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Unit 5 Music using language 课时作业 第一节完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 I entered my office in the afternoon and began to work. As the Volunteer Coordinator (协调者) for one of the largest lighted Christmas events in Washington,I was_1_for filling ,500 volunteer positions in the month of December alone. _2_,the phone rang and I hurried to answer. The voice on the other end_3_herself as Kimberly. She said she was_4_to see if there were still any positions for her son Jake because Jake was expecting a(n)_5_of coming to help. She explained what the_6_it would be for Jake to be a volunteer as a_7_since hed been diagnosed (诊断) with cancer. However,I _8_ having to tell her I could offer him very little _9_because there was no more position. After the phone call,I fell deep in thought. Then,Mark,responsible for the pony (矮种马 ) rides, came in with a(n)_10_voice.He said, “I cannot do more._11_I have to lift one more kid on one more horse,I would die. Jessica,I _12_ need another one,even if its just for a couple of hours.” A smile lit up my face,and I said, “I think I _13_a guy.” And a phone call later,Jake was planned to_14_Mark each night. The next day,I made my way toward the pony rides.Jake_15_with his back to me on the platform (平台 ) that the children stood on to be lifted onto the horses.Another volunteer waved at me,and Jake_16_A moment later he_17_me and stood up.“Jessica!” he said_18_ “Thank you for getting me this_19_Mark says Im doing a good job,and also my mum is_40_of me!” Then Jake hugged me. I felt very happy! 【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了作者作为志愿者协调员为一位癌症病人提供了一个志 愿者职位。 1A.anxious Bfamous Cresponsible Dsuitable 解析:根据上文“As the Volunteer Coordinator for one of the largest lighted Christmas events in Washington”可知,作者是圣诞节活动的志愿者协调者,故可知, 作者负责 500 个志愿者职位的协调工作。 答案:C 2A.Suddenly BFortunately CFinally DSlowly 解析:根据下文“and I hurried to answer”可知,电话突然响起,作者匆忙去接。 答案:A 3A.considered Bviewed Coffered Dintroduced 解析:根据下文“as Kimberly”可知,电话的另一端传来声音介绍自己是金伯利。 答案:D 4A.coming Bcalling Cremembering Dleaving 解析:根据上文电话响起可知,此处是说金伯利打电话是为她的儿子询问志愿者职位。 答案:B 5A.ability Bskill Cchance Dend 解析:根据上文“to see if there were still any positions for her son Jake” 可知,金伯利的儿子正在期待做志愿者的机会。 答案:C 6A.meaning Bway Cgrade Dexperience 解析:根据下文“to be a volunteer”可知,金伯利解释做志愿者对杰克来说意义非 凡。 答案:A 7A.supporter Bstranger Cchallenger Dpatient 解析:根据下文“since hed been diagnosed with cancer”可知,做志愿者对作为 病人的杰克来说意义非凡。 答案:D 8A.risked Bregretted Cminded Davoided 解析:根据下文“because there was no more position”可知,作者不得不遗憾地 告知金伯利,作者几乎没有事情可以提供给杰克。 答案:B 9A.power Bcomfort Cthing Dencouragement 解析:根据下文没有更多的职位可知,作者表示几乎没有事情可以提供给他。 答案:C 10A.tired Bhappy Chigh Dangry 解析:根据下文“I cannot do more”可知,负责骑矮种马活动的马克声音疲惫。 答案:A 11A.Then BWhen CThough DIf 解析:马克表示如果他再将一个小孩扶上矮种马的话,他就会累死。 答案:D 12A.quickly Breally Calmost Dalso 解析:根据上文马克表示自己快累死了可知,他确实需要一名志愿者帮忙。 答案:B 13A.require Bstop Cknow Dorder 解析:根据上文“A smile lit up my face”可知,作者脸上洋溢着微笑说她知道一 个人选。 答案:C 14A.help Bpraise Cinfluence Dteach 解析:根据上文“And a phone call later”可知,作者打电话安排杰克帮助马克。 答案:A 15A.supported Blied Cslept Dsat 解析:根据下文“and stood up”可知,杰克背对着作者坐在孩子们骑马的平台上。 答案:D 16A.showed up Bturned around Cwent away Djumped out 解析:根据上文“Another volunteer waved at me”可知,另一个志愿者向作者挥手, 然后杰克转过身来。 答案:B 17A.recognized Bcaught Cmet Dforgot 解析:根据下文杰克与作者打招呼并谈话可知,此处是说杰克认出了作者。 答案:A 18A.seriously Bembarrassedly Cexcitedly Dcommonly 解析:根据下文杰克说的话以及杰克拥抱作者可知,杰克很激动。 答案:C 19A.gift Blesson Cfriend Djob 解析:根据下文“Mark says Im doing a good job”可知,杰克感谢作者为他提供 工作。 答案:D 20A.afraid Bproud Cuncertain Dfond 解析:根据上文杰克很激动以及马克表示杰克做得很好可知,此处是说杰克的妈妈也 为他感到骄傲。 答案:B 第二节 语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Charles Babbage,born in 1791,was an English mathematician and inventor,who is 21._(wide)recognized as the first pioneer of the computer. Charles Babbage 22._ (educate)mainly at home when he was a child. By the time he attended Cambridge University in 1810 he was very interested in mathematics. After 23._ (graduate) Babbage was hired by the Royal Institution to lecture on calculus. Within two years he had been elected a member of the Royal Society. Babbage began in 1822 with 24._ he called the difference engine,a machine that could perform 25._(mathematics)calculations. A sixwheeled model,26._ (weigh)fifteen tons,is located at the Science Museum in London now. He later(18271829) developed plans for a bigger and better machineDifference Engine No 2.27._ he didnt receive funding from the British government,Difference Engine No 2 wasnt finished in Babbages lifetime. Despite his many 28._(achievement),the failure to construct his calculating machines,and in particular the failure of the government 29._(support)his work,left Babbage in his declining years a 30._(disappoint)man.He died at his home in London on October 18,1871. 