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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,听力长对话的听前技巧分析,听力长对话是四级考试中的一大难点,它篇幅长、信息量大,因此做这部分题时,技巧的运用就显得很有必要。本期我们分析听力长对话的应试技巧,希望对考生有所帮助,尽可能多抓分。,一、分析选项,把握方向。,命题人设置选项的依据是自己所出的问题,因此每个选项都是有意义的。如果我们去掉选项的枝叶,提取它们的共同点,就会得到题目的大意,听时便会省力省时。例如:,Q:Where did she get the idea for the Harry Potter books?,A) She doesnt really know where they originated.,B) She mainly drew on stories of ancient saints.,C) They popped out of her childhood dreams.,D) They grew out of her long hours of thinking.,分析这四个选项,勾出每一项的主干:S(主语)、V(谓语动词)和O(宾语),可以得到:选项A) she, (doesnt)know, where they originated;选项B) she , drew on, stories;选项C) they, popped out of, child-hood dreams;选项D) they, grew out of, thinking。根据theystories和dreams或者thinking等可以感觉选项是关于stories的灵感来源。在听了对话内容和题目后,考生会发现问题与我们的猜测大体一致。,二、听重点,抓关键,悟语气。,1. topic sentence 是关键。英文对话有个特点总分结构:回答者总是先说general idea,然后再讲detail,或者exact explanation,因此注意首句,抓topic,将会减轻很多听力负担。例如:,W: Thats more expensive than gold. Is it really worth that much?,M: Im sure it is. Industries depend on our government agency to monitor the accuracy of scales so that when they buy and sell their products there is one standard. Think of the drug industry .,Q: What does the man probably think about the cost of the new weight?,A) It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal.,B) It is difficult to judge the value of such an object.,C) It is reasonable for an object with such an important function.,D) It is too high for such a light weight.,此题选C)。此段系节选,对话讲述记者电话采访官员,谈论购买新标准秤的意义:新标准秤由于选用材料质量更高,故购价不菲。但是截取的这段话中,有效信息就是一句很明白的话Im sure it is(我认为它值得)。联系上下文,这句话很明显地表明了此段话的general idea,紧接着进一步解释。抓住这句topic sentence就会很轻松地选出正确答案C)。,. key words 是重点。key words 主要指S(主语)、O(宾语)和V(谓语动词),抓住它们,是对付长句和结构复杂句的有效方法,有助于我们了解细节。例如:,W: But if the astronomers didnt see the planets through a telescope, how did they find them?,M: By a very indirect method. Umm, the astronomers measured subtle distortions in the frequency of the light from the parent stars and observed that some of the stars seem to rock back and forth. They determined that this is caused by the gravitational pull from orbiting planets.,Q: How did scientists establish the existence of the planets?,A) They studied variations in the appearance of the parent stars.,B) They were able to see the planets with a telescope.,C) They compared the parent stars to the Sun.,D) They sent astronauts on a mission into space.,此题选A)。此段为节选,讲述天文学家确定太阳系外行星的方法。分析. the astronomers measured subtle distortions in the frequency of the light from the parent stars and observed that some of the stars seem to rock back and forth.这个句子发现,key words为the astronomers、measured、subtle distortions、observed和some of the stars。考生便可猜测出与选项A)中variations有关的选项。故选A)。,3. speaker 的语气是提示。speaker的升降调可谓弦外之音,表达了某种情感,或surprised,excited或sad。通过这些,我们可以更好地把握一些关于imply和infer的问题。例如:,M: That was pretty realistic, but then the rest of the movie just went from bad to worse. And the photography was so terrible!,W: How do you know? You were asleep most of the time. So I dont think you are in a position to judge the photography! It wasnt that bad.,Q: Which word may describe the womans attitude toward the photography?,A) Absurd.,B) Fantastic.,C) Exciting.,D) Boring.,此题应选B)。woman 在说这段话时,语气较重,升调很多,暗含了她对man的评价很不满,甚至有种责备的意味。因此woman 对影片拍摄的评价态度与man相反。故选B)。,听力技巧重在捕捉信息、进行逻辑推理以及常识判断。不过技巧终归是技巧,无法等效替代平时的练习。毕竟,God helps those who help themselves(天助自助者)。最后祝大家四级考试顺利过关!,听时技巧,技巧一:,话题与场景的判断第一句话的核心词汇揭示答案。,长对话的第一题很可能就会针对对话的第一句话提问,涉及整个对话的主题。,技巧二:,问答中的细节听到什么选什么。,长对话中正确选项一般都是对话中原词再现,较少用同音,音近词作干扰项。简而言之,在长对话中,包含实际意义的问答内容(尤其是特殊疑问句)往往是细节题的考查点。答题的基本原则就是听到什么选什么。,技巧三:,根据结尾处的核心词锁定答案。,一般说来,对话结尾处的建议句型是考查要点。对于这种建议题,解题的关键在于抓住建议句型中的谓语动词。,强调长对话听力的线索把握(如08/12),一个访谈类的节目,听力的线索在于woman speaker的提问.,把握访谈类对话听力的线索以及长对话开头、结尾和中间出题的规律,长对话话题转折处必出考题,准确把握“转折点”才不会在考场上lose yourself,问题形式,长对话还有以下的问题形式:,What are they talking about?,What the main topic/idea of the conversation?,此类题目在问长对话的主旨。考生需要注意,长对话的主旨一般在对话的前六句基本明朗,所以此时即可出手开始选择答案。,注意对话人对于话题的态度,当否定句,疑问句出现的时候,往往是对话人态度趋于明朗的时候。另外语调的变化对于解题也很重要。尤其是升调的句子。,关注社会上发生的各种话题,建议09年6月的考生可以适当关注社会上发生的各种话题,扩大自己的知识面,掌握一部分社会术语(social jargon), 如“过渡性退休”(phased retirement),一次性塑料袋(disposable plastic bags, 0812四级作文考题)等。同时再次强调词汇量对于广大四级考生的重要性。单词的音形义要全面掌握,派生单词及词组力求一网打尽, 才能更好得备战听力考试。,


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