10. tooto “太而不能”,他虽然是肯定结构,表达的却是否定意义。She is too young to go to school. Hearing the good news, I was _excited _say a word. A. very, to B. enough, to C. so, to D. too, to 11. because 和because of区别 The students couldnt go to school _the heavy snow. A. even though B. because C. like D. because of 五、常考句型1. (1)how often表示“多久一次”,是对动作的频率进行提问。可用于回答表示频率的副词,如always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never等,或用于回答表示频率的短语(2 ) howmany,howmuch表示“多少” howmany后接可数名词复数,howmuch接不可数名词。(3)how many times 询问多少次,其答语表示次数。如:once twice,three times等(4)how long 询问多长时间,其答语表示一段时间,如:for two days,for three hours等。(5) how far 询问距离,其答语表示一段距离 , 如:10miles , ten minutes walk等(6)how soon 多久,对“in+时间段”提问,如: How soon will you come back? In two books.-_did you learn Spanish? -Four nearly four years.A. When B. How far C. How long D. How often 2Its 形容词to do sth. 是个固定句型,意思是“做某事是(怎样的)”。类似的结构还有:“Its形容词for sb. to do sth.”意思是“对于某人来说,做某事是(怎样的)”。形容词如:easy, good, difficult , important, hard , different等Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and its important to eat a balanced diet. 拥有一个健康的生活方式很容易,营养均衡很重要。 Its easy to pass the English exam. 通过这次英语考试很容易。_important _us_ good eating habits.A .Its; for; to haveB. Thats; for ;to haveC. Its ; of; to have D. Thats ;of ;having3. 不定代词的用法 1)some-类复合不定代词多用于肯定句,也可用于表示邀请、请求或建议的疑问在句中;any-类复合不定代词多用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中,也可用于肯定句中,意为“任何人”或“任何事”I have something interesting to tell you. 我有有趣的事情要告诉你。Would you like something to eat? 你想要些吃的吗?She couldnt see anything in the dark room. 在这个黑暗的房间里她什么也看不见。2)复合不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词要放在复合不定代词的后面。如:Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper? 今天的报纸上有什么有趣的消息吗?Im going to _for this winter vacation.A. somewhere warm B. interesting places C. quiet somewhere D. anywhere fun 4. although尽管、虽然 引导让步状语从句 不和but连用He still went to the park with his daughter ,_it rained all day.A. andB. althoughC. butD. yet5. 如何学会提出建议 英语中常见的表示建议的方式有以下几种情况:Why dont you=Why not do? 为什么不做? Lets do! 让我们做吧 What about doing?=How about doing? 做怎么样? Would you like to do? 你想做? Would like to = want to Shall we do? 我们做,好吗?其答语 Id love to.回答对方客气的邀请:我很愿意去。要是不愿意可以说 Sorry.-Would you like to go for a walk with us?-_.A. Yes, Id like B. No, I cant C. Yes, I d love to D. Yes, I would6. 1) sound 系动词用法:“听起来”后+形容词。 That sounds nice/ beautiful. 类似的用法还有:look feel(感觉)taste(品尝) smell(闻起来)其后面的形容 词往往是interesting, good, nice ,delicious2) sound like: “听起来像” 后+名词 Her voice sounds like a bird. 她的声音听起来像小鸟。-Listen! Who is singing? -It _Dennis.A. sounds B. sound like C. sounds like D. sounds love 7. leave的用法1)动身去 leave +地点 for+地点 离开某地去某地 leave for +地点 去某地 leave Shanghai for Beijing leave for Hangzhou2)遗留,落下。leave+宾语+介词短语/副词: 把忘在Would you like to leave a message? I left my book on the train yesterday.注意:forget表示“忘记做某事”不强调地点,而leave强调把某物忘在某地。8. It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.“做某事花费某人多长时间” It takes about 25 minutes to walk to school. 去学校要花25分钟的时间。It took her some time _English in class.A. finish reading B. to finish to read C. to finish reading D. finish to reading It will take _years to make robots _the most unpleasant things.A. hundred, do B. hundreds of , to do C. two hundreds, do D. hundreds of , do 表花费的几个词的区别 Costpayspendtake Doing sth He spent an hour reading this passage. Spend: 人+spend+ 时间/金钱+ On sth. He spent two yuan on this book.