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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 9,企业内部文稿,内部文稿指企业内部交流用的各种文函(,Internal Communications,),包括,备忘录(,Memorandums,)、,议事日程(,Agenda,)、,会议记录(,Minutes,)、,面谈记录(,Notes on Face-to-Face Conversations,)、,电话跟踪确认函(,Telephone Follow-Up Letters,)等。,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,企业对外文稿,对外文稿是指,企业对外新闻发布会用的新闻通稿(,Press Release/News Release,)、,展览展示会用的公司宣传材料,(Prospectus/Presentation),、,公益活动用的宣传稿件、庆典礼仪活动、会议宴会等场合的各种致辞,(欢迎辞,Welcoming Speeches,、告别辞,Farewell Speeches,、开幕辞,Opening Speeches,、闭幕辞,Closing Speeches,、答谢辞,Thanking Speeches,、祝贺辞,Congratulation Speeches,、节庆致辞,Celebrating Speeches,、就职辞,Inaugural Speeches,等),和商务演讲稿,(Business Speeches),等。,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 3,Sec 2,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,公关文稿的翻译原则,1.,完整(,Completeness,),2.,正确(,Correctness,),Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,实例介绍部分公关文稿的翻译方法,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,(,1,)备忘录(,Memo,):,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,MEMORANDUM,From:,The Managing Director,FOR,PLEASE,To:,Personnel Managers Action Display,Date:,18,th,December, 2008 Comment File,Information Return,Discussion Pass To:_,Subject:,installation of coffee machines,The board is thinking of installing automatic coffee machines in the offices of each division. Before we do this we need to know:,1. how much use our staff will make of them?,2. how many we would need?,3. whether time now used for making coffee would be saved?,Can you provide us with your views on:,1. how the staff will react to the idea?,2. how we can deal with the union on the matter?,If possible, I would like to receive your report before the next board meeting on 25,th,December.,译文,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,备忘录,发件人:董事长 要求: 阅后:,收件人:人事部经理 办理 张贴,评论 存档,信息 退回,讨论 转递:,_,发件日期:,2008,年,12,月,18,日,事由:安装咖啡机,董事会正考虑在各部门办公室安装自动咖啡机。实施之前欲知如下情况:,1.,自动咖啡机的利用率将有多高;,2.,需购进多少台;,3.,会否节省目前所用煮咖啡的时间。,请提供对下列问题的看法:,1.,员工们将对此有何反应;,2.,如何与工会讨论此事。,如有可能,请在,12,月,25,日董事会前呈报。,(,2,)议事议程(,Agenda,):,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,Ref.: BD/9, 18/20,AN AGENDA,FOR THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS,TO BE HELD IN THE BOARD ROOM,AT 2:30 P.M. ON MONDAY,13RD AUGUST, 2008,1. Minutes of the meeting of the board of directors held in the board room at 2:30 p.m. on Monday 9th July, 2008,2. Matters arising from the minutes,3. To consider the quotation received from for the supply of textile weaving equipment,4. To consider applications received for the post of assistant accountant as follows: Mr. X and Miss Y,5. ,6. ,7. Any other business.,8. Date and place of next meeting.,译文:,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,编号,: BD/9, 18/20,董事会议程,2008,年,8,月,13,日(星期一)下午,2:30,在董事会会议室召开,1. 