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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit Two:Family Influence,Aims of this unit:,Revising the passive in the past tense(,复习一般过去式的被动语态),Learning multi-word verbs(,学习短语动词),Revising the use of“used to”and learning to use“would”(,复习“,used to”,和学习“,would”,用法),Learning to describe people(,学习对人进行描述),New words and expressions in Activity 2,be well:be healthy,健康的(,look/feel well),e.g.You are looking well.(,你看上去很健康),2.,worry about:,担心,担忧,e.g.I have nothing to worry about now.(,我现在没什么可担忧的了。),worrying time/week/year(,担忧的时期),e.g.It is a very worrying time for us all.(,对于我们大家来说,这是段令人担忧的时期。),3.,It was my wife who mainly took care of her then.(,当时主要是我的妻子来照顾她。),*,这是个强调句型,基本结构为:,It+be+,被强调部分,that,句子其余部分。,e.g.It was in the park that I mat my old teacher yesterday.(,强调地点状语)(昨天正是在这个公园里我碰到了我以前的老师。),强调句型中,连接词一般用,that,,如被强调的部分是人,也可用,who/whom,,其他一律用,that,,不能用,which,where,when,等,即使被强调的是物、时间状语或地点状语。,It is Mr.Smith that/who thinks Tom is a clever boy.(,是,Smith,先生认为,Tom,是个聪明的孩子。),4.take care of=look after(,照看,照顾),e.g.I helped my mother take care of my younger sister.(,我帮我母亲照看我的小妹妹。),5.,be good at=do well in(,擅长于),e.g.He is good at English.=He does well in English.,6.,I suppose that,从句:我认为.,e.g.I suppose that you are right.(,我认为你是对的。),7.,grow up:,成长,e.g.When she grows up,she wants to be a teacher.(,当她长大时,她想成为个老师。),8.,discuss:,讨论,e.g.We discussed love and life with our friends yesterday evening.,昨天晚上我们同朋友讨论了关于爱和生活的话题。,9.,look like:,看起来象,e.g.He looks like his father,so he is so handsome.,他看上去长的象他父亲,所以也很英俊。,10.,take after:look or behave like an older relative(,性格上象)(不用在被动语态中),e.g.She takes after her mother:she is active.,她的,性格和她母亲一样,也很活跃。,11.,get on well with,sb,(,相处的很好),e.g.Mike can get on well with his classmates.(Mike,能同他的朋友相处的很好。),12.,Be shy to do,sth,:,害羞做某事,e.g.She is so shy to speak English in front of the class.(,她羞于在全班同学面前讲英语。),be shy about/of:,羞于做某事情,e.g.Men are often shy about sharing their problems.(,男人都不好意思把自己的问题讲出来。),13.,Bring up:,抚养(如果后面接的宾语是代词,必须放在两者之间),e.g.His father brings him up well,so he behaves himself.,他父亲把他教导的很好,所以他行为规矩。,14.,be easy(difficult)to do,sth,:,易于做某事情/做某事情很难,e.g.It is easy to bring him up.(,很容易就能把他抚养长大),15.,Tell,sb,off for doing,sth,:,因为某事情责备某人,e.g.My dad told me off for breaking a cup.(,我父亲因为我打破了个杯子而责备我。),Language focus,英语的谓语动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。前者表示句子的主语为动作的发出者,后者表示句子的主语为动作的承受者。请比较:,1.,Tom,broke,the window,.,(,主动语态),2.,The window,was broken,by Tom,.,(,被动语态),从以上对比可以看出,主动句中的主语,Tom,在被动句中变成了短语,by Tom,,,主动句中的宾语,the window,变成了被动句中的主语。由于被动句中的主语即主动句中的宾语,因此,只有及物动词才有被动语态。,被动语态的构成,被动语态的基本构成是:,be+,过去分词。与主动语态一样,被动语态也有各种时态形式,列表如下(以动词,ask,为例):,一般现在时:,am/is/are asked,一般进行时:,am/is/are being asked,一般过去时:,was/were asked,过去进行式:,was/were being asked,一般将来式:,will be asked,过于将来式:,would be asked,e.g.1.These boys broke the windows.,The windows were broken by these boys.,2.Her parents sent her to a specialist in Cardiff.,She was sent to a specialist in Cardiff.,形容词或副词比较级,结构形式:,be(,或动词)+,adj,/adv+,er,+than,e.g.She is older than you.(,她的,年龄比你大),She runs faster than you.(,她跑的比你要快),*如果这个形容词或副词有三个或三个音节以上,那么在其前面加,more。,e.g.She is more beautiful than me.(,她长的比我更漂亮。),She runs more quickly than me.(,她跑的比我快),形容词和副词的最高级,结构形式:,be(,或动词)+,the+,adj,/adv+,est,e.g.She is the oldest student in her class.,She runs the fastest.,*如果这个形容词或副词有三个或三个音节以上,那么在其前面加,the most。,e.g.She is the most beautiful girl in her class.,Of all the boys,he came the earliest.(,所有的孩子当中,他来的最早。),New words and expressions in Activity 9,Look forward to(,介词,to):,盼望,e.g.I am looking forward to finishing this book before 11 oclock in the morning.,She used to look forward to her birthday.,她过去常常盼望着她的生日。,2.,take place:happen,发生,e.g.The funfair used to take place in the park near her house.(,游艺会过去常在她家附近的公园里举行。),3.,go back:,返回,e.g.Afterwards they would go back home for tea.(,过后,他们将回家喝茶),4.,go up to:,前往,e.g.Her friends and her brother used to go up to her bedroom to listen to music.,她朋友和她兄弟过去常去她卧室听音乐。,5.,try out:,试验,e.g.At the fair they used to try out as many things as possible.(,在商品交易会上,他们尽可能的使用很多东西。),6.,set out for:,准备去,e.g.Before they all set out for the park,her mother would give her some money.(,在他们准备去公园之前,她母亲给了她很多钱。),7.,come along with:,和.一道去,e.g.She would invite friends to come along with her to the funfair.(,她将邀请她的朋友一起去游艺会。),“,used to,加不定式”表示过去常常干某事,现在不在干了。例如:,I used to go to work by bus.Now I take a taxi.,She used to be very shy.,used to do,的疑问句,否定句形式为,used not to,或,didn,t use to:,e.g.How did you use to go to work?,She,didn,t use to be very shy.,used to,可以与状态词连用,e.g.My friends used to like her.,would +V,原形,表示习惯性动作。但不能去表示状态的词连用。,E.g.When I was a boy,I,would live,in the country.,in ones+,岁数:在某人的多少岁时,e.g.In my twenties,I like listening to popular music.,2.,move:,迁居,e.g.His family was moved to Shanghai last year.(,去年他一家子迁居到了上海。),move out of:,搬出,e.g.I decided to move out of my mothers house and live alone.(,我决定从我母亲家搬出去,然后一个人住。),3.,demolish:,毁坏:,destroy completely,e.g.Several houses were demolished for the new road.,New words and expressions in Activity 11,4.,go on doing,sth,:,


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