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精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案20 -20学年度第一学期任教学科:任教年级:任教老师:xx市实验学校精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰舒兰市中小学“两修三课”教案用纸(正页)设计人:舒兰十九中 金宏课题Unit 6年级seven课 型Reading课时One授课日期2016-11-9总第()课时教学目标1、Ss review the words of the food.2、Ss learn to discuss what they like and dislike.3、Ss can talk about three meals.4、Use “Task-Based Language Teaching ” .5、To cultivate Ss healthy eating habits and train Ss their family care and love to classmates and friends.教学重点Ss should use the target languages to talk about the topic.教学难点Ss can pick up the information during reading.教学手段PPT学生出席All板书板画设计Unit 6 Do you like bananas ?Section B (2a-2c)1 .fruit W b2.Sports star eats well.banana xwell and goodorange Vb3.healthy adj . f unapple Vbhealth n.salad Vl4.What do you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner ?hamburger x chickenvdice- cream V预习设计Prepare the next lesson.舒兰市中小学“两修三课”教案用纸(副页)教学过程设计(含时间分配)教师活动内容方式学生活动内容方式Step I.Warming -up and revision.(5 )Step 2.Presentation.(3)New words.Step 3.Before reading.(5) (2a)Whichfood do you think ishealthy?Let s classify.Step 4.Reading . (9) (2b)Step 5.After reading.(6) (2c)Review the words about the fruit and vegetables.1 .Read the words in new word list.2 .Words in the slide ,read and repeat.1 .Put the food into right case.2 .Check Yes, Maybe or No.1 .Read the magazine article and circle the food word.2 .Read the text again and findI like / loveI don t likeNo, theyre not healthy.3 .Find what cindy has for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner ?Ss can write at least five sentences about Cindy liking and disliking.Step 6. Explanation. (6)Ss look at the notes.Step 7. Summary. (4)Werememberthe text and words through four sentences.Step 8. Exercises and homework.(7)Homework:I.Recite the words .2.Write five to seven sentences aboutyour eating habits.


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