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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Review Of Unit 8,Ill help clean up the city parks.,在户外工作或去外面工作,清理,打扫,帮助做某事,帮助某人做某事,分发,发放,使,高兴起来,使,振作起来,生病的孩子,课后学习活动,清洁日,短语,1.work outside,2.clean up,3.help(to)do sth,.,4.help sb.do sth.=help sb.with sth,.,5.give out=hand out,6.cheer up,7.sick children=sick kids,8.an after-school study program,9.Clean-Up Day,想出,推迟,推延,清洁日离现在只有两周的时间。,写下来,张贴,打电话,成立,建立,10.think up=come up with=think of,11.put off doing sth,12.Clean-Up Day is only,two weeks from now,.,=,two weeks away,=,in two weekstime,13.write down,14.put up,15.call up sb.=call sb.,=phone sb.=ring up sb.=give sb a call,16.set up=establish=start,自愿做某事,自愿用,做某事,某人花,时间做某事,主要的奉献,使,充分发挥作用,好好利用,没有充分利用,,滥用,小学,在课后关爱中心,短语,17.Volunteer to do sth.,18.volunteer sth.to do sth,19.It takes sb.some time to do sth.,=sth.takes sb.some time.,=sb.spend time,doing,/,on,sth,.,20.a major commitment,put sth.to good use,22.put sth.to bad use,23.elementary school=primary school,24.in the after-school care center,大学 不但,而且 用完 与,相象 修理 赠送,产生结果;,算出;成功 建一个笔友网站,.,闲逛 慷慨的捐赠,短语,26.college=universit,y,y,27.not onlybut also,28.run out of=use up,29.take after=look like=be similar to,30.fix up=repair=mend,31.give away=donate,32.work out,33.make a pen pal website,34.hang out,35.kind donation,残疾人,因,而谢谢某人,感激某事,帮助某人摆脱困境 马上 寄(送)给某人某物 用,把,装满 无家可归的人们,热线直播中心,动物助手,短语,36.disabled people,37.thank sb.for,sth,./doing sth,38.appreciate sth.,39.help sb.out,40.at once=right away,41.send sb.sth.=send sth to sb.,42.fillwith,43.homeless people,44.a call-in center,45.Animal Helpers,not only but(also),不但,而且,用来连接两个并列的成分,(1),引导以,not only but(also),开头的,句子,往往引起 部分,倒装,。因此,Not only do I feel good but(also).,是倒装句。也是说得要把前面的句子中的助动词或者是情态动词放在主语的前面。如:,Not only,can I,do it but(also)I can do best.,我不仅能做到而且做得最好。,Not onlybut(also),接两主语,时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和数的变化 也就是,就近原则,如:,重难点解析:,Not only Lily but(also),you,like,cats.,不仅莉莉而且你也喜欢猫。,Not only you but(also),Lily,likes,cats.,不仅你而且莉莉喜欢猫。,常见的就近原则的结构有:,1.Neither nor,即不,也不,(,两者都不,),Neither you nor,I like,him.,我和你都不喜欢他。,2.Either or,不是,就是,(,两者中的一个,),Either Lily or you are a student.,3.Not only but(also),4.There be,重点句型:,1.,你愿意帮忙打扫城市公园吗?,Would you like to help _ _ the city,parks?,2.,莉莉,下课后把试卷发下去。,_ _ the papers after class,Lily.,3.,简没有想出解决这道数学题的好方法。,Jane didnt _ _ _ a good way,to work out this math problem.,clean up,Give/Hand out,come up with,4.,儿童节离现在只有两个星期了。,Childrens Day is only _ _,_ _.,5.,你毕业后打算做什么?,What will you do when you _,_?,6.,帮助别人我感到很快乐。,I feel _ _ _ other people.,from now,leave,good about helping,two weeks,school,7.,在动物医院里我学到更多有关动物的,知识。,I have _ _ _ animals in,an animal hospital.,8.,你能猜出谁会帮助小孩训练篮球队吗?,Can you guess who will _ _,a basketball team _ little kids?,learned more about,help coach,for,9.,他们正计划去拉萨旅行。,Theyre _ _ _ a trip,to Lassa.,10.,我们应该努力学习,将来为我们的祖,国做重大的贡献。,We should study hard to make,_ _ _ for our,country in the future.,planning to take,a major commitment,III.,单元副词或介词填空。,1.Whenever I came across difficulties,Tom was always there and helped me_.,2.-He takes _ his brother,doesnt he?-Yes.They are similar _ each other.,3.If you dont know how to do it,better go and ask your teacher _advice.,4.Set _ means establish.,5.Take down the old pictures and put _ the new ones.,6.The sports meet was put _ till next week because of the rain.,7.What a mess the room is!Why not clean it _?,8.I am writing to thank you _ your kind donation.,up,after,to,for,up,up,off,up,for,I want to be a p_(,职业化的,),athlete.,2.-What does your friend want to be,when he grows up?,-He wants to be a _(,兽医,).,3.Look at the _(,标牌,)on the wall.,Dont use your mobile phone here.,根据句意及提示写出单词。,rofessional,veterinarian,sign,4.Monday is our schools _(,清洁,),Day.,5.Some organizations are trying to help,people in poor rural countries out of,_(,饥饿,).,Clean-Up,hunger,1.The boy who_ the notice there is,my cousin.,A.put up B.puts up,C.is putting up D.is putting,2.Joy spent two hours _ her aunt.,A.to write to B.write to,C.writing down D.writing to,Choose the best answer.,3.I must hurry back to look after my _ grandma.Shes been _ for a week.,A.ill,sick B.sick,ill,C.sick,sick D.ill,ill,4.Its your turn to _ these,notebooks.,A.give out B.give up,C.give in D.give to,5._ a monitor,you shouldnt do,with things _ that.,A.Like,as B.Like,like,C.As,like D.As,as,6.His new bike_ mine has been,lost for two weeks.,A.is similar to B.which is similar to,C.similar to D.is similar,


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