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Module9Friendship模块基础知识过关九根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1使分开;分隔v.&分开的;单独的adj. _ 2解释;说明 v. _ (n.) _ 3拒绝 v. _ 4对待;看待 v. _ (n.) _ 5她自己 pron. _ (复数) _ 6是否 conj. _ (近义词) _ 7懊悔;遗憾 v. _ (过去分词) _ 8有耐心的;能忍耐的 adj. _ 9介绍;引见 v. _ (n.) _ 10鼓励;激励 v. _11寂静;无声 n. _(adj.) _ 12经过;通过 v. _(第三人称单数) _ 13欢快的;明亮的 adj. _14珍宝;珍贵之物 n. _ 15信任;信赖 v. & n. _ 16包括;把列为一部分 v. _(prep.) _ 17粘;粘贴 v. _ (过去式) _ 18提议;建议 n. _ v. _(近义词) _根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1现在;此时 _ 2给某人捎个口信 _3和某人有矛盾 _4分开;分离 _5和保持联系 _6向某人说起某事 _7拒绝做某事 _ 8查明;弄清楚 _ 9感到孤单 _10后悔做某事 _ 11对有耐心 _12向某人解释某事 _13和交朋友 _14把某人介绍给某人 _15鼓励某人做某事 _ 16参加 _ 17没什么,没关系 _18不敢做某事 _ 19每次;每当 _20听见某人在做某事 _21担心;担忧 _ 22安静地;沉默地 _23一天天地;渐渐地 _24向微笑 _ 25照看;照顾 _.根据汉语意思完成句子1我和我最好的朋友之间产生了矛盾。I have a _ _ my best friend.2我能问问你跟她说过这件事情吗?Could I ask _ youve _ this _ her?3也许是她在新学校对自己不太自信。Maybe she doesnt feel very _ _ _ in her new school.4设法弄清楚没有你在身边她是否感到孤独。Try to find out _ she feels lonely _ you.5我肯定她后悔伤害了你。Im sure she _ _ you.6我会鼓励她多参加一些(活动)。Ill encourage her _ _ _ more.连词成句根据括号内的中文提示, 将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。1students, I, every time, even, the other, and, more lonely, felt, laughing, I, heard, talking(每次我听到其他同学有说有笑, 我觉得自己更孤单了。)_2looked at, she, smiled, and, a word, me, without(她看着我, 没有说一句话, 笑了。)_3girl, with, my, has, the, friend, best, the, smile, bright, now, become(那个带着欢快微笑的女孩现在已经成为我最好的朋友。)_4that, is, what, now, is, you, believe, I, think, it, the world(现在, 我相信世界就是你想象的那个样子。)_5smile at, suggestion, is, smile, my, back, and, it, will, the world(我的建议是:你向世界微笑, 它会向你回以微笑。)_根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1The doctor gave us many _(建议) on how to keep healthy.2Nobody knew what to say and they just sat there in _(寂静). 32016济宁Jack looked through the _ (介绍) about the book before he decided to buy it.4Mum usually _ (使分开) fish from the other food.5Would you mind_(解释) this sentence to me?6When I knew what happened, I _ (懊悔) telling him the truth.7I _ (经过) the store on my way to the library yesterday.8I think he can keep the secret. He cant _(提及) it to others.9Just now John didnt _ (拒绝) to go to Lisas party, did he?10All the girls were singing at that time, _ (包括) Mary.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空be full of, worry about, day by day, for the first time, no problem, make friends with, join in, stay in touch, circle of friends, at that moment1.My cousin grows taller _2Tom is very lonely, because he is afraid to _ anyone.3Could I borrow your bike, Betty?_. Its under the tree.4Why not _ playing basketball?Good idea.5The bus _ people and its too crowded.6The two young men met in Shanghai _7Dont _ your friends. Theyre fine. 8She was playing the guitar_ yesterday.9My _ is very small. I often feel lonely.10I didnt _ with my pen friend for long, but I got a letter from him.按要求完成下列各题1The boy didnt know where he could find his father.(改为简单句) The boy didnt know where _ _ his father.2Do they come here on time? He asked the boys.(改为宾语从句)He asked the boys_ they_ here on time.3He has seen the film before. Jim said. (改为宾语从句)Jim said _ he _ seen the film before.4When will she go to Beijing? Nobody knew.(改为宾语从句)Nobody knew_ she _ _ to Beijing.5The bag is filled with books.(改为同义句)The bag is _ _ books.6They had fun playing games last night.(改为同义句)They _ _ _ _ playing games last night.7We should learn how to take good care of ourselves.(改为同义句)We should learn how to _ _ ourselves _8How does she go to school? Can you tell me? (合并为一句)Can you tell me _ she _ to school?9“What do you sell online?” I asked the young boy. (合并为一句)I asked the young boy _ he _online.10Maybe there is something wrong with his phone.(改为同义句)There _ _ something wrong with his phone.详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1separate2.explain; explanation3refuse4.treat; treatment5herself; themselves6.whether; if7regret; regretted8.patient9introduce; introduction10.encourage11silence; silent12.pass; passes13bright14.treasure15.trust16include; including17.stick; stuck18suggestion; suggest; advice重点短语1at the moment2.take a message for sb.3have a problem with sb.4.get separated5stay in touch with6.mention sth. to sb.7refuse to do sth.8.find out9.feel lonely10regret doing sth.11.be patient with12explain sth. to sb.13.make friends with14introduce sb. to sb.15encourage sb. to do sth.16join in17.no problem18be afraid to do sth.19.every time20hear sb. doing sth.21.worry about22in silence23.day by day24smile at25.look after/take care of重点句型.1.problem with2.if; mentioned; to3sure of herself4.whether; without5regrets hurting6.to join in.1.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing, I felt even more lonely.2She looked at me, and without a word, smiled.3The girl with the bright smile has become my best friend now.4Now I believe that the world is what you think it is.5My suggestion is: smile at the world and it will smile back.【基础知识迁移】单词回顾1suggestions2.silence3.introduction 4separates5.explaining6.regretted7passed8.mention9.refuse10including短语运用1day by day2.make friends with3No problem4.join in5.is full of6for the first time7.worry about8at that moment9.circle of friends10stay in touch句型突破1to find2.if/whether; came3that; had4.when; would go5full of6.had a good/great/wonderful time7look after; well8.how; goes9what; sold10.may be 6


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