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教学目标:学生学一首关于物品的歌谣。目标语言 重点语言:table, book, chair, eraser, pen, pencil, Is this a ? Yes, No 补充语言:an, Whats (2 and 3)? 复习:数字1-10教学材料:学校单词卡片(27-32) 1 2 34 5 6T: Say the num.Ss: Say the pictures a pen a pencil a booka chair a table an eraserWhats this? It is . a pen a pencil a booka chair a table an eraserWhats that? It is . a pen a pencil a booka chair a table an eraser Is this ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Using the word cards Is that ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Using the real things a pen a pencil a booka chair a table an eraser Open your Pupils Books at page 9, please.Listen and point.(22)Divide the Ss into 6 groups by the objects words. PracticeHow many chairs?Six red chairs?No. Five yellow chairs. PracticeHow many pencils?Two green pencils?No. Four blue pencils. PracticeHow many pens?Eight orange pens?No. Three red pens. PracticeHow many books?Nine purple books?No. Seven green books. PracticeHow many erasers?Ten pink erasers?No. Ten blue erasers. PracticeHow many tables?Two yellow tables?Yes. Two yellow tables. Listen and correct. 1 2 34 5 6T: Number 1 is a pen. Whats Number 4?Ss: Number 4 is a Draw the pictures.学生自己画,不要让比人看到。 Guess(找一名学生到前面)Ss: Number 1 is a S:Yes.T: Draw the picture.Ss: Number 2 is a S: No.Ss: Number 2 is a What colour is the pen? Its


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