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小升初用所给词的正确形式填空专项练习1.1 d like(buy) some press. 2. Would you like(join) us?3. I(like)(shop)very much.4. He(do,not) know how(get) to the cinema?5. Let s go(jog)6 Let s go and(climb) tlri枇7. He likes(strawberry) and(peach).8. Spring(come) in March.9. She is good at(dance).10. He(do)(well) in PE than his brother.11. Jack(have) a lot of questions.12. She often(go) to school by bus.But yesterday she(go) to school on foot.13. Does Jim(fly) kites higher than Tom?No, Tom(fly) higher than(he).14. Who(do) homework faster, you or(she)?15. Spring is(good) season in Kunming.16. Look , the birds(sing).17. They(go) on an outing next week.18. He(see) a short man just now.19. Do(much)exercise, you II get(strong).20. The weather(get) warmer and warmer in spring.21. It often(rain) in summer. 22. It s often(rain) in summer.23. There(be) a lot of snow in winter.24. There s a(sport) meeting in our school.25. Do you like(make) puppets?26. Whose ears are(big),(you) or(I)?27. Which city is(hot),Nanjing or Shanghai?28. (be) there(some) writing paper on the table just now?29. Our kites are nicer than(they).30. Can you tell me how(write) an English stories?填空A.1. Where you just now? I in the zoo. (be)2. Listen ! The birds(sing) in the tree.3. Miss Li(have) a long holiday?4. My mother usually(cook) at 5 o clock.5. What the twins on Sundays? (do)They often(go) to the library.6. Helen like(swim)?Yes, she. Look, she(swim) now.7. The room is dirty. What you(do) just now?I(throw) the paper on the floor.8.(not) kick the ball.9 . It s the of May. There are students in theplayground. (twelve)10 .Last week we(have) a(run) race at school.填空B.1. (who) book is this? It s(she), I think.2. It s 2:00 in the afternoon. The children(make) a kite.3. you often fly a kite? No, we. (did)4. Let(we) go and join(they).5. That girl can(sing) French songs.6. What(will) you like as a birthday present?7. What in the basket? There some apples in it. (be)8. How many(read) rooms are there in this building?9. Many(child) like ice creams.10. My sister likes(run) very much.填空C.1. Miss Li lives on the(two) floor in this building.第1页共5页2. Is that(her) bi ke? Yes, it s(her).3. Ma Ming wants to take some(photo).4. She(study) English well.5. He(fly) a kite last Saturday.6. Mr Green is very(excite).7. These(people) are looking at the moon now.8. You re(watch) a match in your school now.9. Mr is in the car. (black)10. you(play) the violin? No, I can t.填空D.1. the girl like(sit) quietly? Yes, she does.2. How many(foot) does a monkey have?3. My sister(have) a lot of beautiful stamps.4. After school he(help) an old man.5. Who can help(them) with their English?6. Yang Ling is a(China) girl.7. Here are some flowers(four) you.8. Mary is(write) am e-mail to her friend.9. He(have) many(strawberry) on the plate.10. he usually have a party at weekends? No, he. (do) 填空E.1. We often(buy) fruit in the supermarket.2. We are now(live) in the town.3. I(visit) the farm last Sunday.4. Helen(pick) many apples on the farm last week.5. Did you like(milk) cows, Nancy?6. What you yesterday? We our homework, (do)7. He(want)to go to the park this week end, but I have no time.8. Helen often(go) to school by bus.9. What the students(do) now?第2They(play) football in the football field.10. Where you a moment ago?I in the reading room, (be)填空F.1. (not draw) on the wall.2. We(make) lots of delicious food. And we(eat) them in the dining-room yesterday evening.3. Jim is from. He speaks. (France)4. My birthday is on the(three) of July.5. This is(I) wallet, not(he).6. (who) mirror is it? Is it(your)?No, it s not(I). I think it is(she) mirror. Its(she).7. There(be) some orange juice in the bottle.8. Pass the newspaper to(he).(he) wants to find a job on it.9. Miss White asks(we) to sing the song.(we) must follow(she).10. (it) a cat. And these are(it) food.