注意:考题往往以疑问句的形式出题 How long does it take? It takes 25 minutes.-Arthur is a loving grandmother. Yeah, she _all her free time with her grandchildren.A. pays B. spends C. takes D. puts 9. 辨析 another, other, the other, others, the others1) another指三个或三个以上人或事物中的另一个,只能修饰单数名词;又一,再一(个)The T-shirt is too small. Can you show me another (one)? Cook for another 10 minutes. 再煮10分钟 数词+more+名词=another+数次+名词 Another ten boys = ten more boys (另外10个男孩) 又,另外的2) (the)other有两种用法:a. one,the other用来指已知的两个人或事物中的另一个。 b. 其他情况:other用作形容词+复数名词,当指一定范围内的其他人或物,可在其前+the One of my parents is an engineer, and the other is a teacher.The visitors come from Beijing, Shanghai, Xian and some other big cities of China.Eg. I find the dress nice but its too expensive. Please show me _one. A. any B. other C. another D. else 3)(the)others相当于(the)other+名词,There are many people in the park. Some are walking, some are playing games, and others are boating. 10. else “另外,其他” 常用于修饰不定代词,疑问代词或副词, else要放在后面,做后置定语。如:something else, anything else, somewhere else What else did you do? 你还做别的事了吗?Enough adj.“足够的” 当修饰名词时放在前面 enough food 足够的食物;enough money 足够的钱 当修饰形容词时要置后 interesting enough ; important enoughHes a good sister , but he didnt sing the words _for us to follow.A. clear enough B. clearly enough C. enough clear D. enough clearly 构成句形转换 so that(句子) too to太而不能 notenough to 注意:so that 以便于, 为了 注意:so 和such区别so (adv.)表示“如此”、“这样”的意思。用作副词,修饰形容词和副词。主要结构有:1.so +adj.+a/an +可数名词单数+that从句2.so+adj./adv.+that从句3.so+many/few/much/little+复数可数名词+that从句such(adj.)表示“如此”“这样”的意思。用作形容词,修饰名词。主要结构有:1.such+a/an+adj.+单数可数名词+that从句2.such+adj.+不可数名词+that从句3.such+adj.+复数可数名词+that从句The first Huaguoshan International Golf Open was _success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.A. such a great B. a such great C. so a great D. a so great11 . 辨析:a few, few, a little, little及fewer、less、morea few 肯定; “几个,数个” a little肯定; “一些,一点修饰可数名词 修饰不可数名词few 否定 “很少,没有几个 little 否定; 几乎无He has a few coats, but few good ones. Mike made a few mistakes in class.There is little milk in the bottle ,is there? -Can you speak English? -Yes, but just a little.Fewer: 更少 修饰可数名词 less:更少 修饰不可数名词 more: 修饰(不)可数名词Theres _meat at home. Would you please go and buy _?A. some; a little B. a little; any C. little; some D. little; any There will be _pollution and _trees than now.A. less, more B. much, many C. fewer, fewer D. less, less 12. make/let 用法 Make /let sb. do :让某人做某事 Our teacher made us finish our homework on time. 我们的老师让我们准时完成作业。 Make sb. +adj. : 使某人 The art exhibition will make me rich and famous. 艺术展将会使我富有并有名。The art exhibition will _me rich and famous. A. do B. have C. help D. make Make的相关短语:make mistakes 犯错误 make money 挣钱13. 介词 on / in / at(表时间)On: 具体到某一天, eg: May 12, 2005 In: 具体某一年或某一月;eg: in 1998 ; in SeptemberAt: 具体到某一时刻 eg: at 9:00Her father was born _August 14, 1985. A. in B. on C. at D. for14. 情态动词 + 动词原形 Can/ could: 能;会 表委婉的请求时要用原形来回答 Could I use your computer? Yes, you can. Should : 应该 should+do eg: You should have a rest, if you feel tired. Must;必须Must I clean my bedroom? 肯定回答:yes, you must. 否定回答: No , you neednt/ dont have to . Need: 需要 need to do 需要做某事 dont need to do = neednt do 不需要做某事-Mr Wang, must I come again on Sunday morning to clean the windows?