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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 15 Separation-termination,stage,(,分离,-,结束阶段),Social work services are always time,limited,(社会工作服务总是有时间限制的),.,The intent of treatment is always to help the person return as soon as possible to natural channels of activity with strengthened,relationships,(处理的目的是帮助人带着增强了的关系尽快回到自然的活动渠道),.,Termination is a dynamic and vital process in social,work,(在社会工作中,结束是一个重要的、有动力的过程),.,问题,:,为了使团体结束成为促进成长的经验,工作者在团体服务的结束阶段应努力实现哪些工具性目标,?,美国社会工作者结束服务的伦理守则,Social workers should terminate services to clients and professional relationships with them when such services and relationships are no longer required or no longer serve the clients needs or,interests,(社会工作者应该结束对案主的服务、与他们的专业关系,当这种关系和服务不再被要求、不再满足案主的需要或兴趣),.,Social workers should take reasonable steps to avoid abandoning clients who are still in need of,services,(社会工作者应采取合理的步骤避免抛弃那些还在服务中的案主),.,Social workers should withdraw services precipitously only under unusual circumstances,giving careful consideration to all factors in the situation and taking care to minimize possible adverse,effects,(社会工作者只有在不平常的情况下迅速撤回服务,但依然要考虑情境中的许多因素、谨慎缩小不利影响),.,Social workers should assist in making appropriate arrangements for continuation of services when,necessary,(必要时,工作者应帮助作出恰当安排以使服务继续),.,美国社会工作者结束服务的伦理守则,Social workers in fee-for-service settings may terminate services to clients who are not paying an overdue balance if the financial contractual arrangements have been made clear to the client,if the client does not pose an imminent danger to self or others,and if the clinical and other consequences of the current nonpayment have been addressed and discussed with the,client,(在收费服务中,如果财务合同很明白、案主对自己和他人不存在急迫的危险、不交钱的各种后果也讨论过,那么可以结束对不支付欠款的案主的服务),.,Social workers should not terminate services to pursue a social,financial,or sexual relationships with a,client,(不应该为追求与案主社会的、财务的、性的关系而结束服务),.,Social workers who anticipate the termination or interruption of services to clients should notify clients promptly and seek the transfer,referral,or continuation of services in relation to the clients needs and preferences.,Social workers who are leaving an employment setting should inform clients of appropriate options for the continuation of services and of the benefits and risks of the options.,Main contents,1.In what situation that a group may end?,2.How does a member respond to the termination of a group?,3.How does a social worker intervene the group to transform the ending into a growth-promoting force?,I.Termination is an integral part of group,process,(结束是小组过程的有机组成部分),Termination,aims at promoting members psychosocial,functioning,(,结束得目的在于成员的心理社会功能状态,),.,A well-managed termination becomes not only an important force in integrating changes in feeling,thinking,and doing,but also an opportunity to learn to cope with other separations that occur throughout members,lives,(管理良好的结束不仅变成整合感情、思维、行为改变的力量,而且是学习应对日常生活中的分离的机会),.,II.Characteristics of the group in this,stage,(此阶段的特征),1,、成员经验目标实现阶段。有一些要比另一些更满意取得的进步。,2.Future plans become prominent,topics,of discussion,and there is greater readiness for new relationships and experiences in the,community,(未来计划变成讨论的突出主题,为社区中新的关系和经验做好准备),.,3.Attendance may become,irregular,(出席变得不太规律),.,Structure become more,flexible,(结构变得更灵活),.,Members norms become in harmony with those in outside setting and evidence some degree of confidence in the,future,(成员的规范变得与社会情境一致,表现出某种程度对未来的信心),.,Communication is free and,easy,(沟通自由、自在),.,Group control are,lessened,(小组控制减弱),.,4.Some members have ambivalence about,separation,(有些成员对分离有矛盾两极情感),.,5.Termination is marked by a transition from the rhythm of work to disengagement and preparation for the,future,(结束标志从有规律的工作转向解除关系和为未来做好准备),.,III.Termination of,individuals,(个人的结束),1.Early termination,unplanned,(过早结束,没有计划),:,Changes in the interests and situations of members often result in premature termination from a,group,(兴趣改变、成员的情境发生变化导致过早结束),.,Some drop out because of problems in group,participation,(有些过早结束是由于小组参与的问题),.,Follow-up of absences is essential to understand the reason for withdrawal,to assess the members needs and situation,and,when indicated,to help the person return to the,group,(追踪缺席情况对于理解退却的原因、评估成员的需要和情境很有必要,当情境明确时,帮助成员返回小组),.,2.Planned,termination,(有计划的结束),:,In many groups,the plan is that members may terminate at different,times,(许多小组,计划是成员在不同时期结束),.,The termination of one member poses both special problems and opportunities for the worker and the,members,(一个成员的结束提供特定的问题和机会),.,The,worker,take measures to use this change for the benefit of,all,(工作者采取措施为所有人的福祉使用这种变迁),.,IV.Termination of,groups,(小组的结束),1.Situation for termination of,groups,(小组结束的情境),:,Progress toward the achievement of goals has been sufficient and further help is not,necessary,(进步对目标的接近已经足够,进一步的帮助没有必要),;,the nature of service determines the approximate number of,sessions,(服务性质决定小组会期的最大数量),;,members made little progress and there seems to be little potential for changing the situation during the,service,(成员进步很小,服务期间情况改变的潜能很


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