M6U4 project make an action plan

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 4 Project,Making an action plan,If this happened around you,would you like to help her?,“,小悦悦事件”,DWB,Doctors without Borders,It is an international organization with purpose to provide emergency medical care for the people in danger.,Job:,A nurse,Job Experience:,Shes worked in Kenya and Sudan as a volunteer to help people,in need,.,Job:,A nurse,Job Experience:,Shes worked in Kenya and Sudan as a volunteer to help people in need.,1.What happened in the place where they are going?,2.What did they do to help?,Go through the text and try to find out the answers to the questions.,1.What happened in the place where they are going?,flood,flood,flood,flood,mud,water,bad traffic,lack of clean water,food and medicine,diseases,death,Problems,1.There is mud and water everywhere,making it difficult to travel from place to place.,(L13),2.People who need to take medicines regularly cant get hold of them.,(L18),3.The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to get better and easy for bacteria to spread.,(L21),4.Shelter and access to food and clean water are big problems.,(L23),2.What did they do to help?,Provide,food,water and medicine;,Set up,clinics and,treat,people;,Listen to them and,comfort,them,Solutions,Is it an easy job to help there?,-,bad weather,-bad situation,-disease,-language barrier,Difficulties,The village was flooded.,Everything was in chaos.,Problems,Solutions,-,Provide,food,water and medicine;,-,Set up,clinics and treat people;,-Listen to them and,comfort,them,-bad weather -bad situation,-disease -language barrier,Difficulties,Since there were so many difficulties,why did they still help there?,Helping others makes me appreciate more and see things from a different angle.,We cant change the world by helping others,but every effort we contribute does make a difference to peoples lives.,Feelings/,Thoughts/,We help,although it is not easy.,We help,although someone doubts.,We help,although we wont get good results.,We help,because it is what makes us human;,We help,because it is what makes the world better!,Now,if we go back to the very beginning of this lesson,Can we help somebody just by saying something?,Take actions!,Wh,o,are you going to help in your community?,the elderly,the homeless,the disabled,the poor,children unable to,go to school,The village was flooded.,Everything was in chaos.,Problems,Solutions,-,Provide,food,water and medicine;,-,Set up,clinics and treat people;,-Listen to them and,comfort,them,-bad weather -bad situation,-disease -language barrier,Difficulties,Since there were so many difficulties,why did they still help there?,Helping others makes me appreciate more and see things from a different angle.,We cant change the world by helping others,but every effort we contribute does make a difference to peoples lives.,Feelings/,Thoughts/,Make an action plan,to help your community,Helping the elderly,empty nest elderly,空巢老人,suffer from diseases,accompany sb.,陪伴某人,take care of,lonely adj.,孤单的,loneliness n.,孤独,They are too old to do,Helping the children,cant afford,sth,.,付不起;承担不起,drop out of school,辍学,the“left-behind”children,留守儿童,burden too much(responsibilities),承担太多(责任),Little as they are,they still do,sth,.,尽管他们年纪很小,他们仍然做,education opportunities,教育机会,call on sb.to do,sth,.,呼吁某人做某事,Helping the disabled,be born deaf,天生聋,lose hearing/sight,失去听力,/,视力,lack confidence,缺乏自信,job opportunities,工作机会,be looked down upon,被歧视,pick up confidence,拾回信心,stand on ones own feet,(,双关)用自己的双脚站立,自力更生,support oneself,自己供养自己,take advantage of,利用,make every effort to do what they can,尽力做自己力所能及之事,Present your action plan,习作评价标准,得分,Structure(5),Problems /Solutions,Difficulties /Feelings,Contents(9),Expressions(6),Words/Expressions(3),Complex sentences/Linking words(3),Others(5),Tense(2),Spelling(1),Handwriting(2),Advice,Score_,Thanks!,


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