2008,年,7,月,9,日(星期一)下午,2,:,30,在董事会会议室召开的董事会会 议纪要,.,会议纪要中的相关事项,.,讨论来自,公司的关于纺织机械设备的报价,.,讨论应聘助理会计师职位的两名申请人:,X,先生和,Y,小姐的申请,.,.,.,任何其他事项,.,下次会议的时间和地点,(,3,)会议记录(,Minutes,):,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,Ref.: BD/9, 18/21,A MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF,THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN THE BOARD ROOM,AT 2:30 P.M. ON MONDAY, 9,TH,JULY, 2008,Present: Mr chairman, ,Apologies for absence: Mr. sales manager,In attendance: Miss secretary,1. The minute of the meeting of the board of directors held on Monday, 11th June, 2008 were read and signed as correct.,2. Matters arising from the minute:,Mr. reported that Miss Lisa had accepted the post of personnel assistant and that she would take up her duties on 1,st,August.,3. .,4. ,5. Other business,译文:,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,编号,: BD/9, 18/21,董事会会议记录,2008,年,7,月,9,日(星期一)下午,2:30,在董事会会议室召开,出席:,先生 董事长, ,缺席,: ,先生 销售部经理,列席:,小姐 秘书,1.,宣读,2008,年,6,月,11,日董事会会议记录并签署确认。,2.,会议记录相关问题:,先生报告利萨小姐已经接受人事助理一职,并且将于,8,月,1,日履任。,3. ,4. ,5.,其他事项,答谢告别辞,Ladies and Gentlemen,女士们、先生们:,We are very happy to be here tonight when we can have the opportunity to express our thanks and to bid farewell to our Chinese friends.,我们很荣兴今晚有机会在此表达我们的谢意并且跟我们的中国朋友话别。,We have just concluded a journey through your remarkable country and we were deeply impressed. Traditionally, Americans admire progress and the Peoples Republic of China is an outstanding example of progress. You have experienced an amazing 50 years of national achievements.,我们刚刚游历了你们这个了不起的国家,,它给我,留下了很深的印象。美国人向来崇尚进步,而中国正是进步的突出典型,你们经历了,50,年的历程,取得了惊人的成就。,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,During our stay here we traveled 10,000 km of your great country under the expert guidance of capable people with China International Service. In traveling through China we were impressed by the determination and confidence of the Chinese people and by the scenes of construction everywhere.,在这里的这段时间,我们在中国国际旅行社专业导游的引导下,在伟大的中国大地上旅行了,10,000,公里。旅途中,中国人的决心和信心以及各处可见的建设场景都给我们留下了深刻的印象。,Of many visits to various areas of the world, the visit to your country was the most culturally rewarding. The friendliness, hospitality, superb food, comfortable accommodations and beautiful scenery combined to make this journey a memorable sojourn for all of us.,在我们对世界各地众多的访问中,此次访问是我们在文化方面受益最大的。友善好客、美味佳肴、舒适住宿以及旖旎风光都使这次旅行成为我们所有人最难忘的经历。,We are all leaving tomorrow. You can be sure that we shall always cherish happy memories of your country and your delightful people. Yes, China is one place wed like to return to-theres a lot one can learn here. In the meantime, we look forward to the opportunity of receiving you, our Chinese friends, in the United States so that we can return some of your kindness and hospitality.,Thank you!,明天我们即将离开,但我们一定会永远珍藏对于你们国家和人民的美好回忆。是的,中国是我们希望再次拜访的国家,我们在此可以学到许多东西。同时我们盼望你们中国朋友能来美国,届时我们会报答你们的友好和热情。