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Detour,马路施工,请绕行,Luggage Depository,行李存放处,Emergency exit,安全出口,Inquiries,问讯处,Net (Weight),净重,MAN,:,25032002,生产日期:,2002,年,3,月,25,日,EXP,:,25032002,失效期:,2002,年,3,月,25,日,Introductions,说明,One Street,单行道,Keep Right/Left,靠左,/,右,Buses Only,只准公共汽车通过,Wet Paint,油漆未干,Danger,危险,Lost and Found,失物招领处,Pedestriancrossing,人行横道,Safety First,安全第一,Filling Station,加油站,No Smoking,禁止吸烟,No Photos,请勿拍照,No Visitors,游人止步,No Entry,禁止入内,No Admittance,闲人免进,NoLitter,勿乱扔杂物,Pleasedonotleanonthesebarriers,请不要靠防护栏,Privatefunctiononly,只供私人使用,Pleaseensurethatyouhavepaidanddisplay,请确保已买票并出示。,Useofemergencyalarm,用于报警,Nounauthorizedentry,未经许可,不得入内,Thelightindicatesthedoorisnotsecured.,指示灯亮显示门未关好,sidewalk,crosswalk,public phone,traffic lights,1. Turn left,4. Turn right,5. Go straight,2. No right turn,3. No left turn,6. No parking,9. Parking,7. No U-turn,8. Crosswalk,10. Danger,Signs on the road,Signs and warnings,肃静,禁止吸烟,不要乱扔杂物,此处严禁停车,Signs and warnings,SILENCE,NO SMOKING,NO LITTER,NO PARKING HERE,Signs and warnings,此处不准倒垃圾,不要随地吐痰,严禁插队,非公莫入,(禁止入内),Signs and warnings,NO DUMPING HERE,NO SPITTING,NO QUEUE JUMPING,NO ADMITTANCE,(,EXCEPT ON BUSINESS,),Signs and warnings,无通行证禁止入内,谨防扒手,注意钱包,油漆未干,Signs and warnings,NO ENTRY WITHOUT A PASS,BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS,WATCH YOUR WALLET,WET PAINT,Signs and warnings,残疾人专座,老弱病残孕专座,请勿触摸,此处不准小便,/,倒垃圾,Signs and warnings,SEATS RESERVED FOR THE DISABLED,RESERVED FOR THE ELDERLY, INFANT, SICK, DISABLED AND PREGNANT,PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH,COMMIT NO NUISANCE,Signs and warnings,绿色专座,RESERVED FOR THE NEEDY PEOPLE,请绕行,正在维修,Detour. Maintenance in Progress,Signs and warnings,NO SOLICITING IS ALLOWED IN THIS BUILDING,PEPAIR IN PROGRESS,本大楼不准兜售货物,正在修理之中,Signs and warnings,小心轻放,易碎物品,小心玻璃,危险物品,Signs and warnings,HANDLE WITH CARE,FRAGILE,GLASS (WITH CARE),HAZARDOUS GOODS,Signs and warnings,易爆物品,有毒物品,易腐蚀品,放射性物质,Signs and warnings,EXPLOSIVES,POISON,CORROSIVES,RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE,Signs and warnings: exercises,当心,/,小心,请在线外等候,请勿践踏草地,闲人不得进入,Signs and warnings,CAUTION,WAIT OFF THE LINE,KEEP OFF THE GRASS,NO TRESPASSING,Exercises:,员工通道,请保管好你的物品,当心脚下,Exercises:,Staff Only,Take Care of Your Belongings,Mind/Watch Your Feet,加拿大发音,ya!,See ya!,I hear ya.,Eh?,主要用在句末,没有实际意思,只是表达一种语气,年轻人的口头禅:,like,It takes, like, half an hour to get there,情景内容,一、介绍,二、 打电话,三、道别,四、感谢和应答,五、道歉和应答,六、商量和寻求意见,七、寻求帮助,介绍,(1),介绍某人:,This is Mr /Mrs /Miss /Comrade.,这位是,先生,(,夫人,小姐,同志,),。,(2),对介绍的应答:,How do you do!,你好!,第一次与陌生人认识,不要说,How are you?,可以说:,Nice/Glad to see/meet you.,很高兴见到你。,也可以说:,Its nice/glad to see/meet you.,打电话,(1),询问对方是谁?,Hello! May I speak to?,喂,请问我可以和,通话吗?,不要说:,I want to speak to.,或者说:,Please askto listen to my telephone call.,Is that(speaking)?,是,(,在说话,),吗?,(,不要说:,Are you?),Whos that?,请问你是谁?,不要说:,Who are you?,这句话也可以这样说:,May I ask whos calling?,这两句都是接电话的人的用语。,(2),接电话后,告诉自己正是对方的想通话的,Yes, (it is)speaking.,是的,我是,。,也可以简单地说:,Speaking.,不要受汉语的影响说:,Im.,Hello. This is here.,喂,我是,。,不要问对方:,Who are you?,应该说:,Whos that (speaking)?,你是哪位?,(3),告诉对方拨错了电话号码:,No ,theres nohere. Im afraid youve got,the wrong number.,不是,这儿没有,。恐怕你的电话号码错了。,(4),接电话后,告诉自己对方要稍等通话得人:,Hold on for a moment, please.,请等一会。,(5),告诉对方想要听电话的人不在:,Im sorry he/she isnt here right now.,对不起,他,(,她,),现在不在这里。