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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 5 Amazing things,Reading(II),Unit 5 Amazing things Reading,Task 1:Free talk,A:Do you like ghost stories?,B:,A:Why?/Why not?,B:Because they are exciting/interesting/,frightening.I am excited/afraid when I,hear ghost stories.,A:What do you think of,The ghost in the park,in our book?,B:The story and the“ghost”.,Task 1:Free talk A:Do you li,Task 2:Text revision,2,1,3,Task 2:Text revision 2 1 3,Task 3:Useful expressions,Try to underline some useful phrases and,Have a test,sentences by yourselves.,1.,在树下坐下,sit,down under the tree,stand,beside the tree,sat,stood,2.,站在树旁,3.,转身,turn,around,say,to oneself,pick,up the little cat,pick,it,up,turn,ed,said,pick,ed,4.,自言自语,5.,捡起小猫,6.,告诉安迪一切,tell,Andy everything,told,Task 3:Useful expressions T,7.,听到来自于灌木,hear,a whisper from the bushes,丛的低语声,heard,8.,听起来像低语,9.,仔细听,10.,迅速离开公园,11.,没人回答。,sound,like a whisper,sound,ed,listen,carefully,listen,ed,leave,the park quickly,left,Nobody,replied.,reply,happen,12.,发生了什么事?,What,happened?,13.,搜索灌木丛,14.,和往常一样,search,the bushes,search,ed,as,usual,7.听到来自于灌木 hear a whisper fro,七年级英语下册unit5AmazingthingsReading2课件新版牛津版,Task 4:Group work,One of the,members will write,down your story.,Be careful with,tense and spelling;,Make your story,interesting,creative,and,surprising;,Show your stories,with all your group,members.,Task 4:Group work One,Task 4:Group work,hear,sound,listen,leave,reply,happen,search,as usual,surprised/surprising,say to oneself,Task 4:Group work hear,sound,Task 5:Homework,1.,Do some exercises to use the,expressions well.,2.,Talk about interesting things about,yourselves in English after class.,Task 5:Homework 1.Do some exe,七年级英语下册unit5AmazingthingsReading2课件新版牛津版,Task 2:Text revision,Where do Millie and Amy often go,on Sunday mornings?,To Sunshine Park.,Where did they take the cat in the end?,To the animal centre.,Task 2:Text revision Where do,Task 2:Text revision,How did Millie and Amy feel when,they heard the“ghost”?,A.,Strange.,B.,Excited.,C.,Afraid.,D.,Surprised,.,How did Andy feel when Millie and Amy,told him about the ghost in the park?,Task 2:Text revision How did,Task 2:Text revision,What did Andy do to find the cat?,He _ to the park,went,_ beside the tree and,stood,_ carefully.When he,listen,ed,_ the whisper,he,hear,d,_ the bushes.,search,ed,go,stand,Task 2:Text revision What did,hear,sound&listen,hear “,听见”,结果,listen “,听”,,动作,sound “,听起来”,,连系动词,,,+,adj.,sound like+,n,.,1.I _ carefully,but _ nothing.,listened,heard,2.Something is wrong with his ears.He cant,_ anything.,hear,sounds,3.How wonderful the music _!,hear,sound&listen hear,reply,v.,&,n.,I often email Tom and he _ my emails,very quickly.,A.replys,B.replies C.replys to D.replies to,v.,repl,ies,/,repl,ied,/,reply,ing,reply to,replies,回复,),cn.,David has had 12 _(,to his advertisement.,reply v.&n.I often email To,happen,v.,*The car accident,happen,ed,_(happen)last night.,sth happen to sb,某人发生某事,如果他发生什么事,请尽快告诉我。,happen,s,to,If anything _ _ him,please let me,know as soon as possible.,happen v.*The car accident,search,v,.,search sp/sb,搜查某地,/,搜身,search for sb/sth,寻找某人,/,某物,search,search for,look for,1.The thief _ the house last Sunday.,search,ed,2.I like _ information on the Internet.,search,ing,for,3.The police are _ the woods _ the lost,children.,A.looking for;for,B.looking;for,C.searching for;for,D.searching;for,search v.search sp/sb,leave,v.,leave China,离开,leave China for the USA,离开去,leave for the USA,动身去,leave v.leave China 离开 leav,as usual,adj.,usual,adv,.,usually,反,unusual,*,照例,他很晚才到学校。,As usual,_,he got to school late.,*I found nothing in my schoolbag,and I knew,unusual,there was something _(usual).,Usually,*_(usual),I stay at home on Sundays.,as usual adj.usual adv.us,surprised,VS,surprising,指人,感到惊讶的,指物,令人惊讶的,surprising,He felt _ at the _ news.,surprised,amazed,excited,tired,知道鱼是睁着眼睛睡觉的,,他很吃惊。,is surprised to know,He _,that fish sleep with their,eyes open.,amazing,exciting,tiring,surprised VS surprising 指人 感,1.There is a book on the ground.Please _.,A.pick up it B.pick up C.pick it up,D.pick it,2.The girl is very _ to find that the football,match is so _.,A.surprised;excited B.surprised;exciting,C.surprising;excited,D.surprising;exciting,1.There is a book on the grou,1.,In the summer of 2012,an earthquake,happened,发生,)in Yangzhou.,_(,2.My mother _(,searched,搜寻,)every corner of,the flat for her new handbag just now.,1.In the summer of 2012,an ea,1.,这台机器发出鸟鸣一样的声音。,sounds like,The machine _ _ a bird singing.,2.,今天早上,爸爸像往常一样离家很早。,This morning,my father _ _,left home,early _ _.,as usual,1.这台机器发出鸟鸣一样的声音。sounds like T,


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