,谢谢各位!,Sec 6,Sec 4,Sec 2,Sec 1,Sec 8,Sec 7,返回,Business Articles,in Newspapers and Magazines,Introduction,商务报刊杂志文章简介,1,商务报刊杂志参考网站,2,4,3,商务报刊杂志的文体特点及其翻译,4,商务报刊杂志例文赏析,2,3,3,2,1.,商务报刊杂志,2008,年上半年广州财经类报纸销量排名,(,数据来源:北京世纪华文国际传媒咨询有限公司,),报刊名称,销量排名,报刊名称,销量排名,中国经营报,(China Business Journal),1,理财周报,(Moneyweek),5,第一财经日报,(China Business News),2,华夏时报,(China Times),6,经济观察报,(The Economic Observer),3,经济日报,(Economic Daily),7,21,世纪经济报道,(,周五,),(21st Century Business Herald),4,English Newspapers and Magazines,English Newspapers,English,Magazines,Financial Times,(,金融时报,),Forbes,(,福布斯,),New York Times,(,纽约时报,),The Economist,(,经济学家,),Business Week,(,商业周刊,),Apple to launch iPhone in China,中国联通将与苹果合作推出,iPhone,手机,By Justine Lau in Hong Kong , Joseph Menn in San Francisco 2009-08-31,英国,金融时报,刘励,(Justine Lau),香港、 约瑟夫,梅恩,( Joseph Menn),旧金山报道,2009-08-31,Apples iPhone is set to make its debut in China by the end of this year after the US company reached agreement with China Unicom, the countrys second-largest mobile operator.,苹果公司,(Apple),的,iPhone,已确定将在今年年底之前登陆中国市场。此前,这家美国公司已与中国第二大移动运营商中国联通,(China Unicom),达成协议。,2.,例文赏析,China Unicom on Friday said,it would start selling the 3G iPhone in the fourth quarter after signing a non-exclusive three-year contract with Apple.,联通上周五宣布,在与苹果签订一份为期三年的非排它性合同后,它将在第四季度开始销售,3G,版,iPhone,。,The company said,it would not use Apples traditional revenue-sharing model and would instead pay the group on a wholesale basis,.,联通表示,它不会采取苹果传统的收入分成模式,而是以批发形式向苹果采购,iPhone,。,China Unicom said,it hoped the introduction of the iPhone would boost falling profitability.,联通称,它希望,iPhone,的推出将提振自己正在下滑的利润率。,The company said,on Friday that first-half net profit fell 42.1 per cent to Rmb6.62bn ($969m) amid heated competition, while revenues dropped 4.3 per cent to Rmb74.51bn.,联通上周五表示,由于竞争激烈,该公司上半年的净利润下降了,42.1%,,至,66.2,亿元人民币(合,9.69,亿美元);而营收下降了,4.3%,,至,745.1,亿元人民币。,2.,例文赏析,Chang Xiaobing, chairman and chief executive,said,he expected iPhones to lure more high-end users who spend more on data services.,中国联通董事长兼首席执行官常小兵表示,他期待,iPhone,能吸引更多高端用户,这类用户在数据服务方面支出较大。,“IPhones will help us to change the structure of our customer base and improve average revenue per user,” said Mr Chang.,“,iPhone,手机将帮助我们改变客户群结构,提高每用户平均收入,(ARPU),,”常小兵说。,“I fear marketing expenses of the whole industry will rise because of this,”,said Marvin Lo, analyst at Daiwa Securities.,“恐怕整个行业的营销费用都会因,iPhone,的推出而增加,”大和证券,(Daiwa Securities),分析师马文,罗,(Marvin Lo),说。,Analysts doubted how much of a boost the iPhone would provide to China Unicom as grey-market iPhones not tied to any operator are widely available.,对于,iPhone,将给联通带来多大的提振作用,分析师们持怀疑态度,因为市场上不捆绑任何移动运营商的水货,iPhone,随处可见。,Analysts estimate 1m-2m iPhones are in use in China, which has nearly 700m mobile users.,分析师估计,中国的手机用户,(,接近,7,亿,),现在正使用着,100,万至,200,万部,iPhone,。,3.,参考网站,4.,商务报刊杂志的文体特点及其翻译,(,1,)新闻报道用语,1.,用词特点及其翻译,英文和汉语商务报刊杂志在词汇方面都会出现一些新闻报道用语,来显示所述内容的准确性和客观性,如:,according to, some believe that/ it is believed that, as point out, sb. says, report, confirm,等,汉语对等的表达方式,如“根据,”,、“有些人认为,”,、 “正如,指出”、“,说”、“报道”、“确认”等。,In 2006,revenues,grew 21%,to $37.8 billion, and net,income,23%, to $8.7 billion,estimates Deutsche Bank,.,译文:,德意志银行估计,,,2006,年,销售收入,增长了,21%,,达到,378,亿美元,,净收入,增长了,23%,,达到,87,亿美元。,(,2,)专业术语,商务报刊杂志文章由于涉及不同的领域,所以会涉及不同商务领域的专业词汇,如,有关管理的就包含很多管理方面的术语;有关投资的就有投资方面的术语;有关营销的就有关营销的术语等。