,(6),主动提出替发话人传递信息及对方的应答,Can I take a message for you?,给你留口信好吗?,或者说:,Is there anything I can do for you?,我可以为你帮点什么忙吗?,Thats very kind of you.,你实在是太好了。,Thank you very much.,多谢。,后边两句是对方主动提出帮助传递信息时的答语,,还可以说:,Thanks a lot.,(7),告诉某人有电话找他,(,她,),:,There is/was a telephone call for you,.,有电话找你。,不要说:,you have/had a telephone call.,(8),打电话的结束语:,Goodbye!,Bye.(,熟悉的人之间才用这句用语。,),道别绝句,1.,简单道别:,Goodbye!,See you!,2.,谈话结束:,Nice talking to you!,3.,暂时告别:,Excuse me a moment!,4.,道别暗示:,Sorry, I must get back to work.,I think that is everything!,5.,请代问好:,Do give my regards to your parents!,Please say hello to your,parents for me!,别时祝愿:,Have a nice trip!,Take care!,7.,保持联络:,Lets keep in touch!,Call me later!,Lets get together again sometime!,致 谢,Thank you very much indeed for your help.,Im extremely grateful to you!,Thanks for what you have done for me!,Its most thoughtful of you!,You are very helpful.,Thanks a million!,Thanks anyway!,致谢之应答,My pleasure.,2. Anytime!,3. You are welcome.,4. Not at all!,5. Its a pleasure.,6. Thats ok.,生活绝句之道歉,Im extremely sorry!,I do apologize for all that Ive done!,Please forgive me for ,I didnt mean to hurt you. Will you forgive me?,Im sorry to be late, sir.,Sorry to have kept you waiting.,Its all my fault. Ill try to make it up to you!,道歉之应答,Dont worry about it!,It doesnt matter.,Never mind.,Its too late to apologize.,寻求帮助表达法:,Could you . . . . (for me) ?,Would you please . . . ?,Would you mind V+ing . . . .?,Do you have a minute?,Can you spare a few minutes?,Could you do me a favor?,(Good morning) I wonder if you could help me?,I need some help (if you have time).,主动提供帮助:,What can I do for you?,2. Is there anything I can do for you?,对方寻求帮助时的应答:,Okay, no problem.,Sure, Id be glad to.,Sorry, Im (kind of) busy now.,Im sorry. I dont have time right now.,“,商量和征求意见”用语,What do you think aboutof?,Do you think?,How do you feel about?,Whats your opinion of?,5. Would you mind v+ing?,表达意见的说法:,(Frankly) I think,As I see it,As far as Im concerned,Id like to point out,提供建议表达法:,HowWhat about?,Why not?,Why dont you?,Youd better,Ask and Show the Way,Post office,Where is the post office?,Post office,on,Bridge Street,Bank,beside,the bank,/ next to,the bank,on the left of,the bank,Post office,Bank,Hotel,between,the hotel,and,the bank,Post office,Park,across from,the park,Bridge Street,straight on,turn right,turn left,zebra,crossing,Road signs,traffic lights,crossroads,at,You must wait.,You can cross the road.,Is this the way to?,Where is?,How can / do I get to ?,Can / could you tell me the way to ?,Go straight/ ahead.,Its just around the corner,Turn right / left at the third turning.,It is on the right beside/ next to,You can see it in front of you.,go on till you reach the end.,She must go _ if she wants to go to the mall.,She must go by a _ if she wants to go to the park.,straight,zebra,crossing,Exercises for road signs(1),She must look at the _. when she is at the _.,traffic lights,crossroads,Exercises for road signs(2),Read maps,The entrance is on your left.,Walk along this road.,Turn right when you come to the crossroads.,Cross the road,Walk along this road.,Turn left when you come to the corner of the road,Cross the road .,The entrance is in front of you.,Read maps,径直走,在十字路口,在交通灯处,过马路,5.,斑马线,6.,在你的左边,Translate the following into Chinese.,go straight on,at the crossroads,at the traffic lights,zebra