-No, you _. I have asked others to do it.A. cant B. dont have to C. mustnt D. dont 15.ask/tell的用法:1.ask sb for sth :向某人要某物 I often ask my teacher for help .2.ask sb (not)to do sth .叫某人(不)做某事 My father often asks me _(not play)computer games.3. tell sb.(not)to do sth. : 告诉某人(不)做某事 My mother often tells me _ early. A. get up B. to get up C. getting up D. got up16. 主将从现1. What is he going to be when he grows up? 他长大后想做什么?2。If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 如果你去参加这个派对,你将会玩的很开心。When或if/unless引导时间/条件状语从句时。如果主句用一般将来时,那么从句就应该用一般现在时。 If he comes here tomorrow , I will tell him the good news.1. If it _tomorrow, I will stay at home and do some housework. A. will rain B. is going to rain C. rains D. is raining2. Im waiting for my friend. If he _, I will go swimming alone.A. doesnt come B. wont come C. will come D. is coming3. I dont know if Frank _tomorrow. If he _, I will call you up.A. will come, will come B. comes, will come C. will come, comes D. comes, comes 17. There is going to be: there be 结构的一般将来时 不可以和have连用 There is going to be a football match on the playground. ( 在操场上即将有一场足球比赛)-Hello! Why are you so happy ? Dont you know ? There _an English party this Sunday.A. is going to be B. is going to have C. is going to D. is having _there be more people in 10 years? No, there _.A. have, havent B. Will, wont be C. Are, arent D. Will, wont 18. 宾语从句 陈述语序 特殊疑问词+to do 不定式例如:1. Could you tell me _? -He rides his bike.A. how does he go to work B. how he goes to work C. what does he do D. where he goes2. How do you make fruit salad? (改为同义句)Do you know _ _make fruit salad?3. Do you know when _? -In ten minutesA. the train left B. will the train leave C. the train leave D. did the train leave19. 祈使句At last _some tomatoes to the top of the slice of bread.A. peel B .pour C. mix D.add20. 比较级和最高级形容词比较级和最高级的构成方法规则变化:1.一般情况下在词尾加 或 .2.以字母e结尾的加 或 。3.以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词,先辅音字母再加er或est。 如: fat big thin 4.以“辅音字母+ y”结尾的双音节词,先变y为 ,再加er或est。 easy 5.多数双音节词和多音节词在词前加 或 不规则变化:good little farbad many 1 .两个事物相比用比较级(1)be+比较级+than 表示“比”(2)比较级可以用一些词修饰。如:much/ a lot(得多) even/still(更) a little/a bit(少许,稍微) far (远)如:高一点a little taller更好 much better (3)固定句型。A: the +比较级,the+比较级 表示“越,越”如:The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes youll make.表示“越来越” B: 比较级+and+比较级More and more +部分双音节词或多音节词越来越大bigger and bigger 越来越漂亮 more and more beautiful越来越长 越来越贵 2 .三个或三个以上的事物进行比较用最高级be +最高级+(1) of(+某些人或事物)in(+表示范围的词)如:She is the tallest the students.I am the tallest our class.(2)序数词可以用来修饰最高级 如:the second longest river第二长河第三大城市: (3)one of the +最高级+名词复数 “最之一”最高的树之一: 注意.Of the two toys, the boy chose one. A.cheaper B.cheapest C.the cheaper D.the cheapest例: 1. This text is _easier and _interesting than that one.A. more; much B. much; more C. more; more D. much; much2. My grandpa looks happy today because he feels _now.A. more well B. much well C. more better D. much better 3. Her hair is _longer than _.A. a little, me B. much, me C. a little, mine D. more, mine4. Marsha is _of the two Australian students. I think you can find her easily.A. tallest B. the taller C. taller D. the tallest


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