答案:21.widely22.was educated23.graduation24what25.mathematical 26.weighing27.Because 28achievements29.to support30.disappointed 第三节 七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。 What was the last lie (谎言) you told? If your answer is along the lines of “so long ago,I cant remember”,thats most likely a big lie.because we lie up to 200 times a day._1_If you suspect (怀疑 ) someone isnt being totally honest,listen carefully to what theyre saying and try to find one of these three signs. Often the lies we tell are along the lines of “Im fine” when someone asks how you are._2_According to psychologists,we lie mainly because “we want to connect ourselves to who we think we should be.” But if were telling too many lies,it means others are too.And while some are harmless and will have no influence on our life,theres a chance some will.So,how to recognize a liar? They use the third person.Someone whos lying will try to keep the selfreferences (自我指涉) to the least._3_So,for example,instead of saying “I didnt do it” they might say “that didnt happen” _4_Listen out for the language someone you suspect is using.If theyre using negative language,thats a good hint (暗示 ) as liars express a lot of negativity because they feel bad about lying. They keep their stories simple._5_So they often offer simple stories.Watch out for explanations in simple terms. AThey use negative language. BAlmost everyone dislikes liars in daily life. CThere are usually three signs that you might tell from a liar. DOur purpose isnt necessarily to cheat or cover up our behaviours. ESo do remember not to make friends with any liars once you tell from them. FIts difficult for liars to come up with a complex (复杂的) story immediately. GThey use the third person as a means of distancing themselves from the cheat. 答案:1.C2.D3.G4.A5.F 第四节短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()画掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 This term our school has offer more than ten optional courses with which students can choose.The courses are given 4:00 to 5:30 every Thursday afternoon.Students show interest in optional courses.Their favourite are computers,speaking English,arts and so on.They say they have learned a lot about that is not taught in textbooks and they have got a great deal of practice.Therefore,students are not quite satisfied.They hope that more optional courses will be offered or the homework will be less.They suggest more trips and visits should organized so that they can learn more about whats going on inside school. 答案: This term our school has more than ten optional courses which offeroffered withfrom students can choose.The courses are given 4:00 to 5:30 every Thursday afternoon.Students show interest in optional courses.Their favouritefavourites are computers, English,arts and so on.They say they have learned a speakingspoken lot about is not taught in textbooks and they have got a great deal of thatwhat practice. ,students are not quite satisfied.They hope that more ThereforeHowever optional courses will be offered the homework will be less.They suggest orand more trips and visits should organized so that they can learn more about whats going on school. insideoutside 第五节书面表达 “低碳生活”已成为时下流行的生活方式。作为学生,我们要积极倡导,身体力行。 请你根据下面的内容提示写一篇英语短文,谈谈如何从身边的小事做起,实践低碳生活。 内容提示: 1节约水、电、粮食等。 2废物再利用。 3出行方式。 4植树 注意:词数 100 左右。 参考词汇:lowcarbon 低碳 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 答案: Now the lowcarbon lifestyle is becoming popular among people.As a student,I think we can do some practical things around us.For example,we should turn off the tap when we find water running and we shouldnt keep water running while washing our clothes.We should turn off the electricity when we leave the classroom.We shouldnt throw away the food we cant eat out.Besides,we can recycle waste things and reuse them.When we travel,wed better take a bus or ride a bicycle instead of taking a taxi or driving.Whats more,we can plant more trees as well. What we should always keep in mind is to save more energy and produce less waste.If everyone makes an effort,well live a better life.


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