crossing,on your left,cross,the road,go / walk,across,the road,Exercise: How can I get to the MM school?,_at the_.walk_ Sunnyside Street. _ at the_. Walk along Sunshine Street You will find the _. MM School is just opposite the street .,Turn left,crossroads,along,Turn right,traffic lights,zebra crossing,Video shop,G,A,R,D,E,N,R,O,A,D,Hotel,Park,F,I,F,T,H,S,T,R,E,E,T,Zoo,Supermarket,Museum,McDonals,KFC,Bridge Street,Sports,Center,Police,office,Shoe,shop,Post,Office,phone,Bank,Cinema,Hill Road,Library,Book shop,Clothes shop,Pet shop,Hospital,Go along Bridge Street and take the third turning on the right. Its on the Fifth Street across from the shoe shop. You cant miss it.,A,:,请问,你能告诉我去市政府的路吗?到那有近道儿吗,Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the city government? Is there a shortcut to that place?,B:,对不起,我不是本地人。,Sorry, Im new here myself,.,A:,谢谢。,Thank you all the same.,Dialogues,请问,去长城汽车公司该乘哪路车?,Excuse me, which bus should I take if I want to go to the Great Wall Motor company,?,你可以乘坐,304,路,很方便。,You can take a No. 304 Bus. Its very convenient,.,那么,最近的,304,路站牌在哪里?,Well, where is the nearest No.304 bus stop?,穿过马路,继续向前走,到第二个拐弯处向右拐,步行三分钟即到。,Cross the street, walk on and take the second turning on the right, its three minutes walk.,非常谢谢。,Thanks a lot.,不用谢。,Not at all.,show the way,穿过马路,cross the road, walk across the road,一直向前走,go straight on/ walk on,十字路口,crossroads/ turning,在,对面,be opposite/across from,第,3,个路口右转,Turn right at the third crossroads,Turn right when you come to the third turning,Take the third crossroads on the right,Summarization,Shopping,department store,shopping plaza,mall,Green grocery,supermarket,May I help you?,I want to buy,How about this one?,What,color,/what,size,do you,How much is it/this?,How would you like to pay?,场 景 表 演,Next reading,What,color,do you want?,I like.,brown,gray,black,pink,purple,yellow,blue,sapphire,green,red,扩展的词汇,golden,金(黄)色的,silver,银色的,violet,紫罗兰色的,purple,紫色的,flesh-colored,肉色的,transparent,透明的,light / dark + color,浅深,- -,色,XS,S,M,L,XL,XSExtra Small,(特小码),S Small,(小号的);,MMedium,(中号的);,L Large,(大号的);,XL Extra Large,(“加大”)。,What size do you wear?, ,Back,场景,Some useful expressions,Salesclerks,Customers,Good morning/afternoon,May I help you, sir/madam?,Certainly. How about this one?,Would you like to try it on?,Whats the size?,What color do you like?,Heres the change/receipt.,Would you mind coming with,Me to the cashier?,Credit cards are available.,Thank you for shopping with us.,Youre welcome.,Its my pleasure.,I want to buy,Can you show me?,Let me have a look.,May I try it on?,How much is it?,Its too expensive.,Can you give me a discount?,Do you take credit cards/personal checks?,Are the credit cards accepted?,Do I have to pay in cash?,Its too tight/small.,Do you have lager ones?,03:40,-May I help you, madam?,-Yes, may I have a look at the coat?,-Sure,_,-3XXX.,-Well, what color would you like?,-_. May I try it on?,-Sure. Here you are.,-_,-240yuan.,-_,-Im sorry. Its the lowest price.,-_.I will buy it.,-Of course. Please pay at the cashier desk.,-Thank you.,like the black one.,How much is it?,Can I pay by credit card?,whats your size?,Can you give me a lower price?,Inquiry,询问,1. Do you have any on sale?,2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants?,3. Can you get me one?,4. If I ordered