2003 3 unit 3 how do you get to school说课稿

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 3 how do you get to school?,Section a(1a-1c),From students book,Grade Seven,by Wang,Yumei,4 parts,:,Part 1,:,Analysis of teaching material,(,教材分析,),Part2,:,Analysis of students,(,学情分析,),Part 3:,The teaching and studying methods,(,教法和学法,),Part 4,The teaching procedures and purposes,(,教学过程及为什么要如此安排,),Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material,(,教材分析,),Status and function,(,地位与作用,),dialogue,(,听说型,),useful,(,实用型,),,,important,(,重要型,),2.Organization of teaching material,(,组织教材,),content(1a-1c):consolidation part,(,课文内容作为巩固部分,),3.Teaching aims and demands,(,教学目标及要求,),Knowledge and language goal,(,知识目标,),Ability goal,(,能力目标,),Moral goals,(,道德情感目标,),Teaching importance,(,教学重点,),Teaching difficulty,(,教学难点,),4.Teaching aids,(,教具,),:,multimedia computer,(,多媒体电脑,),PPT,(,课件,),and a mark board,(,记分板,),.,Part 2 Student analysis,(,学情分析,),-English learning for nearly 4 years,-sophisticated enough to learn by themselves under the guide of teacher,Part 3 The teaching and studying methods,(,教法与学法,),Teaching methods,(,教法,),-Communicative teaching method,(,情境交际法,),-Audio-visual teaching method,(,视听教学法,),-Task-based teaching method,(任务型教学法),-The classified teaching method,(,分组竞赛教学法),2.Studying methods,(,学法,),-The master under the guide,(,引导下的课堂里的主人,),-Pair work,group work and games,(,结对,小组练习,玩游戏,),Part 4,The teaching procedures and purposes,(,教学过程及意图,),Step 1 greeting and lead-in(,问候与导入,),T,:,I usually ride my bike to school.,Marys house,T:Mary takes the bus to school.,How do you get to school?,(,你怎样去的学校?,),How do your parents get to work place?,(,你的父母怎样去上班的?,),Step 2 presentation,Students learn the new words with the phonetic symbols and then have a guessing game to consolidate the words,and the spelling.,(,学生根据音标自己学读单词,之后根据图片竞猜单词并说出拼写,),subway,train,bicycle/bike,taxi,walk,car,plane,bike/bicycle,ship,boat,2.Students learn and consolidate the phrases by themselves.(,学生自学并巩固短语,),ride,the bike/bicycle,take,the train,After that,students conclude the rules of expressions of taking the transportation.(,学过之后,让学生自己总结乘坐交通用法的规律,),乘车的动作:,Ride a bike/bicycle.(,“骑”用,ride),Take a train/taxi/bus/subway(,“搭乘”用,take),Walk(,走路,),3.Students learn the sentences with the clues by themselves.,(,学生通过共同探索合作,学习句子,),How do you get to(,到达,)school?,I,take the bus,to school.,4.Students practice the dialogues in pairs with pictures and try to fill in the blanks.,(,学生之间进行操练对话并试着填出以下的空,),-How do you get to school?,I take the subway to school./,I get to school,by subway,.,How does he get to school?,He walk,s,to school./,He get,s,to school,on foot,.,How do they get to school?,They ride their bikes to school./,They get to school,by bike,.,After that,let students conclude the following importance.(,练习过之后,请同学总结以下规律,),乘车的状态:,“乘坐”,By+,交通工具,“走路”,On foot,Step 3 Consolidation,(,巩固,),Students open their books and finish 1a,1b and 1c.,(,学生翻开书本并完成,1a,1b,和,1c),Match the words with the pictures.,2.take the bus_,3.take the subway_,4.ride a bike_,5.walk _,1.take the train_,a,d,e,b,c,1a,2.Students finish the interview chart about transportation and then give us a report.,(,学生做一个关于乘坐交通方式的采访,然后给出一个报告,),Name(,姓名,),transportation,(交通),Place,(地点),3.Calculate the points and decide the winner.The winners can take transportations with teachers to have a trip.,(,计算出分数,并得出冠军组。冠军组的同学可以跟老师搭乘交通工具出游,),groups,points,A,B,C,D,E,Step 4.home work,1.Student find out more traffic transportations through internet,newspaper,magazines and books.,(,学生通过网络,报纸,杂志和书本资料找出更多的交通方式,),2.Students do the exercise book.,(,学生做习题),boat,ride,an electric bike,tricycle,spaceship,.,Thank you for listening!,


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