Unit 1 Can you play the guitarSection A

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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Section A根据对话内容和所给首字母,填入合适的单词。A:Good morning, Mr. Wang. Can I ask you some questions?B:Sure.A:Do you like 1. s_?B:Yes, I do. I like them very much. I often play basketball after school.A:Really? Me too. I think 2. b_ is relaxing. Mm Can you play soccer?B:No, I 3. c_. I think its boring.A:Can you swim?B:Yes, I can. But I cant swim 4. w_.A:Then do you 5. w_ to join the sports club?B:Yes. And I want to join the music club, 6. t_. I like to sing and 7. d_.A:8. S_ interesting. OK. Thank you.二、短文填空从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。swim, dance, speak, friend, but, want, they, be, well, favoriteZhang Mingyan and Liu Lin are the students of Green School. They are good 1. _. They want to join the clubs. There are many clubs in 2. _ school. They are the English club, the music club, the 3. _ club, the chess club, the art club and so on. Zhang Mingyan 4. _ to join the music club. She can sing and 5. _. She wants to 6. _ a musician when she grows up(长大). Her 7. _ singer is Song Zuying. And she can play the piano and the guitar well, 8. _ she cant play the violin. Liu Lin can play chess and swim 9. _. But she cant 10. _ English. So she wants to join the English club to learn English. 三、快乐阅读Wanted: English tutor(家庭教师)Do you like kids? Are you outgoing(开朗的)? Do you have over(超过) three years experience(经验) as an English teacher? Do you have free time on Saturday and Sunday? I need a woman teacher for my daughter. She is twelve and she is not good at English.You will:1. Teach from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.2. Play with my daughter3. Tell her stories in EnglishOur address: Beihai Road, Garden District. If you want to know more information(信息), please call Mrs. Yang at 82569876.根据上面的招聘广告,选择合适的选项。( )1. Mrs. Yang wants _ for her daughter.A. a babysitterB. a good graduateC. an English tutorD. a math tutor( )2. If you are the tutor, you must teach the daughter for _ on Saturday.A. three hours B. two hoursC. a day D. a whole afternoon( )3. If you want to be the tutor, you need to _.be beautifulhave over three years teaching experiencehave time on weekends be a woman teacherA. B. C. D. Section B一、完成对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子。A:Look. Here is an ad.B:1. _A:It says they need an English teacher to teach the kids on weekends. 2. _B:Mm I think its a good job for me. 3. _A:Yes. And you can speak English well. They need to teach the kids of 612 years old. 4. _B:Yes, I think they are cute(可爱的) and fun.A:But theyre not quiet.B:5. _ I think its not difficult for me to teach them. I can be good with them.A:OK. Good luck!A. Do you like kids?B. Do you want to get it?C. Im free on Saturday and Sunday.D. What does it say?E. It doesnt matter.二、阅读表达Hello, boys and girls. My name is Peter Miller. Im 13 years old. Im in Yuying Middle School now. I like music very much. I can sing and dance. I go to the singing lessons(课) and dancing lessons every Saturday. My favorite musician is Jay Chou. 3. 他能唱得很好。 And he is also cool. I can sing many of his songs. I can also play the piano. But I cant play it well. I like sports, too. 4. I often play ping-pong and basketball with my classmates after class. I think they can make me relaxed after a busy day. Now I want to learn tennis because many classmates of mine like playing it. My friend, Mike, can play tennis well. I want to learn from him. I think he can help me with it.任务一:根据短文内容,回答问题。1. Whats the writers name?_2. What does he want to do?_任务二:翻译文中划线部分。3. _4. _任务三:用所给单词的适当形式填空。5. Because many classmates of _ (my) like playing it.三、小试身手每个同学在各个领域里都有自己的特长。你的特长是什么?请向你的同学介绍一下吧。


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