a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery?,Choosing,选择,1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket.,2. I,d like to see some towels.,3. Show me that one, please.,4. Let me have a look at this watch.,5. Would you show me this cup?,6. I,m interested in this new type of car.,7. I,m just looking, thanks.,8. I,d like to have a look if you don,t mind.,Size and color,1. The fit isn,t good.,2. It,s too big.,3. Too small.,4. It seems to fit well.,5. They punch my toes.,6. Can I have a size larger?,7. How about this blue one?,8. This color is very popular.,9. This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress.,Price,价格,1. How much does it cost?,2. What,s the price for this suit?,3. How much do I have to pay for it?,4. How much are these ties?,5. I,ll give it to you for 5250.,6. Can you make it cheaper?,Check 付钱,1. How can I pay?,2. May I write a check for you?,3. Do you take traveler,s checks?,4. Sorry, we don,t take checks.,5. I,ll take this.,The others,1. Take one,s measurement.,2. I think we,re out of your size.,3. No hurry! Please take your time! Let me help!,Additional words,shopping centre,商业中心区,department store,百货商店,childrens goods store,儿童用品商店,second-hand store,旧货店,counter,柜台,show window,橱窗,cash desk,收银处,price tag,标价签,change,零钱,to keep the bill,留发票,to wrap up,包装,free of charge,不收费,out of stock,售空,shop assistant, salesman,售货员,cosmetics,化妆用品,stationery,文具,ready-made clothes,现成服装,Choose the right sentences,A: Good morning, sir. _1_,B: Id like to buy some tofu, please,A: _2_.,B: Half a kilo, please.,A: Ok. Here you are. _3_,B: No. And some tomatoes, please.,A: _4_,B: Four, please.,A: Here you are.,B: Thank you. _5_,A: let me see. 3 yuan 80 fen.,B: Ok. Heres the money.,A: Thank you.,How much would you like ?,Is that all ?,How much are these things ?,May I help you ?,How many do you want ?,Hi! Come on!,Everything here is cheap!,Come and have a look,I want to buy,How much is it?,活动:,每组创设一个售货柜台,两名组员当售货员,其他的组员到其他柜台购物(纸上写钱数,象征性开支票、信用卡或现金),小组间开展购物比赛,营业额最多的小组评为“销售优胜组”,购回物品最多的小组评为“购物优胜组”,规则:,A.,一律用英语参加比赛,B.,售货员说一句汉语扣营业额,20,元,购物者说一句汉语没收所购物品,AT THE AIRPORT,预订机票,我想预定明天去加拿大的机票。,1.,预定机票,Excuse me, could I,make a reservation,for flight xxx to Canada?,Hello, Id like one seat/ticket for tomorrows China Airlines Flight xxx to Canada, please.,I want to book a seat to,Vancouver,.,-Yes, which day do you want to book,?,/ Which airline would you prefer to fly with?,make a reservation,预订(机票),2.,选择机票,Will you be traveling first class or economy? One-way or round-trip ticket?,What kind of ticket do you want, first class or economy?,Would you like the morning flight, afternoon flight, or red-eye flight?, a round-trip ticket = return ticket,往返票,双程票,red-eye flight,夜间航班,3.,询问价钱,Whats the fare to,Canada, economy class?,How much is the economy class to,Canada,?,飞机里的“客舱(,cabin,)”:,first class”,,,economy/tourist class ”,,,business class”,。