仁爱英语 七年级下 Unit5 Topic1 SectionAppt

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Unit 5 Topic 1Section AHow do you usually come to school? gate 大门 the same to 对也一样 by 乘(车),靠近,在旁,在时间, 不迟于,被,用,由 subway 地下铁道,地铁交通 always 总是,一直,永远 come on 快点儿,加油,来吧 on foot 走路;步行 go to school 去上学 plane 飞机 train 火车;培训,训练 ship 船,轮船 boat 小船,小舟 How do you go to school?I go to school by bike.What about you? I go to school on foot.上学 How does Lucy go to school? She goes to schoolby bus. Look, listen and say(1)Where do Kangkang, Jane and Helen meet?(2)How does Helen usually come to school?(3)How does Jane always come to school? They meet _.Helen usually comes to school _. Jane always comes to school _. 1a at the school gateby subwayby bus The language points in 1a1.Happy New Year! The same to you.3.Do you often come to school by bike? Yes, I do.4.How do you usually come to school? I usually come to school by subway.对交通方式提问用how by+交通工具: 乘坐2.Your new bike looks very nice! 你的新自行车看起来很好看 look“看起来,好像”,是系动词,后加形容词。她看起来很漂亮。She looks very _.beautiful/nice The language points in 1a5.Its time for class.该吃晚饭了.Its time to have dinner.Its time for dinner / having dinner.Its time for us to have dinner.Its time to do sth.Its time for sth. doing sth.该做的时候了Its time for sb. to do sth. 某人该做的时候了上课时间到了。/是时候上课了。6. Come on! 快点儿!来吧!加油! A: How do you usually come to school?B: I usually come to school_.by subwayby trainby car 1b. Read and choose the right picture.A. Michael comes to school on foot. B. Jane goes to school by bus.C. Kangkang comes to school by bike.D. Helen goes to school by subway.( C ) ( D ) ( B )( A )1 2 3 4 1c Practice 1a in groupsMake similar conversations using the following sentences. Nice to see you!Happy New Year!How do you usually come to school?I usually come/go to school. 2a Work alone A. by subwayB. by bikeC. by planeD. on footE. by carF. by trainG. by shipH. by bus I. by boat AFBGDH E CI 1234 567 8 9 Mr. Zhang _Kangkang _Ms. Black _Janes uncle_Miss Gao _Ellen _Zhao Lin _Mr. Brown_Wu Hui_Listen and match(搭配).CBFEGH DA I A. by subwayB. by bikeC. by planeD. on footE. by carF. by trainG. by shipH. by bus I. by boat2b如:Mr. zhang goes to work by plane. The same to you1.Happy New Year! _.2._ you often come to school _ bike? Yes, I do.3._ do you usually come to school? I usually come to school _ subway.4.Its time _class.Do byHow byfor 课堂检测:用所给的词的适当形式填空。(每题2分)1. How _ you usually _ to school. (go)2. His new bike _ very nice. (look)3. Its time _ dinner. (have)4. We usually go to school on _ . (foot)5. Jane often _ to school by subway. (come) goto have foot6. He _ to get up early in the morning. (have)has do looks comes for for having 1.频度副词:always总是 ;often经常; usually通常.一般放在行为动词前,be动词、助动词或情态动词后。2.运用一般现在时谈论交通方式. bygatethe same to you come on ship boattrainplane go to schoolon footalwayssubway大门对也一样加油;来吧;快点儿小船,小舟船,轮船火车飞机地铁乘(车)走路,步行去上学总是,一直考考你单词或词组。Book closed! Listen and read the sounds and words aloud.Find out the rules of the pronunciation and then add some more words. Listen and read the sounds and words aloud. letter ei d dgesound /aI/ /d/ /dZ/word eitherneitherheight dishdeafdo bridgeedgejudgeListen and read the sounds and words aloud. Listen and circle the words with the sound /i:/ or /e/./i:/ ready real beach mean bean health deep beef/e/ jeans ready seat bread leaf wealth weather great频度副词:always总是 ;often经常; usually通常 等. 一般放在行为动词前,be动词、助动词或情态动词后。 Homework请写一篇小短文,介绍自己的家人go to school/work通常所采用的交通方式,不少于6个句子。 Good afternoon, !_Good afternoon, Miss. Nice to see you again!Nice to see you, too! Happy N w Ye r!Happy New Year! How do you usually c me to sch ol?I usually come to s ho l by bus. The same to you.你也一样。by:乘坐,后面直接加交通工具你通常怎样来学校?How“怎样”,询问方式或方法 by bikeby busby carby subway_ _on foot _by plane


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