填空G.1. She often(have) a rest at noon at home.2. He(read) in the classroom now.3. Children often(play) in the park on Sundays.4. Look, they(play) in the playground.5. Mary(go) to the cinema every Saturday.6. I(watch) TV last night.7. They(plant) some trees last year.8. We always(have) lunch at school.9. Tom(like) Chinese food.10. Listen, Nancy(laugh) in the dining-room.11. They(stay) in London for 3 days last year.12. (do)you(have) a good rest last night.页共5页13. He(have) a fever yesterday, but now he(feel)better.14. Mr. Brown(teach) us English last term.15. Miss Li(teach) us English now.16. I(be) a student in 1976.17. He(clean) our classroom yesterday.18. My mother(be) a worker.19. They(do) their homework in the classroom now.20. Milan(play) the piano every evening.填空 H1. Whose socks are those? They re(I).2. What are those in the bag? They re(strawberry).3. What does your brother? Heplaying the piano. (like)4. What does your father? Hea nice telescope.(have)5. Do you havehobbies, Mike? Yes, I havehobbies.(some)6. I like photos with my friends. (take)7. want to play cards. Do you want to join? No, Ihomework. (I)8. Where are you from? I m from. I _m_a_. (China)9. The man in ashirt is Mr. (white)10. Jim near Ben. (live)11. David and Mike in the same team last term.Theyin different teams now. (be)12. Is Miss Lia storybook? (read)13. Did youtrees yesterday? Yes, Imany trees. I like.(plant)14. My mother is good at. Shelast week. (cook)15. Don ton the wall. Let son the paper. (draw)16. David is(tall) than(I).17. Helen s bag is(heavy) than(I). Can you help(she)?18. Liu Tao(not) have any brothers or sisters.19. Mary(swim) as(slow) as the other(girl) in(she) class.20. To get there(fast), you can (take) bus No. 7.21. Yang Ling gets up (early) than(we).22. His hair is(short) than(she).23. -Here are many toys. Which one is (you), Helen?-The yellow one is(I), and the red one is(he).24. My cousin likescartoons. He usuallyit in the evening. Last Sunday,hea Japanese cartoon. (watch)25. Mary oftenin summer. Let s goin the river. (swim)填空 I1. -WhatSu Hailast Sunday? (do)-She(go) for a walk.2. -Did you go(swim) last Saturday?-No. We(watch) a film.3. -WhatWang Bing usuallyafter school? (do)m doing -He usually(go) home and(teach) his little brother.4. -(be) Miss Li in the teachers office now?-No. She s(take) photos.5. -What s theweather like? - It s. It has a lot ofhere. (rain)6. some water in the glass. a lot of people in the garden. ateacher and some students in the classroom. (there be)7. Helen(like) (draw) horses.She is (draw) in the study now.8. Itwo pens. Youthree pens. Our teacherfour, Ben and LiuLutwelve. (have)9. I(make) a cake yesterday. She(fly) a kite last Sunday.10. My sisterto the supermarket every Sunday. Tomorrow she istothe supermarket with me. (go)11. Yesterday (be) my birthday, we (have) a birthday party in myhome, I(get) many presents from my friends.第5 页共5 页12. Wehave any masks. Yang Linghave any, too. (not)13. My rubberin the desk just now, but itin my pocket now. (be)14. -Do you jump (far) than my friend ?-No, I jumps as(far) as your friend.15. Thebutterfly flies. (beautiful)16. He(go) (jog) every day. I want to(go) (jog)with him in the playground .17. Sandy has lots of CDs. She (listen) to music every day .18. Sam wants (buy) a lot of things .19. Look , my father basketball with his friends. He is a goodbasketball. (play)- -Whereyou yesterday?- -Iat home with my family- -your father at home,too?- - Yes, he.( be )8. Jane is a dancer. She every day. Look! She now.( dance )9. National Day is. A lot of peopleto Beijing two weeks ago.( come )10.She oftenshopping with her nother. She likesshopping in the shop.She shopping yesterday. ( go )11.My brothera new wallet. Ia waalet,too. Our wallets are from our20. Let ( I ) have a look . Oh, it isn t(I) ruler, I think this ruler is parents.Wethem at a party yesterday. (have )(he), give it to(he).