,4.,机票折扣,Are there any discount tickets available?,Will you give me a discount?,Any tickets on discount?,Is there a discount?,Can I have a discount?,available,adj.,可得到的,可买到的,discount,n.,折扣,5.,直航还是转机,I want to take a direct flight., direct flight/non-stop flight,直航,直达班机,connecting fight,转机,中转航班,6.,出发时间,Whats the departure time?,Could you tell me the departure time?,Would you mind tell me the departure time?,问下一航班时间:,Whens the next plane for ?,What time is the next plane for ?,-The departure is 9:00 a.m. Monday.,departure,n.,离开,出发,起程,7.,更改预订,Im sorry. Id like to change my reservation.,Could I change my reservation?,Excuse me, Id like to change this ticket to first class.,-Okay. Then tell me your new reservation./Im sorry, they are already full.,8.,取消预订,Id like to cancel my reservation to .,What if I want to cancel my reservation to ?,Could I cancel my reservation to ,please?,-Okay. Tell me your name and your reservation number.,cancel,vt.,取消,废除,9.,确认航班,Excuse me, Id like to reconfirm my flight from to .,-Ok. Please tell me your flight number.,reconfirm,vt.,再确认,再证实,再确定,10.,取机票,Where do I pick up the ticket?,Do you mind telling me where I can get the ticket?,Could you tell me where I can pick up the ticket?,-Youll pick up the ticket at the airport counter.,其他常用的问句,1. Whats the department time?,起飞时间是什么时候?,2. What time is the flight scheduled to leave today?,那班飞机今天何时起飞?,3. How long does the flight take?,要飞多久?,4. Is this ticket refundable,?这张机票可以退票吗?,登机流程,baggage claim,quarantine,customs,check-in,airport fee,departure gate,security check,immigration,The Name culture of China,In China, most peoples names have two parts, the family names and the given names. One person may have different names. If someone is a writer, he or she has a pen name. Most of the names have special meanings. Some show their parents wishes.,It is said that the original purpose of giving each person a name was for convenience. Ancient people found that whenever it was dark, they couldnt see each other and they couldnt tell whos who. Each person was given a name, so that they could address others easily, even in the dark.,In ancient China,ming,and,zi,were different from each other.,The purpose of having zi is to get respect from other people.,Hao,was a persons complimentary address or honorific title, which is similar to todays penname.,After Song Dynasty, it became popular for scholars to address each other with their hao, while their names were seldom used.,It is customary to address Chinese by their given name, using the title Miss., Mrs., or Mr. until persons become good friends and know others nicknames.,There are a large rang of official titles and formal address forms in daily use, especially occupation-linked titles such as doctor, professor, and teacher.,How to address Chinese people,怎样称呼中国人,Chinese Zodiac Culture,中国生肖文化,In ancient times, our ancestors counted the years with 10 celestial stems and 12 terrestrial branches. Although this was scientific, most people were illiterate and could not memorize or calculate easily. Thus the animals that influenced peoples live were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches.,Chinese Zodiac Culture,中国生肖文化,People under this rat sign are usually smart and willing to accumulate wealth and to take efforts to be successful.,属鼠的人往往很聪慧,懂得积累财富,而且尽可能去取得成功。,Chinese Zodiac Culture,中国生肖文化,The ox is sedulous, simple, honest, and straightforward.,牛的特点是坚忍不拔、淳朴、诚实、永往向前。,Chinese Zodiac Culture,中国生肖文化,Tigers, considered to be brave, cruel, forceful and terrifying, are the symbol of power and lordliness. People born in the year are tolerant, staunch, valiant, and respected.,虎往往被认为勇猛、残暴、强大而可畏,是力量与权势的象征。虎年出生的人忍受能力强、坚定、勇敢而且受人尊敬。,Chinese Zodiac Culture,中国生肖


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