,(1:20),And its,Hong Kong-traded shares,more than doubled in the past year, giving,China Mobile a market capitalization,of $198 billion and making it the most valuable,cellular carrier,on earth.,译文:过去一年其港股(,H,股)市值增长了一倍多,给,中国移动通信集团公司,带来了,1980,亿美元的,市值资本,,从而使该公司成为世界上市值最高的,移动电话商,。,Since,profit rates,were falling in some,big, basic sectors of the economy, corporations tried for quicker and larger,returns,by investing in,retail, services, and financial speculation,.,译文:由于某些大的,基础经济部门利润率,开始下降,所以各公司纷纷通过投资,零售业、服务业和金融投机业,以获取更快更高的,收益,2.,语法特点及其翻译,(,1,)时态特点及其翻译,商务报刊杂志文章大多是最近的商务新闻报道,所以,英语,多使用现在时,尤其是一般现在时,从而增加文章的说服力和可信度。,(,2,)句式特点及其翻译英文,商务报刊杂志文章的句式比较简单,即使是复合句,也多半是复杂的简单句。,These,unit trusts,are investment,portfolios,managed,by a professional fund manager. As the fund manager,pools,the funds from many investors, he can invest in a diversified,portfolio,that offers lower risk.,单位信托,基金,将成为被一个专业经理管理的,资金,投资,。负责管理,基金,的专业经理会集合许多投资者的,资金,,组成一个风险分散的,投资,组合。,“房地产市场现在非常火,房价涨幅也很大,这确实是一个卖方市场,”每月工资,2500,元人民币的司机王庆(音译)表示,“前几天房产中介告诉我,我必须飞到香港去见见一套公寓房的卖家,以显示我的诚意,因为出价的人太多了。”王庆已开始涉猎房地产投机,在业余时间买卖一些小型公寓房。,“,The property market is so hot right now and prices are going up so much that it really is a sellers market,” says Wang Qing, a driver earning Rmb2,500 a month who has started speculating on real estate by buying and selling small apartments in his spare time. “The sales agent told me the other day I had to fly to Hong Kong to meet the seller of one apartment just to show I was sincere, because there were too many other bids out there.”,(,2,)句式特点及其翻译,无主句是汉语一种很重要的句型。,汉语,商务报刊杂志文章经常使用无主句,来加强所提供商务信息的客观性。但由于英文句子一般都是主谓结构,所以,翻译时有时变成,被动语态,,有时根据情况,添加主语,,使用主动语态。,如果纵容,通胀,,则将会进一步推高,资产价格泡沫,,并影响消费者的,消费信心,,同样不利于经济的,持续增长,.,译文:,If the,inflation,is not controlled,the,asset price bubble,will,be enlarged,and thus the,consumers confidence,in their consumption will,be weakened, which will similarly hinder the steady growth of the economy.,3.,语气特点及其翻译,商务报刊杂志文章既然包括商务报道和商务论文,使用术语较多,语法和句式结构比较规范,所以表现出的语气偏于正式。英译汉时,一般要使用汉语中的正式词汇和文言词汇来取代口语词汇和白话词汇。,汉译英时,也要忠实传达原文语气,有时可借助英语的被动语态。,3.,语气特点及其翻译,而且随着证券市场步入其十年的黄金发展期,必将进一步带动居民金融资产的快速增长。,As the securities market is approaching its golden decade of development, the growth of residents financial assets,will be inevitably accelerated,.,CHINAS ECONOMIC RECOVERY GAINS PACE,By Justine Lau in Hong Kong 2009-09-11,Chinas economic recovery,accelerated,in August after government investment continued to fuel growth and banks increased lending, new data released on Friday showed.,周五发布的最新数据显示,随着政府投资持续为增长提供动力,银行扩大放贷,中国经济在,8,月份加速复苏。,CHINAS ECONOMIC RECOVERY GAINS PACE,By Justine Lau in Hong Kong 2009-09-11,Chinas aggressive stimulus measures, amounting to Rmb4,000bn, have been propelling economic growth, which hit 7.9 per cent in the second quarter. On Thursday, premier Wen Jiabao said that the mainland would not end its initiatives at a time when the global recovery remained uncertain.,中国总额达,4,万亿元人民币的大规模刺激措施一直在推动经济增长,第二季度中国经济增速达,7.9%,。周四,中国国务院总理温家宝表示,在全球复苏仍不确定的情况下,中国内地不会结束经济刺激举措。,THE END,


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