Pep Book5 unit4 what can you doPart A let’s learn, let’s chant 教学设计

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Pep Book5 unit4 what can you doPart A let’s learn, let’s chant 教学设计_第1页
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Pep Book5 unit4 what can you doPart A let’s learn, let’s chant 教学设计_第3页
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Pep Book5 unit4 what can you doPart A lets learn, lets chant(Fan Zhang Primary School XU Chun E)Teaching contents: PEP5 unit 4 what can you do? Part A LetsLearn, Lets chantTeaching aims: Knowledge Aims: Students can understand, say and write the new phrases and sentence pattern: sweep the floor, cook the meals, clean the board, water the flowers, empty the trash. Im helpful. I can. Ability Aims: Students can understand, say and sing the chant: Dog, dog, what can you do? At the same time, they can master the new sentence pattern: what can you do? I can .Emotional Aims: Enhance the students abilities of daily life and help the others in need.Teaching key points and difficulties: 1) Students can learn five new phrases about doing housework in “Lets Learn”.2) How to use the dialogue and setting, let the students get into the state of learning.Teaching Methods: TPR, Task-based teaching methodTeaching Aids: Teaching pictures, Word cards, Radio and Tape, Multi-media courseware.Teaching procedures: Step1Warming up: 1、Free talk: T: Hello! Boys and girls! I am your new teacher. My family name is XU. So you can call me Miss XU. I divide you into two groups, cat A and cat B. If you do well, you can get stickers and after class they will be yours. Come on boys and girls! I believe you. You can do it! Now, let me know your name.T: Hello!Whatsyourname? S1: My name isLily.T:Nice to meetyou. You are helpful!S1:Nice to meet youtoo.T:Hello! What day is it today? S2: ItsMonday.2、Revision: T: Boys and girls,Look at the screen. What is this? S: Its a lazy sheep.T: Yes, Its a lazy sheep. Do you like it? S: No. He is very lazy. We all like happy sheep.T: I like it. Because he becomes helpful (有帮助的,能干的)。He can do many things. Can you guess what can he do? Lets go and have a look. Review Book 4 Unit one “Lets do”. Teacher and students read it together.T: Boys and girls, can you do it? Stand up and have a try, OK?S: OK.T: Great!Lazy sheep: I can put up the picture. Im helpful! What can you do? T: Now,Today were going to begin the new lesson unit 4 what can you do?Teacher writes it down on the blackboard and asks students to read it.According to the content of “Lets do”, teacher and students have a dialogue. T: what can you do? S1: I can open the door. T: Youre helpful! You can tell us: Im helpful! I can open the door.”T: what can you do? S2: I canturn on the light. T: Good boy! Youre helpful! I think you can dance and sing. Step2 Presentation: Lazy sheep: Youre helpful! I invite you to my village. Lets go. OK? S: OK. Lazy sheep: Hello, hello. Go, go. But Im hungry now. So I can cook the meals. (Add some body language) can you cook the meals? S: Yes, I can cook the meals.Students listen to the tape and watch the multimedia courseware and learn the new phrase“ cook the meals”. T: I can cook the meals. Can you cook the meals? S: Yes. I can cook the meals. T: Youre helpful! Who can read it? Put up your hands, please. Teacher asks some students to read the phrase and sentence and make the evaluation timely. (Good job/well done/wonderful.)When the students speak, the teacher takes a note on the blackboard.Lazy sheep: Im full now. Go home with me, please. Hello, hello. Go, go. This is my garden. These are my beautiful flowers .They are thirsty. So I can water the flowers. Can you water the flowers?T: Yes, Im helpful! I can water the flowers. Teacher teaches the new phrase “water the flowers” with the action and asks students to learn it with the help of multimedia courseware.S: Im helpful! I can water the flowers. T: Youre helpful! Cat a, cat b, lets have a race. You did a good job. I give you two fish.Lazy sheep: This is my living room. Its untidy. Im very lazy. So what can I do?S: Sweep the floor.T: Youre helpful! Boys, can you sweep the floor? Boys: Yes. I can sweep the floor. (Add some body language)T: Youre wonderful! Girls, can you?Girls: I can sweep the floor, too.T: Yes. Youre clever! Who can have a try?Teacher asks students to look at the screen and learn the new phrase: “sweep the floor” and practice it with the teaching card.Lazy sheep: This is my bedroom. Its dirty. So I can clean the bedroom. Can you clean the bedroom? S1: Yes. Im helpful! I can clean the bedroom.T: Youre clever! I love you .Good boy, give you a big sticker. Im proud of you.S1: Thank you!T: Read after me, please. S: clean the bedroom, clean the bedroom.T: Youre helpful! Who can have a try? Put up your hands.Teacher shows the word card and teaches them to learn it with some games.Lazy sheep: Oh, I forget empty the trash. I can do it. Can you?S: Yes. I can empty the trash.T: Youre helpful! Lets play a game. I read loud, you read low. Are you clear?S: Yes.T: Wonderful! Empty the trash. I can empty the trash. (Loud)S: Empty the trash. I can empty the trash. (Low)T: Youre helpful! You can empty the trash. Teacher and students practice the phrase with the teaching picture, and give the students some assessments timely.T: wonderful! You did a good job! Lets read five phrases together.S: Sweep the floor, cook the meals, water the flowers, clean the bedroom, and empty the trash.Lazy sheep: Im helpful! I can do a lot of housework. Thank you! Youre helpful!T: Youre helpful! Lets sing the chant. T: Great! Youre helpful! Step3 Practice T: Its time to play games.S: OK. Game1 Hide picturesGame2 Look and guessGame 3 Policeman catches the thiefStep4 Consolidation and extension: 1) Fill in the blacks Im helpful! I can _.2) To be a volunteer If you are a volunteer in the screen, what should you do? Step5 Summary: You did a good job in this class. Im proud of you. What do we have learned today? Let us look and read them together. In our daily life, we should work hard. We should help our parents to do some housework and helps the others in need. Step6 Homework: 1、Write down the five phrases and sentences in your exercise book.2、Make a survey in your class: What can you do?I can. Step 7 Blackboard design: Unit 4 what can you do Cook the meals (match the picture) Sweep the floor (match the picture) Clean the bedroom (match the picture)Water the flowers (match the picture) Empty the trash (match the picture) Im helpful! I can.


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