填空 J1. Ito school from Monday to Friday. My brother oftento school with me.Yesterday weto school together. We liketo school very much.( go )2. They usuallylunch at home. But last week, they lunch at school.( have )3. Thatmy English book. Itnew. But now itnot here.Itthere amoment ago. ( be )4. My sister likesvery much. She often at our school festival. Last term,shea lot of songs in the school hall. Shebeautifully. ( sing )5. What he usuallyon Sunday? He usuallyhis homework. Look!Hehis homework now. he his homework last Sunday? Yes,he. ( do )6. Do people usuallymoon cakes at Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, they do. Did youmoom cakes last Mid-autumn Festival? Yes, I did. I a lot of delicious moom cakes. ( eat )7. -Howyou? -Ifine. Thank you.12.Wheremy CD? Itnot on the desk now. Itthere just now. Itmy favourite present from my good friends. Theymy classmates. ( be ) (they) to ( it ) .填空 K1. goI often to school at seven every morning. My sister oftento school withme. Ito school now. But Ito school late yesterday.2. haveMike a lot of good friends. Last Sunday, hea birthday party.Theya big birthday cake. Look, now he his birthday cake.3. doBen usually his homework in the afternoon. We oftenour homework inthe afternoon, too. But yesterday, weour homework in the evening.4. eatMy younger brother a lot of ice-cream last night. So hecan tanythingtoday. The doctor says to him: Don ttomouch. So hea little today. 5. makeMy father canmodel planes. He likes models. Look he amodel plane now. Last term he one for me.6. seeLast week, I a Beijing opera show. It was interesting. I am going to it again next week. 7. watchMy cousin and I all like TV . He usually it on Saturday. Last Saturday,he a cartoon on TV.用所给词的适当形式填空1 .That is not kite. That kite is very small, but is very big. ( I )2 .The dress is . Give it to . ( she )3 .Is this watch? (you) No, it s not . ( I )4 ._ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are . ( he )5 .dresses are red. (we) What colour are ? ( you )6 .Here are many dolls, which one is ? ( she )7.I can find my toy, but where s ? ( you )8.Show your kite, OK? (they)9.I have a beautiful cat. name is Mimi. These cakes are . ( it )10.Are these _ tickets? No, _ are not . aren t here. ( they )11.Shall _ have a look at that classroom? That is classroom. ( we )12.is my aunt. Do you know _job? _a nurse. ( she )13.That is not camera. _is at home.( he )14.Where are ? I can t find _. Let s call _p_arents. ( they )15.Don t touch . _ not a cat, a tiger!1、There_a lot of sweets in the box.2、There_some milk in the glass.3、There_some people under the the big tree.4、There_a picture and a map on the wall.5、There_a box of rubbers near the books.6、There_lots of flowers in our garden last year.7、There_a tin of chicken behind the fridge yesterday8、There_four cups of coffee on the table.16. sister is ill. Please go and get . ( she )17. don t know her nma e. Would you please tell . ( we )18. So many dogs. Let s count . ( they )1.1 I have a lovely brother. is only 3. I like very much. ( he )20 .May I sit beside ? ( you )21 .Look at that desk. Those book are on . ( it )22 .The girl behind is our friend. (she )Fill in the blank with “have,has ” or“there is , there are ”1.Ia good father and a good mother.2.a telescope on the desk. 3.Hea tape-recorder.4 .a basketball in the playground.5 .Shesome dresses. 6.Theya nice garden.7 .What do you?8 .a reading-room in the building?9 .What does Mike?10 .any books in the bookcase?11 .My fathera story-book.12 .a story-book on the table.13 .any flowers in the vase?14 .How many studentsin the classroom?15 .My parentssome nice pictures.16 .some maps on the wall.17 .a map of the world on the wall.18 .Davida telescope.19 .David s friend_ssome tents.20 .many children on the hill.用恰当的be动词填空。


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